75 research outputs found

    Nonce-based Kerberos is a Secure Delegated AKE Protocol

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    Kerberos is one of the most important cryptographic protocols, first because it is the basisc authentication protocol in Microsoft\u27s Active Directory and shipped with every major operating system, and second because it served as a model for all Single-Sign-On protocols (e.g. SAML, OpenID, MS Cardspace, OpenID Connect). Its security has been confirmed with several Dolev-Yao style proofs, and attacks on certain versions of the protocol have been described. However despite its importance, despite its longevity, and despite the wealth of Dolev-Yao-style security proofs, no reduction based security proof has been published until now. This has two reasons: (1) All widely accepted formal models either deal with two-party protocols, or group key agreement protocols (where all entities have the same role), but not with 3-party protocols where each party has a different role. (2) Kerberos uses timestamps and nonces, and formal security models for timestamps are not well understood up to now. As a step towards a full security proof of Kerberos, we target problem (1) here: We propose a variant of the Kerberos protocol, where nonces are used instead of timestamps. This requires one additional protocol message, but enables a proof in the standard Bellare-Rogaway (BR) model. The key setup and the roles of the different parties are identical to the original Kerberos protocol. For our proof, we only require that the authenticated encryption and the message authentication code (MAC) schemes are secure. Under these assumptions we show that the probability that a client or server process oracle accepts maliciously, and the advantage of an adversary trying to distinguish a real Kerberos session key from a random value, are both negligible. One main idea in the proof is to model the Kerberos server a a public oracle, so that we do not have to consider the security of the connection client--Kerberos. This idea is only applicable to the communication pattern adapted by Kerberos, and not to other 3-party patterns (e.g. EAP protocols)

    Card-Based Protocols Using Regular Polygon Cards

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    Cryptographic protocols enable participating parties to compute any function of their inputs without leaking any information beyond the output. A card-based protocol is a cryptographic protocol implemented by physical cards. In this paper, for constructing protocols with small numbers of shuffles, we introduce a new type of cards, regular polygon cards, and a new protocol, oblivious conversion. Using our cards, we construct an addition protocol on non-binary inputs with only one shuffle and two cards. Furthermore, using our oblivious conversion protocol, we construct the first protocol for general functions in which the number of shuffles is linear in the number of inputs

    A Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis on Social Network Anonymization: Current Approaches and Future Directions

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    In recent decades, social network anonymization has become a crucial research field due to its pivotal role in preserving users' privacy. However, the high diversity of approaches introduced in relevant studies poses a challenge to gaining a profound understanding of the field. In response to this, the current study presents an exhaustive and well-structured bibliometric analysis of the social network anonymization field. To begin our research, related studies from the period of 2007-2022 were collected from the Scopus Database then pre-processed. Following this, the VOSviewer was used to visualize the network of authors' keywords. Subsequently, extensive statistical and network analyses were performed to identify the most prominent keywords and trending topics. Additionally, the application of co-word analysis through SciMAT and the Alluvial diagram allowed us to explore the themes of social network anonymization and scrutinize their evolution over time. These analyses culminated in an innovative taxonomy of the existing approaches and anticipation of potential trends in this domain. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first bibliometric analysis in the social network anonymization field, which offers a deeper understanding of the current state and an insightful roadmap for future research in this domain.Comment: 73 pages, 28 figure

    Group Signatures with Message-Dependent Opening: Formal Definitions and Constructions

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    This paper introduces a new capability for group signatures called message-dependent opening. It is intended to weaken the high trust placed on the opener; i.e., no anonymity against the opener is provided by an ordinary group signature scheme. In a group signature scheme with message-dependent opening (GS-MDO), in addition to the opener, we set up an admitter that is not able to extract any user’s identity but admits the opener to open signatures by specifying messages where signatures on the specified messages will be opened by the opener. The opener cannot extract the signer’s identity from any signature whose corresponding message is not specified by the admitter. This paper presents formal definitions of GS-MDO and proposes a generic construction of it from identity-based encryption and adaptive non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs. Moreover, we propose two specific constructions, one in the standard model and one in the random oracle model. Our scheme in the standard model is an instantiation of our generic construction but the message-dependent opening property is bounded. In contrast, our scheme in the random oracle model is not a direct instantiation of our generic construction but is optimized to increase efficiency and achieves the unbounded message-dependent opening property. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that GS-MDO implies identity-based encryption, thus implying that identity-based encryption is essential for designing GS-MDO schemes

    LINCOS - A Storage System Providing Long-Term Integrity, Authenticity, and Confidentiality (Full Paper)

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    The amount of digital data that requires long-term protection of integrity, authenticity, and confidentiality grows rapidly. Examples include electronic health records, genome data, and tax data. In this paper we present the secure storage system LINCOS, whichprovides protection of integrity, authenticity, and confidentiality in the long-term, i.e., for an indefinite time period. It is the first such system. It uses the long-term integrity scheme COPRIS, which is also presented here and is the first such scheme that does not leak any information about the protected data. COPRIS uses information-theoretic hiding commitments for confidentiality-preserving integrity and authenticity protection. LINCOS uses proactive secret sharing for confidential storage of secret data. We also present implementations of COPRIS and LINCOS. A special feature of our LINCOS implementation is the use of quantum key distribution and one-time pad encryption for information-theoretic private channels within the proactive secret sharing protocol. The technological platform for this is the Tokyo QKD Network, which is one of worlds most advanced networks of its kind. Our experimental evaluation establishes the feasibility of LINCOS and shows that in view of the expected progress in quantum communication technology, LINCOS is a promising solution for protecting very sensitive data in the cloud

    New Generic Constructions of Error-Correcting PIR and Efficient Instantiations

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    A bb-error-correcting mm-server Private Information Retrieval (PIR) protocol enables a client to privately retrieve a data item of a database from mm servers even in the presence of bb malicious servers. List-decodable PIR is a generalization of error-correcting PIR to achieve a smaller number of servers at the cost of giving up unique decoding. Previous constructions of error-correcting and list-decodable PIR have exponential computational complexity in mm or cannot achieve sub-polynomial communication complexity no(1)n^{o(1)}, where nn is the database size. Recently, Zhang, Wang and Wang (ASIACCS 2022) presented a non-explicit construction of error-correcting PIR with no(1)n^{o(1)} communication and polynomial computational overhead in mm. However, their protocol requires the number of servers to be larger than the minimum one m=2b+1m=2b+1 and they left it as an open problem to reduce it. As for list-decodable PIR, there is no construction with no(1)n^{o(1)} communication. In this paper, we propose new generic constructions of error-correcting and list-decodable PIR from any one-round regular PIR. Our constructions increase computational complexity only by a polynomial factor in mm while the previous generic constructions incur (mb)\binom{m}{b} multiplicative overheads. Instantiated with the best-known protocols, our construction provides for the first time an explicit error-correcting PIR protocol with no(1)n^{o(1)} communication, which reduces the number of servers of the protocol by Zhang, Wang and Wang (ASIACCS 2022). For sufficiently large bb, we also show the existence of bb-error-correcting PIR with no(1)n^{o(1)} communication achieving the minimum number of servers, by allowing for two rounds of interaction. Furthermore, we show an extension to list-decodable PIR and obtain for the first time a protocol with no(1)n^{o(1)} communication. Other instantiations improve the communication complexity of the state-of-the-art tt-private protocols in which tt servers may collude. Along the way, we formalize the notion of \textit{locally surjective map families}, which generalize perfect hash families and may be of independent interest