7 research outputs found

    A 1.2 V and 69 mW 60 GHz Multi-channel Tunable CMOS Receiver Design

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    A multi-channel receiver operating between 56 GHz and 70 GHz for coverage of different 60 GHz bands worldwide is implemented with a 90 nm Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) process. The receiver containing an LNA, a frequency down-conversion mixer and a variable gain amplifier incorporating a band-pass filter is designed and implemented. This integrated receiver is tested at four channels of centre frequencies 58.3 GHz, 60.5 GHz, 62.6 GHz and 64.8 GHz, employing a frequency plan of an 8 GHz-intermediate frequency (IF). The achieved conversion gain by coarse gain control is between 4.8 dB–54.9 dB. The millimeter-wave receiver circuit is biased with a 1.2V supply voltage. The measured power consumption is 69 mW

    Monolithic transformers for high frequency bulk CMOS circuits

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    This paper presents two monolithic transformer structures exhibiting high self resonance frequencies(fSR). Effect of positive and negative coupling factor on self resonance frequency is investigated. The transformer turn ratio and structure is selected to improve design and ease layout of a high frequency LNA and VCO. Measurement results of a transformer show good agreement with simulated values and demonstrate a coupling factor of 0.7 at 20 GHz

    Ultra high data rate CMOS FEs

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    The availability of numerous mm-wave frequency bands for wireless communication has motived the exploration of multi-band and multi-mode integrated components and systems in the main stream CMOS technology. This opportunity has faced the RF designer with the transition between schematic and layout. Modeling the performance of circuits after layout and taking into account the parasitic effects resulting from the layout are two issues that are more important and influential at high frequency design. Performaning measurements using on-wafer probing at 60GHz has its own complexities. The very short wave-length of the signals at mm-wave frequencies makes the measurements very sensitiv to the effective length and bending of the interfaces. This paper presents different 60GHz corner blocks, e.g. Low Noise Amplifier, Zero IF mixer, Phase-Locked Loop, A Dual-Mode Mm-Wave Injection-Locked Frequency Divider and an active transformed power amplifiers implemented in CMOS technologies. These results emphasize the feasibility of the realization 60GHZ integrated components and systems in the main stream CMOS technology

