11 research outputs found

    A novel approach towards skill-based search and services of Open Educational Resources

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    Ha, K.-H., Niemann, K., Schwertel, U., Holtkamp, P., Pirkkalainen, H., Börner, D. et al (2011). A novel approach towards skill-based search and services of Open Educational Resources. In E. Garcia-Barriocanal, A. Öztürk, & M. C. Okur (Eds.), Metadata and Semantics Research: 5th International Conference MTSR 2011 (pp. 312-323), Izmir, Turkey, October 12-14, 2011. Springer.Open educational resources (OER) have a high potential to address the growing need for training materials in management education and training. Today, a high number of OER in management are already available in a large number of repositories. However, users face barriers as they have to search repository by repository with different interfaces to retrieve the appropriate learning content. In addition, the use of search criteria related to skills, such as learning objectives and skill-levels is not generally supported. The European co-funded project OpenScout addresses these barriers by intelligently connecting leading European OER repositories and providing federated, skillbased search and retrieval web services. On top of this content federation the project supports users with easy-to-apply tools that will accelerate the (re-) use of open content

    Opening up! How to take full advantage of Open Educational Resources (OER) for Management Education

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    Terrasse, C., Marinova, B., Greller, W., Bitter-Rijpkema, M., & Schwertel, U. (2012). Opening up! How to take full advantage of Open Educational Resources (OER) for Management Education. In B. Rienties, P. Daly, S. Reeb-Gruber, K. Reid, & P. Van den Bossche, Proceedings of the 19th EDINEB Conference The Role of Business Education in a Chaotic World (pp. 145-149). Haarlem: FEBA ERD Press.General awareness and availability of Open educational resources (OER) have increased in recent years. Some institutions have already started incorporating OER in their strategies. However, compared to other educational fields, OER in Management and Business education have shown rather slow growth. This article discusses the incentives and barriers for the use of OER in Management and Business education. It reviews some useful accomplishments in the field, presents recommendations from various stakeholders and introduces the OpenScout initiative aimed at gathering OER and related tools for Management education

    Influence of employer support for professional development on MOOCs enrolment and completion: Results from a cross-course survey

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    Although the potential of open education and MOOCs for professional development is usually recognized, it has not yet been explored extensively. How far employers support non-formal learning is still an open question. This paper presents the findings of a survey-based study which focuses on the influence of employer support for (general) professional development on employees’ use of MOOCs. Findings show that employers are usually unaware that their employees are participating in MOOCs. In addition, employer support for general professional development is positively associated with employees completing MOOCs and obtaining certificates for them. However, the relationship between employer support and MOOC enrollment is less clear: workers who have more support from their employers tend to enroll in either a low or a high number of MOOCs. Finally, the promotion of a minimum of ICT skills by employers is shown to be an effective way of encouraging employee participation in the open education ecosystem.JRC.J.3-Information Societ

    Crossing Experiences in Digital Epigraphy: From Practice to Discipline

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    Although a relevant number of projects digitizing inscriptions are under development or have been recently accomplished, Digital Epigraphy is not yet considered to be a proper discipline and there are still no regular occasions to meet and discuss. By collecting contributions on nineteen projects – very diversified for geographic and chronological context, for script and language, and for typology of digital output – this volume intends to point out the methodological issues which are specific to the application of information technologies to epigraphy. The first part of the volume is focused on data modelling and encoding, which are conditioned by the specific features of different scripts and languages, and deeply influence the possibility to perform searches on texts and the approach to the lexicographic study of such under-resourced languages. The second part of the volume is dedicated to the initiatives aimed at fostering aggregation, dissemination and the reuse of epigraphic materials, and to discuss issues of interoperability. The common theme of the volume is the relationship between the compliance with the theoretic tools and the methodologies developed by each different tradition of studies, and, on the other side, the necessity of adopting a common framework in order to produce commensurable and shareable results. The final question is whether the computational approach is changing the way epigraphy is studied, to the extent of renovating the discipline on the basis of new, unexplored questions

