7 research outputs found


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    Parallel-sampling ADC architecture for power-efficient broadband multi-carrier systems

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    A Low-Power, Reconfigurable, Pipelined ADC with Automatic Adaptation for Implantable Bioimpedance Applications

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    Biomedical monitoring systems that observe various physiological parameters or electrochemical reactions typically cannot expect signals with fixed amplitude or frequency as signal properties can vary greatly even among similar biosignals. Furthermore, advancements in biomedical research have resulted in more elaborate biosignal monitoring schemes which allow the continuous acquisition of important patient information. Conventional ADCs with a fixed resolution and sampling rate are not able to adapt to signals with a wide range of variation. As a result, reconfigurable analog-to-digital converters (ADC) have become increasingly more attractive for implantable biosensor systems. These converters are able to change their operable resolution, sampling rate, or both in order convert changing signals with increased power efficiency. Traditionally, biomedical sensing applications were limited to low frequencies. Therefore, much of the research on ADCs for biomedical applications focused on minimizing power consumption with smaller bias currents resulting in low sampling rates. However, recently bioimpedance monitoring has become more popular because of its healthcare possibilities. Bioimpedance monitoring involves injecting an AC current into a biosample and measuring the corresponding voltage drop. The frequency of the injected current greatly affects the amplitude and phase of the voltage drop as biological tissue is comprised of resistive and capacitive elements. For this reason, a full spectrum of measurements from 100 Hz to 10-100 MHz is required to gain a full understanding of the impedance. For this type of implantable biomedical application, the typical low power, low sampling rate analog-to-digital converter is insufficient. A different optimization of power and performance must be achieved. Since SAR ADC power consumption scales heavily with sampling rate, the converters that sample fast enough to be attractive for bioimpedance monitoring do not have a figure-of-merit that is comparable to the slower converters. Therefore, an auto-adapting, reconfigurable pipelined analog-to-digital converter is proposed. The converter can operate with either 8 or 10 bits of resolution and with a sampling rate of 0.1 or 20 MS/s. Additionally, the resolution and sampling rate are automatically determined by the converter itself based on the input signal. This way, power efficiency is increased for input signals of varying frequency and amplitude

    Time-Interleaved Analog-to-Digital-Converters: Modeling, Blind Identification and Digital Correction of Frequency Response Mismatches

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    Analog-to-digital-conversion enables utilization of digital signal processing (DSP) in many applications today such as wireless communication, radar and electronic warfare. DSP is the favored choice for processing information over analog signal processing (ASP) because it can typically offer more flexibility, computational power, reproducibility, speed and accuracy when processing and extracting information. Software defined radio (SDR) receiver is one clear example of this, where radio frequency waveforms are converted into digital form as close to the antenna as possible and all the processing of the information contained in the received signal is extracted in a configurable manner using DSP. In order to achieve such goals, the information collected from the real world signals, which are commonly analog in their nature, must be converted into digital form before it can be processed using DSP in the respective systems. The common trend in these systems is to not only process ever larger bandwidths of data but also to process data in digital format at ever higher processing speeds with sufficient conversion accuracy. So the analog-to-digital-converter (ADC), which converts real world analog waveforms into digital form, is one of the most important cornerstones in these systems.The ADC must perform data conversion at higher and higher rates and digitize ever-increasing bandwidths of data. In accordance with the Nyquist-Shannon theorem, the conversion rate of the ADC must be suffcient to accomodate the BW of the signal to be digitized, in order to avoid aliasing. The conversion rate of the ADC can in general be increased by using parallel ADCs with each ADC performing the sampling at mutually different points in time. Interleaving the outputs of each of the individual ADCs provides then a higher digitization output rate. Such ADCs are referred to as TI-ADC. However, the mismatches between the ADCs cause unwanted spurious artifacts in the TI-ADC’s spectrum, ultimately leading to a loss in accuracy in the TI-ADC compared to the individual ADCs. Therefore, the removal or correction of these unwanted spurious artifacts is essential in having a high performance TI-ADC system.In order to remove the unwanted interleaving artifacts, a model that describes the behavior of the spurious distortion products is of the utmost importance as it can then facilitate the development of efficient digital post-processing schemes. One major contribution of this thesis consists of the novel and comprehensive modeling of the spurious interleaving mismatches in different TI-ADC scenarios. This novel and comprehensive modeling is then utilized in developing digital estimation and correction methods to remove the mismatch induced spurious artifacts in the TI-ADC’s spectrum and recovering its lost accuracy. Novel and first of its kind digital estimation and correction methods are developed and tested to suppress the frequency dependent mismatch spurs found in the TI-ADCs. The developed methods, in terms of the estimation of the unknown mismatches, build on statistical I/Q signal processing principles, applicable without specifically tailored calibration signals or waveforms. Techniques to increase the analog BW of the ADC are also analyzed and novel solutions are presented. The interesting combination of utilizing I/Q downconversion in conjunction with TI-ADC is examined, which not only extends the TI-ADC’s analog BW but also provides flexibility in accessing the radio spectrum. Unwanted spurious components created during the ADC’s bandwidth extension process are also analyzed and digital correction methods are developed to remove these spurs from the spectrum. The developed correction techniques for the removal of the undesired interleaving mismatch artifacts are validated and tested using various HW platforms, with up to 1 GHz instantaneous bandwidth. Comprehensive test scenarios are created using measurement data obtained from HW platforms, which are used to test and evaluate the performance of the developed interleaving mismatch estimation and correction schemes, evidencing excellent performance in all studied scenarios. The findings and results presented in this thesis contribute towards increasing the analog BW and conversion rate of ADC systems without losing conversion accuracy. Overall, these developments pave the way towards fulfilling the ever growing demands on the ADCs in terms of higher conversion BW, accuracy and speed

