18 research outputs found

    Resolving the Problem of Intelligent Learning Content in Learning Management Systems

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    Current e-learning standardization initiatives have put much effort into easing interoperability between systems and the reusability of contents. For this to be possible, one of the most relevant areas is the definition of a run-time environment, which allows Learning Management Systems to launch, track and communicate with learning objects. However, when dealing with intelligent content, these environments show important restrictions. In this article, we study these restrictions, comparing several standardized run-time environments with nonstandardized solutions that aim to overcome these constraints

    A review of technology-enhanced Chinese character teaching and learning in a digital context

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    The acquisition of Chinese characters has been widely acknowledged as challenging for learners of Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) due to their unique logographic nature and the time and effort involved. However, recent advancements in instructional technologies demonstrate a promising role in facilitating the teaching and learning of Chinese characters. This paper examines studies exploring technology-enhanced character teaching and learning (TECTL) through a systematic literature review of relevant publications produced between 2010 and 2021. The synthesized findings shed insights on the research undertaken in the TECTL field, identifying a focus on characters’ component disassembling, re-assembling, and associations among orthography, semantics, and phonology. In addition, learners’ perceptions toward the use of technology and the benefits of various types of technological tools are also discussed in detail. Implications for TECTL are also put forward for future pedagogical practice and exploration

    An Investigation into the Management of Online Teaching and Learning Spaces: A Case Study Involving Graduate Research Students

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    This research evaluates the strategies implemented to support the research activities of postgraduate students pursuing online master\u27s programs in the University of the West Indies Open Campus, as well as the activities of their supervisors. The three main strategies employed were (1) the use of a web-based \u27teaching-learning space\u27 to facilitate asynchronous interaction between students and their supervisors; (2) the provision of a scheduling tool to facilitate the planning of one-on-one meetings via a synchronous web-conferencing tool; and (3) the organization of research seminars using the same web-conferencing tool. This research used Moore\u27s theory of transactional distance and social cognitive theoretical framework to guide the project. Moore\u27s model reemphasizes the need for stronger forms of communicating for online students, whereas the cognitive framework focuses on the need for social interaction among learner and teacher. Participants were graduate students (n = 34). All participants were required to complete a questionnaire online. Data were also collected from postings in discussion forums. Overall, notwithstanding limitations, the data shows there are benefits to be gained from conducting student research activities in an online environment

    Exploring E-portfolios: Illuminating Accounts of the Pedagogical Innovation Training Programme at the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu

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    Every educational institution strives for pedagogical excellence, driven by the goal of providing the most effective and impactful learning experiences to its students. This is no different at the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu (IPV) and other Polytechnic Institutes participating in a Pedagogical Innovation Training Programme developed within a consortium committed to enriching educational methodologies and tools. There is evidence that innovative pedagogical methodologies lead to enhanced student engagement, foster meaningful interactions, promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and ultimately better academic achievement. This study focuses on the training course on pedagogical innovation offered to the teaching staff from IPV and vocational schoolteachers from the region, by examining their reflective portfolios. We aim at illuminating the impact and efficacy of the initiative in fostering active methodologies and innovative pedagogical tools, employing qualitative analysis to uncover the nuanced perceptions of the IPV participants in the six editions of the programme (2021-2023). The findings reveal that they value active methodologies, intercultural and multidisciplinary collaboration, and the integration of industry- aligned skills development, even if we encounter accounts of challenges faced during the implementation process of the training course. Ultimately, this study contributes to assessing the initiative’s impact and underscores the pivotal role of innovative teaching methodologies in striving for educational excellence. In light of the findings, policy recommendations include encouraging continued investment in pedagogical innovation training programmes, supporting interdisciplinary collaboration, fostering industry alignment, and addressing implementation challenges to ensure the effectiveness of such initiatives.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Personality representation: predicting behaviour for personalised learning support

