28 research outputs found

    Towards Adversarial Malware Detection: Lessons Learned from PDF-based Attacks

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    Malware still constitutes a major threat in the cybersecurity landscape, also due to the widespread use of infection vectors such as documents. These infection vectors hide embedded malicious code to the victim users, facilitating the use of social engineering techniques to infect their machines. Research showed that machine-learning algorithms provide effective detection mechanisms against such threats, but the existence of an arms race in adversarial settings has recently challenged such systems. In this work, we focus on malware embedded in PDF files as a representative case of such an arms race. We start by providing a comprehensive taxonomy of the different approaches used to generate PDF malware, and of the corresponding learning-based detection systems. We then categorize threats specifically targeted against learning-based PDF malware detectors, using a well-established framework in the field of adversarial machine learning. This framework allows us to categorize known vulnerabilities of learning-based PDF malware detectors and to identify novel attacks that may threaten such systems, along with the potential defense mechanisms that can mitigate the impact of such threats. We conclude the paper by discussing how such findings highlight promising research directions towards tackling the more general challenge of designing robust malware detectors in adversarial settings

    Using Malware Analysis to Evaluate Botnet Resilience

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    Bos, H.J. [Promotor]Steen, M.R. van [Promotor

    Machine Learning and Security of Non-Executable Files

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    Computer malware is a well-known threat in security which, despite the enormous time and effort invested in fighting it, is today more prevalent than ever. Recent years have brought a surge in one particular type: malware embedded in non-executable file formats, e.g., PDF, SWF and various office file formats. The result has been a massive number of infections, owed primarily to the trust that ordinary computer users have in these file formats. In addition, their feature-richness and implementation complexity have created enormous attack surfaces in widely deployed client software, resulting in regular discoveries of new vulnerabilities. The traditional approach to malware detection – signature matching, heuristics and behavioral profiling – has from its inception been a labor-intensive manual task, always lagging one step behind the attacker. With the exponential growth of computers and networks, malware has become more diverse, wide-spread and adaptive than ever, scaling much faster than the available talent pool of human malware analysts. An automated and scalable approach is needed to fill the gap between automated malware adaptation and manual malware detection, and machine learning is emerging as a viable solution. Its branch called adversarial machine learning studies the security of machine learning algorithms and the special conditions that arise when machine learning is applied for security. This thesis is a study of adversarial machine learning in the context of static detection of malware in non-executable file formats. It evaluates the effectiveness, efficiency and security of machine learning applications in this context. To this end, it introduces 3 data-driven detection methods developed using very large, high quality datasets. PJScan detects malicious PDF files based on lexical properties of embedded JavaScript code and is the fastest method published to date. SL2013 extends its coverage to all PDF files, regardless of JavaScript presence, by analyzing the hierarchical structure of PDF logical building blocks and demonstrates excellent performance in a novel long-term realistic experiment. Finally, Hidost generalizes the hierarchical-structure-based