272 research outputs found

    Parameterized Approximation Algorithms for TSP

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    Inapproximability of Combinatorial Optimization Problems

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    We survey results on the hardness of approximating combinatorial optimization problems

    The Traveling Salesman Problem

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    This paper presents a self-contained introduction into algorithmic and computational aspects of the traveling salesman problem and of related problems, along with their theoretical prerequisites as seen from the point of view of an operations researcher who wants to solve practical problem instances. Extensive computational results are reported on most of the algorithms described. Optimal solutions are reported for instances with sizes up to several thousand nodes as well as heuristic solutions with provably very high quality for larger instances

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe contributions of this dissertation are centered around designing new algorithms in the general area of sublinear algorithms such as streaming, core sets and sublinear verification, with a special interest in problems arising from data analysis including data summarization, clustering, matrix problems and massive graphs. In the first part, we focus on summaries and coresets, which are among the main techniques for designing sublinear algorithms for massive data sets. We initiate the study of coresets for uncertain data and study coresets for various types of range counting queries on uncertain data. We focus mainly on the indecisive model of locational uncertainty since it comes up frequently in real-world applications when multiple readings of the same object are made. In this model, each uncertain point has a probability density describing its location, defined as kk distinct locations. Our goal is to construct a subset of the uncertain points, including their locational uncertainty, so that range counting queries can be answered by examining only this subset. For each type of query we provide coreset constructions with approximation-size trade-offs. We show that random sampling can be used to construct each type of coreset, and we also provide significantly improved bounds using discrepancy-based techniques on axis-aligned range queries. In the second part, we focus on designing sublinear-space algorithms for approximate computations on massive graphs. In particular, we consider graph MAXCUT and correlation clustering problems and develop sampling based approaches to construct truly sublinear (o(n)o(n)) sized coresets for graphs that have polynomial (i.e., nδn^{\delta} for any δ>0\delta >0) average degree. Our technique is based on analyzing properties of random induced subprograms of the linear program formulations of the problems. We demonstrate this technique with two examples. Firstly, we present a sublinear sized core set to approximate the value of the MAX CUT in a graph to a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon) factor. To the best of our knowledge, all the known methods in this regime rely crucially on near-regularity assumptions. Secondly, we apply the same framework to construct a sublinear-sized coreset for correlation clustering. Our coreset construction also suggests 2-pass streaming algorithms for computing the MAX CUT and correlation clustering objective values which are left as future work at the time of writing this dissertation. Finally, we focus on streaming verification algorithms as another model for designing sublinear algorithms. We give the first polylog space and sublinear (in number of edges) communication protocols for any streaming verification problems in graphs. We present efficient streaming interactive proofs that can verify maximum matching exactly. Our results cover all flavors of matchings (bipartite/ nonbipartite and weighted). In addition, we also present streaming verifiers for approximate metric TSP and exact triangle counting, as well as for graph primitives such as the number of connected components, bipartiteness, minimum spanning tree and connectivity. In particular, these are the first results for weighted matchings and for metric TSP in any streaming verification model. Our streaming verifiers use only polylogarithmic space while exchanging only polylogarithmic communication with the prover in addition to the output size of the relevant solution. We also initiate a study of streaming interactive proofs (SIPs) for problems in data analysis and present efficient SIPs for some fundamental problems. We present protocols for clustering and shape fitting including minimum enclosing ball (MEB), width of a point set, kk-centers and kk-slab problem. We also present protocols for fundamental matrix analysis problems: We provide an improved protocol for rectangular matrix problems, which in turn can be used to verify kk (approximate) eigenvectors of an n×nn \times n integer matrix AA. In general our solutions use polylogarithmic rounds of communication and polylogarithmic total communication and verifier space

    Combining audio-based similarity with web-based data to accelerate automatic music playlist generation

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    We present a technique for combining audio signal-based music similarity with web-based musical artist similarity to accelerate the task of automatic playlist generation. We demonstrate the applicability of our proposed method by extending a recently published interface for music players that benefits from intelligent structuring of audio collections. While the original approach involves the calculation of similarities between every pair of songs in a collection, we incorporate web-based data to reduce the number of necessary similarity calculations. More precisely, we exploit artist similarity determined automatically by means of web retrieval to avoid similarity calculation between tracks of dissimilar and/or unrelated artists. We evaluate our acceleration technique on two audio collections with different characteristics. It turns out that the proposed combination of audio- and text-based similarity not only reduces the number of necessary calculations considerably but also yields better results, in terms of musical quality, than the initial approach based on audio data only. Additionally, we conducted a small user study that further confirms the quality of the resulting playlists

    LIPIcs, Volume 248, ISAAC 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 248, ISAAC 2022, Complete Volum

    Problems in extremal and combinatorial geometry

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    This thesis deals with three families of optimization problems: (1) Euclidean optimization problems on random point sets; (2) independent sets in hypergraphs; and (3) packings in point lattices. First, we consider bounds on several monochromatic and bichromatic optimization problems including minimum matching, minimum spanning trees, and the travelling salesman problem. Many of these problems lend themselves to representations in terms of hierarchically separated trees | trees with uniform branching factor and depth, and having edge weights exponential in the depth of the edge in the tree. In the second part, we consider the independent set problem on uniform hypergraphs, in anticipation of applying it to the third part, packing problems on point lattices. In these problems we wish to select a subset of points from an n n ::: n grid avoiding particular patterns. We also study several generalizations of these problems that have not been handled previously.M.S., Computer Science -- Drexel University, 201