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    The need for personalised support systems comes from the growing number of students that are being supported within institutions with shrinking resources. Over the last decade the use of computers and the Internet within education has become more predominant. This opens up a range of possibilities in regard to spreading that resource further and more effectively. Previous attempts to create automated systems such as intelligent tutoring systems and learning companions have been criticised for being pedagogically ineffective and relying on large knowledge sources which restrict their domain of application. More recent work on adaptive hypermedia has resolved some of these issues but has been criticised for the lack of support scope, focusing on learning paths and alternative content presentation. The student model used within these systems is also of limited scope and often based on learning history or learning styles.This research examines the potential of using a personality theory as the basis for a personalisation mechanism within an educational support system. The automated support system is designed to utilise a personality based profile to predict student behaviour. This prediction is then used to select the most appropriate feedback from a selection of reflective hints for students performing lab based programming activities. The rationale for the use of personality is simply that this is the concept psychologists use for identifying individual differences and similarities which are expressed in everyday behaviour. Therefore the research has investigated how these characteristics can be modelled in order to provide a fundamental understanding of the student user and thus be able to provide tailored support. As personality is used to describe individuals across many situations and behaviours, the use of such at the core of a personalisation mechanism may overcome the issues of scope experienced by previous methods.This research poses the following question: can a representation of personality be used to predict behaviour within a software system, in such a way, as to be able to personalise support?Putting forward the central claim that it is feasible to capture and represent personality within a software system for the purpose of personalising services.The research uses a mixed methods approach including a number and combination of quantitative and qualitative methods for both investigation and determining the feasibility of this approach.The main contribution of the thesis has been the development of a set of profiling models from psychological theories, which account for both individual differences and group similarities, as a means of personalising services. These are then applied to the development of a prototype system which utilises a personality based profile. The evidence from the evaluation of the developed prototype system has demonstrated an ability to predict student behaviour with limited success and personalise support.The limitations of the evaluation study and implementation difficulties suggest that the approach taken in this research is not feasible. Further research and exploration is required –particularly in the application to a subject area outside that of programming

