210 research outputs found

    An administrator competency in equity and diversity : new frames of reference and training : an executive summary

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    Ce document est une traduction de : SynthĂšse du rapport "Les compĂ©tences des directions en matiĂšre d’équitĂ© et de diversitĂ© : pistes pour les cadres de rĂ©fĂ©rence et la formation" du Groupe de travail sur les compĂ©tences et la formation des directions en matiĂšre d’équitĂ© et de diversitĂ©

    Collaborative 3D Modeling: Conceptual and Technical Issues

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    peer reviewedThe need of 3D city models increases day by day. However, 3D modeling still faces some impediments to be generalized. Therefore, new solutions such as collaboration should be investigated. The paper presents a new vision of collaboration applied on 3D modeling through the definition of the concept of a 3D collaborative model. The paper highlights basic questions to be considered for the definition and the development of that model then argues the importance of reuse of 2D data as a promising solution to reconstruct 3D data and to upgrade to integrated 3D solutions in the future. This idea is supported by a case study, to demonstrate how 2D/2.5D data collected from different providers in Walloon region in Belgium can be integrated and reengineered to match the specifications of a 3D building model compatible with the CityGML standard

    Planning an itinerary for an electric vehicle

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    The steady increase in oil prices and awareness regarding environmental risks due to carbon dioxide emissions are promoting the current interest in electric vehicles. However, the current relatively low driving range (autonomy) of these vehicles, especially compared with the autonomy of existing internal combustion vehicles, remains an obstacle to their development. In order to reassure a driver of an electric vehicle and allow him to reach his destinations beyond the battery capacity, we describe a system which generates an energy plan for the driver. We present in this paper the electric vehicle ecosystem and we focus on the contribution of using the generalized multi-commodity network flow (GMCNF) model as a vehicle routing model that considers energy consumption and charging time in order to ensure the usage of an electric vehicle beyond its embedded autonomy by selecting the best routes to reach the destination with minimal time and/or cost. We also present some perspectives related to the utilization of autonomous electric vehicles and wireless charging systems. We conclude with some open research questions

    The Internet Implementation of the Hierarchical Aggregate Assessment Process with the “Cluster” Wi-Fi E-Learning and EAssessment Application — A Particular Case of Teamwork Assessment

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    A Wi-Fi e-learning and e-assessment Internet application named “Cluster” was developed in the context of a research project concerning the implementation of a teamwork assessment mobile application able to assess teams with several levels of hierarchy. Usually, teamwork assessment software and Internet applications for several hierarchy level teams are included in the field of Management Information Systems (MIS). However, some assessment tasks in teams with several levels of hierarchy and assessment may be performed in an educational context, and the existing applications for the assessment and evaluation of teams with several levels of hierarchy are not applications dedicated to the assessment of students in an educational context. The “Cluster” application is able to present the course material, to train the students in teams as well as to present individual and team assessment tasks. The application’s special functionalities enable it to assess the teams at several levels of hierarchy, which constitute the hierarchical aggregate assessment process. In effect, the members of the teams may have appointments of team member, team leader and team administrator that supervises team leaders. This application can therefore evaluate simultaneously different knowledge and skills in the same assessment task based on the hierarchical position of the team member. The summative evaluation of the application consists of work to submit as well as objective examinations in HTML format, while the formative evaluation is composed of assessment grid computer forms of self-assessment and peer assessment. The application contains two mutually exclusive modes, the assessor mode and the student mode. The assessor mode allows the teacher to create courses, manage students, form the teams and also assess the students and the teams in a summative manner. The student mode allows the students to follow courses, write exams, submit homework, perform in teams and submit self- and peers formative assessment. The theoretical consideration of the project establishes the link between hierarchical aggregate assessment applications and management information systems (MIS). The application is an electronic portfolio (e-portfolio) management system in the competency-based learning and an Internet test administration system in the mastery learning approach. The aim of the chapter is to introduce the reader to the field of hierarchical aggregate assessment and to show how to implement complex assessment tasks with several levels of hierarchy into an Internet software application

    Un arrimage entre l’éducation des adultes et l’éducation relative Ă  l’environnement – Initiatives en milieux formel et non formel

