248 research outputs found


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    This work investigates the optimal measurement matrices that can be used in compressive sensing (CS) image sensors. It also optimizes CMOS current-model pixel cell circuits for CS image sensors. Based on the outcomes from these optimization studies, three CS image senor circuits with compression ratios of 4, 6, and 8 are designed with using a 130 nm CMOS technology. The pixel arrays used in the image sensors has a size of 256X256. Circuit simulations with benchmark image Lenna show that the three images sensors can achieve peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) values of 37.64, 33.29, and 32.44 dB respectively

    Exploring information retrieval using image sparse representations:from circuit designs and acquisition processes to specific reconstruction algorithms

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    New advances in the field of image sensors (especially in CMOS technology) tend to question the conventional methods used to acquire the image. Compressive Sensing (CS) plays a major role in this, especially to unclog the Analog to Digital Converters which are generally representing the bottleneck of this type of sensors. In addition, CS eliminates traditional compression processing stages that are performed by embedded digital signal processors dedicated to this purpose. The interest is twofold because it allows both to consistently reduce the amount of data to be converted but also to suppress digital processing performed out of the sensor chip. For the moment, regarding the use of CS in image sensors, the main route of exploration as well as the intended applications aims at reducing power consumption related to these components (i.e. ADC & DSP represent 99% of the total power consumption). More broadly, the paradigm of CS allows to question or at least to extend the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theory. This thesis shows developments in the field of image sensors demonstrating that is possible to consider alternative applications linked to CS. Indeed, advances are presented in the fields of hyperspectral imaging, super-resolution, high dynamic range, high speed and non-uniform sampling. In particular, three research axes have been deepened, aiming to design proper architectures and acquisition processes with their associated reconstruction techniques taking advantage of image sparse representations. How the on-chip implementation of Compressed Sensing can relax sensor constraints, improving the acquisition characteristics (speed, dynamic range, power consumption) ? How CS can be combined with simple analysis to provide useful image features for high level applications (adding semantic information) and improve the reconstructed image quality at a certain compression ratio ? Finally, how CS can improve physical limitations (i.e. spectral sensitivity and pixel pitch) of imaging systems without a major impact neither on the sensing strategy nor on the optical elements involved ? A CMOS image sensor has been developed and manufactured during this Ph.D. to validate concepts such as the High Dynamic Range - CS. A new design approach was employed resulting in innovative solutions for pixels addressing and conversion to perform specific acquisition in a compressed mode. On the other hand, the principle of adaptive CS combined with the non-uniform sampling has been developed. Possible implementations of this type of acquisition are proposed. Finally, preliminary works are exhibited on the use of Liquid Crystal Devices to allow hyperspectral imaging combined with spatial super-resolution. The conclusion of this study can be summarized as follows: CS must now be considered as a toolbox for defining more easily compromises between the different characteristics of the sensors: integration time, converters speed, dynamic range, resolution and digital processing resources. However, if CS relaxes some material constraints at the sensor level, it is possible that the collected data are difficult to interpret and process at the decoder side, involving massive computational resources compared to so-called conventional techniques. The application field is wide, implying that for a targeted application, an accurate characterization of the constraints concerning both the sensor (encoder), but also the decoder need to be defined

    Multi-resolution low-power Gaussian filtering by reconfigurable focal-plane binning

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    Gaussian filtering is a basic tool for image processing. Noise reduction, scale-space generation or edge detection are examples of tasks where different Gaussian filters can be successfully utilized. However, their implementation in a conventional digital processor by applying a convolution kernel throughout the image is quite inefficient. Not only the value of every single pixel is taken into consideration sucessively, but also contributions from their neighbors need to be taken into account. Processing of the frame is serialized and memory access is intensive and recurrent. The result is a low operation speed or, alternatively, a high power consumption. This inefficiency is specially remarkable for filters with large variance, as the kernel size increases significantly. In this paper, a different approach to achieve Gaussian filtering is proposed. It is oriented to applications with very low power budgets. The key point is a reconfigurable focal-plane binning. Pixels are grouped according to the targeted resolution by means of a division grid. Then, two consecutive shifts of this grid in opposite directions carry out the spread of information to the neighborhood of each pixel in parallel. The outcome is equivalent to the application of a 3×3 binomial filter kernel, which in turns is a good approximation of a Gaussian filter, on the original image. The variance of the closest Gaussian filter is around 0.5. By repeating the operation, Gaussian filters with larger variances can be achieved. A rough estimation of the necessary energy for each repetition until reaching the desired filter is below 20nJ for a QCIF-size array. Finally, experimental results of a QCIF proofof- concept focal-plane array manufactured in 0.35ÎŒm CMOS technology are presented. A maximum RMSE of only 1.2% is obtained by the on-chip Gaussian filtering with respect to the corresponding equivalent ideal filter implemented off-chip.Junta de AndalucĂ­a 2006-TIC-2352Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn TEC 2009-11812Office of Naval Research (USA) N00014111031

