1,682 research outputs found

    Quantification of Residual Stresses in Electron Beam Welded Fracture Mechanics Specimens

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    Residual stress measurements have been made in a range of electron beam welded samples to study how the weld induced residual stresses redistributed during fabrication of compact tension, C(T), specimens. The samples were manufactured from Type 316H stainless steel in the ex-service material condition and in material which had been preconditioned by inducing 8% plastic strain. Measurements made using neutron diffraction, slitting and the contour method were generally in good agreement and showed residual stress components of up to three times the base material's yield strength existed in the samples. When sectioning a sample to perform the contour method, large elastic deformations occurred at the cut tip due to the large residual stresses present. A correction was applied to the measured surface displacements to account for this deformation. Neutron diffraction measurements were made at various stages of the fabrication process, which showed significant stress redistribution occurred as the welded samples were machined into C(T) specimens. However the tensile stresses near the crack tip of the C(T) specimens remained large and could significantly influence subsequent crack growth tests

    Devolution and the Centre Monitoring Report: May 2009

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    GHRH secretion from a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor causing gigantism in a patient with MEN1.

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    Summary: A male patient with a germline mutation in MEN1 presented at the age of 18 with classical features of gigantism. Previously, he had undergone resection of an insulin-secreting pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour (pNET) at the age of 10 years and had subtotal parathyroidectomy due to primary hyperparathyroidism at the age of 15 years. He was found to have significantly elevated serum IGF-1, GH, GHRH and calcitonin levels. Pituitary MRI showed an overall bulky gland with a 3 mm hypoechoic area. Abdominal MRI showed a 27 mm mass in the head of the pancreas and a 6 mm lesion in the tail. Lanreotide-Autogel 120 mg/month reduced GHRH by 45% and IGF-1 by 20%. Following pancreaticoduodenectomy, four NETs were identified with positive GHRH and calcitonin staining and Ki-67 index of 2% in the largest lesion. The pancreas tail lesion was not removed. Post-operatively, GHRH and calcitonin levels were undetectable, IGF-1 levels normalised and GH suppressed normally on glucose challenge. Post-operative fasting glucose and HbA1c levels have remained normal at the last check-up. While adolescent-onset cases of GHRH-secreting pNETs have been described, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of ectopic GHRH in a paediatric setting leading to gigantism in a patient with MEN1. Our case highlights the importance of distinguishing between pituitary and ectopic causes of gigantism, especially in the setting of MEN1, where paediatric somatotroph adenomas causing gigantism are extremely rare. Learning points: It is important to diagnose gigantism and its underlying cause (pituitary vs ectopic) early in order to prevent further growth and avoid unnecessary pituitary surgery. The most common primary tumour sites in ectopic acromegaly include the lung (53%) and the pancreas (34%) (1): 76% of patients with a pNET secreting GHRH showed a MEN1 mutation (1). Plasma GHRH testing is readily available in international laboratories and can be a useful diagnostic tool in distinguishing between pituitary acromegaly mediated by GH and ectopic acromegaly mediated by GHRH. Positive GHRH immunostaining in the NET tissue confirms the diagnosis. Distinguishing between pituitary (somatotroph) hyperplasia secondary to ectopic GHRH and pituitary adenoma is difficult and requires specialist neuroradiology input and consideration, especially in the MEN1 setting. It is important to note that the vast majority of GHRH-secreting tumours (lung, pancreas, phaeochromocytoma) are expected to be visible on cross-sectional imaging (median diameter 55 mm) (1). Therefore, we suggest that a chest X-ray and an abdominal ultrasound checking the adrenal glands and the pancreas should be included in the routine work-up of newly diagnosed acromegaly patients

    Cabergoline reduces 3-methoxytyramine in a SDHC patient with metastatic paraganglioma and prolactinoma.