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    Cet article prĂ©sente quelques initiatives d’éducation relative Ă  l’environnement dĂ©veloppĂ©es et mises en oeuvre dans le cadre de ma propre pratique d’enseignante dans le secteur formel de l’éducation des adultes et aussi auprĂšs d’un groupe de citoyen.e.s retraitĂ©.e.s dans un Centre de loisirs pour aĂźnĂ©.e.s. Ces initiatives n’ont pas fait l’objet d’une recherche formelle. Cependant des Ă©lĂ©ments dĂ©coulant d’une telle pratique rĂ©flexive peuvent suggĂ©rer des pistes de recherche et d’intervention pour la mise en Ɠuvre de principes andragogiques en Ă©ducation relative Ă  l’environnement.This article presents some environmental education initiatives developed and implemented as part of my own teaching practice in the formal adult education sector and also with a group of retired citizens in a leisure centre for the elderly. These initiatives have not been formally researched. However, evidence from such a reflexive practice may suggest avenues for research and intervention for the implementation of andragogical principles in environmental education

    Organisation et re-production des rapports de domination dans les distributions dissymĂ©triques du travail enseignant : une enquĂȘte du point de vue d’enseignant·es de groupes racisĂ©s

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    En moins d’une dĂ©cennie, l’insertion professionnelle des enseignant·es immigrants a suscitĂ© un important corpus de recherches au QuĂ©bec. Dans l’ensemble, ces recherches mobilisent des cadres d’interprĂ©tation surexposant l’analyse des Ă©carts culturels entre les enseignant·es immigrants et la sociĂ©tĂ© d’immigration. En dĂ©pit du dispositif mis en place en 2001 afin de corriger les effets de la discrimination systĂ©mique en emploi dans les organismes publics, aucune recherche ne lie l’expĂ©rience de ces enseignant·es Ă  la sous-reprĂ©sentation persistante du personnel enseignant de groupes racisĂ©s au QuĂ©bec et, de maniĂšre plus notoire encore, dans les commissions scolaires francophones de la rĂ©gion mĂ©tropolitaine de MontrĂ©al (RMM) (CDPDJ, 2015). MenĂ©e Ă  partir d’une perspective Ă©pistĂ©mologique interprĂ©tative-critique et d’un cadre d’analyse fĂ©ministe, cette thĂšse s’éloigne de ce prisme essentialisant afin de produire de nouveaux savoirs visant Ă  accroĂźtre la justice sociale au sein de l’institution Ă©ducative. Les courants fĂ©ministes guidant la thĂšse se rejoignent dans leur volontĂ© de dĂ©voiler les configurations des rapports sociaux et du pouvoir par lesquelles se matĂ©rialise la domination dans les diffĂ©rentes sphĂšres de la sociĂ©tĂ©, dont le travail. InspirĂ©e par la mĂ©thode sociologique de l’ethnographie institutionnelle, cette recherche prend la forme d’une enquĂȘte cherchant Ă  comprendre comment les rapports sociaux, notamment de race, sont organisĂ©s et re-produits dans les distributions dissymĂ©triques du travail enseignant. L’enquĂȘte a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e depuis le point de vue d’enseignant·es en insertion professionnelle catĂ©gorisĂ©s par des rapports sociaux de race et travaillant dans les commissions scolaires francophones de la RMM (14). Leurs rĂ©cits et questionnements ont engendrĂ© l’exploration des processus institutionnels et pratiques rĂ©gulant l’obtention d’une autorisation d’enseigner et de contrats de travail. L’enquĂȘte a Ă©tĂ© approfondie par des entretiens menĂ©s avec des directions d’établissement d’enseignement (4), des conseiller·es pĂ©dagogiques (2), des conseillĂšres syndicales (2) et des employĂ©es du secteur des ressources humaines (2) rattachĂ©s Ă  deux commissions scolaires de la RMM. Des documents – lois, rĂšglements, rapports, conventions collectives, etc. – organisant Ă  diffĂ©rents Ă©gards ces processus ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s. Les rĂ©sultats de la thĂšse se situent Ă  plusieurs niveaux. Le dĂ©voilement des configurations des rapports sociaux dans le travail enseignant ne peut se faire sans rendre visible, plus largement, les multiples hiĂ©rarchies structurant ce travail Ă  mĂȘme son cadre lĂ©gislatif. À partir de diffĂ©rents fragments de matĂ©riaux, la thĂšse rĂ©vĂšle empiriquement comment l’accroissement du travail atypique et prĂ©caire en enseignement – plus marquĂ© depuis les annĂ©es 1990 – induit une augmentation des possibilitĂ©s de hiĂ©rarchisation entre les employé·es, desquelles Ă©mergent de nouvelles reconfigurations de la division du travail. La thĂšse montre comment les rapports sociaux de race organisent