11 research outputs found

    Ultrasound data communication system for bioelectronic medicines

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    PhD ThesisThe coming years may see the advent of distributed implantable devices to support bioelectronic medicinal treatments. Such treatments could be complementary and, in some cases, may even prove superior to pharmaceutical treatments for certain chronic disease conditions. Therefore, a significant research effort is being undertaken in the bioelectronics domain. Target conditions include diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, lupus, and arthritis. Modern active medical implantable devices require communications to transmit information to the outside world or other implantable sub-systems. This can include physiological data, diagnostics, and parameters to optimise the therapeutic protocol. However, the communication scheme can be very challenging especially for deeper devices. Challenges include absorption and scattering by tissue, and the need to ensure there are no undesirable heating effects. Wired connectivity is undesirable and tissue absorption of traditional radio frequency and optical methods mean that ultrasound communications have significant potential in this niche. In this thesis, a reliable and efficient ultrasonic communication telemetry is presented. An omnidirectional transducer has been employed to implement intra body communication inside a model of the human body. A prototype has been implemented to evaluate the system performance in saline and up to 30 distance between the transmitter and receiver. Short pulses sequences with guard intervals have been employed to minimise the multipath effect that leads to an increase in the bit and thus packet error rates with distance. Error detection and correction code have been employed to improve communication at a low signal to noise ratio. The data rate is limited to 0.6 due to the necessary guard intervals. Energy per bit and current consumption for the transmitter and receiver main parts are presented and discussed in terms of battery life. Transmission can be achieved at an energy cost of 642 per bit data packet using on/off power cycling in the electronics

    Communication and energy delivery architectures for personal medical devices

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 219-232).Advances in sensor technologies and integrated electronics are revolutionizing how humans access and receive healthcare. However, many envisioned wearable or implantable systems are not deployable in practice due to high energy consumption and anatomically-limited size constraints, necessitating large form-factors for external devices, or eventual surgical re-implantation procedures for in-vivo applications. Since communication and energy-management sub-systems often dominate the power budgets of personal biomedical devices, this thesis explores alternative usecases, system architectures, and circuit solutions to reduce their energy burden. For wearable applications, a system-on-chip is designed that both communicates and delivers power over an eTextiles network. The transmitter and receiver front-ends are at least an order of magnitude more efficient than conventional body-area networks. For implantable applications, two separate systems are proposed that avoid reimplantation requirements. The first system extracts energy from the endocochlear potential, an electrochemical gradient found naturally within the inner-ear of mammals, in order to power a wireless sensor. Since extractable energy levels are limited, novel sensing, communication, and energy management solutions are proposed that leverage duty-cycling to achieve enabling power consumptions that are at least an order of magnitude lower than previous work. Clinical measurements show the first system demonstrated to sustain itself with a mammalian-generated electrochemical potential operating as the only source of energy into the system. The second system leverages the essentially unlimited number of re-charge cycles offered by ultracapacitors. To ease patient usability, a rapid wireless capacitor charging architecture is proposed that employs a multi-tapped secondary inductive coil to provide charging times that are significantly faster than conventional approaches.by Patrick Philip Mercier.Ph.D

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationSince the late 1950s, scientists have been working toward realizing implantable devices that would directly monitor or even control the human body's internal activities. Sophisticated microsystems are used to improve our understanding of internal biological processes in animals and humans. The diversity of biomedical research dictates that microsystems must be developed and customized specifically for each new application. For advanced long-term experiments, a custom designed system-on-chip (SoC) is usually necessary to meet desired specifications. Custom SoCs, however, are often prohibitively expensive, preventing many new ideas from being explored. In this work, we have identified a set of sensors that are frequently used in biomedical research and developed a single-chip integrated microsystem that offers the most commonly used sensor interfaces, high computational power, and which requires minimum external components to operate. Included peripherals can also drive chemical reactions by setting the appropriate voltages or currents across electrodes. The SoC is highly modular and well suited for prototyping in and ex vivo experimental devices. The system runs from a primary or secondary battery that can be recharged via two inductively coupled coils. The SoC includes a 16-bit microprocessor with 32 kB of on chip SRAM. The digital core consumes 350 μW at 10 MHz and is capable of running at frequencies up to 200 MHz. The integrated microsystem has been fabricated in a 65 nm CMOS technology and the silicon has been fully tested. Integrated peripherals include two sigma-delta analog-to-digital converters, two 10-bit digital-to-analog converters, and a sleep mode timer. The system also includes a wireless ultra-wideband (UWB) transmitter. The fullydigital transmitter implementation occupies 68 x 68 μm2 of silicon area, consumes 0.72 μW static power, and achieves an energy efficiency of 19 pJ/pulse at 200 MHz pulse repetition frequency. An investigation of the suitability of the UWB technology for neural recording systems is also presented. Experimental data capturing the UWB signal transmission through an animal head are presented and a statistical model for large-scale signal fading is developed

