1 research outputs found

    Agent-based management of clinical guidelines

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    Les guies de pr脿ctica cl铆nica (GPC) contenen un conjunt d'accions i dades que ajuden a un metge a prendre decisions sobre el diagn貌stic, tractament o qualsevol altre procediment a un pacient i sobre una determinada malaltia. 脡s conegut que l'adopci贸 d'aquestes guies en la vida di脿ria pot millorar l'assist猫ncia m猫dica als pacients, pel fet que s'estandarditzen les pr脿ctiques. Sistemes computeritzats que utilitzen GPC poden constituir part de sistemes d'ajut a la presa de decisions m茅s complexos amb la finalitat de proporcionar el coneixement adequat a la persona adequada, en un format correcte i en el moment prec铆s. L'automatitzaci贸 de l'execuci贸 de les GPC 茅s el primer pas per la seva implantaci贸 en els centres m猫dics.Per aconseguir aquesta implantaci贸 final, hi ha diferents passos que cal solucionar com per exemple, l'adquisici贸 i representaci贸 de les GPC, la seva verificaci贸 formal, i finalment la seva execuci贸. Aquesta Tesi est脿 dirigida en l'execuci贸 de GPC i proposa la implementaci贸 d'un sistema multi-agent. En aquest sistema els diferents actors dels centres m猫dics coordinen les seves activitats seguint un pla global determinat per una GPC. Un dels principals problemes de qualsevol sistema que treballa en l'脿mbit m猫dic 茅s el tractament del coneixement. En aquest cas s'han hagut de tractar termes m猫dics i organitzatius, que s'ha resolt amb la implementaci贸 de diferents ontologies. La separaci贸 de la representaci贸 del coneixement del seu 煤s 茅s intencionada i permet que el sistema d'execuci贸 de GPC sigui f脿cilment adaptable a les circumst脿ncies concretes dels centres, on varien el personal i els recursos disponibles.En paral路lel a l'execuci贸 de GPC, el sistema proposat manega prefer猫ncies del pacient per tal d'implementar serveis adaptats al pacient. En aquesta 脿rea concretament, a) s'han definit un conjunt de criteris, b) aquesta informaci贸 forma part del perfil de l'usuari i serveix per ordenar les propostes que el sistema li proposa, i c) un algoritme no supervisat d'aprenentatge permet adaptar les prefer猫ncies del pacient segons tri茂.Finalment, algunes idees d'aquesta Tesi actualment s'estan aplicant en dos projectes de recerca. Per una banda, l'execuci贸 distribu茂da de GPC, i per altra banda, la representaci贸 del coneixement m猫dic i organitzatiu utilitzant ontologies.Clinical guidelines (CGs) contain a set of directions or principles to assist the health care practitioner with patient care decisions about appropriate diagnostic, therapeutic, or other clinical procedures for specific clinical circumstances. It is widely accepted that the adoption of guideline-execution engines in daily practice would improve the patient care, by standardising the care procedures. Guideline-based systems can constitute part of a knowledge-based decision support system in order to deliver the right knowledge to the right people in the right form at the right time. The automation of the guideline execution process is a basic step towards its widespread use in medical centres.To achieve this general goal, different topics should be tackled, such as the acquisition of clinical guidelines, its formal verification, and finally its execution. This dissertation focuses on the execution of CGs and proposes the implementation of an agent-based platform in which the actors involved in health care coordinate their activities to perform the complex task of guideline enactment. The management of medical and organizational knowledge, and the formal representation of the CGs, are two knowledge-related topics addressed in this dissertation and tackled through the design of several application ontologies. The separation of the knowledge from its use is fully intentioned, and allows the CG execution engine to be easily customisable to different medical centres with varying personnel and resources.In parallel with the execution of CGs, the system handles citizen's preferences and uses them to implement patient-centred services. With respect this issue, the following tasks have been developed: a) definition of the user's criteria, b) use of the patient's profile to rank the alternatives presented to him, c) implementation of an unsupervised learning method to adapt dynamically and automatically the user's profile.Finally, several ideas of this dissertation are being directly applied in two ongoing funded research projects, including the agent-based execution of CGs and the ontological management of medical and organizational knowledge