    New concepts integration on e-learning platforms

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    The learning experience has evolved into the virtual world of the Internet, where learners have the possibility to shift from face-to-face learning environments to virtual learning environments supported by technologies. This concept, called e-learning, emerged in the early 1960s where a group of researchers from the Stanford University, USA began experimenting different ways to publish and assign learning content using a computer. These experiments were the beginning that led to the creation of countless learning platforms, initially constructed in standalone environments and later ported to the Internet as Webbased learning platforms. As initial objectives, these learning platforms include a collection of features to support instructors and learners in the learning process. However, some of these platforms continued to be based on an old instructor-centered learning model and created a collection of outdated technologies that, given the current need to a learner-center learning model and the existence of Web 2.0 technologies, become inadequate. As a solution to address and overcome these challenges, a friendly user interface and a correct root incorporation of Web 2.0 services a platform designed to focus the learning experience and environment personalization into the learner is needed to propose. In an operating system (OS) context the graphic user interface (GUI) is guided by a collection of approaches that details how human beings should interact with computers. These are the key ideas to customize, install, and organize virtual desktops. The combination of desktop concepts into a learning platform can be an asset to reduce the learning curve necessary to know how to use the system and also to create a group of flexible learning services. However, due to limitations in hypertext transfer protocol-hypertext markup language (HTTP-HTML) traditional solutions, to shift traditional technologies to a collection of rich Internet application (RIA) technologies and personal learning environments (PLEs) concepts is needed, in order to construct a desktop-like learning platform. RIA technologies will allow the design of powerful Web solutions containing many of the characteristics of desktop-like applications. Additionally, personal learning environments (PLEs) will help learners to manage learning contents. In this dissertation the personal learning environment box (PLEBOX) is presented. The PLEBOX platform is a customizable, desktop-like platform similar to the available operating systems, based on personal learning environments concepts and rich Internet applications technologies that provide a better learning environment for users. PLEBOX developers have a set of tools that allow the creation of learning and management modules that can be installed on the platform. These tools are management learning components and interfaces built as APIs, services, and objects of the software development kit (SDK). A group of prototype modules were build for evaluation of learning and management services, APIs, and SDKs. Furthermore, three case studies were created in order to evaluate and demonstrate the learning service usage in external environments. The PLEBOX deployment and corresponding features confirms that this platform can be seen as a very promising e-learning platform. Exhaustive experiments were driven with success and it is ready for use.A experiência de aprendizagem baseada em tecnologias evoluiu para o mundo virtual da Internet, onde os alunos têm a possibilidade de mudar uma aprendizagem presencial em sala de aula para uma aprendizagem baseada em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem suportados por tecnologias. O conceito de e-learning surgiu nos anos sessenta (1960) quando um grupo de investigadores da Universidade de Standford, nos Estados Unidos, começaram a experimentar diferentes formas de publicar e atribuir conteúdos de aprendizagem através do computador. Estas experiências marcaram o começo que levou à criação de inúmeras plataformas de aprendizagem, inicialmente construídas em ambientes isolados e depois migradas para a Internet como plataformas de aprendizagem baseadas na Web. Como objectivos inicias, estas plataformas de aprendizagem incluem um conjunto de recursos para apoiar professores e alunos no processo de aprendizagem. No entanto, algumas destas plataformas continuam a ser baseadas em velhos modelos de aprendizagem centrados no professor, criadas com base em tecnologias ultrapassadas que, dadas as necessidades actuais de um modelo de aprendizagem centrado no aluno e da existência de tecnologias baseadas na Web 2.0, se tornaram inadequadas. Como abordagem para enfrentar e superar estes desafios propõem-se uma plataforma focada na personalização do ambiente de aprendizagem do aluno, composta por uma interface amigável e uma correcta incorporação de raiz de serviços da Web 2.0. No contexto dos sistemas operativos (SOs) o graphic user interface (GUI) é desenhado tendo em conta um conjunto de abordagens que detalha como as pessoas devem interagir com os computadores. Estas são as ideias chave para personalizar, instalar e organizar áreas de trabalho virtuais. A combinação do conceito desktop com uma plataforma de aprendizagem pode ser um trunfo para reduzir a curva de aprendizagem necessária para saber como utilizar o sistema e também para criar um grupo de serviços flexíveis de aprendizagem. No entanto, devido as limitações em soluções tradicionais hypertext transfer protocol - hypertext markup language (HTTP - HTML), é necessário migrar estas tecnologias para um grupo de tecnologias rich Internet application (RIA) e conceitos presentes em ambientes personalizados de aprendizagem (personal learning environment - PLE) para construir uma plataforma baseada em ambientes de trabalho virtuais de aprendizagem. As tecnologias RIA irão permitir a criação de soluções Web poderosas que contêm muitas das características disponíveis em aplicações desktop. Adicionalmente, o conceitos de PLE irá ajudar os alunos a gerir os seus próprios conteúdos de aprendizagem. Nesta dissertação, com base nas características apresentadas anteriormente, é apresentada a personal learning environment box (PLEBOX). A plataforma PLEBOX é uma solução de aprendizagem parametrizável com um ambiente de trabalho semelhante aos sistemas operativos actuais, baseando-se em personal learning environments e tecnologias RIA que fornecem um melhor ambiente de aprendizagem para os seus utilizadores. Os programadores da PLEBOX têm ao seu dispor um conjunto de ferramentas que permitem a criação de módulos de aprendizagem e administração que podem ser instalados na plataforma. Estas ferramentas são componentes de aprendizagem e interfaces construídos como APIs, serviços e objectos do software development kit (SDK). Foi construído um conjunto de módulos com o objectivo de avaliar e demonstrar os serviços de aprendizagem, os serviços de gestão, APIs e SDKs. Para além disso, foram criados três casos de estudo para avaliar e demonstrar a utilização dos serviços de aprendizagem em ambientes externos. O desenvolvimento efectuado até ao momento na PLEBOX e respectivos recursos confirma que esta plataforma pode ser vista com uma promissora plataforma de aprendizagem (e-learning), totalmente modular e adaptativa. Realizaram-se experiências exaustivas para testar a plataforma e estas foram realizadas com sucesso num ambiente real, estando assim a plataforma pronta para exploração real

    Development and Evaluation of a Sustainable e-Learning Framework for Higher Education Institutions in Malaysia

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    This thesis focuses on developing and evaluating a sustainable e-learning framework (SeLF) for the higher education institutions in Malaysia. A mixed methods approach was used. Data was collected through surveys from Malaysian universities to assess the characteristics of SeLF. The framework was then evaluated through expert interviews. The thesis highlights SeLF elements and their contribution to the Triple Bottom Line, facilitating sustainable e-learning and its contribution to society, the environment, and the economy

    The Impact of E-Readiness on ELearning Success in Saudi Arabian Higher Education Institutions