la distribution du travail dans cette profession dĂ©jĂ  structurĂ©e historiquement par des rapports sociaux de sexe. Les rĂ©sultats mettent en exergue la crĂ©ation de « classes » d’enseignant·es hiĂ©rarchisĂ©es afin de pourvoir Ă  des affectations elles-mĂȘmes classifiĂ©es selon qu’elles permettent ou non de progresser dans la carriĂšre. En l’absence de dispositif consĂ©quent en matiĂšre de discrimination systĂ©mique, cette thĂšse montre comment l’arbitraire des processus et critĂšres Ă  partir desquels les enseignant·es sont sĂ©lectionnĂ©s risquent de confiner de maniĂšre disproportionnĂ©e les enseignant·es de groupes racisĂ©s aux emplois atypiques et prĂ©caires. À la lumiĂšre de ces rĂ©sultats, la thĂšse interpelle les acteurs intervenant Ă  plusieurs niveaux de l’institution Ă©ducative afin de confronter les inĂ©galitĂ©s de traitement compromettant l’effectivitĂ© du droit Ă  l’égalitĂ© entre les personnes composant le personnel enseignant.In less than a decade, the professional integration of immigrant teachers has generated a large body of research in Quebec. In general, these studies use interpretive frameworks that rely on an analysis of cultural gaps between immigrant teachers and the host society. Despite measures put in place in 2001 to mitigate the effects of systemic discrimination in employment in public bodies, there is no research linking the experience of these teachers to the persistent under-representation of racialized teachers in Quebec or, even more notably, in the French-language school boards of the Montreal Metropolitan Region (MMR) (Quebec Human Rights Commission, 2015). Based on a critical/interpretative epistemological perspective and a framework of feminist analysis, this dissertation moves away from this essentializing prism in order to produce new knowledge aimed at increasing social justice within educational institutions. The feminist perspectives guiding the thesis have in common their desire to expose the configurations of social and power relations through which domination in the various spheres of society is materialized, including in the workplace. Inspired by the sociological method of institutional ethnography, this study takes the form of an enquiry seeking to understand how social relations, especially of race, are organized and (re)produced in the asymmetrical distributions of teaching work. The study was conducted from the point of view of vocational integration teachers who were assigned by racial social relations and were working in French-language school boards in the Montreal MRR (14). Their stories and questions led to an exploration of the institutional and practical processes regulating the obtention of a teaching licence and employment contracts. The study was expanded through interviews with principals of educational institutions (4), educational consultants (2), union representatives (2) and employees in the human resources sector (2) within two school boards of the MMR. Documents that codify these processes in different ways – laws, regulations, reports, collective agreements, etc. – have also been analyzed. The thesis conclusions explore several aspects. The exposure of the configurations of social relations in teaching work cannot be done without more widely exposing the multiple hierarchies structuring this work and even its legislative framework. From various fragments of materials, the thesis reveals empirically how the increase of atypical and precarious work in teaching – which has become more pronounced since the 1990s – induced an increase in the possibilities of hierarchization among employees, from which arose a reconfiguration of the division of labour. The thesis shows how racial social relations organize the distribution of work in a profession already historically structured according to gender social relations. The results highlight the creation of hierarchical "classes" of teachers in order to fill assignments, which are themselves classified according to whether or not they make career advancement possible. In the absence of effective measures to counter systemic discrimination, this thesis shows how the arbitrary nature of the processes and the criteria by which teachers are selected run the risk of disproportionately confining teachers from racialized groups to atypical and precarious jobs. In light of these results, the thesis calls on educational leaders to intervene at several levels of educational institutions to confront inequalities in treatment that effectively compromise equality rights among teaching staff

