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    Sevrey Inscription

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    拓本画像キャプション表記/Caption of Image:Sevrey碑文成立時期:ウイグル期(8-9世紀) /Date of engraving: The Uighur Period [8-9th C. A.D.]碑文テキストの言語:古代トルコ語,ソグド語,漢語(推定)/Turkic, Sogdian, Chinese(?)採拓地:モンゴル国ウムヌゴビ県セブレイ=ソム採拓者:森安,林,吉田,片山,大澤,オチル,ボルド,バヤル,バットルガ拓本サイズ/Size of rubbing paper (cm) : 70.0 x 69.

    東アジア海域と倭寇 : 9世紀末の新羅海賊との比較史的考察を通して

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    はじめに1 .明帝国の海禁政策より見た倭寇の性格2 .高麗を襲った倭寇の実像をめぐって3 .元末明初・舟山群島の海上勢力と高麗・倭寇―鎮浦口に集結した倭寇と関連して―4 .9世紀末の新羅海賊との比較史的考察おわり

    On the "Medieval Climate Anomaly" and climate instability around the end of 9th century

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    In this study, reconstruction of MCA (Medieval Climate Anomaly) through proxy data was tried to clarify its nature. At first, "prayers for rain" records were collected from "Rikkokushi", six national histories of the ancient Japan, and the climate variation was clarified by their appearance changes. Next, the climate variation of Japan was compared with those from MCAreconstruction studies on many areas in the world. Furthermore, MCA was examined by comparison with its simulation by global circulation model. The main results are as follows: 1) There remain many records on prayers for rain from the end of the first millennium to the beginning of the second millennium, which may show that it was time of warm and dry climate condition. 2) During MCA, there might have been a period of cool and moist condition around 900, specifically from 880 to 910. 3) A prevailing circulation like La Nina on the Pacific Ocean played an important role in MCA. 4) Around the Atlantic Ocean, the North Atlantic Oscillation was usually at its positive mode, and played an important role for the climate there

    [論文] 古代北方交流史における秋田城の機能と意義の再検討

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    最近,知床半島における神功開宝の出土,根室半島での秋田産須恵器の出土などの新たな知見により,8~9世紀の本州・国家と北海道との交流の様相が改めて脚光を浴び,そのなかで出羽国・秋田城の果たした役割も問いなおされている。7世紀後半に発端する倭・日本の日本海ルート重視の北方政策は,北海道と本州北部との交流の変遷にも影響を及ぼした。8世紀には,続縄文文化期以来の在地的な交流を基盤とする太平洋側ルートが存続したが,秋田城における朝貢・饗給の定例化に伴い,9世紀初頭までに日本海ルートが卓越し,北海道と本州北部との交流は秋田城交易に収斂される。秋田城の構造や,横走沈線文土器,須恵器の出土状況などもこうした想定を裏付ける。その一方で,9世紀の秋田城交易は,王臣家・国司や富豪層らの独自の経済活動を内在し,より多様化する兆候をみせていた。9世紀初頭の改修に伴う秋田城の構造変化は,同時期における朝貢・饗給の質的変化と連動していた可能性がある。秋田城が北方世界の「交易港」として機能した8世紀中葉~9世紀の期間,これに寄生・便乗しつつ生まれた経済的・社会的な諸関係は,秋田城交易の内実を変質させ,9世紀末~10世紀に進展する次代の北方交易体制を準備した。9世紀の秋田城交易には,同時代に東アジア海域の国際交易に乗り出していた新羅・唐の海商が関心を寄せていた形跡もある。承和期に北部九州で新羅人張保皐との国際交易をおこなった文室宮田麻呂は,奥羽社会に深い関係をもつ文室大原や綿麻呂らと近親であり,近江を拠点に北方世界との交易に関与していた蓋然性がある。文室氏のような王臣家の活動を介して,古代の秋田城とその周辺は,北方世界と東アジア海域の国際交易をつなぐ接点としての側面をみせることがあったのである。Recent findings, such as the excavation on the Shiretoko Peninsula of a Jingu-Kaiho coin and the discovery on the Nemuro Peninsula of sueki earthenware that had been produced in Akita, are once again spotlighting exchanges between Hokkaido and the ancient state of Japan on Honshu, the main island of Japan, in the eighth and ninth centuries. In this context, the roles played in such exchanges by Akita Castle in Dewa Province are also being reassessed.Japan’s late seventh century northern policy, which placed importance on the Sea of Japan route, affected exchanges between Hokkaido and northern Honshu. While a Pacific route, based on local exchanges dating from the Epi-Jomon culture period, also existed in the eighth century, the Sea of Japan route had presumably gained prominence by the early ninth century, with exchanges between Hokkaido and northern Honshu dominated by trade through Akita Castle, as Emishi people had periodically paid tribute to the provincial government at the castle, which had reciprocated by holding feasts for them. The structure of Akita Castle and the excavation of pots with transverse grooved-line patterns and sueki earthenware support this assumption.Meanwhile, trade through Akita Castle in the ninth century showed signs of diversification, as it included independent economic activities by imperial family members, aristocrats, provincial governors, and wealthy people. The renovations and structural changes to the castle in the early ninth century may have been connected with qualitative changes that occurred in tributes and feasts during the same period. Akita Castle served as a “port of trade” in the north from the mid-eighth to ninth centuries, and various socioeconomic relations that parasitized or piggybacked on that status changed the nature of trade through Akita Castle, paving the way for a next-generation northern trade system that thrived from the end of the ninth century into the 10th century.Some evidence shows that trade through Akita Castle in the ninth century gained the attention of maritime merchants in Silla and Tang who embarked on international trade during the same period across East Asian seas. Funya no Miyatamaro, who traded in northern Kyushu during the Jowa era (834 to 848) with Jang Bogo, a powerful maritime figure from Silla, was a close relative of Funya no Ohara and Funya no Watamaro, who had deep ties with the Ou (Tohoku) society, and it is therefore plausible that Funya no Miyatamaro, based in Omi Province, was involved in trade with the north. Activities by the Funya clan and other imperial family members and aristocrats offer a glimpse of Akita Castle and its surroundings in ancient times as a point of contact for international trade in the north and across East Asian seas