    A reconfigurable 60GHz receiver : providing robustness to process variations

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    The problems associated with process-induced variability and other challenges of 60GHz circuit design and measurement are treated in this thesis. A system-level analysis is performed on a generic RF receiver. For doing that, first, bit error rate (BER) is considered as a figure of merit representing the overall performance of the Receiver. Then, each stage of the receiver is described by three parameters: voltage gain, noise, and nonlinearity which are prone to variation due to process spread. The variation of these parameters represents all lower-level sources of variability. Since bit error rate (BER), as a major performance measure of the receiver, is a direct function of the noise and distortion, the contribution of each block to the overall noise plus distortion (NPD) is analyzed, which opens the way for minimization of the sensitivity of the NPD to the performance variation of individual stages. It is shown that the first order sensitivities of NPD to the individual gains of the building blocks can all be made zero. Its second order sensitivity to the gains of the building blocks can be reduced. Its sensitivity to noise and nonlinearity of an individual building block can be reduced, but at the cost of that of other blocks; its sensitivity to noise and nonlinearity cannot be reduced over the whole system. Three design approaches are proposed, analyzed and compared. Statistical and corner simulations are performed to confirm the validity of the proposed guidelines showing significant improvement in the yield of the designs. Applying the analysis to a zero-IF three-stage 60 GHz receiver shows a significant improvement in the design yield, by nullifying the first order sensitivities of the overall performance to the individual gains of the blocks. Reduction of the second order sensitivity of the NPD to the gain of individual stages, by keeping the contribution factor of all the stages below one, results in further improvements in the design yield. The conventional optimum-power design methodology has been modified in a way that it nullifies the first order sensitivities of NPD to the individual gains of all the stages. It is shown that for simultaneous power optimization and reduced second-order sensitivity to the gains of the blocks less power hungry building blocks must be in the rear stages of the receiver and more power hungry ones in the front. After identifying the limitations of a pure system-level approach, i.e., inability to suppress the sensitivity of the overall performance to the noise and nonlinearity of all the blocks, the focus is shifted towards circuit-level methods by providing re-configurability to some RF circuits. A receiver is designed with good noise and nonlinearity performance and with accumulated noise and nonlinearity distortion contribution in its last stage (mixer). As a result, the overall performance of the receiver is more sensitive to the performance variations of the mixer. Simulations show that it is possible to correct the overall receiver performance degradations resulting from process variations by just tuning the performance of the mixer. Furthermore, a tunable mixer is presented for minimizing the IMD2 across a wide IF bandwidth. It is demonstrated both in theory and measurement that a presented three-dimensional tuning method is beneficial for wideband cancellation of second order intermodulation distortions (IMD2) in a zero-IF downconverter. A 60GHz zero-IF mixer is designed and measured on-wafer to show that the proposed tuning mechanism can simultaneously suppress IMD2 tones across the whole 1GHz IF band. To address the challenges of 60GHz circuit design, a design methodology is utilized which serves to properly model the parasitic effects and improve the predictability of the performance. The parasitic effects due to layout, which are more influential at high frequencies, are taken into account by performing automatic RC extraction and manual L extraction. The long signal lines are modeled with distributed RLC networks. The problem of substrate losses is addressed by using patterned ground shields in inductors and transmission lines. The cross-talk issue is treated by using distributed meshed ground lines, decoupled DC lines, and grounded substrate contacts around sensitive RF components. However, in practice, it is observed that accurate simulation of all the effects is sometimes very time consuming or even infeasible. For instance electromagnetic simulation of a transformer in the presence of all the dummy metals is beyond the computational capability of existing EM-simulators. Three 60GHz receiver components are analyzed, designed, and measured with good performance. A two-stage fully integrated 60 GHz differential low noise amplifier is implemented in a CMOS 65 nm bulk technology with superior noise figure compared to state-of-the-art mm-wave LNAs. A doublebalanced 60 GHz mixer with ac-coupled RF input is designed and measured with a series capacitor in the input RF path to suppress the low frequency second order intermodulation distortions generated in the previous stage. A quadrature 60 GHz VCO is presented which exhibits a comparable level of performance, in particular very good phase noise, to state-of-the-art single-phase VCOs, despite the additional challenges and limitations imposed by the quadrature topology. The on-wafer measurements on the 60GHz circuits designed in this work are performed using a waveguide-based measurement setup. The fixed waveguide structures, specially provided for the probe station, serve for the robustness of the setup as they circumvent the need for cables, which are by nature difficult to rigidify, in the vicinity of the probes. Taking advantage of magic- Ts, it is possible to measure differential mm-wave circuits with a two-port network analyzer rather than using a much more expensive four-port one. Noise, s-parameter, and phase noise measurements are performed using the mentioned setups

    Design and characterization of monolithic millimeter-wave active and passive components, low-noise and power amplifiers, resistive mixers, and radio front-ends

