272 research outputs found

    Ultra-Low Power Wake Up Receiver For Medical Implant Communications Service Transceiver

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    This thesis explores the specific requirements and challenges for the design of a dedicated wake-up receiver for medical implant communication services equipped with a novel “uncertain-IF†architecture combined with a high – Q filtering MEMS resonator and a free running CMOS ring oscillator as the RF LO. The receiver prototype, implements an IBM 0.18μm mixed-signal 7ML RF CMOS technology and achieves a sensitivity of -62 dBm at 404MHz while consuming \u3c100 μW from a 1 V supply

    BPSK system analysis using MEMS filters

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    For some military applications, there exists a need for small custom radios. These radios need to be able to survive extreme environments and transmit the necessary data. This can be achieved by using banks of micromechanical filters. These small filters are post-CMOS compatible, allowing hundreds of high-Q filters to be incorporated over a typical RF transceiver die. Selection of these filters allows the band, channel, and bandwidth to be rapidly changed in operation. Having integrated Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) filters eliminates the need for off-chip components such as crystal references and Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) filters. This allows for smaller, low power, high performance, shock hardened radios to be developed. This thesis will examine the simulation and system analysis of MEMS filters. In past literature, there have been advances in transceiver architecture that have reduced the number of parts, but many of these approaches have sacrificed RF performance. The zero-IF and LOW-IF direct conversion sacrifices RF performance, but is good enough for normal applications. For specific military applications, this RF sacrifice is not acceptable. This thesis will simulate a BPSK architecture to develop an understanding that the post-CMOS filters can reliably be trusted upon in communication systems. The initial system to be simulated will be a 5-channel MEMS filter. This thesis will also present actual results of the 5-channel MEMS filter

    Estudio y diseño de dos placas de intercambio de datos de inclinación y posición entre dos cubesats

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    El grupo de investigación DISEN con sede en el Campus de Terrassa de la UPC está intentando impulsar el proyecto de la implementación de una infraestructura de comunicaciones basada en el enlace óptico de CubeSats. Mediante este tipo de comunicación, se podría obtener un mayor data-rate y un menor consumo de potencia que en los actuales sistemas de radiofrecuencia. Para poder realizar este enlace óptico, es necesario que el rayo láser proveniente de uno de los satélites se centre de forma muy precisa en el foto-detector del otro satélite. Para realizar dicho centrado, ambos satélites deberán conocer a priori la posición e inclinación de ambos, información que deberán intercambiarse mediante radiofrecuencia. El presente TFG versa sobre el diseño del subsistema de intercambio de datos de posición e inclinación entre dos CubeSats. Concretamente, el diseño de dos placas PCB formadas por un módulo GPS, para obtener la posición de los CubeSats; un módulo IMU, para obtener sus actitudes; un módulo de radio UHF, para enviar datos entre los dos CubeSats por radiofrecuencia; y un módulo Bluetooth para poder enlazar el sistema con el ordenador de base. Además, las placas cuentan con un microcontrolador para procesar y almacenar la información de dichos módulos

    Design of a 2.4 Ghz BAW-Based CMOS Transmitter

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    In recent years, bulk acoustic wave resonators (BAW) in combination with RF circuits have shown a big potential in achieving the low-power consumption and miniaturization level required to address wireless sensor nodes (WSN) applications. A lot of work has been focused on the receiver side, by integrating BAW resonators with low noise amplifiers (LNA) and in frequency synthesis with the design of BAW-based local oscillators, most of them working at fixed frequency due to their limited tuning range. At the architectural level, this has forced the implementation of several single channel transceivers. This thesis aims at exploring the use of BAW resonators in the transmitter, proposing an architecture capable of taking full advantage of them. The main objective is to develop a transmitter for WSN multi-channel applications able to cover the whole 2.4 GHz ISM band and enable the compatibility with wide-spread standards like Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy. Typical transmissions should thus range from low data rates (typically tens of kb/s) to medium data rates (1 Mb/s), with FSK and GFSK modulation schemes, should be centered on any of the channels provided by these standards and cover a maximum transmission range of some tens of meters. To achieve these targets and circumvent the limited tuning range of the BAW oscillator, an up-conversion transmitter using wide IF is used. The typical spurs problems related to this transmitter architecture are addressed by using a combined suppression based on SSB mixing and selective amplification. The latter is achieved by cointegration of a high efficiency power amplifier with BAW resonators, which allows performing spurs filtering while preserving the efficiency. In particular the selective amplifier is designed by including in the PA analysis the BAW resonator parameters, which allows integrating the BAW filter into the passive network loading the amplifier, participating in the drain voltage shaping. Finally, the frequency synthesis section uses a fractional division plus LC PLL filtering and further integer division to generate the IF signals and exploit the very-low BAW oscillator phase noise. The transmitter has been integrated in a 0.18 µm standard digital CMOS technology. It allows addressing the whole 80 MHz wide 2.4 GHz ISM band. The unmodulated RF frequency carrier demonstrates a very-low phase noise of –136 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset. The IF spurs are maintained lower than –48 dBc, satisfying the international regulations for output power up to 10 dBm without the use of any quadrature error compensation in the transmitter. This is achieved thanks to the rejection provided by the SSB mixer and the selective amplifier, which can reach drain efficiency of up to 24% with integrated inductances, including the insertion losses of the BAW filter. The transmitter consumes 35.3 mA at the maximum power of 5.4 dBm under 1.6 V (1.2 V for the PA), while transmitting a 1 Mb/s GFSK signal and complying with both Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy relative and absolute spectrum requirements

    Low Power Cmos Circuit Design And Reliability Analysis For Wireless Me

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    A sensor node \u27AccuMicroMotion\u27 is proposed that has the ability to detect motion in 6 degrees of freedom for the application of physiological activity monitoring. It is expected to be light weight, low power, small and cheap. The sensor node may collect and transmit 3 axes of acceleration and 3 axes of angular rotation signals from MEMS transducers wirelessly to a nearby base station while attached to or implanted in human body. This dissertation proposes a wireless electronic system-on-a-single-chip to implement the sensor in a traditional CMOS process. The system is low power and may operate 50 hours from a single coin cell battery. A CMOS readout circuit, an analog to digital converter and a wireless transmitter is designed to implement the proposed system. In the architecture of the \u27AccuMicroMotion\u27 system, the readout circuit uses chopper stabilization technique and can resolve DC to 1 KHz and 200 nV signals from MEMS transducers. The base band signal is digitized using a 10-bit successive approximation register analog to digital converter. Digitized outputs from up to nine transducers can be combined in a parallel to serial converter for transmission by a 900 MHz RF transmitter that operates in amplitude shift keying modulation technique. The transmitter delivers a 2.2 mW power to a 50 Ù antenna. The system consumes an average current of 4.8 mA from a 3V supply when 6 sensors are in operation and provides an overall 60 dB dynamic range. Furthermore, in this dissertation, a methodology is developed that applies accelerated electrical stress on MOS devices to extract BSIM3 models and RF parameters through measurements to perform comprehensive study, analysis and modeling of several analog and RF circuits under hot carrier and breakdown degradation

    Efficient and Interference-Resilient Wireless Connectivity for IoT Applications

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    With the coming of age of the Internet of Things (IoT), demand on ultra-low power (ULP) and low-cost radios will continue to boost tremendously. The Bluetooth-Low-energy (BLE) standard provides a low power solution to connect IoT nodes with mobile devices, however, the power of maintaining a connection with a reasonable latency remains the limiting factor in defining the lifetime of event-driven BLE devices. BLE radio power consumption is in the milliwatt range and can be duty cycled for average powers around 30μW, but at the expense of long latency. Furthermore, wireless transceivers traditionally perform local oscillator (LO) calibration using an external crystal oscillator (XTAL) that adds significant size and cost to a system. Removing the XTAL enables a true single-chip radio, but an alternate means for calibrating the LO is required. Innovations in both the system architecture and circuits implementation are essential for the design of truly ubiquitous receivers for IoT applications. This research presents two porotypes as back-channel BLE receivers, which have lower power consumption while still being robust in the presents of interference and able to receive back-channel message from BLE compliant transmitters. In addition, the first crystal-less transmitter with symmetric over-the-air clock recovery compliant with the BLE standard using a GFSK-Modulated BLE Packet is presented.PHDElectrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/162942/1/abdulalg_1.pd

    Energy-Efficient Wireless Circuits and Systems for Internet of Things

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    As the demand of ultra-low power (ULP) systems for internet of thing (IoT) applications has been increasing, large efforts on evolving a new computing class is actively ongoing. The evolution of the new computing class, however, faced challenges due to hard constraints on the RF systems. Significant efforts on reducing power of power-hungry wireless radios have been done. The ULP radios, however, are mostly not standard compliant which poses a challenge to wide spread adoption. Being compliant with the WiFi network protocol can maximize an ULP radio’s potential of utilization, however, this standard demands excessive power consumption of over 10mW, that is hardly compatible with in ULP systems even with heavy duty-cycling. Also, lots of efforts to minimize off-chip components in ULP IoT device have been done, however, still not enough for practical usage without a clean external reference, therefore, this limits scaling on cost and form-factor of the new computer class of IoT applications. This research is motivated by those challenges on the RF systems, and each work focuses on radio designs for IoT applications in various aspects. First, the research covers several endeavors for relieving energy constraints on RF systems by utilizing existing network protocols that eventually meets both low-active power, and widespread adoption. This includes novel approaches on 802.11 communication with articulate iterations on low-power RF systems. The research presents three prototypes as power-efficient WiFi wake-up receivers, which bridges the gap between industry standard radios and ULP IoT radios. The proposed WiFi wake-up receivers operate with low power consumption and remain compatible with the WiFi protocol by using back-channel communication. Back-channel communication embeds a signal into a WiFi compliant transmission changing the firmware in the access point, or more specifically just the data in the payload of the WiFi packet. With a specific sequence of data in the packet, the transmitter can output a signal that mimics a modulation that is more conducive for ULP receivers, such as OOK and FSK. In this work, low power mixer-first receivers, and the first fully integrated ultra-low voltage receiver are presented, that are compatible with WiFi through back-channel communication. Another main contribution of this work is in relieving the integration challenge of IoT devices by removing the need for external, or off-chip crystals and antennas. This enables a small form-factor on the order of mm3-scale, useful for medical research and ubiquitous sensing applications. A crystal-less small form factor fully integrated 60GHz transceiver with on-chip 12-channel frequency reference, and good peak gain dual-mode on-chip antenna is presented.PHDElectrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/162975/1/jaeim_1.pd

    A Modulator-less Beam Steering Transmitter based on a revised DDS-PLL Phase Shifter Architecture

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    This paper details the design and implementation of a modulator-less beam steering transmitter based on a revised DDS-PLL phase shifter architecture. The proposed topology targets low data rate communications for Internet-of-Things systems, and has been demonstrated using an FPGA evaluation board and a custom PCB with four PLLs centered at 2.453-GHz. Measured system performance for an experimental 32-kbps data rate achieved through a 16-PSK modulation scheme are discussed. The proposed architecture is frequency independent, can be used in multi-band devices and has the potential for being integrated as an RF System-on-Chip

    A Modulator-less Beam Steering Transmitter based on a revised DDS-PLL Phase Shifter Architecture

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    This paper details the design and implementation of a modulator-less beam steering transmitter based on a revised DDS-PLL phase shifter architecture. The proposed topology targets low data rate communications for Internet-of-Things systems, and has been demonstrated using an FPGA evaluation board and a custom PCB with four PLLs centered at 2.453-GHz. Measured system performance for an experimental 32-kbps data rate achieved through a 16-PSK modulation scheme are discussed. The proposed architecture is frequency independent, can be used in multi-band devices and has the potential for being integrated as an RF System-on-Chip

    Circuit Design Techniques For Wideband Phased Arrays

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation.June 2015. Major: Electrical Engineering. Advisor: Ramesh Harjani. 1 computer file (PDF); xii, 143 pages.This dissertation focuses on beam steering in wideband phased arrays and phase noise modeling in injection locked oscillators. Two different solutions, one in frequency and one in time, have been proposed to minimize beam squinting in phased arrays. Additionally, a differential current reuse frequency doubler for area and power savings has been proposed. Silicon measurement results are provided for the frequency domain solution (IBM 65nm RF CMOS), injection locked oscillator model verification (IBM 130nm RF-CMOS) and frequency doubler (IBM 65nm RF CMOS), while post extraction simulation results are provided for the time domain phased array solution (the chip is currently under fabrication, TSMC 65nm RF CMOS). In the frequency domain solution, a 4-point passive analog FFT based frequency tunable filter is used to channelize an incoming wideband signal into multiple narrowband signals, which are then processed through independent phase shifters. A two channel prototype has been developed at 8GHz RF frequency. Three discrete phase shifts (0 & +/- 90 degrees) are implemented through differential I-Q swapping with appropriate polarity. A minimum null-depth of 19dB while a maximum null-depth of 27dB is measured. In the time domain solution, a discrete time approach is undertaken with signals getting sampled in order of their arrival times. A two-channel prototype for a 2GHz instantaneous RF bandwidth (7GHz-9GHz) has been designed. A QVCO generates quadrature LO signals at 8GHz which are phase shifted through a 5-bit (2 extra bits from differential I-Q swapping with appropriate polarity) cartesian combiner. Baseband sampling clocks are generated from phase shifted LOs through a CMOS divide by 4 with independent resets. The design achieves an average time delay of 4.53ps with 31.5mW of power consumption (per channel, buffers excluded). An injection locked oscillator has been analyzed in s-domain using Paciorek's time domain transient equations. The simplified analysis leads to a phase noise model identical to that of a type-I PLL. The model is equally applicable to injection locked dividers and multipliers and has been extended to cover all injection locking scenarios. The model has been verified against a discrete 57MHz Colpitt's ILO, a 6.5GHz ILFD and a 24GHz ILFM with excellent matching between the model and measurements. Additionally, a differential current reuse frequency doubler, for frequency outputs between 7GHz to 14GHz, design has been developed to reduce passive area and dc power dissipation. A 3-bit capacitive tuning along with a tail current source is used to better conversion efficiency. The doubler shows FOMT_{T} values between 191dBc/Hz to 209dBc/Hz when driven by a 0.7GHz to 5.8GHz wide tuning VCO with a phase noise that ranges from -114dBc/Hz to -112dBc/Hz over the same bandwidth