    A 480mW 2.6GS/s 10b 65nm CMOS time-interleaved ADC with 48.5dB SNDR up to Nyquist

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    Trends in cable TV reception for data and video require simultaneous capture of many channels, e.g., 16, arbitrary located in the 48-to-1002MHz TV band. The challenges of integrating more than two zero-IF tuners on a single die could be simplified with a low-power 10b ADC that can digitize the entire TV band and be suitable for integration with baseband DSP. This work presents a 64¿ inter leaved 2.6GS/S 10b 65nm CMOS ADC with on-chip calibrations, combining interleaving hierarchy with an open-loop buffer array operated in feedforward sampling and feedback-SAR mode. The ADC achieves an SNDR of 48.5dB at Nyquist and consumes only 0.48W

    A 480mW 2.6GS/s 10b 65nm CMOS time-interleaved ADC with 48.5dB SNDR up to Nyquist

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    Trends in cable TV reception for data and video require simultaneous capture of many channels, e.g., 16, arbitrary located in the 48-to-1002MHz TV band. The challenges of integrating more than two zero-IF tuners on a single die could be simplified with a low-power 10b ADC that can digitize the entire TV band and be suitable for integration with baseband DSP. This work presents a 64¿ inter leaved 2.6GS/S 10b 65nm CMOS ADC with on-chip calibrations, combining interleaving hierarchy with an open-loop buffer array operated in feedforward sampling and feedback-SAR mode. The ADC achieves an SNDR of 48.5dB at Nyquist and consumes only 0.48W

    Conversion analogique-numérique Sigma-Delta large bande appliquée à la mesure des non-linéarités des amplificateurs de puissance

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    Power amplifiers, which are essential elements of any communication system, will play a crucial role in the development of future communication systems. Today improving power amplifiers requires technological advances at the circuit device level, but one also must consider a more global approach. In particular, advances in digital processing can now correct in the early stage of the communication chain some distortions that are generated downstream in the chain. Digital pre-distortion is a correction technique for power amplifiers that has a growing interest because of its completely digital implementation and of its gains in linearity and energy consumption. This technique requires a feedback path where the analog-to-digital converter is a critical element. This component must satisfy the constraints of high resolution , wide bandwidth, and high linearity. In this thesis, we propose a new architecture of analog-to-digital converter based on bandpass Delta-Sigma modulators. This architecture takes advantage of operating bandpass modulators that are designed to work in parallel, each focusing on different frequencies, but also of a particular cascading arrangement to eliminate the useful signal, which has a high power, in order to reduce dynamics constraints. High-level design and simulations were carried out for discrete time and continuous time systems and also required the development of appropriate simulation tools.Les amplificateurs de puissance, éléments constitutifs essentiels de tout système de télécommunication, vont jouer un rôle capital dans le développement des futurs systèmes de communication. Aujourd'hui l'amélioration des amplificateurs de puissance nécessite un progrès technologique au niveau du composant lui même mais doit aussi tenir compte d'une approche plus globale. En particulier, le progrès dans les traitements numériques permet aujourd'hui de corriger en amont certaines distorsions qui seront générées en aval de la chaîne de communication. La pré-distorsion numérique est une technique de correction des amplificateurs de puissance qui connaît un intérêt grandissant de par son intégration complètement numérique et par les gains en linéarité et en consommation. Cette technique nécessite une voie de retour dont un élément critique est le convertisseur analogique-numérique. Ce composant doit répondre à des contraintes de résolution, de bande passante et de linéarité élevées. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une nouvelle architecture de convertisseur analogique-numérique à base de modulateurs Sigma-Delta passe-bande. Cette architecture tire partie du fonctionnement passe bande des modulateurs que nous faisons travailler en parallèle, chacun centré sur différentes fréquences, mais aussi d'un agencement en cascade particulier pour éliminer le signal utile, qui est de forte puissance, dans le but de diminuer les contraintes de dynamique.La conception haut niveau et les simulations ont été menées pour des systèmes à temps discret et aussi à temps continu et a nécessité le développement d'outils adaptés de simulation se basant sur la boîte à outils Delta Sigma Toolbox de Richard Schreie