580 research outputs found

    Application of adaptive equalisation to microwave digital radio

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    Sensores passivos alimentados por transmissão de energia sem fios para aplicações de Internet das coisas

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    Nowadays, the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) depend on the battery duration of the sensors and there is a renewed interest in creating a passive sensor network scheme in the area of Internet of Things (IoT) and space oriented WSN systems. The challenges for the future of radio communications have a twofold evolution, one being the low power consumption and, another, the adaptability and intelligent use of the available resources. Specially designed radios should be used to reduce power consumption, and adapt to the environment in a smart and e cient way. This thesis will focus on the development of passive sensors based on low power communication (backscatter) with Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) capabilities used in IoT applications. In that sense, several high order modulations for the communication will be explored and proposed in order to increase the data rate. Moreover, the sensors need to be small and cost e ective in order to be embedded in other technologies or devices. Consequently, the RF front-end of the sensors will be designed and implemented in Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC).Atualmente, as redes de sensores sem fios dependem da duração da bateria e,deste modo, existe um interesse renovado em criar um esquema de rede de sensores passivos na área de internet das coisas e sistemas de redes de sensores sem fios relacionados com o espaço. Os desafios do futuro das comunicações de rádio têm uma dupla evolução, sendo um o baixo consumo de energia e, outro, a adaptação e o uso inteligente dos recursos disponíveis. Rádios diferentes dos convencionais devem ser usados para reduzir o consumo de energia e devem adaptar-se ao ambiente de forma inteligente e eficiente, de modo a que este use a menor quantidade de energia possível para estabelecer a comunicação. Esta tese incide sobre o desenvolvimento de sensores passivos baseados em comunicação de baixo consumo energético (backscatter) com recurso a transmissão de energia sem fios de modo a que possam ser usados em diferentes aplicações inseridas na internet das coisas. Nesse sentido, várias modulações de alta ordem para a comunicação backscatter serão exploradas e propostas com o objectivo de aumentar a taxa de transmissão de dados. Além disso, os sensores precisam de ser reduzidos em tamanho e económicos de modo a serem incorporados em outras tecnologias ou dispositivos. Consequentemente, o front-end de rádio frequência dos sensores será projetado e implementado em circuito integrado de microondas monolítico.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Eletrotécnic

    Optical techniques for broadband in-building networks

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    Optical fibres, which can easily handle any bandwidth demand, have been rolled out to more than 32 million consumer’s homes and professional buildings worldwide up to 2010. The basic technological and economical challenges of fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) has been solved. The current FTTH technology can now providing baseband Gbit Ethernet and high definition TV services to the gates of homes. Thus, the bottleneck for delivery of broadband services to the end users is shifting from the access network to the in-building network. In the meantime, the need for high-capacity transmission between devices inside the building, e.g. between desktop PC and data services, are also rapidly increase. How to bring high bandwidth to the mobile terminals such as laptops, PDAs or cell phones as well as to the fixed terminals such as desktop PCs and HDTV equipment in an all-in-one network infrastructure is a challenge we are facing. Building on the flexibility of the wireless access networks and the latent vast bandwidth of a fibre infrastructure, radio-over-fibre (RoF) techniques have been proposed as a cost-effective solution to the future integrated broadband services in in-building networks. This thesis investigates techniques to deliver high data rate wireless services via in-building networks: high capacity RoF links employing optical frequency multiplication (OFM) and sub-carrier multiplexing (SCM) techniques, with single- or multi-carrier signal formats. The orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) format is investigated for the RoF transmission system, particularly with regard to the optical system nonlinearity. For low-cost short-range optical backbone networks, RoF transmission over large-core diameter plastic optical fibre (POF) links has been studied, including the transmission of the WiMedia-compliant multiband OFDM UWB signal over bandwidth-limited large-core POF as well as a full-duplex bi-directional UWB transmission over POF. In order to improve the functionalities for delivery of wireless services of in-building networks, techniques to introduce flexibility into the network architecture and to create dynamic capacity allocation have been investigated. By employing optical switching techniques based on optical semiconductor amplifiers (SOA), an optically routed RoF system has been studied. The dynamic capacity allocation is addressed by investigating one-dimensional and two-dimensional routing using electrical SCM and optical wavelengths. In addition, next to RoF networking, this thesis explores techniques for wired delivery of baseband high capacity services over POF links by employing a multi-level signal modulation format, in particular discrete multi-tone (DMT) modulation. Transmission of 10 Gbit/s data over 1 mm core diameter PMMA POF links is demonstrated, as a competitor to more expensive fibre solutions such as silica single and multimode fibre. A record transmission rate of more than 40 Gbit/s is presented for POF whose core diameter is comparable with silica multimode fibre. Finally, from the network perspective, the convergence of wired and wireless multi-standard services into a single fibre-based infrastructure has been studied. Techniques have been designed and demonstrated for in-building networks, which can convey both high capacity baseband services and broadband radio frequency (RF) services over a POF backbone link. The multi-standard RoF signals carry different wireless services at different radio frequencies and with different bandwidths, including WiFi, WiMax, UMTS and UWB. System setups to carry them together over the same multimode optical fibre based network have been designed and experimentally shown. All the concepts, designs and system experiments presented in this thesis underline the strong potential of multimode (silica and plastic) optical fibre techniques for the delivery of broadband services to wired and wireless devices in in-building networks, in order to extend to the end user the benefits of the broadband FTTH networks which are being installed and deployed worldwide

