1,881 research outputs found

    The Cult of Honor

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    The cult of honor is second of four stages in the fullest possible development of society credit where due to Spencer s Social Statics It often devolves into its antithesis the cult of dignity Herrman 2017 thereby diminishing what the cult of honor otherwise provides namely the quality of our militaries religious structures professions and bureaucracies because of the cult we are prepared to enter ad hoc offices on cause the good Samaritan e g The cult of honor is first of all a ritualized expression of a social ideal specifically of traits that can be termed honorable It very oftenarises either because persons or groups wish to experience pride in their cultural heritage or because they feel a calling to excel at culturally relevant activities This paper also advances the view that the concept of sportsmanship mirrors what the cult stands for and what public expectationboth requires and demands Characteristics of some thirty cults throughout three primary types of office are shown to reflect the concep

    Primary school teachers’ views on communication skills and organizational citizenship

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    The aim of this study was to determine the perception levels of primary school teachers on communication skills and organizational citizenship behaviors and also to determine the relationship between these two variables. This study was conducted via a descriptive qualitative relational scanning model. The participants in the study were selected from among primary school teachers who were working in Sivas, Turkey, via a simple random sampling method. In the course of the study, the data was collected via a “communication skills rating scale” and an “organizational citizenship scale”. In the analysis of the data, the arithmetical average and standard deviation values were calculated. Independent sampling t-test, one way analysis of variance and regression analysis were also carried out. It was concluded from the study that the variable of the period of service posed a significant difference for the behaviors of the conscientiousness dimension, which is one of the sub-dimensions of organizational citizenship. It was also concluded that the communication skills of primary school teachers significantly predicted their organizational citizenship behaviors

    Relationship between Religiosity and Citizenship Behaviours in Organizations: Empirical Evidence from Selected Organisations in Lagos State

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    Religiosity may be considered as a fundamental trait that defines Nigerians as a people. Although it is a concept that underlies all aspects of human behaviours, its impact on employees’ behaviours has been underestimated in the workplace. Consequently, the importance of organisational citizenship behaviours (OCB) to organisational effectiveness necessitated the investigation of the relationship between religiosity and OCB. It was hypothesized that the dimensions of religiosity will predict the demonstration of OCB among employees in Nigeria. This study adopted the ex post facto research design and systematic sampling technique. Questionnaire was administered to 359 employees selected from four sectors of the Nigerian economy. The findings revealed a positive relationship between intrinsic religiosity and the three dimensions of OCB: intrinsic religiosity and dutifulness (r=.182, p<0.01); intrinsic religiosity and organisational involvement (r=.170, p<0.01) and intrinsic religiosity and interpersonal relationship (r=.146, p<0.01). Conversely, a negative correlation was found between extrinsic religiosity and dutifulness (r= -.136, p<0.01); extrinsic religiosity and organisational involvement (r= -.122, p<0.05; and a positive correlation between extrinsic religiosity and interpersonal relationship (r =.137, p<0.01). The result further revealed that intrinsic and extrinsic religiosity jointly predicted OCB

    Influence of Religiosity and Organizational Commitment on Organizational Citizenship Behaviours:A Critical Review of Literature

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    In* an* attempt* to* cultivate* and* promote* organizational* citizenship* behaviours,*many* scholars*have*sought*to*identify*factors*that*engender*these*highly*coveted*behaviours.* Some*of* the* identified* factors* include*organizational*characteristics* (such*as*working* conditions,* organizational* policies* and* procedures,* leadership* style* and* work* environment),*employee* characteristics* (such* as*personal* attributes,*beliefs,* attitude* and*dispositions)*and*work*characteristics*(such*as*job*content*and*design).*This*paper* reviewed* literature*on* the* influence*of* religiosity*and*organizational* commitment*on* organizational*citizenship*behaviours,*and*further*accentuated* the*connection*among* these* variables.* It*was* observed* that* religiosity* and* organizational* commitment* are* important*variables*that*have*been*linked*with*organizational*citizenship*behaviours.* Religiosity* was* associated* with* enhanced* team* work,* greater* kindness,* fairness,* honesty,*trust,*concern*for*others*and*organizational*citizenship*behaviours.*Also,*most* studies* claimed* that* organizational* commitment* enhances* the* performance* of* organizational* citizenship* behaviours.* However,* organizational* commitment* and* organizational*citizenship*behaviours*are*very*similar*constructs,*with*one*viewed*as*a* behavioural* demonstration* of* the* other.* This* paper* concluded* that* organizational* commitment*and*organizational*citizenship*behaviours*share*similar*antecedents*such* that* any* construct* or* variable* related* to* one* is* ultimately* related* to* the* other.* Therefore,*religiosity*is*related*to*both*organizational*commitment*and*organizational* citizenship*behaviours,*and*does*exert*influence*on*each*of*them.*Finally,*since*most*of* the*reviewed*literatures*were*foreign,*it*was*recommended*that*an*empirical*research* be*conducted*to*further*validate*this*claim*especially*in*the*Nigerian*work*context.