    Multi-channel ultra-low-power receiver architecture for body area networks

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2011.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 85-91).In recently published integrated medical monitoring systems, a common thread is the high power consumption of the radio compared to the other system components. This observation is indicative of a natural place to attempt a reduction in system power. Narrowband receivers in-particular can enjoy significant power reduction by employing high-Q bulk acoustic resonators as channel select filters directly at RF, allowing down-stream analog processing to be simplified, resulting in better energy efficiency. But for communications in the ISM bands, it is important to employ multiple frequency channels to permit frequency-division-multiplexing and provide frequency diversity in the face of narrowband interferers. The high-Q nature of the resonators means that frequency tuning to other channels in the same band is nearly impossible; hence, a new architecture is required to address this challenge. A multi-channel ultra-low power OOK receiver for Body Area Networks (BANs) has been designed and tested. The receiver multiplexes three Film Bulk Acoustic Resonators (FBARs) to provide three channels of frequency discrimination, while at the same time offering competitive sensitivity and superior energy efficiency in this class of BAN receivers. The high-Q parallel resonance of each resonator determines the passband. The resonator's Q is on the order of 1000 and its center frequency is approximately 2.5 GHz, resulting in a -3 dB bandwidth of roughly 2.5 MHz with a very steep rolloff. Channels are selected by enabling the corresponding LNA and mixer pathway with switches, but a key benefit of this architecture is that the switches are not in series with the resonator and do not de-Q the resonance. The measured 1E-3 sensitivity is -64 dBm at 1 Mbps for an energy efficiency of 180 pJ/bit. The resonators are packaged beside the CMOS using wirebonds for the prototype.by Phillip Michel Nadeau.S.M

    Real-time signal detection and classification algorithms for body-centered systems

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    El principal motivo por el cual los sistemas de comunicación en el entrono corporal se desean con el objetivo de poder obtener y procesar señales biométricas para monitorizar e incluso tratar una condición médica sea ésta causada por una enfermedad o el rendimiento de un atleta. Dado que la base de estos sistemas está en la sensorización y el procesado, los algoritmos de procesado de señal son una parte fundamental de los mismos. Esta tesis se centra en los algoritmos de tratamiento de señales en tiempo real que se utilizan tanto para monitorizar los parámetros como para obtener la información que resulta relevante de las señales obtenidas. En la primera parte se introduce los tipos de señales y sensores en los sistemas en el entrono corporal. A continuación se desarrollan dos aplicaciones concretas de los sistemas en el entorno corporal así como los algoritmos que en las mismas se utilizan. La primera aplicación es el control de glucosa en sangre en pacientes con diabetes. En esta parte se desarrolla un método de detección mediante clasificación de patronones de medidas erróneas obtenidas con el monitor contínuo comercial "Minimed CGMS". La segunda aplicacióin consiste en la monitorizacióni de señales neuronales. Descubrimientos recientes en este campo han demostrado enormes posibilidades terapéuticas (por ejemplo, pacientes con parálisis total que son capaces de comunicarse con el entrono gracias a la monitorizacióin e interpretación de señales provenientes de sus neuronas) y también de entretenimiento. En este trabajo, se han desarrollado algoritmos de detección, clasificación y compresión de impulsos neuronales y dichos algoritmos han sido evaluados junto con técnicas de transmisión inalámbricas que posibiliten una monitorización sin cables. Por último, se dedica un capítulo a la transmisión inalámbrica de señales en los sistemas en el entorno corporal. En esta parte se estudia las condiciones del canal que presenta el entorno corporal para la transmisión de sTraver Sebastiá, L. (2012). Real-time signal detection and classification algorithms for body-centered systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/16188Palanci

    Theory, Design and Implementation of Energy-Efficient Biotelemetry using Ultrasound Imaging