    Converged wireline and wireless signal distribution in optical fiber access networks

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    Photonic Vector Processing Techniques for Radiofrequency Signals

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    [EN] The processing of radiofrequency signals using photonics means is a discipline that appeared almost at the same time as the laser and the optical fibre. Photonics offers the capability of managing broadband radiofrequency (RF) signals thanks to its low transmission attenuation, a variety of linear and non-linear phenomena and, recently, the potential to implement integrated photonic subsystems. These features open the door for the implementation of multiple functionalities including optical transportation, up and down frequency conversion, optical RF filtering, signal multiplexing, de-multiplexing, routing and switching, optical sampling, tone generation, delay control, beamforming and photonic generation of digital modulations, and even a combination of several of these functionalities. This thesis is focused on the application of vector processing in the optical domain to radiofrequency signals in two fields of application: optical beamforming, and photonic vector modulation and demodulation of digital quadrature amplitude modulations. The photonic vector control enables to adjust the amplitude and phase of the radiofrequency signals in the optical domain, which is the fundamental processing that is required in different applications such as beamforming networks for direct radiating array (DRA) antennas and multilevel quadrature modulation. The work described in this thesis include different techniques for implementing a photonic version of beamforming networks for direct radiating arrays (DRA) known as optical beamforming networks (OBFN), with the objectives of providing a precise control in terrestrial applications of broadband signals at very high frequencies above 40 GHz in communication antennas, optimizing the size and mass when compared with the electrical counterparts in space application, and presenting new photonic-based OBFN functionalities. Thus, two families of OBFNs are studied: fibre-based true time delay architectures and integrated networks. The first allow the control of broadband signals using dispersive optical fibres with wavelength division multiplexing techniques and advanced functionalities such as direction of arrival estimation in receiving architectures. In the second, passive OBFNs based on monolithically-integrated Optical Butler Matrices are studied, including an ultra-compact solution using optical heterodyne techniques in silicon-on-insulator (SOI) material, and an alternative implementing a homodyne counterpart in germanium doped silica material. In this thesis, the application of photonic vector processing to the generation of quadrature digital modulations has also been investigated. Multilevel modulations are based on encoding digital information in discrete states of phase and amplitude of an electrical signal to enhance spectral efficiency, as for instance, in quadrature modulation. The signal process required for generating and demodulating this kind of signals involves vector processing (phase and amplitude control) and frequency conversion. Unlike the common electronic or digital implementation, in this thesis, different photonic based signal processing techniques are studied to produce digital modulation (photonic vector modulation, PVM) and demodulation (PVdM). These techniques are of particular interest in the case of broadband signals where the data rate required to be managed is in the order of gigabit per second, for applications like wireless backhauling of metro optical networks (known as fibre-to-the-air). The techniques described use optical dispersion in optical fibres, wavelength division multiplexing and photonic up/down conversion. Additionally, an optical heterodyne solution implemented monolithically in a photonic integrated circuit (PIC) is also described.