feature set to become the first machine-learning-based malware detector operating on multiple file formats. In a comprehensive experimental evaluation on PDF and SWF, it outperforms other academic methods and commercial antivirus systems in detection effectiveness. Furthermore, the thesis presents a framework for security evaluation of machine learning classifiers in a case study performed on an independent PDF malware detector. The results show that the ability to manipulate a part of the classifier’s feature set allows a malicious adversary to disguise malware so that it appears benign to the classifier with a high success rate. The presented methods are released as open-source software.Schadsoftware ist eine gut bekannte Sicherheitsbedrohung. Trotz der enormen Zeit und des Aufwands die investiert werden, um sie zu beseitigen, ist sie heute weiter verbreitet als je zuvor. In den letzten Jahren kam es zu einem starken Anstieg von Schadsoftware, welche in nicht-ausführbaren Dateiformaten, wie PDF, SWF und diversen Office-Formaten, eingebettet ist. Die Folge war eine massive Anzahl von Infektionen, ermöglicht durch das Vertrauen, das normale Rechnerbenutzer in diese Dateiformate haben. Außerdem hat die Komplexität und Vielseitigkeit dieser Dateiformate große Angriffsflächen in weitverbreiteter Klient-Software verursacht, und neue Sicherheitslücken werden regelmäßig entdeckt. Der traditionelle Ansatz zur Erkennung von Schadsoftware – Mustererkennung, Heuristiken und Verhaltensanalyse – war vom Anfang an eine äußerst mühevolle Handarbeit, immer einen Schritt hinter den Angreifern zurück. Mit dem exponentiellen Wachstum von Rechenleistung und Netzwerkgeschwindigkeit ist Schadsoftware diverser, zahlreicher und schneller-anpassend geworden als je zuvor, doch die Verfügbarkeit von menschlichen Schadsoftware-Analysten kann nicht so schnell skalieren. Ein automatischer und skalierbarer Ansatz ist gefragt, und maschinelles Lernen tritt als eine brauchbare Lösung hervor. Ein Bereich davon, Adversarial Machine Learning, untersucht die Sicherheit von maschinellen Lernverfahren und die besonderen Verhältnisse, die bei der Anwendung von machinellem Lernen für Sicherheit entstehen. Diese Arbeit ist eine Studie von Adversarial Machine Learning im Kontext statischer Schadsoftware-Erkennung in nicht-ausführbaren Dateiformaten. Sie evaluiert die Wirksamkeit, Leistungsfähigkeit und Sicherheit von maschinellem Lernen in diesem Kontext. Zu diesem Zweck stellt sie 3 datengesteuerte Erkennungsmethoden vor, die alle auf sehr großen und diversen Datensätzen entwickelt wurden. PJScan erkennt bösartige PDF-Dateien anhand lexikalischer Eigenschaften von eingebettetem JavaScript-Code und ist die schnellste bisher veröffentliche Methode. SL2013 erweitert die Erkennung auf alle PDF-Dateien, unabhängig davon, ob sie JavaScript enthalten, indem es die hierarchische Struktur von logischen PDF-Bausteinen analysiert. Es zeigt hervorragende Leistung in einem neuen, langfristigen und realistischen Experiment. Schließlich generalisiert Hidost den auf hierarchischen Strukturen basierten Merkmalsraum und wurde zum ersten auf maschinellem Lernen basierten Schadsoftware-Erkennungssystem, das auf mehreren Dateiformaten anwendbar ist. In einer umfassenden experimentellen Evaulierung auf PDF- und SWF-Formaten schlägt es andere akademische Methoden und kommerzielle Antiviren-Lösungen bezüglich Erkennungswirksamkeit. Überdies stellt diese Doktorarbeit ein Framework für Sicherheits-Evaluierung von auf machinellem Lernen basierten Klassifikatoren vor und wendet es in einer Fallstudie auf eine unabhängige akademische Schadsoftware-Erkennungsmethode an. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Fähigkeit, nur einen Teil von Features, die ein Klasifikator verwendet, zu manipulieren, einem Angreifer ermöglicht, Schadsoftware in Dateien so einzubetten, dass sie von der Erkennungsmethode mit hoher Erfolgsrate als gutartig fehlklassifiziert wird. Die vorgestellten Methoden wurden als Open-Source-Software veröffentlicht