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    This dissertation investigates the fundamental limits of energy dissipation in establishing a communication link with implantable medical devices using ultrasound imaging-based biotelemetry. Ultrasound imaging technology has undergone a revolution during the last decade due to two primary innovations: advances in ultrasonic transducers that can operate over a broad range of frequencies and progresses in high-speed, high-resolution analog-to-digital converters and signal processors. Existing clinical and FDA approved bench-top ultrasound systems cangenerate real-time high-resolution images at frame rates as high as 10000 frames per second. On the other end of the spectrum, portable and hand-held ultrasound systems can generate high-speed real-time scans, widely used for diagnostic imaging in non-clinical environments. This dissertation’s fundamental hypothesis is to leverage the massive data acquisition and computational bandwidth afforded on these devices to establish energy-efficient bio-telemetry links with multiple in-vivo implanted devices. In the first part of the dissertation, I investigate using a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) diagnostic ultrasound reader to achieve reliable in-vivo wireless telemetry with millimeter-sized piezoelectric crystal transducers. I propose multi-access biotelemetry methods in which several of these crystals simultaneously transmit the data using conventional modulation and coding schemes. I validated the feasibility of in-vivo operation using two piezoelectric crystals tethered to the tricuspid valve and the skin’s surface in a live ovine model. I demonstrated data rates close to 800 Kbps while consuming microwatts of power even in the presence of respiratory and cardiac motion artifacts. In the second part of the dissertation, I investigate the feasibility of energy harvesting from cardiac valvular perturbations to self-power the wireless implantable device. In this study, I explored using piezoelectric sutures implanted in proximity to the valvular regions compared to the previous studies involving piezoelectric patches or encasings attached to the cardiac or aortic surface to exploit nonlinearity in the valvular dynamics and self-power the implanted device. My study shows that power harvested from different annular planes of the tricuspid valve could range from nano-watts to milli-watts. In the final part of this dissertation, I investigate beamforming in B-scan ultrasound imaging to further reduce the biotelemetry energy-budget. In this context, I will study variance-based informatics in which the signal representation takes a form of signal variance instead of the signal mean for encoding and decoding. Using a modeling study, I show that compared to the mean-based logic representation, the variance-based representation can theoretically achieve a superior performance trade-off (in terms of energy dissipation) when operating at fundamental limits imposed by thermal-noise. I will then discuss how to extend variance-based representation to higher signal dimensions. I show that when applying variance-based encoding/decoding to B-scan biotelemetry, the power-dissipation requirements can be reducedto 100 pW even while interrogating from depths greater than 10 cm in a water medium

    A 2.5-Mbps, 170-cm transmission distance IntraBody communication receiver front end design and its synchronization technique research

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    Experimental Characterisation of Body-Centric Radio Channels Using Wireless Sensors

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    PhDWireless sensors and their applications have become increasingly attractive for industry, building automation and energy control, paving the way for new applications of sensor networks which go well beyond traditional sensor applications. In recent years, there has been a rapid growth in the number of wireless devices operating in close proximity to the human body. Wearable sensor nodes are growing popular not only in our normal living lifestyle, but also within healthcare and military applications, where different radio units operating in/on/off body communicate pervasively. Expectations go beyond the research visions, towards deployment in real-world applications that would empower business processes and future business cases. Although theoretical and simulation models give initial results of the antenna behaviour and the radio channel performance of wireless body area network (WBAN) devices, empirical data from different set of measurements still form an essential part of the radio propagation models. Usually, measurements are performed in laboratory facilities which are equipped with bulky and expensive RF instrumentation within calibrated and controllable environments; thus, the acquired data has the highest possible reliability. However, there are still measurement uncertainties due to cables and connections and significant variations when designs are deployed and measured in real scenarios, such as hospitals wards, commercial buildings or even the battle field. Consequently, more flexible and less expensive measurement tools are required. In this sense, wireless sensor nodes offer not only easiness to deploy or flexibility, but also adaptability to different environments. In this thesis, custom-built wireless sensor nodes are used to characterise different on-body radio channels operating in the IEEE 802.15.4 communication standard at the 2.45 GHz ISM band. Measurement results are also compared with those from the conventional technique using a Vector Network Analyser. The wireless sensor nodes not only diminished the effect of semi-rigid or flexible coaxial cables (scattering or radiation) used with the Vector Network Analyser (VNA), but also provided a more realistic response of the radio link channel. The performance of the wireless sensors is presented over each of the 16 different channels present at the 2.45 GHz band. Additionally, custom-built wireless sensors are used to characterise and model the performance of different on-body radio links in dynamic environments, such as jogging, rowing, and cycling. The use of wireless sensors proves to be less obstructive and more flexible than traditional measurements using coaxial cables, VNA or signal generators. The statistical analysis of different WBAN channels highlighted important radio propagation features which can be used as sport classifiers models and motion detection. Moreover, specific on-body radio propagation channels are further explored, with the aim to recognize physiological features such as motion pattern, breathing activity and heartbeat. The time domain sample data is transformed to the frequency domain using a non-parametric FFT defined by the Welch’s periodogram. The Appendix-Section D explores other digital signal processing techniques which include spectrograms (STFT) and wavelet transforms (WT). Although a simple analysis is presented, strong DSP techniques proved to be good for signal de-noising and multi-resolution analysis. Finally, preliminary results are presented for indoor tracking using the RSS recorded by multiple wireless sensor nodes deployed in an indoor scenario. In contrast to outdoor environments, indoor scenarios are subject to a high level of multipath signals which are dependent on the indoor clutter. The presented algorithm is based on path loss analysis combined with spatial knowledge of each wireless sensor