[ES] El procesamiento de señales de radiofrecuencia (RF) utilizando medios fotónicos es una disciplina que apareció casi al mismo tiempo que el láser y la fibra óptica. La fotónica ofrece la capacidad de manipular señales de radiofrecuencia de banda ancha, una baja atenuación, procesados basados en una amplia variedad de fenómenos lineales y no lineales y, recientemente, el potencial para implementar subsistemas fotónicos integrados. Estas características ofrecen un gran potencial para la implementación de múltiples funcionalidades incluyendo transporte óptico, conversión de frecuencia, filtrado óptico de RF, multiplexación y demultiplexación de señales, encaminamiento y conmutación, muestreo óptico, generación de tonos, líneas de retardo, conformación de haz en agrupaciones de antenas o generación fotónica de modulaciones digitales, e incluso una combinación de varias de estas funcionalidades. Esta tesis se centra en la aplicación del procesamiento vectorial en el dominio óptico de señales de radiofrecuencia en dos campos de aplicación: la conformación óptica de haces y la modulación y demodulación vectorial fotónica de señales digitales en cuadratura. El control fotónico vectorial permite manipular la amplitud y fase de las señales de radiofrecuencia en el dominio óptico, que es el procesamiento fundamental que se requiere en diferentes aplicaciones tales como las redes de conformación de haces para agrupaciones de antenas y en la modulación en cuadratura. El trabajo descrito en esta tesis incluye diferentes técnicas para implementar una versión fotónica de las redes de conformación de haces de en agrupaciones de antenas, conocidas como redes ópticas de conformación de haces (OBFN). Se estudian dos familias de redes: arquitecturas de retardo en fibra óptica y arquitecturas integradas. Las primeras permiten el control de señales de banda ancha utilizando fibras ópticas dispersivas con técnicas de multiplexado por división de longitud de onda y funcionalidades avanzadas tales como la estimación del ángulo de llegada de la señal en la antena receptora. En la segunda, se estudian redes de conformación pasivas basadas en Matrices de Butler ópticas integradas, incluyendo una solución ultra-compacta utilizando técnicas ópticas heterodinas en silicio sobre aislante (SOI), y una alternativa homodina en sílice dopado con germanio. En esta tesis, también se han investigado técnicas de procesado vectorial fotónico para la generación de modulaciones digitales en cuadratura. Las modulaciones multinivel codifican la información digital en estados discretos de fase y amplitud de una señal eléctrica para aumentar su eficiencia espectral, como por ejemplo la modulación en cuadratura. El procesado necesario para generar y demodular este tipo de señales implica el procesamiento vectorial (control de amplitud y fase) y la conversión de frecuencia. A diferencia de la implementación electrónica o digital convencional, en esta tesis se estudian diferentes técnicas de procesado fotónico tanto para la generación de modulaciones digitales (modulación vectorial fotónica, PVM) como para su demodulación (PVdM). Esto es de particular interés en el caso de señales de banda ancha, donde la velocidad de datos requerida es del orden de gigabits por segundo, para aplicaciones como backhaul inalámbrico de redes ópticas metropolitanas (conocida como fibra hasta el aire). Las técnicas descritas se basan en explotar la dispersión cromática de la fibra óptica, la multiplexación por división de longitud de onda y la conversión en frecuencia. Además, se presenta una solución heterodina implementada monolíticamente en un circuito integrado fotónico (PIC).[CA] El processament de senyals de radiofreqüència (RF) utilitzant mitjans fotònics és una disciplina que va aparèixer gairebé al mateix temps que el làser i la fibra òptica. La fotònica ofereix la capacitat de manipular senyals de radiofreqüència de banda ampla, una baixa atenuació, processats basats en una àmplia varietat de fenòmens lineals i no lineals i, recentment, el potencial per implementar subsistemes fotònics integrats. Aquestes característiques ofereixen un gran potencial per a la implementació de múltiples funcionalitats incloent transport òptic, conversió de freqüència, filtrat òptic de RF, multiplexació i demultiplexació de senyals, encaminament i commutació, mostreig òptic, generació de tons, línies de retard, conformació de feix en agrupacions d'antenes i la generació fotònica de modulacions digitals, i fins i tot una combinació de diverses d'aquestes funcionalitats. Aquesta tesi es centra en l'aplicació del processament vectorial en el domini òptic de senyals de radiofreqüència en dos camps d'aplicació: la conformació òptica de feixos i la modulació i demodulació vectorial fotònica de senyals digitals en quadratura. El control