    Bowdoin College Catalogue (1994-1995)

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    Körpererziehung und Sozialisation - Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft im internationalen und vergleichenden Hinblick

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    There is an abundance of research literature concerned with various aspects of socialization and physical activity, though sporting activity has received more attention than physical education. The intention here is to raise a number of issues to provoke thought and perhaps direct attention to growing concerns about the future of physical education, for whilst for some it is regarded as the “womb” of sport, if current world - wide trends continue, there will be no physical education through which socialization can occur. That is why the redefinition of concepts of physical education together with a reconstruction of physical education present challenges, which can only serve to improve the status, state and quality of the service to be delivered and so contribute to extend opportunities for engagement in physical activity to alč cultural and subcultural groups over the full life span as well as in all institutional and wider societal communities over the four points of the compass.Manche Untersuchungen befassen sich mit unterschiedlichen Sozialisationsaspekten in Verbindung mit körperlichen Aktivitäten, obwohl die erholungssportliche Aktivitäten mehr Aufmerksamkeit als Körpererziehung erwecken. Unsere Absicht ist, zahlreiche, denkanregende Fragen zu stellen um dadurch eine direkte Aufmerksamkeit auf die steigende Sorge um die Zukunft von Körpererziehung zu lenken. Trozt der Einstellung, dass die Körpererziehung “die Wiege” des Sports ist - sollten die jetzigen Welttrends auch in der Zukunft aufrechterhalten werden, gibt es keine Körpererzichung als Grundlage zur Sozialisation. Die Redefinierung der Körpererziehnungvorsätze, zusammen mit der Rekonstruktion derer Durchführung ist die Herausforderung, die zur Verbesserung der Lage und Qualität des Unterrichtsfachs “Körpererziehung" führen sollte und dadurch eine Grundlage bilden würde zur Ausbreitung der Möglichkeiten aller Kultur- und Subkulturgruppen und ihre Anteilnahme an körperlichen Aktivitäten lebenslänglich - in allen institutionalisierten und breiteren gemeinschaftlichen Gesellschaftsgruppen in allen vier Himmelsrichtungen

