269 research outputs found

    An anthropomorphic design for a minimally invasive surgical system based on a survey of surgical technologies, techniques and training

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    © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Background: Over the past century, abdominal surgery has seen a rapid transition from open procedures to less invasive methods, such as robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery (MIS). This study aimed to investigate and discuss the needs of MIS in terms of instrumentation and to inform the design of a novel instrument. Methods: A survey was conducted among surgeons regarding their opinions on surgical training, surgical systems, how satisfied they were with them and how easy they were to use. A concept for MIS robotic instrumentation was then developed and a series of focus groups with surgeons were run to discuss it. The initial prototype of the robotic instruments, herein demonstrated, comprises modular rigid links with soft joints actuated by shape memory alloy helix actuators; these instruments are controlled using a sensory hand exoskeleton. Results: The results of the survey, as well as those of the focus groups, are presented here. A first prototype of the system was built and initial laboratory tests have been conducted in order to evaluate this approach. Conclusions: The analysed data from both the survey and the focus groups justify the chosen concept of an anthropomorphic MIS robotic system which imitates the natural motion of the hands

    Design of a Surgical Manipulator System for Lumbar Discectomy Procedures

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    A 3D printed surgical master-slave manipulator system for minimally invasive lumbar discectomy procedure is proposed. Discectomy is the surgery to remove the herniated disc material that is pressing on a nerve root or spinal cord. This surgery is performed to relieve pain or numbness caused by the pressure on the nerve. The workspace is limited (\u3c 27 cm3) and the manipulator has to go through a 3.175mm (0.125”) diameter channel. The proposed system is comprised of a family of manipulators that can work alone or co-operatively to perform tasks required in the surgery. In the proposed system, the manipulator is 3D printed with multiple materials, with flexible links acting as joints of the mechanism. These flexible links are actuated by cables which provide sufficient forces for actuation in the surgical workspace. In this thesis, existing surgical techniques are investigated and a new surgical system is proposed. Various design ideas are presented and evaluated for manufacturing and assembly. Finally, the proposed mechanisms are modeled and tested for their capability to assist the surgeon to perform tasks required for the surgery

    Surgical Applications of Compliant Mechanisms:A Review

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    Current surgical devices are mostly rigid and are made of stiff materials, even though their predominant use is on soft and wet tissues. With the emergence of compliant mechanisms (CMs), surgical tools can be designed to be flexible and made using soft materials. CMs offer many advantages such as monolithic fabrication, high precision, no wear, no friction, and no need for lubrication. It is therefore beneficial to consolidate the developments in this field and point to challenges ahead. With this objective, in this article, we review the application of CMs to surgical interventions. The scope of the review covers five aspects that are important in the development of surgical devices: (i) conceptual design and synthesis, (ii) analysis, (iii) materials, (iv) maim facturing, and (v) actuation. Furthermore, the surgical applications of CMs are assessed by classification into five major groups, namely, (i) grasping and cutting, (ii) reachability and steerability, (iii) transmission, (iv) sensing, and (v) implants and deployable devices. The scope and prospects of surgical devices using CMs are also discussed

    Optical Fibre-based Force Sensing Needle Driver for Minimally Invasive Surgery

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    Minimally invasive surgery has been limited from its inception by insufficient haptic feedback to surgeons. The loss of haptic information threatens patients safety and results in longer operation times. To address this problem, various force sensing systems have been developed to provide information about tool–tissue interaction forces. However, the provided results for axial and grasping forces have been inaccurate in most of these studies due to considerable amount of error and uncertainty in their force acquisition method. Furthermore, sterilizability of the sensorized instruments plays a pivotal role in accurate measurement of forces inside a patient\u27s body. Therefore, the objective of this thesis was to develop a sterilizable needle-driver type grasper using fibre Bragg gratings. In order to measure more accurate and reliable tool–tissue interaction forces, optical force sensors were integrated in the grasper jaw to measure axial and grasping forces directly at their exertion point on the tool tip. Two sets of sensor prototypes were developed to prove the feasibility of proposed concept. Implementation of this concept into a needle-driver instrument resulted in the final proposed model of the sensorized laparoscopic instrument. Fibre Bragg gratings were used for measuring forces due to their many advantages for this application such as small size, sterilizability and high sensitivity. Visual force feedback was provided for users based on the acquired real-time force data. Improvement and consideration points related to the current work were identified and potential areas to continue this project in the future are discussed

    Design of a Robotic Instrument Manipulator for Endoscopic Deployment

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    This thesis describes the initial design process for an application of continuum robotics to endoscopic surgical procedures, specifically dissection of the colon. We first introduce the long-term vision for a benchtop dual-instrument endoscopic system with intuitive haptic controllers and then narrow our focus to the design and testing of the instrument manipulator itself, which must be actuated through the long, winding channel of a standard colonoscope. Based on design requirements for a target procedure, we analyze simulations of two types of continuum robots using recently established kinematic and mechanic modeling approaches: the concentric-tube robot (CTR) and the concentric agonist-antagonist robot (CAAR). In addition, we investigate solutions to the primary engineering challenge to this system, which is accurately transmitting joint motion through exible, hollow shafts. Based on our study of the manipulator simulations and transmission shafts, we select instrument designs for prototyping and testing. We present approaches for controlling the position of the robotic instrument in real-time using an input device, and demonstrate the degree of control we can achieve in various configurations by performing time trial experiments with our prototype robotic instruments. Our observations of the manipulator during testing inform us of sources of error, and we conclude this report with suggestions for future work, including shaft design and alternative continuum manipulator approaches