    Low-power dual-band on-body antenna for wireless body sensor networks

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    In Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN), the implanted biosensor collects various physiological data and wirelessly transmits the information to external medical devices in real time. The antenna design for this application faces great challenges as the microwavepropagation medium is not the free space as the human tissues constitute part of the transmission channel. The effects of the human body should be taken into consideration during the antennadesign.The present thesis aims to arrive at the optimum design of the on-body antenna to operate as a central antenna for WBAN. Five types of helical antennas are proposed in the present thesishaving a dual-frequency operation at 2.45 GHz and 5.8 GHz. The proposed antennas are optimized to maximize the Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR) and, hence, to minimize the BER and the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the human tissues. In this thesis, a semi-analytic rigorous technique for the assessment of microwave propagation on the medium equivalent to the human body is developed and the radiated fields from the proposed on-body antennas in the near zone are evaluated.The commercially available CST® simulator is used and experimental measurements are done for the five fabricated prototypes. The near-field distribution over the surface of humanbody is evaluated at 2.45 GHz using a Matlab® program, while the far-field radiation patterns obtained by experimental measurements showing good agreement with those obtained by the CST® simulator. It is shown that the radiation patterns produced by the more compact antennas; the conical-helix monopole and the monopole-spiral antennas show better performance and moreappropriate for the intended application.It is clear from the obtained results that the conical-helix/monopole and the monopole-spiral antennas have the highest performance. These antennas are shown to achieve the minimum BERof 5.3 × 10-5 and 6× 10-8 for both antennas respectively. In addition, the minimum average of the SAR that does not exceed 0.3 W/Kg in the human tissues while consuming the minimum valueof the input power when compared with the other antenna types

    A Hybrid-Powered Wireless System for Multiple Biopotential Monitoring

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    Chronic diseases are the top cause of human death in the United States and worldwide. A huge amount of healthcare costs is spent on chronic diseases every year. The high medical cost on these chronic diseases facilitates the transformation from in-hospital to out-of-hospital healthcare. The out-of-hospital scenarios require comfortability and mobility along with quality healthcare. Wearable electronics for well-being management provide good solutions for out-of-hospital healthcare. Long-term health monitoring is a practical and effective way in healthcare to prevent and diagnose chronic diseases. Wearable devices for long-term biopotential monitoring are impressive trends for out-of-hospital health monitoring. The biopotential signals in long-term monitoring provide essential information for various human physiological conditions and are usually used for chronic diseases diagnosis. This study aims to develop a hybrid-powered wireless wearable system for long-term monitoring of multiple biopotentials. For the biopotential monitoring, the non-contact electrodes are deployed in the wireless wearable system to provide high-level comfortability and flexibility for daily use. For providing the hybrid power, an alternative mechanism to harvest human motion energy, triboelectric energy harvesting, has been applied along with the battery to supply energy for long-term monitoring. For power management, an SSHI rectifying strategy associated with triboelectric energy harvester design has been proposed to provide a new perspective on designing TEHs by considering their capacitance concurrently. Multiple biopotentials, including ECG, EMG, and EEG, have been monitored to validate the performance of the wireless wearable system. With the investigations and studies in this project, the wearable system for biopotential monitoring will be more practical and can be applied in the real-life scenarios to increase the economic benefits for the health-related wearable devices