2,085 research outputs found

    Novak, Jean Marie

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    University of California, Berkeley & SFSU, Doctoral Program - Ph.D. - 1991 Major - Special Education Emphasis in Neuro-Speech Pathology and Psychology California State University, Fresno, M.A. - 1980 Major - Speech Pathology California State University, Fresno, B.A. - 1978 Major - Communicative Disorders University of San Francisco, San Francisco 1974-77 Major – Pre-Medicine: Biological Sciences Minor – Theology and Philosophyhttps://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/erfa_bios/1365/thumbnail.jp

    Mexican Upper Cretaceous rudists (Hippuritida, Bivalvia) : Taxonomic, stratigraphic, and geologic data

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICAnalysis of seventy published papers dealing with Mexican Upper Cretaceous rudists, together with consultation of the newest geological maps covering the areas with mentioned rudist fossil localities, evidenced that: a) several among the Turonian-Maastrichtian species mentioned are junior synonymies, nomen nudum, insufficiently described, or have untraceable types. According to modern standards, around sixty species seem acceptable, Antillocaprinidae (12), Hippuritidae (11), Plagioptychidae (9), and Radiolitidae (27). Only three species (Turonian) are common with Eurasia. All the Santonian-Maastrichtian rudists (54) are exclusively American species, either ascribed to Eurasian (9) or to American (21) genera. b) Research on rudists helped to improve the stratigraphy in some areas, and to point out or clear up some geological issues in others. c) The restudy of the geology in some areas, of some rudist collections in museums, and of some rudist groups, are much necessary and must be undertaken

    T Cell Receptor-Independent Basal Signaling via Erk and Abl Kinases Suppresses RAG Gene Expression

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    Signal transduction pathways guided by cellular receptors commonly exhibit low-level constitutive signaling in a continuous, ligand-independent manner. The dynamic equilibrium of positive and negative regulators establishes such a tonic signal. Ligand-independent signaling by the precursors of mature antigen receptors regulates development of B and T lymphocytes. Here we describe a basal signal that controls gene expression profiles in the Jurkat T cell line and mouse thymocytes. Using DNA microarrays and Northern blots to analyze unstimulated cells, we demonstrate that expression of a cluster of genes, including RAG-1 and RAG-2, is repressed by constitutive signals requiring the adapter molecules LAT and SLP-76. This TCR-like pathway results in constitutive low-level activity of Erk and Abl kinases. Inhibition of Abl by the drug STI-571 or inhibition of signaling events upstream of Erk increases RAG-1 expression. Our data suggest that physiologic gene expression programs depend upon tonic activity of signaling pathways independent of receptor ligation

    Adaptability of the threatened jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi Schereber, 1777) to human-altered environments in San Luis Potosí, Mexico

