2,337 research outputs found

    Surface fluid registration of conformal representation: Application to detect disease burden and genetic influence on hippocampus

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    abstract: In this paper, we develop a new automated surface registration system based on surface conformal parameterization by holomorphic 1-forms, inverse consistent surface fluid registration, and multivariate tensor-based morphometty (mTBM). First, we conformally map a surface onto a planar rectangle space with holomorphic 1-forms. Second, we compute surface conformal representation by combining its local conformal factor and mean curvature and linearly scale the dynamic range of the conformal representation to form the feature image of the surface. Third, we align the feature image with a chosen template image via the fluid image registration algorithm, which has been extended into the curvilinear coordinates to adjust for the distortion introduced by surface parameterization. The inverse consistent image registration algorithm is also incorporated in the system to jointly estimate the forward and inverse transformations between the study and template images. This alignment induces a corresponding deformation on the surface. We tested the system on Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) baseline dataset to study AD symptoms on hippocampus. In our system, by modeling a hippocampus as a 3D parametric surface, we nonlinearly registered each surface with a selected template surface. Then we used mTBM to analyze the morphometry difference between diagnostic groups. Experimental results show that the new system has better performance than two publicly available subcortical surface registration tools: FIRST and SPHARM. We also analyzed the genetic influence of the Apolipoprotein E(is an element of)4 allele (ApoE4), which is considered as the most prevalent risk factor for AD. Our work successfully detected statistically significant difference between ApoE4 carriers and non-carriers in both patients of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and healthy control subjects. The results show evidence that the ApoE genotype may be associated with accelerated brain atrophy so that our work provides a new MRI analysis tool that may help presymptomatic AD research.NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in NEUROIMAGE. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Neuroimage, 78, 111-134 [2013] http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.04.01

    Handlebody phases and the polyhedrality of the holographic entropy cone

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    The notion of a holographic entropy cone has recently been introduced and it has been proven that this cone is polyhedral. However, the original definition was fully geometric and did not strictly require a holographic duality. We introduce a new definition of the cone, insisting that the geometries used for its construction should be dual to states of a CFT. As a result, the polyhedrality of this holographic cone does not immediately follow. A numerical evaluation of the Euclidean action for the geometries that realize extremal rays of the original cone indicates that these are subdominant bulk phases of natural path integrals. The result challenges the expectation that such geometries are in fact dual to CFT states.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, minor change, added ref, published versio

    Quasi-Topological Ricci Polynomial Gravities

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    Quasi-topological terms in gravity can be viewed as those that give no contribution to the equations of motion for a special subclass of metric ans\"atze. They therefore play no r\^ole in constructing these solutions, but can affect the general perturbations. We consider Einstein gravity extended with Ricci tensor polynomial invariants, which admits Einstein metrics with appropriate effective cosmological constants as its vacuum solutions. We construct three types of quasi-topological gravities. The first type is for the most general static metrics with spherical, toroidal or hyperbolic isometries. The second type is for the special static metrics where gttgrrg_{tt} g_{rr} is constant. The third type is the linearized quasi-topological gravities on the Einstein metrics. We construct and classify results that are either dependent on or independent of dimensions, up to the tenth order. We then consider a subset of these three types and obtain Lovelock-like quasi-topological gravities, that are independent of the dimensions. The linearized gravities on Einstein metrics on all dimensions are simply Einstein and hence ghost free. The theories become quasi-topological on static metrics in one specific dimension, but non-trivial in others. We also focus on the quasi-topological Ricci cubic invariant in four dimensions as a specific example to study its effect on holography, including shear viscosity, thermoelectric DC conductivities and butterfly velocity. In particular, we find that the holographic diffusivity bounds can be violated by the quasi-topological terms, which can induce an extra massive mode that yields a butterfly velocity unbound above.Comment: Latex, 56 pages, discussion on shear viscosity revise

    Moduli in N=1 heterotic/F-theory duality

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    The moduli in a 4D N=1 heterotic compactification on an elliptic CY, as well as in the dual F-theoretic compactification, break into "base" parameters which are even (under the natural involution of the elliptic curves), and "fiber" or twisting parameters; the latter include a continuous part which is odd, as well as a discrete part. We interpret all the heterotic moduli in terms of cohomology groups of the spectral covers, and identify them with the corresponding F-theoretic moduli in a certain stable degeneration. The argument is based on the comparison of three geometric objects: the spectral and cameral covers and the ADE del Pezzo fibrations. For the continuous part of the twisting moduli, this amounts to an isomorphism between certain abelian varieties: the connected component of the heterotic Prym variety (a modified Jacobian) and the F-theoretic intermediate Jacobian. The comparison of the discrete part generalizes the matching of heterotic 5brane / F-theoretic 3brane impurities.Comment: Latex, 26 pages. Acknowledgements adde

    Multi-scale and multi-spectral shape analysis: from 2d to 3d

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    Shape analysis is a fundamental aspect of many problems in computer graphics and computer vision, including shape matching, shape registration, object recognition and classification. Since the SIFT achieves excellent matching results in 2D image domain, it inspires us to convert the 3D shape analysis to 2D image analysis using geometric maps. However, the major disadvantage of geometric maps is that it introduces inevitable, large distortions when mapping large, complex and topologically complicated surfaces to a canonical domain. It is demanded for the researchers to construct the scale space directly on the 3D shape. To address these research issues, in this dissertation, in order to find the multiscale processing for the 3D shape, we start with shape vector image diffusion framework using the geometric mapping. Subsequently, we investigate the shape spectrum field by introducing the implementation and application of Laplacian shape spectrum. In order to construct the scale space on 3D shape directly, we present a novel idea to solve the diffusion equation using the manifold harmonics in the spectral point of view. Not only confined on the mesh, by using the point-based manifold harmonics, we rigorously derive our solution from the diffusion equation which is the essential of the scale space processing on the manifold. Built upon the point-based manifold harmonics transform, we generalize the diffusion function directly on the point clouds to create the scale space. In virtue of the multiscale structure from the scale space, we can detect the feature points and construct the descriptor based on the local neighborhood. As a result, multiscale shape analysis directly on the 3D shape can be achieved
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