    Imaging via Compressive Sampling [Introduction to compressive sampling and recovery via convex programming]

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    There is an extensive body of literature on image compression, but the central concept is straightforward: we transform the image into an appropriate basis and then code only the important expansion coefficients. The crux is finding a good transform, a problem that has been studied extensively from both a theoretical [14] and practical [25] standpoint. The most notable product of this research is the wavelet transform [9], [16]; switching from sinusoid-based representations to wavelets marked a watershed in image compression and is the essential difference between the classical JPEG [18] and modern JPEG-2000 [22] standards. Image compression algorithms convert high-resolution images into a relatively small bit streams (while keeping the essential features intact), in effect turning a large digital data set into a substantially smaller one. But is there a way to avoid the large digital data set to begin with? Is there a way we can build the data compression directly into the acquisition? The answer is yes, and is what compressive sampling (CS) is all about

    Proceedings of the second "international Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse models and Technology" (iTWIST'14)

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    The implicit objective of the biennial "international - Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse models and Technology" (iTWIST) is to foster collaboration between international scientific teams by disseminating ideas through both specific oral/poster presentations and free discussions. For its second edition, the iTWIST workshop took place in the medieval and picturesque town of Namur in Belgium, from Wednesday August 27th till Friday August 29th, 2014. The workshop was conveniently located in "The Arsenal" building within walking distance of both hotels and town center. iTWIST'14 has gathered about 70 international participants and has featured 9 invited talks, 10 oral presentations, and 14 posters on the following themes, all related to the theory, application and generalization of the "sparsity paradigm": Sparsity-driven data sensing and processing; Union of low dimensional subspaces; Beyond linear and convex inverse problem; Matrix/manifold/graph sensing/processing; Blind inverse problems and dictionary learning; Sparsity and computational neuroscience; Information theory, geometry and randomness; Complexity/accuracy tradeoffs in numerical methods; Sparsity? What's next?; Sparse machine learning and inference.Comment: 69 pages, 24 extended abstracts, iTWIST'14 website: http://sites.google.com/site/itwist1

    Matrix Transform Imager Architecture for On-Chip Low-Power Image Processing

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    Camera-on-a-chip systems have tried to include carefully chosen signal processing units for better functionality, performance and also to broaden the applications they can be used for. Image processing sensors have been possible due advances in CMOS active pixel sensors (APS) and neuromorphic focal plane imagers. Some of the advantages of these systems are compact size, high speed and parallelism, low power dissipation, and dense system integration. One can envision using these chips for portable and inexpensive video cameras on hand-held devices like personal digital assistants (PDA) or cell-phones In neuromorphic modeling of the retina it would be very nice to have processing capabilities at the focal plane while retaining the density of typical APS imager designs. Unfortunately, these two goals have been mostly incompatible. We introduce our MAtrix Transform Imager Architecture (MATIA) that uses analog floating--gate devices to make it possible to have computational imagers with high pixel densities. The core imager performs computations at the pixel plane, but still has a fill-factor of 46 percent - comparable to the high fill-factors of APS imagers. The processing is performed continuously on the image via programmable matrix operations that can operate on the entire image or blocks within the image. The resulting data-flow architecture can directly perform all kinds of block matrix image transforms. Since the imager operates in the subthreshold region and thus has low power consumption, this architecture can be used as a low-power front end for any system that utilizes these computations. Various compression algorithms (e.g. JPEG), that use block matrix transforms, can be implemented using this architecture. Since MATIA can be used for gradient computations, cheap image tracking devices can be implemented using this architecture. Other applications of this architecture can range from stand-alone universal transform imager systems to systems that can compute stereoscopic depth.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Hasler, Paul; Committee Member: David Anderson; Committee Member: DeWeerth, Steve; Committee Member: Jackson, Joel; Committee Member: Smith, Mar

    Compressive Image Acquisition in Modern CMOS IC Design

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    Compressive Sampling (CS) offers bandwidth, power and memory size reduction compared to conventional (Nyquist) sampling. However, very few Integrated Circuit (IC) designs based on CS exist due to the missing link between the well-established CS theory on one side, and the practical aspects/effects related to physical IC design on the other side. This paper focuses on the application of compressed image acquisition in CMOS image sensor integrated circuit design. A new CS scheme is proposed which is suited for hardware implementation in CMOS IC design. All the main physical non-idealities are explained and carefully modeled. Their influences on the acquired image quality are analyzed in the general case and quantifed for the case of the proposed CS scheme. The presented methodology can also be used for different CS schemes and as a general guideline in future CS based CMOS image sensor designs
