7 research outputs found

    A hierarchical model to manage hardware topology in MPI applications

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    International audienceThe MPI standard is a major contribution in the landscape of parallel programming. Since its inception in the mid 90's it has ensured portability and performance for parallel applications on a wide spectrum of machines and architectures. With the advent of multicore machines, understanding and taking into account the underlying physical topology and memory hierarchy have become of paramount importance. The MPI standard in its current state, however, and despite recent evolutions is still unable to offer mechanisms to achieve this. In this paper, we detail several additions to the standard that give the user tools to address the hardware topology and data locality issues while improving application performance

    Distributed EaaS simulation using TEEs: A case study in the implementation and practical application of an embedded computer cluster

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    Internet of Things (IoT) devices with limited resources struggle to generate the high-quality entropy required for high-quality randomness. This results in weak cryptographic keys. As keys are a single point of failure in modern cryptography, IoT devices performing cryptographic operations may be susceptible to a variety of attacks. To address this issue, we develop an Entropy as a Service (EaaS) simulation. The purpose of EaaS is to provide IoT devices with high-quality entropy as a service so that they can use it to generate strong keys. Additionally, we utilise Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) in the simulation. TEE is a secure processor component that provides data protection, integrity, and confidentiality for select applications running on the processor by isolating them from other system processes (including the OS). TEE thereby enhances system security. The EaaS simulation is performed on a computer cluster known as the Magi cluster. Magi cluster is a private computer cluster that has been designed, built, configured, and tested as part of this thesis to meet the requirements of Tampere University's Network and Information Security Group (NISEC). In this thesis, we explain how the Magi cluster is implemented and how it is utilised to conduct a distributed EaaS simulation utilising TEEs.Esineiden internetin (Internet of Things, IoT) laitteilla on tyypillisesti rajallisten resurssien vuoksi haasteita tuottaa tarpeeksi korkealaatuista entropiaa vahvan satunnaisuuden luomiseen. Tämä johtaa heikkoihin salausavaimiin. Koska salausavaimet ovat modernin kryptografian heikoin lenkki, IoT-laitteilla tehtävät kryptografiset operaatiot saattavat olla haavoittuvaisia useita erilaisia hyökkäyksiä vastaan. Ratkaistaksemme tämän ongelman kehitämme simulaation, joka tarjoaa IoT-laitteille vahvaa entropiaa palveluna (Entropy as a Service, EaaS). EaaS-simulaation ideana on jakaa korkealaatuista entropiaa palveluna IoT-laitteille, jotta ne pystyvät luomaan vahvoja salausavaimia. Hyödynnämme simulaatiossa lisäksi luotettuja suoritusympäristöjä (Trusted Execution Environment, TEE). TEE on prosessorilla oleva erillinen komponentti, joka tarjoaa eristetyn ja turvallisen ajoympäristön valituille ohjelmille. TEE:tä hyödyntämällä ajonaikaiselle ohjelmalle voidaan taata datan suojaus, luottamuksellisuus sekä eheys eristämällä se muista järjestelmällä ajetuista ohjelmista (mukaan lukien käyttöjärjestelmä). Näin ollen TEE parantaa järjestelmän tietoturvallisuutta. EaaS-simulaatio toteutetaan Magi-nimisellä tietokoneklusterilla. Magi on Tampereen Yliopiston Network and Information Security Group (NISEC) -tutkimusryhmän oma yksityinen klusteri, joka on suunniteltu, rakennettu, määritelty ja testattu osana tätä diplomityötä. Tässä diplomityössä käymme läpi, kuinka Magi-klusteri on toteutettu ja kuinka sillä toteutetaan hajautettu EaaS-simulaatio hyödyntäen TEE:itä

    Hardware topology management in MPI applications through hierarchical communicators

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    International audienceThe MPI standard is a major contribution in the landscape of parallel programming. Since its inception in the mid 90s it has ensured portability and performance for parallel applications on a wide spectrum of machines and architectures. With the advent of multicore machines, understanding and taking into account the underlying physical topology and memory hierarchy have become of paramount importance. On the other hand, providing abstract mechanisms to manipulate the hardware topology is also fundamental. The MPI standard in its current state, however, and despite recent evolutions is still unable to offer mechanisms to achieve this. In this paper, we detail several additions to the standard for building new MPI communicators corresponding to hardware hierarchy levels. It provides the user with tools to address hardware topology and locality issues while improving application performance