fotònic vectorial permet manipular l'amplitud i la fase dels senyals de radiofreqüència en el domini òptic, que és el processament fonamental que es requereix en diferents aplicacions com ara les xarxes de conformació de feixos per agrupacions d'antenes i en modulació multinivell. El treball descrit en aquesta tesi inclou diferents tècniques per implementar una versió fotònica de les xarxes de conformació de feixos en agrupacions d'antenes, conegudes com a xarxes òptiques de conformació de feixos (OBFN), amb els objectius de proporcionar un control precís en aplicacions terrestres de senyals de banda ampla a freqüències molt altes per sobre de 40 GHz en antenes de comunicacions, optimitzant la mida i el pes quan es compara amb els homòlegs elèctrics en aplicacions espacials, i la presentació de noves funcionalitats fotòniques per agrupacions d'antenes. Per tant, s'estudien dues famílies de OBFNs: arquitectures de retard en fibra òptica i arquitectures integrades. Les primeres permeten el control de senyals de banda ampla utilitzant fibres òptiques dispersives amb tècniques de multiplexació per divisió en longitud d'ona i funcionalitats avançades com ara l'estimació de l'angle d'arribada del senyal a l'antena receptora. A la segona, s'estudien xarxes de conformació passives basades en Matrius de Butler òptiques en fotònica integrada, incloent una solució ultra-compacta utilitzant tècniques òptiques heterodinas en silici sobre aïllant (SOI), i una alternativa homodina en sílice dopat amb germani. D'altra banda, també s'ha investigat en aquesta tesi tècniques de processament vectorial fotònic per a la generació de modulacions digitals en quadratura. Les modulacions multinivell codifiquen la informació digital en estats discrets de fase i amplitud d'un senyal elèctric per augmentar la seva eficiència espectral, com ara la modulació en quadratura. El processat necessari per generar i desmodular aquest tipus de senyals implica el processament vectorial (control d'amplitud i fase) i la conversió de freqüència. A diferència de la implementació electrònica o digital convencional, en aquesta tesi s'estudien diferents tècniques de processament fotònic tant per a la generació de modulacions digitals (modulació vectorial fotònica, PVM) com per la seva demodulació (PVdM). Això és de particular interès en el cas de senyals de banda ampla, on la velocitat de dades requerida és de l'ordre de gigabits per segon, per a aplicacions com backhaul sense fils de xarxes òptiques metropolitanes (coneguda com fibra fins l'aire). Les tècniques descrites es basen en explotar la dispersió cromàtica de la fibra òptica, la multiplexació per divisió en longitud d'ona i la conversió en freqüència. A més, es presePiqueras Ruipérez, MÁ. (2016). Photonic Vector Processing Techniques for Radiofrequency Signals [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63264TESI

    High-Capacity Hybrid Optical Fiber-Wireless Communications Links in Access Networks

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    A Quantitative Assessment of the Compatibility of Ultra Wideband with Broadband Wireless Access and Radar Services

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    In July 2008, following a request made by the Radio Spectrum Policy Unit in DG INFSO (Unit B4), a pilot phase of twelve months was agreed with Member States representatives in the Radio Spectrum Committee. During this time the Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen of the EC Joint Research Centre (IPSC-JRC) has been mandated to provide testing facilities to support the development of Community spectrum legal measures under the Radio Spectrum Decision (676/2002/EC). In the frame of this pilot phase, IPSC-JRC has successfully completed the implementation and extensive testing of both a state-of-the-art laboratory test-bed and a simulation tool, which have been specifically designed for two different coexistence studies. Firstly, the coexistence between broadband wireless access (BWA) and ultra wideband (UWB) services in the 3.5 GHz frequency band; and secondly, the coexistence between radiolocation (i.e. radar) and UWB services in the 3.1-3.4 GHz frequency band. The selection of these two coexistence scenarios is not casual and has been made based on the fact that they have been considered highly relevant in the CEPT-ECC studies on UWB mandated by the European Commission.JRC.G.6-Security technology assessmen