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    Summary: We observed a novel therapeutic response with cabergoline in a male patient with a dopamine-secreting head and neck paraganglioma (HNPGL), macroprolactinoma and germline succinate dehydrogenase C mutation (SDHC). The macroprolactinoma was treated with cabergoline which gave an excellent response. He was found to have raised plasma 3-methoxytyramine of 1014 pmol/L (NR: 0-180 pmol/L); but it was unclear if this was a drug-induced phenomenon from dopamine agonist (DA) therapy. Cabergoline was stopped for 4 weeks and the 3-methoxytyramine level increased significantly to 2185 pmol/L, suggesting a biochemical response of his HNPGL. Subsequently, Gallium-68 Dotatate PET and MRI (Gallium-68 Dotatate PET/MRI) demonstrated a second lesion in the sacrum. Both the HNPGL and metastatic sacral deposit received external beam radiotherapy with a good biochemical and radiological response. Conclusion: Our case report highlights the rare potential of germline SDHC mutations causing metastatic paraganglioma and concurrent pituitary tumours. Cabergoline treatment may lower elevated 3-methoxytyramine levels and, therefore, mask the biochemical evidence of metastatic disease but also may have therapeutic relevance in dopamine-secreting pheochromocytomas/paragangliomas (PPGLs). Learning points: Several neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) express dopamine D2 and D4 receptors. In this case report, cabergoline significantly reduced plasma 3-methoxytyramine level in a patient with functional HNPGL. Cabergoline might have therapeutic relevance in dopamine-secreting PPGLs. Paragangliomas associated with SDHC mutation classically present with asymptomatic non-functional HNPGL and have rare metastatic potential. The association of pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma and pituitary adenoma is now a well-described rare association (<1%), designated as the three P association. While the three P association is most commonly seen with succinate dehydrogenase B and D mutations, it has also been described in patients with SDHA and SDHC mutations. Cabergoline treatment may lower elevated 3-methoxytyramine levels and mask the biochemical evidence of metastatic disease. Regular functional imaging with Gallium-68 Dotatate PET/MRI provides better evidence of metastatic disease

    Triple Synthesis

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    This thesis investigates the result of merging three musical approaches (jazz fusion, breakbeat/IDM and Electronic Dance Music) and their respective methodologies as applied to music composition. It is presented in a progressive manner. Chapters two to four identify and discuss each of the three styles separately in terms of the research undertaken in the preparation of this thesis. Chapter 2 discusses, through a close examination of selected compositions and recordings, both Weather Report and Herbie Hancock as representing source material for research and compositional study in terms of melody, harmony and orchestration from the 1970s jazz-fusion genre. Chapter 3 examines breakbeat and Intelligent Dance Music (IDM) drum rhythm programming through both technique and musical application. Chapter 4 presents an examination of selected contemporary Electronic Dance Music (EDM) techniques and discusses their importance in current electronic music styles. Chapters 5, 6 and 7 each present an original composition based on the application and synthesis of the styles and techniques explored in the previous three chapters, with each composition defined by proportions of influence from each of the three styles as in the Venn diagram shown in the introduction. Since the musical context of the original compositions is software oriented, diagrams and computer screenshots are used in addition to conventional score notation in order to highlight details of musical examples and techniques. The final chapter discusses the conclusions made through the thesis research and result of this “synthesis” style of composition

    Bring the Break-beat Back! Authenticity and the politics of rhythm in drum & bass

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    This article focuses on the critical divergences between rhythm and repetition in contemporary drum ‘n’ bass music in three key ways. First, it shows how the characteristic “chopping” and acceleration of sampled break-beats emphasises continuity with the past, thereby placing the genre in a continuum of Black Atlantic cultural practice that articulates historical recuperation as a political priority, while signifying the discontinuity of time in an accelerated culture. Secondly, it addresses the persistent use of live break-beats as an impulse within the genre to emphasise competing discourses of authenticity in the context of Black Atlantic cultural memory. Thirdly, having examined the embodied performativity valorised in the sampling of live break-beats, the article shows how the critical valuation of rhythmic characteristics can function as a catalyst of genre mutation and sub-genre development in drum ‘n’ bass and other electronic dance music genres