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    This research investigates how e-readiness impacts the success of e-learning initiatives in Saudi Arabia’s higher education institutions. The research model assesses this relationship taking into account the unique attributes of teachers, students and administrator in higher education institutions. Seven dimensions constituting the component factors of e-readiness were identified including policy and institutional business strategy, pedagogy, technology, interface design, management, administrative and resource support as well as evaluation and continual improvement. Also six dimensions which constitute the component factors of e-learning success including system, information and service qualities, use and user satisfaction as well as net benefits were also identified. The research hypothesizes, construct and test structural equation models (SEM) on the current levels of e-readiness of Saudi Arabian higher education institutions to successfully implement e-learning initiatives. Research instrument was developed using a pool of items generated from literature. The instruments used were verified and confirmed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Results of EFA, CFA indicated the measurement scale can serve as reliable and valid tool to assess the relationship between e-readiness and e-learning success in Saudi Arabian higher education institutions. Structural equation modelling was used to test this relationship and to assess the applicability of the study’s theoretical framework to different and multiple groups. The unique attributes of teachers, students and administrator to achieve meaningful comparisons across groups were considered and the results exhibit adequate cross-group equivalence which was achieved at different levels. Finding confirmed the universality of the five dimensions of e-readiness to have significant effects on the six dimensions of e-learning success. Additionally, the findings indicated stability of the relationships among the variables within the structural equation model and it isn’t influenced by differences of teachers, students, and administrators either conceptually or psychometrically. The current work contributes to our knowledge of e-learning through the lens of theoretical insights and empirical findings. The implications of the research in the context of Saudi Arabia are discussed and it is intended that the findings from this research can be used to inform strategic decision making towards harnessing the power of e-learning in the country’s higher institutions of learning

    Language Learning Effectiveness (Outcome) of an Online Synchronous EFL Program Compared to an ESL Face-to-Face Program

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    Abstract To provide English learning opportunities to International students while in their home countries, I designed an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) synchronous online program delivered via videoconferences. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of an Online EFL program when compared to a regular in-person Intensive English Program (IEP) where students are immersed in the American culture. The control group was composed of 88 students from Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries in South America that took the IEP offered by a private university in Kentucky in the past five years. Students in the control group had eight weeks of in-person English classes. The experimental group was composed of 88 students who participated in the EFL pilot course offered to Spanish and Portuguese-speaking students. The course was offered free of charge via zoom conferences twice a week for 8 eight weeks. The students were recruited over Facebook and WhatsApp. The study\u27s premise was to have students engaged in meaningful English language interactions with their peers and instructors to verify if there were significant differences between the pre and post-tests gains in both groups (Control and Experimental Group) of treatment (in-person and online English instruction). The results indicated a language gain in listening, grammar, and vocabulary for both groups, suggesting that both treatments produced similar language skills improvements. In virtue of the results, the author recognizes that the implementation of EFL programs delivered 100% online via videoconferences is a viable solution to problems of cost and mobility for English Language Learners (ELL), particularly in times of global crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Keywords: CALL, MALL, Language Program Comparison, EFL via videoconference

    Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction towards E-shopping in Malaysia

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    Online shopping or e-shopping has changed the world of business and quite a few people have decided to work with these features. What their primary concerns precisely and the responses from the globalisation are the competency of incorporation while doing their businesses. E-shopping has also increased substantially in Malaysia in recent years. The rapid increase in the e-commerce industry in Malaysia has created the demand to emphasize on how to increase customer satisfaction while operating in the e-retailing environment. It is very important that customers are satisfied with the website, or else, they would not return. Therefore, a crucial fact to look into is that companies must ensure that their customers are satisfied with their purchases that are really essential from the ecommerce’s point of view. With is in mind, this study aimed at investigating customer satisfaction towards e-shopping in Malaysia. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed among students randomly selected from various public and private universities located within Klang valley area. Total 369 questionnaires were returned, out of which 341 questionnaires were found usable for further analysis. Finally, SEM was employed to test the hypotheses. This study found that customer satisfaction towards e-shopping in Malaysia is to a great extent influenced by ease of use, trust, design of the website, online security and e-service quality. Finally, recommendations and future study direction is provided. Keywords: E-shopping, Customer satisfaction, Trust, Online security, E-service quality, Malaysia