15 research outputs found

    Recognizing Surgically Altered Face Images and 3D Facial Expression Recognition

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    AbstractAltering Facial appearances using surgical procedures are common now days. But it raised challenges for face recognition algorithms. Plastic surgery introduces non linear variations. Because of these variations it is difficult to be modeled by the existing face recognition system. Here presents a multi objective evolutionary granular algorithm. It operates on several granules extracted from a face images at multiple level of granularity. This granular information is unified in an evolutionary manner using multi objective genetic approach. Then identify the facial expression from the face images. For that 3D facial shapes are considering here. A novel automatic feature selection method is proposed based on maximizing the average relative entropy of marginalized class-conditional feature distributions and apply it to a complete pool of candidate features composed of normalized Euclidian distances between 83 facial feature points in the 3D space. A regularized multi-class AdaBoost classification algorithm is used here to get the highest average recognition rate

    Fully automatic 3D facial expression recognition using a region-based approach

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    Affective Human-Humanoid Interaction Through Cognitive Architecture

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    Adaptive 3D facial action intensity estimation and emotion recognition

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    Automatic recognition of facial emotion has been widely studied for various computer vision tasks (e.g. health monitoring, driver state surveillance and personalized learning). Most existing facial emotion recognition systems, however, either have not fully considered subject-independent dynamic features or were limited to 2D models, thus are not robust enough for real-life recognition tasks with subject variation, head movement and illumination change. Moreover, there is also lack of systematic research on effective newly arrived novel emotion class detection. To address these challenges, we present a real-time 3D facial Action Unit (AU) intensity estimation and emotion recognition system. It automatically selects 16 motion-based facial feature sets using minimal-redundancy–maximal-relevance criterion based optimization and estimates the intensities of 16 diagnostic AUs using feedforward Neural Networks and Support Vector Regressors. We also propose a set of six novel adaptive ensemble classifiers for robust classification of the six basic emotions and the detection of newly arrived unseen novel emotion classes (emotions that are not included in the training set). A distance-based clustering and uncertainty measures of the base classifiers within each ensemble model are used to inform the novel class detection. Evaluated with the Bosphorus 3D database, the system has achieved the best performance of 0.071 overall Mean Squared Error (MSE) for AU intensity estimation using Support Vector Regressors, and 92.2% average accuracy for the recognition of the six basic emotions using the proposed ensemble classifiers. In comparison with other related work, our research outperforms other state-of-the-art research on 3D facial emotion recognition for the Bosphorus database. Moreover, in on-line real-time evaluation with real human subjects, the proposed system also shows superior real-time performance with 84% recognition accuracy and great flexibility and adaptation for newly arrived novel (e.g. ‘contempt’ which is not included in the six basic emotions) emotion detection

    3D facial expression recognition using SIFT descriptors of automatically detected keypoints

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    International audienceMethods to recognize humans' facial expressions have been proposed mainly focusing on 2D still images and videos. In this paper, the problem of person-independent facial expression recognition is addressed using the 3D geometry information extracted from the 3D shape of the face. To this end, a completely automatic approach is proposed that relies on identifying a set of facial keypoints, computing SIFT feature descriptors of depth images of the face around sample points defined starting from the facial keypoints, and selecting the subset of features with maximum relevance. Training a Support Vector Machine (SVM) for each facial expression to be recognized, and combining them to form. a multi-class classifier, an average recognition rate of 78.43% on the BU-3DFE database has been obtained. Comparison with competitor approaches using a common experimental setting on the BU-3DFE database shows that our solution is capable of obtaining state of the art results. The same 3D face representation framework and testing database have been also used to perform. 3D facial expression retrieval (i.e., retrieve 3D scans with the same facial expression as shown by a target subject), with results proving the viability of the proposed solution