    AIUCD2018 - Book of Abstracts

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    Questo volume raccoglie gli abstract dei paper presentati al Settimo Convegno Annuale AIUCD 2018 (Bari, 31 gennaio – 2 febbraio 2018) dal titolo "Patrimoni culturali nell’era digitale. Memorie, culture umanistiche e tecnologia" (Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age. Memory, Humanities and Technologies). Gli abstract pubblicati in questo volume hanno ottenuto il parere favorevole da parte di valutatori esperti della materia, attraverso un processo di revisione anonima mediante double-blind peer review sotto la responsabilità del Comitato Scientifico di AIUCD. Il programma della conferenza AIUCD 2018 è disponibile online all'indirizzo http://www.aiucd2018.uniba.it/

    AIUCD2018 - Book of Abstracts

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    Questo volume raccoglie gli abstract dei paper presentati al Settimo Convegno Annuale AIUCD 2018 (Bari, 31 gennaio – 2 febbraio 2018) dal titolo "Patrimoni culturali nell’era digitale. Memorie, culture umanistiche e tecnologia" (Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age. Memory, Humanities and Technologies). Gli abstract pubblicati in questo volume hanno ottenuto il parere favorevole da parte di valutatori esperti della materia, attraverso un processo di revisione anonima mediante double-blind peer review sotto la responsabilità del Comitato Scientifico di AIUCD. Il programma della conferenza AIUCD 2018 è disponibile online all'indirizzo http://www.aiucd2018.uniba.it/

    “Clinical Supervision with Confidence”: Exploring the potential of MOOCs for faculty development

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    Background: Postgraduate medical trainees require named clinical supervisors. Given the time pressures and difficulties of geographical access, there is a need to identify appropriate solutions for faculty development. We developed and launched a clinical supervision MOOC (FutureLearn platform) in March 2015. Objective: To assess the potential of the clinical supervision MOOC for faculty development. Methods: Quantitative data was obtained from FutureLearn course analytics and course surveys; qualitative data was obtained from learner feedback within the MOOC. Results: Learners (1,938) from over 75 countries signed up for the MOOC. Of the 899 individuals who began the course, 334 (37.2%) completed. Learners were highly satisfied with the course design and delivery, and enjoyed the opportunities for interprofessional and social learning. Conclusions: MOOCs have great potential for faculty development without geographical boundaries

    Nuevas tecnologías aplicadas al análisis de la cerámica ibérica a torno del Alto Guadalquivir (S. VI a.n.e-S. I d.n.e)

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    [ES] En esta tesis se presenta una metodología de digitalización, sistematización y clasificación de cerámica arqueológica realizada sobre una colección de referencia compuesta por 1.133 recipientes cerámicos documentados en asentamientos de época ibérica de la Alta Andalucía (Jaén, Córdoba y Granada). Se han introducido métodos basados en nuevas tecnologías que han permitido la realización de modelos tridimensionales de recipientes cerámicos, la construcción de una plataforma on line en la que se ha incluido información gráfica y semántica referente a los recipientes y el diseño de un sistema informático de apoyo a la decisión en el proceso de clasificación basado en análisis de imágenes.Por último la información se ha insertado en el portal de la cultura europea de Europeana (http://www.europeana.eu/portal/).[EN] This thesis presents a methodology for digitization, systematization and classification of archaeological ceramics. It has been performed on a reference collection composed of 1,133 ceramic vessels documented in settlements of the Iberian period of Andalusia (Jaén, Córdoba and Granada). Methods based on new technologies have been introduced to allow the elaboration of three-dimensional models of ceramic vessels, the construction of an online platform on which graphical and semantic information is included and the design of a decision support system for the ceramic classification based on image analysis. Finally the information has been inserted in the European culture portal of Europeana (http://www.europeana.eu/portal/).Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Patrimonio Histórico. Leída el 28 de enero de 201