    Selling the modern day tribe: The commodification of rave culture

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    This thesis examines youth and rave culture from the late 1980s to the present. It considers the history as well as the global and local impact of rave. I provide a visual ethnographic study from 1999-2014, based on my work as a commercial photographer of the Perth, Western Australian scene. While critically reflecting on existing subcultural research this thesis adds another dimension – the effect that global corporations have had in reshaping subcultural practices, specifically the commodification of rave culture in the form of the contemporary electronic dance festival. The research incorporates both qualitative and quantitative data to interrogate media coverage on rave culture as well as interviews and first hand experience within the rave scene. I analyse mainstream print and electronic media reporting of rave as a deviant youth subcultural practice linked to the use of the drug ecstasy. I consider the effect this had on rave and it’s rebranding to become known in contemporary times as EDM (electronic dance music). As a result I examine how rave has shifted from a youth subcultural activity to being not only mainstream and commercial, but also owned and controlled by global corporations. My discussion of the conventions of festival/music scenes will demonstrate how rave, which once operated outside ‘acceptable’ boundaries, has become a part of the conventional norm. A unique aspect of this thesis is the inclusion and analysis of my photographs taken over a 15 year period that document the changes that occurred as rave transitioned from a subversive underground scene to corporate run multimillion dollar events. The photographs are also compiled into an accompanying monograph. The monograph allows for an immersive visual experience of non-staged event images and predetermined studio and location photographs. The book offers what words alone cannot fully engage with – a representation of what was and remains a highly visual scene, based on fashion, performance and settings

    Understanding Communication Patterns in MOOCs: Combining Data Mining and qualitative methods

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    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) offer unprecedented opportunities to learn at scale. Within a few years, the phenomenon of crowd-based learning has gained enormous popularity with millions of learners across the globe participating in courses ranging from Popular Music to Astrophysics. They have captured the imaginations of many, attracting significant media attention - with The New York Times naming 2012 "The Year of the MOOC." For those engaged in learning analytics and educational data mining, MOOCs have provided an exciting opportunity to develop innovative methodologies that harness big data in education.Comment: Preprint of a chapter to appear in "Data Mining and Learning Analytics: Applications in Educational Research

    Widening participation and social mobility: Encompassing and integrating learning opportunities

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    Abstract Many regional universities occupy interesting positions between hi-tech, urban employers and learners, and learners from less socially or economically advantaged (including rural) backgrounds. Many such institutions have maintained their pre-92 roots in widening participation and providing employer-focused learning, and these are driven today through the inclusion of practice-oriented learning in their teaching strategies. Such institutions have a very strong presence in regional widening participation activities, and social mobility has a major part to play in who is likely to study at them. The aim of this paper is to consider two distinct types of learners who are enabled in their studies by widening participation opportunities:a)full-time undergraduate students who are beginning their lifelong learningb)mature learners, already within a workplace environment, who enter higher education to enhance their careers.Participation from both traditional and non-traditional groups in further and higher learning is considered essential to encourage economic growth and long-term social mobility. However, engaging the differing types of students to meet employers’ requirements needs varying approaches.Our findings show that:a)Social mobility plays an important part in how full-time students develop and how they consider long-term careers in terms of their current focus on education.b)Flexibility of learning is important for learners and employers to focus learning on both specific business requirements and individual professional development without losing the academic underpinning.In both cases, employer needs have to be recognised when developing and delivering education to ensure professional as well as academic requirements are met to create ‘graduate attributes’.This paper examines the balance between educational integrity and employer requirement. It focuses on examples of existing good practice within a specific institution that are designed to encourage those from non-standard academic backgrounds to achieve their potential. This is becoming particularly important with the advent of degree apprenticeships, which are likely to introduce a new demographic to higher education who might never have considered adult learning before. It also requires close collaboration with employers to ensure education provision meets the fundamental business needs within the local region.Key words Degree apprenticeships; placements; work-based learning; pedagogy; econometric