    Un modèle hièrarchique pour la gestion de la topologie dans les applications MPI

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    The MPI standard is a major contribution in the landscape of parallel programming. Since its inception in the mid 90's it has ensured portability and performance for parallel applications on a wide spectrum of machines and architectures. With the advent of multicore machines, understanding and taking into account the underlying physical topology and memory hierarchy as become of paramount importance. The MPI standard in its current state, however, and despite recent evolutions is still unable to offer mechanisms to achieve this. In this paper, we detail several additions to the standard that give the user tools to address the hardware topology and data locality issues while improving application performance.Le standard MPI est une contribution importante dans le domaine de la programmation parallèle. Il est destiné à l'écriture d'applications parallèles pour un large éventail d'architectures parallèles. L'arrivée des machines multicœur implique une compréhension plus fine de la topologie matérielle sous-jacente, notamment en ce qui concerne les hiérarchies mémoire et réseau. Or, dans son statut actuel, MPI ne permet pas de prendre ces aspects en compte. Nous détaillons dans cet article des modifications à MPI pour permettre la prise en compte de ces aspects afind'améliorer les performances applicatives

    Automatic Generation of Models of Microarchitectures

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    Detailed microarchitectural models are necessary to predict, explain, or optimize the performance of software running on modern microprocessors. Building such models often requires a significant manual effort, as the documentation provided by hardware manufacturers is typically not precise enough. The goal of this thesis is to develop techniques for generating microarchitectural models automatically. In the first part, we focus on recent x86 microarchitectures. We implement a tool to accurately evaluate small microbenchmarks using hardware performance counters. We then describe techniques to automatically generate microbenchmarks for measuring the performance of individual instructions and for characterizing cache architectures. We apply our implementations to more than a dozen different microarchitectures. In the second part of the thesis, we study more general techniques to obtain models of hardware components. In particular, we propose the concept of gray-box learning, and we develop a learning algorithm for Mealy machines that exploits prior knowledge about the system to be learned. Finally, we show how this algorithm can be adapted to minimize incompletely specified Mealy machines—a well-known NP-complete problem. Our implementation outperforms existing exact minimization techniques by several orders of magnitude on a number of hard benchmarks; it is even competitive with state-of-the-art heuristic approaches.Zur Vorhersage, Erklärung oder Optimierung der Leistung von Software auf modernen Mikroprozessoren werden detaillierte Modelle der verwendeten Mikroarchitekturen benötigt. Das Erstellen derartiger Modelle ist oft mit einem hohen Aufwand verbunden, da die erforderlichen Informationen von den Prozessorherstellern typischerweise nicht zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, Techniken zu entwickeln, um derartige Modelle automatisch zu erzeugen. Im ersten Teil beschäftigen wir uns mit aktuellen x86-Mikroarchitekturen. Wir entwickeln zuerst ein Tool, das kleine Microbenchmarks mithilfe von Performance Countern auswerten kann. Danach beschreiben wir Techniken, um automatisch Microbenchmarks zu erzeugen, mit denen die Leistung einzelner Instruktionen gemessen sowie die Cache-Architektur charakterisiert werden kann. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit betrachten wir allgemeinere Techniken, um Hardwaremodelle zu erzeugen. Wir schlagen das Konzept des “Gray-Box Learning” vor, und wir entwickeln einen Lernalgorithmus für Mealy-Maschinen, der bekannte Informationen über das zu lernende System berücksichtigt. Zum Abschluss zeigen wir, wie dieser Algorithmus auf das Problem der Minimierung unvollständig spezifizierter Mealy-Maschinen übertragen werden kann. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein bekanntes NP-vollständiges Problem. Unsere Implementierung ist in mehreren Benchmarks um Größenordnungen schneller als vorherige Ansätze

    Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems

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    This open access two-volume set constitutes the proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS 2020, which took place in Dublin, Ireland, in April 2020, and was held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2020. The total of 60 regular papers presented in these volumes was carefully reviewed and selected from 155 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: Program verification; SAT and SMT; Timed and Dynamical Systems; Verifying Concurrent Systems; Probabilistic Systems; Model Checking and Reachability; and Timed and Probabilistic Systems. Part II: Bisimulation; Verification and Efficiency; Logic and Proof; Tools and Case Studies; Games and Automata; and SV-COMP 2020