    La compétence "se familiariser avec la culture de son milieu" en classe d'accueil au primaire : représentations et pratiques déclarées des enseignants

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    La recherche menĂ©e dans le cadre de ce mĂ©moire rapporte les dĂ©marches didactiques que les enseignants dĂ©clarent entretenir Ă  l'Ă©gard du dĂ©veloppement de la compĂ©tence « Se familiariser avec la culture de son milieu » en classe d'accueil au primaire. Il s'agit de la compĂ©tence culturelle d'un programme d'enseignement destinĂ© Ă  la scolarisation des Ă©lĂšves nouvellement arrivĂ©s au QuĂ©bec et non-francophones Ă  l'Ă©cole publique. Selon le cadre thĂ©orique Ă©laborĂ© dans le prĂ©sent travail, la compĂ©tence culturelle en classe de langue suscite des ambiguĂŻtĂ©s, principalement quant aux implications pĂ©dagogiques qu'elle incombe et ce, malgrĂ© la pertinence des habiletĂ©s qu'elle vise Ă  dĂ©velopper. De plus, l'Ă©tude des reprĂ©sentations semble de plus en plus prisĂ©e pour Ă©laborer une comprĂ©hension approfondie des dĂ©marches didactiques des enseignants; ces Ă©lĂ©ments seraient fondamentalement reliĂ©s aux pratiques enseignantes. Ainsi, la prĂ©sente Ă©tude a voulu vĂ©rifier la situation actuelle concernant cette compĂ©tence en cherchant Ă  rĂ©pondre aux deux questions suivantes : 1) Quelles sont les reprĂ©sentations que se font les enseignants de classe d'accueil au primaire de la compĂ©tence « Se familiariser avec la culture de son milieu »? 2) Quelles sont les pratiques que les enseignants dĂ©clarent inclure dans leur planification concernant le dĂ©veloppement de cette compĂ©tence? L'instrument d'enquĂȘte utilisĂ© fut un questionnaire accessible en ligne. Le sondage a recueilli les rĂ©ponses de 17 enseignants de classes d'accueil de niveau primaire Ɠuvrant dans des Ă©tablissements de la Commission scolaire de MontrĂ©al. Les rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent que malgrĂ© les difficultĂ©s considĂ©rables que peut engendrer la mise en Ɠuvre de cette compĂ©tence, les enseignants en reconnaissent la pertinence et dĂ©montrent une volontĂ© Ă  l'inclure dans leur enseignement. D'une part, les difficultĂ©s relĂšvent spĂ©cifiquement de la complexitĂ© des concepts en lien avec la compĂ©tence tel que l'objectivisation de la culture en tant qu'objet d'enseignement. D'autre part, les obstacles sont communs aux dĂ©fis quotidiens avec lesquels tout enseignant doit composer, par exemple, les besoins en matĂ©riel didactique, soutien financier, temps et formation, de mĂȘme que la nature de l'implication des parents et les caractĂ©ristiques des Ă©lĂšves. En somme, il semble y avoir un consensus, tant sur le terrain que dans la littĂ©rature, concernant la pertinence d'une compĂ©tence culturelle en classe de langue destinĂ©e aux apprenants immigrants, mais la situation didactique prĂ©sente des besoins considĂ©rables desquels dĂ©coulent les recommandations Ă  la fin de ce travail.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : classe d'accueil, compĂ©tence culturelle, programme de formation, reprĂ©sentations des enseignants, pratiques enseignantes

    Pareto optimality and Nash equilibrium for building stable systems

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    This paper introduces a design approach based on system analysis and game theory for the identification of architectural equilibrium which guarantees the stability of the system being designed and its environment after the integration. We introduce multi-objective optimization and game theory, and their links with systems engineering through mathematical models. While Pareto optimality is used to select best architectures and to support independent decisions, Nash equilibrium is used to find out architectural equilibrium and to support interdependent decisions. This approach was illustrated previously in a case study