    Anthropomorphic surgical system for soft tissue robot-assisted surgery

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    Over the past century, abdominal surgery has seen a rapid transition from open procedures to less invasive methods such as laparoscopy and robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery (R-A MIS). These procedures have significantly decreased blood loss, postoperative morbidity and length of hospital stay in comparison with open surgery. R-A MIS has offered refined accuracy and more ergonomic instruments for surgeons, further minimising trauma to the patient.This thesis aims to investigate, design and prototype a novel system for R-A MIS that will provide more natural and intuitive manipulation of soft tissues and, at the same time, increase the surgeon's dexterity. The thesis reviews related work on surgical systems and discusses the requirements for designing surgical instrumentation. From the background research conducted in this thesis, it is clear that training surgeons in MIS procedures is becoming increasingly long and arduous. Furthermore, most available systems adopt a design similar to conventional laparoscopic instruments or focus on different techniques with debatable benefits. The system proposed in this thesis not only aims to reduce the training time for surgeons but also to improve the ergonomics of the procedure.In order to achieve this, a survey was conducted among surgeons, regarding their opinions on surgical training, surgical systems, how satisfied they are with them and how easy they are to use. A concept for MIS robotic instrumentation was then developed and a series of focus group meetings with surgeons were run to discuss it. The proposed system, named microAngelo, is an anthropomorphic master-slave system that comprises a three-digit miniature hand that can be controlled using the master, a three-digit sensory exoskeleton. While multi-fingered robotic hands have been developed for decades, none have been used for surgical operations. As the system has a human centred design, its relation to the human hand is discussed. Prototypes of both the master and the slave have been developed and their design and mechanisms is demonstrated. The accuracy and repeatability of the master as well as the accuracy and force capabilities of the slave are tested and discussed


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    Loss of tactile perception is the most challenging limitation of state-of-the-art technology for minimally invasive surgery. In conventional open surgery, surgeons rely on their tactile sensation to perceive the tissue type, anatomical landmarks, and instrument-tissue interaction in the patient’s body. To compensate for the loss of tactile feedback in minimally invasive surgery, researchers have proposed various tactile sensors based on electrical and optical sensing principles. Optical-based sensors have shown the most compatibility with the functional and physical requirements of minimally invasive surgery applications. However, the proposed tactile sensors in the literature are typically bulky, expensive, cumbersome to integrate with surgical instruments and show nonlinearity in interaction with biological tissues. In this doctoral study, different optical tactile sensing principles were proposed, modeled, validated and various tactile sensors were fabricated, and experimentally studied to address the limitations of the state-of-the-art. The present thesis first provides a critical review of the proposed tactile sensors in the literature with a comparison of their advantages and limitations for surgical applications. Afterward, it compiles the results of the design, modeling, and validation of a hybrid optical-piezoresistive sensor, a distributed Bragg reflecting sensor, and two sensors based on the variable bending radius light intensity modulation principle. The performance of each sensor was verified experimentally for the required criteria of accuracy, resolution, range, repeatability, and hysteresis. Also, a novel image-based intensity estimation technique was proposed and its applicability for being used in surgical applications was verified experimentally. In the end, concluding remarks and recommendations for future studies are provided

    Scalability study for robotic hand platform

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    The goal of this thesis project was to determine the lower limit of scale for the RIT robotic grasping hand. This was accomplished using a combination of computer simulation and experimental studies. A force analysis was conducted to determine the size of air muscles required to achieve appropriate contact forces at a smaller scale. Input variables, such as the actuation force and tendon return force, were determined experimentally. A dynamic computer model of the hand system was then created using Recurdyn. This was used to predict the contact (grasping) force of the fingers at full-scale, half-scale, and quarter-scale. Correlation between the computer model and physical testing was achieved for both a life-size and half-scale finger assembly. To further demonstrate the scalability of the hand design, both half and quarter-scale robotic hand rapid prototype assemblies were built using 3D printing techniques. This thesis work identified the point where further miniaturization would require a change in the manufacturing process to micro-fabrication. Several techniques were compared as potential methods for making a production intent quarter-scale robotic hand. Investment casting, Swiss machining, and Selective Laser Sintering were the manufacturing techniques considered. A quarter-scale robotic hand tested the limits of each technology. Below this scale, micro-machining would be required. The break point for the current actuation method, air muscles, was also explored. Below the quarter-scale, an alternative actuation method would also be required. Electroactive Polymers were discussed as an option for the micro-scale. In summary, a dynamic model of the RIT robotic grasping hand was created and validated as scalable at full and half-scales. The model was then used to predict finger contact forces at the quarter-scale. The quarter-scale was identified as the break point in terms of the current RIT robotic grasping hand based on both manufacturing and actuation. A novel, prototype quarter-scale robotic hand assembly was successfully built by an additive manufacturing process, a high resolution 3D printer. However, further miniaturization would require alternate manufacturing techniques and actuation mechanisms
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