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    La persistencia y recuperación de especies raras en regiones en desarrollo con áreas protegidas limitadas depende de su adaptabilidad a los hábitats alterados por el hombre. El jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi) está clasificado como amenazado en México, y el conocimiento de su distribución y su correlación con el ambiente es necesario para los esfuerzos de recuperación informados. Sin embargo, poco se sabe sobre el hábitat o la distribución de jaguarundi en el interior de México, incluido el estado de San Luis Potosí (SLP). Realizamos 96 entrevistas semiestructuradas en comunidades, ejidos y ranchos a lo largo de SLP para obtener registros de la presencia de jaguarundi e identificar correlaciones ambientales y atributos de sitios asociados con su ocurrencia. Evaluamos las entrevistas utilizando criterios analíticos de credibilidad y recopilamos información sobre hábitats de 50 eventos confiables de tres de las cuatro regiones geográficas de SLP. En comparación con el paisaje de SLP, las ocurrencias de jaguarundi se ubicaron más cerca del agua, más cerca de las carreteras, a bajas elevaciones, marginalmente más cerca de las comunidades, y en áreas con mayor borde total, densidad de bordes y número de parches de paisaje. El jaguarundi mostró preferencia por los mosaicos de bosques tropicales, agrícolas, de pastizales y urbanos (es decir, cualquier comunidad). Coberturas de escondite relativamente denso o de emboscada generalmente estaban presentes en los sitios de ocurrencia. Colectivamente, el modelo de máxima entropía y el modelo de regresión logística predijeron una probabilidad similar y alta de presencia de jaguarundi en regiones caracterizadas por mosaicos de bosques tropicales, agricultura, pastizales o tipos de cobertura urbana <500 m en elevación y <2 km desde carreteras. Estos paisajes de mosaicos tendían a estar relativamente cerca de comunidades de densidades moderadas de población y agua, y generalmente soportan densidades de presas pequeñas más altas que las áreas menos fragmentadas. Los jaguarundi se adaptaron al menos a las perturbaciones ligeras y moderadas relacionadas con los seres humanos, y pueden verse beneficiados por el aumento de los mosaicos de borde y hábitat.Persistence and recovery of rare species in developing regions with limited protected areas depends upon their adaptability to human-altered habitats. The jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi) is classed as threatened in Mexico, and knowledge of its distribution and environmental correlates is necessary for informed recovery efforts. However, little is known of jaguarundi habitat or distribution in interior Mexico, including the state of San Luis Potosí (SLP). We conducted 96 semi-structured interviews around communities, ejidos, and ranches throughout SLP to obtain records of jaguarundi presence and identify environmental correlates and site attributes associated with its occurrence. We evaluated interviews using analytical criteria of credibility, and collected habitat information from 50 reliable occurrences from three of the four geographic regions of SLP. Compared to the SLP landscape, jaguarundi occurrences were located closer to water, closer to roads, at lower elevation, marginally closer to communities, and in areas with greater total edge, edge density, and number of landscape patches. Jaguarundi showed preference for mosaics of tropical forest, agricultural, grassland, and urban (i.e., any community) cover types. Relatively dense hiding or ambush cover was usually present at occurrence sites. Collectively, maximum entropy modeling and logistic regression modeling predicted similar and high likelihood of jaguarundi presence in regions characterized by mosaics of tropical forest, agriculture, grassland, or urban cover types <500 m in elevation and <2 km from roads. These mosaic landscapes tended to be relatively close to communities of moderate population densities and water, and typically support higher small prey densities than less fragmented areas. Jaguarundi were adaptable to at least light–moderate human-related disturbance, and may be benefitted by it because of increased edge and habitat mosaics

    Interactions 2017

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    In each issue of Interactions, the School’s annual magazine you will find stories about students, faculty and alumni from each of our disciplines. Learn about the ways our students, faculty and alumni are impacting their communities through health care outreach. Read about their research and how they are contributing to advances in patient care. Meet our Alumni of the Year and get to know our faculty.https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/interactions/1008/thumbnail.jp

    Occurrence, distribution, and movement patterns of outer coastline bottlenose dolphins off Galveston Island, Texas

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    Due to the character of the original source materials and the nature of batch digitization, quality control issues may be present in this document. Please report any quality issues you encounter to [email protected], referencing the URI of the item.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 62-71).Issued also on microfiche from Lange Micrographics.Common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are widely distributed throughout the Gulf of Mexico. Although several dolphin studies have focused on Galveston Bay, Texas, only one has included the adjacent Gulf of Mexico waters. The dolphins of the coastal Gulf of Mexico along Galveston Island were studied from June 1999 to July 2000, and results were compared with those of work dating as far back as 1990. Two techniques were used for observation; shore-based surveys from elevated structures, and boat-based surveys. Dolphins were sighted during all months and times of day, with no apparent peak of occurrence. More groups were sighted, and group size was significantly larger, when shrimp boats were present than when absent. Mean group size was 8.6, which is higher than that found in previous studies inside the bay. A total of 506 individual dolphins were identified, 85% of which were only sighted once. Several individual dolphins were resighted over a period of ten years. Resighted dolphins grouped roughly into four different areas of primary use. Individuals showed greater fidelity to their primary areas than to others, but boundaries were not well defined. The low site fidelity exhibited by dolphins along the outer coast suggests that this is not an area of primary use, but rather an area of overlap of outlying dolphin ranges. The animals may inhabit areas of greater prey distribution in inlet areas, but utilize areas of lower prey abundance for other activities not possible in the bay, such as surfing. While some dolphins appear to show fidelity to the Galveston area, others passed through the study area. These latter dolphins may follow shrimp boats along the coast, easily obtaining prey associated with the boats. The information gathered during this study represents the first detailed description of dolphins of the outer Galveston coast. The population of dolphins is an open one, with some dolphins in the area at all times of year. It is also greatly affected by the shrimp fishery. Due to the high level of human activities, the Galveston area has potential for researchers to use dolphins as long-term indicators of ecosystem change

    An Example of Uncertainty in Sea Level Pressure Reduction

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