2,849 research outputs found

    ns-3 Implementation of the 3GPP MIMO Channel Model for Frequency Spectrum above 6 GHz

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    Communications at mmWave frequencies will be a key enabler of the next generation of cellular networks, due to the multi-Gbps rate that can be achieved. However, there are still several problems that must be solved before this technology can be widely adopted, primarily associated with the interplay between the variability of mmWave links and the complexity of mobile networks. An end-to-end network simulator represents a great tool to assess the performance of any proposed solution to meet the stringent 5G requirements. Given the criticality of channel propagation characteristics at higher frequencies, we present our implementation of the 3GPP channel model for the 6-100 GHz band for the ns-3 end-to-end 5G mmWave module, and detail its associated MIMO beamforming architecture

    A sum-of-sinusoids based simulation model for the joint shadowing process in urban peer-to-peer radio channels

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    Fixed Rank Kriging for Cellular Coverage Analysis

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    Coverage planning and optimization is one of the most crucial tasks for a radio network operator. Efficient coverage optimization requires accurate coverage estimation. This estimation relies on geo-located field measurements which are gathered today during highly expensive drive tests (DT); and will be reported in the near future by users' mobile devices thanks to the 3GPP Minimizing Drive Tests (MDT) feature~\cite{3GPPproposal}. This feature consists in an automatic reporting of the radio measurements associated with the geographic location of the user's mobile device. Such a solution is still costly in terms of battery consumption and signaling overhead. Therefore, predicting the coverage on a location where no measurements are available remains a key and challenging task. This paper describes a powerful tool that gives an accurate coverage prediction on the whole area of interest: it builds a coverage map by spatially interpolating geo-located measurements using the Kriging technique. The paper focuses on the reduction of the computational complexity of the Kriging algorithm by applying Fixed Rank Kriging (FRK). The performance evaluation of the FRK algorithm both on simulated measurements and real field measurements shows a good trade-off between prediction efficiency and computational complexity. In order to go a step further towards the operational application of the proposed algorithm, a multicellular use-case is studied. Simulation results show a good performance in terms of coverage prediction and detection of the best serving cell

    Collaborative spectrum sensing optimisation algorithms for cognitive radio networks

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    The main challenge for a cognitive radio is to detect the existence of primary users reliably in order to minimise the interference to licensed communications. Hence, spectrum sensing is a most important requirement of a cognitive radio. However, due to the channel uncertainties, local observations are not reliable and collaboration among users is required. Selection of fusion rule at a common receiver has a direct impact on the overall spectrum sensing performance. In this paper, optimisation of collaborative spectrum sensing in terms of optimum decision fusion is studied for hard and soft decision combining. It is concluded that for optimum fusion, the fusion centre must incorporate signal-to-noise ratio values of cognitive users and the channel conditions. A genetic algorithm-based weighted optimisation strategy is presented for the case of soft decision combining. Numerical results show that the proposed optimised collaborative spectrum sensing schemes give better spectrum sensing performance
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