    D-FENS: DNS Filtering & Extraction Network System for Malicious Domain Names

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    While the DNS (Domain Name System) has become a cornerstone for the operation of the Internet, it has also fostered creative cases of maliciousness, including phishing, typosquatting, and botnet communication among others. To address this problem, this dissertation focuses on identifying and mitigating such malicious domain names through prior knowledge and machine learning. In the first part of this dissertation, we explore a method of registering domain names with deliberate typographical mistakes (i.e., typosquatting) to masquerade as popular and well-established domain names. To understand the effectiveness of typosquatting, we conducted a user study which helped shed light on which techniques were more successful than others in deceiving users. While certain techniques fared better than others, they failed to take the context of the user into account. Therefore, in the second part of this dissertation we look at the possibility of an advanced attack which takes context into account when generating domain names. The main idea is determining the possibility for an adversary to improve their success rate of deceiving users with specifically-targeted malicious domain names. While these malicious domains typically target users, other types of domain names are generated by botnets for command & control (C2) communication. Therefore, in the third part of this dissertation we investigate domain generation algorithms (DGA) used by botnets and propose a method to identify DGA-based domain names. By analyzing DNS traffic for certain patterns of NXDomain (non-existent domain) query responses, we can accurately predict DGA-based domain names before they are registered. Given all of these approaches to malicious domain names, we ultimately propose a system called D-FENS (DNS Filtering & Extraction Network System). D-FENS uses machine learning and prior knowledge to accurately predict unreported malicious domain names in real-time, thereby preventing Internet devices from unknowingly connecting to a potentially malicious domain name

    Analysis of Malware and Domain Name System Traffic

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    Malicious domains host Command and Control servers that are used to instruct infected machines to perpetuate malicious activities such as sending spam, stealing credentials, and launching denial of service attacks. Both static and dynamic analysis of malware as well as monitoring Domain Name System (DNS) traffic provide valuable insight into such malicious activities and help security experts detect and protect against many cyber attacks. Advanced crimeware toolkits were responsible for many recent cyber attacks. In order to understand the inner workings of such toolkits, we present a detailed reverse engineering analysis of the Zeus crimeware toolkit to unveil its underlying architecture and enable its mitigation. Our analysis allows us to provide a breakdown for the structure of the Zeus botnet network messages. In the second part of this work, we develop a framework for analyzing dynamic analysis reports of malware samples. This framework can be used to extract valuable cyber intelligence from the analyzed malware. The obtained intelligence helps reveal more insight into different cyber attacks and uncovers abused domains as well as malicious infrastructure networks. Based on this framework, we develop a severity ranking system for domain names. The system leverages the interaction between domain names and malware samples to extract indicators for malicious behaviors or abuse actions. The system utilizes these behavioral features on a daily basis to produce severity or abuse scores for domain names. Since our system assigns maliciousness scores that describe the level of abuse for each analyzed domain name, it can be considered as a complementary component to existing (binary) reputation systems, which produce long lists with no priorities. We also developed a severity system for name servers based on passive DNS traffic. The system leverages the domain names that reside under the authority of name servers to extract indicators for malicious behaviors or abuse actions. It also utilizes these behavioral features on a daily basis to dynamically produce severity or abuse scores for name servers. Finally, we present a system to characterize and detect the payload distribution channels within passive DNS traffic. Our system observes the DNS zone activities of access counts of each resource record type and determines payload distribution channels. Our experiments on near real-time passive DNS traffic demonstrate that our system can detect several resilient malicious payload distribution channels

    Analysis and Defense of Emerging Malware Attacks

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    The persistent evolution of malware intrusion brings great challenges to current anti-malware industry. First, the traditional signature-based detection and prevention schemes produce outgrown signature databases for each end-host user and user has to install the AV tool and tolerate consuming huge amount of resources for pairwise matching. At the other side of malware analysis, the emerging malware can detect its running environment and determine whether it should infect the host or not. Hence, traditional dynamic malware analysis can no longer find the desired malicious logic if the targeted environment cannot be extracted in advance. Both these two problems uncover that current malware defense schemes are too passive and reactive to fulfill the task. The goal of this research is to develop new analysis and protection schemes for the emerging malware threats. Firstly, this dissertation performs a detailed study on recent targeted malware attacks. Based on the study, we develop a new technique to perform effectively and efficiently targeted malware analysis. Second, this dissertation studies a new trend of massive malware intrusion and proposes a new protection scheme to proactively defend malware attack. Lastly, our focus is new P2P malware. We propose a new scheme, which is named as informed active probing, for large-scale P2P malware analysis and detection. In further, our internet-wide evaluation shows our active probing scheme can successfully detect malicious P2P malware and its corresponding malicious servers