    The Illustrated Cycle of the Acts of the Apostles in the Theodore Psalter

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    On the gospel iconography in the illustrations of the Utrecht Psalter

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    The illustration of the Utrecht Psalter has several Gospel subjects, i.e. 15 in the Psalms, 18 in Canticles. This paper focuses on the relationship between the Psalm text and the Gospel subject in general at first. We shall see the Gospel subjects in the illustration of the Utrecht Psalter, both in the Psalms and the Canticles. Finally we shall refer to recent studies on the Carolingian cycles and image theory in the relation to the Utrecht Gospel subjects.本稿では詩篇の章句に基づく新約図像の事例を,まず詩篇の章句にもとづく新約図像を,詩篇挿絵以外の作例と詩篇挿絵から探る。次に 9世紀を代表する『ユトレヒト詩篇』(ユトレヒト,大学図書館,Cod. Ms. Rhenotractinae, 1Nr.32)本文の新約図像を,他の詩篇挿絵と比較しながら展望する。さらに『ユトレヒト』巻末のカンティクム挿絵に見られる新約図像を本文の事例と比較して,『ユトレヒト』の新約主題全体が呈示する意味を把握する。最後に近年の研究が提起するキリスト論への新たな視線を紹介し,さらなる議論の可能性を提起する

    古代における善光寺平の開発について : 旧長野市街地の条里遺構を中心に

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    善光寺平(長野盆地)は,千曲川・犀川によって形成された最大幅10km,南北30km,面積300k㎡の長野県内で最も広い盆地のひとつである。この地域は,古代においては,更級・水内・高井・埴科の4郡があい接し,『和名抄』に記載された郷の数や式内社の数をみると,信濃国で最も分布の密度が高い地域で,早くから開発が進んでいたところである。本稿はこの地域の条里的遺構について,特に旧長野市街地に存在した条里的遺構について検討を加え,用水体系との関連から古代における開発について検討したものである。まず,この条里的遺構が旧長野市街地全体を覆う統一的なプランによっていること,この統一性は,用水体系からも裏付けられ,裾花川から取水された鐘鋳堰(川)・八幡堰(川)の計画的開削と合わせて施行された可能性が高いこと,施行の時期を直接示す考古学的データは今のところないが,更級郡の石川条里遺跡,高井郡の川田条里遺跡,埴科郡の更埴条里遺跡のいずれもが発掘調査の結果,条里地割の施行は8世紀末から9世紀初め頃であることが判明したことから,水内郡においても同様の時期と考えられることなどを論じた。また,近世以前の善光寺東門・西門を結ぶ線(現在の仁王門)が条里的遺構の上に乗り,近世には「中道」と呼ばれていたことから,この線が高井郡へと向かう古代の官道の系譜を引くものである可能性について触れた。最後に,以上の仮説から想定される8世紀から9世紀にかけての善光寺平の開発の諸段階について,現時点での考えを示した。The Zenkoji Plain (Nagano basin) is one of the largest basins in Nagano Prefecture formed by the Chikuma and Sai Rivers. It measures ten kilometers at its maximum width, thirty kilometers north to south and has an area of three hundred square kilometers. In the area, four ancient counties, Sarashina, Minochi, Takai and Hanishina, bordered one another. According to the number of towns and shrines recorded in the “Wamyosho”, it was the most densely populated area in Shinano and was an early leader in development. In this paper the auther examines ancient development and irrigation systems by studying the Jori-style sites, and in particular the distribution of them that existed in old Nagano City.First, these Jori-style sites were part of a unified plan that covered the entire area of old Nagano City. The irrigation system also provides evidence of unification, and there is a great possibility that it was completed in conjunction with the planned excavation of the Kanai and the Hachiman Rivers that drew water from the Susobana River. At present there is no archeological data that directly confirms the period in which this was undertaken, but the results of excavation surveys at the Ishikawa Jori Sites in Sarashina county, the Kawada Jori Sites in Takai county, and the Kōshoku Sites in Hanishina county have indicated that Jori system land divisions were implemented from the end of the eighth century to the beginning of the ninth century. Thus, the writer of this paper hypothesizes that the sites in the Minochi district are also of the same time period.The road that connects the premodern Zenkoji Temple\u27s East Gate and West Gate (current Nio-mon) runs over Jori-style sites. It was called Nakamichi (Middle Road) in modern times and the author has touched on the possibility that it has a lineage as an ancient road leading toward Takai county that was built at government expense.In conclusion, in this paper the author presents the current perspective on the first stages of development of the Zenkoji Plain that, according to the hypotheses put forth above, is thought to have occurred from the eighth to ninth centuries