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    This thesis focuses on the design and characterization of monolithic active and passive components, low-noise and power amplifiers, resistive mixers, and radio front-ends for millimeter-wave applications. The thesis consists of 11 publications and an overview of the research area, which also summarizes the main results of the work. In the design of millimeter-wave active and passive components the main focus is on realized CMOS components and techniques for pushing nanoscale CMOS circuits beyond 100 GHz. Test structures for measuring and analyzing these components are shown. Topologies for a coplanar waveguide, microstrip line, and slow-wave coplanar waveguide that are suitable for implementing transmission lines in nanoscale CMOS are presented. It is demonstrated that the proposed slow-wave coplanar waveguide improves the performance of the transistor-matching networks when compared to a conventional coplanar waveguide and the floating slow-wave shield reduces losses and simplifies modeling when extended below other passives, such as DC decoupling and RF short-circuiting capacitors. Furthermore, wideband spiral transmission line baluns in CMOS at millimeter-wave frequencies are demonstrated. The design of amplifiers and a wideband resistive mixer utilizing the developed components in 65-nm CMOS are shown. A 40-GHz amplifier achieved a +6-dBm 1-dB output compression point and a saturated output power of 9.6 dBm with a miniature chip size of 0.286 mm². The measured noise figure and gain of the 60-GHz amplifier were 5.6 dB and 11.5 dB, respectively. The V-band balanced resistive mixer achieved a 13.5-dB upconversion loss and 34-dB LO-to-RF isolation with a chip area of 0.47 mm². In downconversion, the measured conversion loss and 1-dB input compression point were 12.5 dB and +5 dBm, respectively. The design and experimental results of low-noise and power amplifiers are presented. Two wideband low-noise amplifiers were implemented in a 100-nm metamorphic high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) technology. The amplifiers achieved a 22.5-dB gain and a 3.3-dB noise figure at 94 GHz and a 18-19-dB gain and a 5.5-7.0-dB noise figure from 130 to 154 GHz. A 60-GHz power amplifier implemented in a 150-nm pseudomorphic HEMT technology exhibited a +17-dBm 1-dB output compression point with a 13.4-dB linear gain. In this thesis, the main system-level aspects of millimeter-wave transmitters and receivers are discussed and the experimental circuits of a 60-GHz transmitter front-end and a 60-GHz receiver with an on-chip analog-to-digital converter implemented in 65-nm CMOS are shown. The receiver exhibited a 7-dB noise figure, while the saturated output power of the transmitter front-end was +2 dBm. Furthermore, a wideband W-band transmitter front-end with an output power of +6.6 dBm suitable for both image-rejecting superheterodyne and direct-conversion transmission is demonstrated in 65-nm CMOS

    Apport des lignes à ondes lentes S-CPW aux performances d'un front-end millimétrique en technologie CMOS avancée

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    L objectif de ce travail est de concevoir et de caractériser un front-end millimétriqueutilisant des lignes de propagation à ondes lentes S-CPW optimisées en technologies CMOS avancées.Ces lignes présentant des facteurs de qualité 2 à 3 fois supérieurs à ceux des lignes classiques de typemicroruban ou CPW.Dans le premier chapitre, l impact de l évolution des noeuds technologiques CMOS sur lesperformances des transistors MOS aux fréquences millimétriques et sur les lignes de propagation ainsiqu un état de l art concernant les performances des front-end sont présentés. Le deuxième chapitreconcerne la réalisation des lignes S-CPW dans différentes technologies CMOS et la validation d unmodèle phénoménologique électrique équivalent. Le troisième chapitre est dédié à la conceptiond amplificateurs de puissance à 60 GHz utilisant ces lignes S-CPW en technologies CMOS 45 et65 nm. Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence l apport des lignes à ondes lentes aux performancesdes amplificateurs de puissance fonctionnant dans la gamme des fréquences millimétriques. Uneméthode de conception basée sur les règles d électro-migration et permettant une optimisation desperformances a été développée. Finalement, un amplificateur faible bruit et un commutateur d antennetravaillant à 60 GHz et à base de lignes S-CPW ont été conçus en technologie CMOS 65 nm afin degénéraliser l impact de ce type de lignes sur les performances des front-end millimétriques.The objective of this work is to design and characterize a millimeter-wave front-end usingthe optimized slow-wave transmission lines S-CPW in advanced CMOS technologies. The qualityfactor of these transmission lines is twice to three times higher than that of the conventionaltransmission lines such as microstrip lines and coplanar waveguides.In the first chapter, the influence of CMOS scaling-down on the performance of transistors atmillimeter-wave frequencies and on the transmission lines was studied. In addition, a state of the artwith regard to the performance of the front-end was presented. The second chapter concerns about therealization of the S-CPW lines in different CMOS technologies and the validation of an electricalequivalent model. The third chapter is dedicated to the design of 60-GHz power amplifiers using theseS-CPW lines in CMOS 45 and 65 nm technologies. This study highlighted the performanceenhancement of power amplifiers operating at millimeter-wave frequencies by using the slow-wavetransmission lines. A design method based on the electro-migration rules was also developed. Finally,a low noise amplifier and an antenna switch operating at 60 GHz were designed in CMOS 65 nm inorder to generalize the impact of such transmission lines on the performance of the millimeter-wavefront-end.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF