34 research outputs found

    Survey on individual components for a 5 GHz receiver system using 130 nm CMOS technology

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    La intención de esta tesis es recopilar información desde un punto de vista general sobre los diferentes tipos de componentes utilizados en un receptor de señales a 5 GHz utilizando tecnología CMOS. Se ha realizado una descripción y análisis de cada uno de los componentes que forman el sistema, destacando diferentes tipos de configuraciones, figuras de mérito y otros parámetros. Se muestra una tabla resumen al final de cada sección, comparando algunos diseños que se han ido presentando a lo largo de los años en conferencias internacionales de la IEEE.The intention of this thesis is to gather information from an overview point about the different types of components used in a 5 GHz receiver using CMOS technology. A review of each of the components that form the system has been made, highlighting different types of configurations, figure of merits and parameters. A summary table is shown at the end of each section, comparing many designs that have been presented over the years at international conferences of the IEEE.Departamento de Ingeniería Energética y FluidomecánicaGrado en Ingeniería en Electrónica Industrial y Automátic

    Saw-Less radio receivers in CMOS

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    Smartphones play an essential role in our daily life. Connected to the internet, we can easily keep in touch with family and friends, even if far away, while ever more apps serve us in numerous ways. To support all of this, higher data rates are needed for ever more wireless users, leading to a very crowded radio frequency spectrum. To achieve high spectrum efficiency while reducing unwanted interference, high-quality band-pass filters are needed. Piezo-electrical Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) filters are conventionally used for this purpose, but such filters need a dedicated design for each new band, are relatively bulky and also costly compared to integrated circuit chips. Instead, we would like to integrate the filters as part of the entire wireless transceiver with digital smartphone hardware on CMOS chips. The research described in this thesis targets this goal. It has recently been shown that N-path filters based on passive switched-RC circuits can realize high-quality band-select filters on CMOS chips, where the center frequency of the filter is widely tunable by the switching-frequency. As CMOS downscaling following Moore’s law brings us lower clock-switching power, lower switch on-resistance and more compact metal-to-metal capacitors, N-path filters look promising. This thesis targets SAW-less wireless receiver design, exploiting N-path filters. As SAW-filters are extremely linear and selective, it is very challenging to approximate this performance with CMOS N-path filters. The research in this thesis proposes and explores several techniques for extending the linearity and enhancing the selectivity of N-path switched-RC filters and mixers, and explores their application in CMOS receiver chip designs. First the state-of-the-art in N-path filters and mixer-first receivers is reviewed. The requirements on the main receiver path are examined in case SAW-filters are removed or replaced by wideband circulators. The feasibility of a SAW-less Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) radio receiver is explored, targeting extreme linearity and compression Irequirements. A bottom-plate mixing technique with switch sharing is proposed. It improves linearity by keeping both the gate-source and gate-drain voltage swing of the MOSFET-switches rather constant, while halving the switch resistance to reduce voltage swings. A new N-path switch-RC filter stage with floating capacitors and bottom-plate mixer-switches is proposed to achieve very high linearity and a second-order voltage-domain RF-bandpass filter around the LO frequency. Extra out-of-band (OOB) rejection is implemented combined with V-I conversion and zero-IF frequency down-conversion in a second cross-coupled switch-RC N-path stage. It offers a low-ohmic high-linearity current path for out-of-band interferers. A prototype chip fabricated in a 28 nm CMOS technology achieves an in-band IIP3 of +10 dBm , IIP2 of +42 dBm, out-of-band IIP3 of +44 dBm, IIP2 of +90 dBm and blocker 1-dB gain-compression point of +13 dBm for a blocker frequency offset of 80 MHz. At this offset frequency, the measured desensitization is only 0.6 dB for a 0-dBm blocker, and 3.5 dB for a 10-dBm blocker at 0.7 GHz operating frequency (i.e. 6 and 9 dB blocker noise figure). The chip consumes 38-96 mW for operating frequencies of 0.1-2 GHz and occupies an active area of 0.49 mm2. Next, targeting to cover all frequency bands up to 6 GHz and achieving a noise figure lower than 3 dB, a mixer-first receiver with enhanced selectivity and high dynamic range is proposed. Capacitive negative feedback across the baseband amplifier serves as a blocker bypassing path, while an extra capacitive positive feedback path offers further blocker rejection. This combination of feedback paths synthesizes a complex pole pair at the input of the baseband amplifier, which is up-converted to the RF port to obtain steeper RF-bandpass filter roll-off than the conventional up-converted real pole and reduced distortion. This thesis explains the circuit principle and analyzes receiver performance. A prototype chip fabricated in 45 nm Partially Depleted Silicon on Insulator (PDSOI) technology achieves high linearity (in-band IIP3 of +3 dBm, IIP2 of +56 dBm, out-of-band IIP3 = +39 dBm, IIP2 = +88 dB) combined with sub-3 dB noise figure. Desensitization due to a 0-dBm blocker is only 2.2 dB at 1.4 GHz operating frequency. IIFinally, to demonstrate the performance of the implemented blocker-tolerant receiver chip designs, a test setup with a real mobile phone is built to verify the sensitivity of the receiver chip for different practical blocking scenarios

    Inductorless LNA and Harmonic-rejection Mixer for Wideband Direct-conversion Receiver

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    In this master thesis, combinations of noise-canceling LNA and harmonic-rejection mixers are investigated and compared to find an optimal inductorless receiver front-end for low-band (600-960MHz) FDD LTE-A network. The work was carried out in a modem development project at Ericsson Modems, Lund. Three receiver versions with different harmonic rejection techniques are compared in terms of noise figure (NF) and power consumption and the receiver with 6 LO phases is selected for optimization. The LNA combines noise cancellation for matching stage and nonlinearity cancellation for output stages so both low noise figure and high linearity are achieved. The final circuit show great potential for FDD LTE-A system with support up to 3 aggregated carriers for higher bandwidth. Low NF at 1.62 dB after the LNA and 1.75 dB after the mixer are observed from 0.4-1GHz. The LNA IIP2 is above 12 dBm and robust with process and temperature. Gain switching with possible reduction of 6 and 12 dB is integrated and the LNA linearity is not significantly suffered by low gain. Input return loss (S11) is better than -12dB regardless of gain, number of carriers and temperature (-30 – 110°C). Inductorless operation saves a lot of chip area and avoid dead package area, which then save cost and make the solution competitive.This master’s thesis done at Ericsson Modem aimed to investigate an inductorless receiver front-end for low-band LTE-A user terminals. The circuit combined noise-canceling technique and push-pull stage for LNA and harmonic-rejection technique for mixer, so three main issues of inductorless operation are solved. The issues include LNA noise and linearity, and noise folding effect caused by 3rd harmonics of LO signals

    Reconfigurable Receiver Front-Ends for Advanced Telecommunication Technologies

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    The exponential growth of converging technologies, including augmented reality, autonomous vehicles, machine-to-machine and machine-to-human interactions, biomedical and environmental sensory systems, and artificial intelligence, is driving the need for robust infrastructural systems capable of handling vast data volumes between end users and service providers. This demand has prompted a significant evolution in wireless communication, with 5G and subsequent generations requiring exponentially improved spectral and energy efficiency compared to their predecessors. Achieving this entails intricate strategies such as advanced digital modulations, broader channel bandwidths, complex spectrum sharing, and carrier aggregation scenarios. A particularly challenging aspect arises in the form of non-contiguous aggregation of up to six carrier components across the frequency range 1 (FR1). This necessitates receiver front-ends to effectively reject out-of-band (OOB) interferences while maintaining high-performance in-band (IB) operation. Reconfigurability becomes pivotal in such dynamic environments, where frequency resource allocation, signal strength, and interference levels continuously change. Software-defined radios (SDRs) and cognitive radios (CRs) emerge as solutions, with direct RF-sampling receivers offering a suitable architecture in which the frequency translation is entirely performed in digital domain to avoid analog mixing issues. Moreover, direct RF- sampling receivers facilitate spectrum observation, which is crucial to identify free zones, and detect interferences. Acoustic and distributed filters offer impressive dynamic range and sharp roll off characteristics, but their bulkiness and lack of electronic adjustment capabilities limit their practicality. Active filters, on the other hand, present opportunities for integration in advanced CMOS technology, addressing size constraints and providing versatile programmability. However, concerns about power consumption, noise generation, and linearity in active filters require careful consideration.This thesis primarily focuses on the design and implementation of a low-voltage, low-power RFFE tailored for direct sampling receivers in 5G FR1 applications. The RFFE consists of a balun low-noise amplifier (LNA), a Q-enhanced filter, and a programmable gain amplifier (PGA). The balun-LNA employs noise cancellation, current reuse, and gm boosting for wideband gain and input impedance matching. Leveraging FD-SOI technology allows for programmable gain and linearity via body biasing. The LNA's operational state ranges between high-performance and high-tolerance modes, which are apt for sensitivityand blocking tests, respectively. The Q-enhanced filter adopts noise-cancelling, current-reuse, and programmable Gm-cells to realize a fourth-order response using two resonators. The fourth-order filter response is achieved by subtracting the individual response of these resonators. Compared to cascaded and magnetically coupled fourth-order filters, this technique maintains the large dynamic range of second-order resonators. Fabricated in 22-nm FD-SOI technology, the RFFE achieves 1%-40% fractional bandwidth (FBW) adjustability from 1.7 GHz to 6.4 GHz, 4.6 dB noise figure (NF) and an OOB third-order intermodulation intercept point (IIP3) of 22 dBm. Furthermore, concerning the implementation uncertainties and potential variations of temperature and supply voltage, design margins have been considered and a hybrid calibration scheme is introduced. A combination of on-chip and off-chip calibration based on noise response is employed to effectively adjust the quality factors, Gm-cells, and resonance frequencies, ensuring desired bandpass response. To optimize and accelerate the calibration process, a reinforcement learning (RL) agent is used.Anticipating future trends, the concept of the Q-enhanced filter extends to a multiple-mode filter for 6G upper mid-band applications. Covering the frequency range from 8 to 20 GHz, this RFFE can be configured as a fourth-order dual-band filter, two bandpass filters (BPFs) with an OOB notch, or a BPF with an IB notch. In cognitive radios, the filter’s transmission zeros can be positioned with respect to the carrier frequencies of interfering signals to yield over 50 dB blocker rejection

    Interference-robust CMOS receivers for IoT:Highly linear RF front-ends at low power

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    Wireless technologies have brought Internet access to more than half of the world’s population in the last decade. Nowadays, Internet-of-Things (IoT) technology extends the internet connectivity to sensor nodes embedded in machines, animals, and plants. It will soon put us in a realm of billions of interconnected sensor nodes networking and communicating with each other. Such unprecedented growth of wireless devices puts a big challenge of sustainable and robust connectivity in front of us. Concretely, this challenge demands a wireless sensor node with low power and robust connectivity. Radios are the physical interface for sensor nodes with the external world and are one of the power-hungry components in sensor nodes. Hence it is imperative to make them energy-efficient and interference-robust. This thesis explores CMOS passive mixer-first receiver topology to enhance the interference tolerance of receivers in IoT radios. The dissertation proposes a novel N-path filter/mixer topology at the circuit level and a multipath cross-correlation technique at the system level. Two test-chips of mixer-first receiver front ends, using these techniques, are implemented in CMOS FDSOI 22nm technology as a proof-of-concept. The experimental prototypes demonstrate voltage gain in passive mixers and exhibit high-Q widely-tunable RF filtering, large out-of-band and harmonic interferer tolerance, and moderate noise figure while consuming much lower power than several state-of-the-art receivers

    Parametric analog signal amplification applied to nanoscale cmos wireless digital transceivers

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    Thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the subject of Electrical and Computer Engineering by the Universidade Nova de Lisboa,Faculdade de Ciências e TecnologiaSignal amplification is required in almost every analog electronic system. However noise is also present, thus imposing limits to the overall circuit performance, e.g., on the sensitivity of the radio transceiver. This drawback has triggered a major research on the field, which has been producing several solutions to achieve amplification with minimum added noise. During the Fifties, an interesting out of mainstream path was followed which was based on variable reactance instead of resistance based amplifiers. The principle of these parametric circuits permits to achieve low noise amplifiers since the controlled variations of pure reactance elements is intrinsically noiseless. The amplification is based on a mixing effect which enables energy transfer from an AC pump source to other related signal frequencies. While the first implementations of these type of amplifiers were already available at that time, the discrete-time version only became visible more recently. This discrete-time version is a promising technique since it is well adapted to the mainstream nanoscale CMOS technology. The technique itself is based on the principle of changing the surface potential of the MOS device while maintaining the transistor gate in a floating state. In order words, the voltage amplification is achieved by changing the capacitance value while maintaining the total charge unchanged during an amplification phase. Since a parametric amplifier is not intrinsically dependent on the transconductance of the MOS transistor, it does not directly suffer from the intrinsic transconductance MOS gain issues verified in nanoscale MOS technologies. As a consequence, open-loop and opamp free structures can further emerge with this additional contribution. This thesis is dedicated to the analysis of parametric amplification with special emphasis on the MOS discrete-time implementation. The use of the latter is supported on the presentation of several circuits where the MOS Parametric Amplifier cell is well suited: small gain amplifier, comparator, discrete-time mixer and filter, and ADC. Relatively to the latter, a high speed time-interleaved pipeline ADC prototype is implemented in a,standard 130 nm CMOS digital technology from United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC). The ADC is fully based on parametric MOS amplification which means that one could achieve a compact and MOS-only implementation. Furthermore, any high speed opamp has not been used in the signal path, being all the amplification steps implemented with open-loop parametric MOS amplifiers. To the author’s knowledge, this is first reported pipeline ADC that extensively used the parametric amplification concept.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia through the projects SPEED, LEADER and IMPAC


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    Design of the next generation (4G) systems is one of the most active and important area of research and development in wireless communications. The 2G and 3G technologies will still co-exist with the 4G for a certain period of time. Other applications such as wireless LAN (Local Area Network) and RFID are also widely used. As a result, there emerges a trend towards integrating multiple wireless functionalities into a single mobile device. Low noise amplifier (LNA), the most critical component of the receiver front-end, determines the sensitivity and noise figure of the receiver and is indispensable for the complete system. To satisfy the need for higher performance and diversity of wireless communication systems, three LNAs with different structures and techniques are proposed in the thesis based on the 4G applications. The first LNA is designed and optimized specifically for LTE applications, which could be easily added to the existing system to support different standards. In this cascode LNA, the nonlinearity coming from the common source (CS) and common gate (CG) stages are analyzed in detail, and a novel linear structure is proposed to enhance the linearity in a relatively wide bandwidth. The LNA has a bandwidth of 900MHz with the linearity of greater than 7.5dBm at the central frequency of 1.2GHz. Testing results show that the proposed structure effectively increases and maintains linearity of the LNA in a wide bandwidth. However, a broadband LNA that covers multiple frequency ranges appears more attractive due to system simplicity and low cost. The second design, a wideband LNA, is proposed to cover multiple wireless standards, such as LTE, RFID, GSM, and CDMA. A novel input-matching network is proposed to relax the tradeoff among noise figure and bandwidth. A high gain (>10dB) in a wide frequency range (1-3GHz) and a minimum NF of 2.5dB are achieved. The LNA consumes only 7mW on a 1.2V supply. The first and second LNAs are designed mainly for the LTE standard because it is the most widely used standard in the 4G communication systems. However, WiMAX, another 4G standard, is also being widely used in many applications. The third design targets on covering both the LTE and the WiMAX. An improved noise cancelling technique with gain enhancing structure is proposed in this design and the bandwidth is enlarged to 8GHz. In this frequency range, a maximum power gain of 14.5dB and a NF of 2.6-4.3dB are achieved. The core area of this LNA is 0.46x0.67mm2 and it consumes 17mW from a 1.2V supply. The three designs in the thesis work are proposed for the multi-standard applications based on the realization of the 4G technologies. The performance tradeoff among noise, linearity, and broadband impedance matching are explored and three new techniques are proposed for the tradeoff relaxation. The measurement results indicate the techniques effectively extend the bandwidth and suppress the increase of the NF and nonlinearity at high frequencies. The three proposed structures can be easily applied to the wideband and multi-standard LNA design

    Integrated Distributed Amplifiers for Ultra-Wideband BiCMOS Receivers Operating at Millimeter-Wave Frequencies

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    Millimetre-wave technology is used for applications such as telecommunications and imaging. For both applications, the bandwidth of existing systems has to be increased to support higher data rates and finer imaging resolutions. Millimetrewave circuits with very large bandwidths are developed in this thesis. The focus is put on amplifiers and the on-chip integration of the amplifiers with antennas. Circuit prototypes, fabricated in a commercially available 130nm Silicon-Germanium (SiGe) Bipolar Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (BiCMOS) process, validated the developed techniques. Cutting-edge performances have been achieved in the field of distributed and resonant-matched amplifiers, as well as in that of the antenna-amplifier co-integration. Examples are as follows: - A novel cascode gain-cell with three transistors was conceived. By means of transconductance peaking towards high frequencies, the losses of the synthetic line can be compensated up to higher frequencies. The properties were analytically derived and explained. Experimental demonstration validated the technique by a Traveling-Wave Amplifier (TWA) able to produce 10 dB of gain over a frequency band of 170GHz.# - Two Cascaded Single-Stage Distributed Amplifiers (CSSDAs) have been demonstrated. The first CSSDA, optimized for low power consumption, requires less than 20mW to provide 10 dB of gain over a frequency band of 130 GHz. The second amplifier was designed for high-frequency operation and works up to 250 GHz leading to a record bandwidth for distributed amplifiers in SiGe technology. - The first complete CSSDA circuit analysis as function of all key parameters was presented. The typical degradation of the CSSDA output matching towards high frequencies was analytically quantified. A balanced architecture was then introduced to retain the frequency-response advantages of CSSDAs and yet ensure matching over the frequency band of interested. A circuit prototype validated experimentally the technique. - The first traveling-wave power combiner and divider capable of operation from the MHz range up to 200 GHz were demonstrated. The circuits improved the state of the art of the maximum frequency of operation and the bandwidth by a factor of five. - A resonant-matched balanced amplifier was demonstrated with a centre frequency of 185 GHz, 10 dB of gain and a 55GHz wide –3 dB-bandwidth. The power consumption of the amplifier is 16.8mW, one of the lowest for this circuit class, while the bandwidth is the broadest reported in literature for resonant-matched amplifiers in SiGe technology