    Cementing or sabotaging the image of Taekwondo from South Korea’s prospective

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    학위논문 (석사) -- 서울대학교 대학원 : 사범대학 체육교육과,글로벌스포츠매니지먼트전공, 2021. 2. Yong ho lee.Countries like South Korea have successfully nurtured the development of taekwondo from many years. The World Taekwondo Federation promotes and sanctions local, regional, national, and international tournaments throughout the world, both for sparring and forms. The WTF encourages the popularity of Taekwondo by allowing schools to market themselves to their local communities. In the Olympic games, South Korea has accumulated gold medals in Taekwondo. In recent years, government has played an active part by encouraging athletes to strive to the highest level in order to win medals. In fact, the development of a sport system is a complex and dynamic process. Physicality, body language, freedom, connection with nature and other people, energy spreading etc., all these peculiarities are intrinsic in human nature, it is something that a kid is not taught in school, it simply belongs to him. These natural instincts evolve during a lifetime and most likely are best expressed when practicing sports. As per our study we consider sport as one of the most democratic ‘places’ in which every human being could be part of and truly believe in the importance of practicing it in any of its forms. Unfortunately, several times we tend to assign too little value to this discipline. Instead, we should encourage it and discover a way to embrace it in our routine. Nowadays, the improvements within the field of artificial intelligence would be able to guarantee an even greater effect if correctly implemented. Thanks to this, it would be possible to capture a massive amount of data coming from the field to exploit in several ways. Eventually, this would mean that a great game like taekwondo wouldn’t only be the result of a good coach and talented players, nonetheless also some advanced IT specialists would make the difference in generating impactful information for the players. Each sport should browse into available technologies to renovate and get on board new participants which could eventually foster the practice of the discipline In addition to the worldwide growth and recognition of Taekwondo making it an excellent example of what an Olympic Sport should be and also the groundbreaking improvements made between past years there are other practical and organizational reasons Taekwondo included in the game. This Research provides a record of the long, sometimes uneven but ultimately successful road the sport has traveled from being a demonstration Sport to Olympic Sport. Further, this research gives us a brief detail about the up-gradation the sport has gone through, growing its spectatorship to secure its position in the Olympics. Some key points of our research work are: Semi-structured and open-ended interviews were conducted with athletes, coaches, spectators via Skype, Telephones, and one on one interviews. The thematic analysis method was used, transcribing and analyzing the interviews. Similarities and differences were discussed comparing the results with the existing literature review. Proposal for further research and restrictions and this exploration were additionally displayed.Table of Content Acknowledgement. ii Abstractiv List of Tables.xi Chapter 1: Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 History 4 1.2.1 Brief History of Taekwondo 4 1.2.2 History and Culture of Taekwondo as a Traditional Korean Martial Art 11 1.3 Taekwondo & Technology 16 1.4 Statement of problem 19 1.5 The purpose of research 20 1.6 Significance of Study 20 1.7 Research Questions 22 Chapter 2: Literature Review 23 2.1 Taekwondo Origin 24 2.1.1 Origin of Taekwondo from Karate 24 2.1.2 Early Korean martial arts manuals 26 2.1.3 Modern taekwondo literature over south Korea 31 2.1.4 Naming of taekwondo 34 2.1.5 Definitions of Taekwondo 41 2.2 Philosophy of Taekwondo. 43 2.3 Modes of Taekwondo 46 2.4 Martial Art to Global Combat Sport 47 2.4.1 Martial Arts 47 2.4.2 Global Sport 51 2.4.3 Taekwondo Population 52 2.5 Taekwondo in Olympics 54 2.6 Transition period 57 2.7 Introduction of technology 59 2.7.1 Different Technology Implemented 62 2.7.2 Modifications of Rules and Regulations 63 2.7.3 Current New rules 65 2.8.1 Perception of spectators and competitors: Use of scoring 69 technology in Taekwondo competitions 69 2.8.2 The Perception of Instant Replaying System in Sports 72 Chapter 3: Methodology 74 3.1 Research Design and its Modes 75 3.2 Data Collection 78 3.3 Selection of Interviewees 79 3.4 Data Analysis 80 3.4.1 Thematic Analysis 80 Chapter 4: findings 82 4.1 How has new technology affected the fair play of Taekwondo as an Olympic Sport 83 4.1.1 Transparency and fair-play 83 4.1.2 Merits and demerits of the Tech - Game 85 4.2 What are the experience of athletes, coaches, referees and spectators in the global competition 86 4.2.1 Experience of athletes 87 4.2.2 Experiences of coaches 93 4.2.3 Experience of referees 100 4.2.4 Experience of spectators 105 4.3 Recommendation to improve the spectatorship and viewer ship of Taekwondo in global competition 109 4.3.1 Suggestions from athletes to make the game more popular and entertaining 110 4.3.2 Suggestions from the coaches to improve the sport's popularity among spectators- 110 4.3.3 Suggestions for future improvement of overall judging systems in Taekwondo- 110 Chapter 5- Discussion 112 5.1 Taekwondo to Tech- wondo 112 5.2 Change in playing style - Lack of interest of players 114 5.3 Consistently vanishing of inheritance 117 5.4. Aftermath of the Tech-Game on South Korea's Economy 120 5.5 Effect on popularity (impact on popularity) to be a Olympic sport 121 5.6 Recommendations to increase spectatorship in taekwondo 125 5.6.1 Technical corrections 126 5.6.2 Campaign programs for prompting the game- 126 5.6.3 Broadcasting on different platforms 127 5.6.4 Recruitment of Professional Sports Managers 129 5.7. Limitations of the study 130 5.8 Recommendation for future researcher 131 References 133 Appendix 141 List of Tables Table 2. 1 Different well Known styles of Martial Arts. 49 Table 2. 2: World Taekwondo membership growth 53 Table 2. 3 Introduction of electronic protectors 61 Table 2. 4: The Technology used in Taekwondo for scoring 62 Table 2. 5 Scores and the technologies used for the scoring in Taekwondo 63 Table 2. 6:Current Upgraded Rules 65 Table 4. 1 :Merits and Demerits of the New Format 85 Table 4. 2The Main Differences Experienced by the Athletes. 88 Table 4. 3Differences in refereeing before and after technology 102Maste

    Bowdoin College Catalogue (1995-1996)

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