2 research outputs found

    A Review of Recent Advances in Surface Defect Detection using Texture analysis Techniques

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    In this paper, we systematically review recent advances in surface inspection using computer vision andimage processing techniques, particularly those based on texture analysis methods. The aim is to reviewthe state-of-the-art techniques for the purposes of visual inspection and decision making schemes that areable to discriminate the features extracted from normal and defective regions. This field is so vast that itis impossible to cover all the aspects of visual inspection. This paper focuses on a particular but importantsubset which generally treats visual surface inspection as texture analysis problems. Other topics related tovisual inspection such as imaging system and data acquisition are out of the scope of this survey.The surface defects are loosely separated into two types. One is local textural irregularities which is themain concern for most visual surface inspection applications. The other is global deviation of colour and/ortexture, where local pattern or texture does not exhibit abnormalities. We refer this type of defects as shadeor tonality problem. The second type of defects have been largely neglected until recently, particularly whencolour imaging system has been widely used in visual inspection and where chromatic consistency plays animportant role in quality control. The emphasis of this survey though is still on detecting local abnormalities,given the fact that majority of the reported works are dealing with the first type of defects.The techniques used to inspect textural abnormalities are discussed in four categories, statistical approaches,structural approaches, filter based methods, and model based approaches, with a comprehensivelist of references to some recent works. Due to rising demand and practice of colour texture analysis inapplication to visual inspection, those works that are dealing with colour texture analysis are discussedseparately. It is also worth noting that processing vector-valued data has its unique challenges, which conventionalsurface inspection methods have often ignored or do not encounter.We also compare classification approaches with novelty detection approaches at the decision makingstage. Classification approaches often require supervised training and usually provide better performancethan novelty detection based approaches where training is only carried out on defect-free samples. However,novelty detection is relatively easier to adapt and is particularly desirable when training samples areincomplet

    Study on Co-occurrence-based Image Feature Analysis and Texture Recognition Employing Diagonal-Crisscross Local Binary Pattern

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    In this thesis, we focus on several important fields on real-world image texture analysis and recognition. We survey various important features that are suitable for texture analysis. Apart from the issue of variety of features, different types of texture datasets are also discussed in-depth. There is no thorough work covering the important databases and analyzing them in various viewpoints. We persuasively categorize texture databases ? based on many references. In this survey, we put a categorization to split these texture datasets into few basic groups and later put related datasets. Next, we exhaustively analyze eleven second-order statistical features or cues based on co-occurrence matrices to understand image texture surface. These features are exploited to analyze properties of image texture. The features are also categorized based on their angular orientations and their applicability. Finally, we propose a method called diagonal-crisscross local binary pattern (DCLBP) for texture recognition. We also propose two other extensions of the local binary pattern. Compare to the local binary pattern and few other extensions, we achieve that our proposed method performs satisfactorily well in two very challenging benchmark datasets, called the KTH-TIPS (Textures under varying Illumination, Pose and Scale) database, and the USC-SIPI (University of Southern California ? Signal and Image Processing Institute) Rotations Texture dataset.九州工業大学博士学位論文 学位記番号:工博甲第354号 学位授与年月日:平成25年9月27日CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION|CHAPTER 2 FEATURES FOR TEXTURE ANALYSIS|CHAPTER 3 IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS OF TEXTURE DATABASES|CHAPTER 4 ANALYSIS OF FEATURES BASED ON CO-OCCURRENCE IMAGE MATRIX|CHAPTER 5 CATEGORIZATION OF FEATURES BASED ON CO-OCCURRENCE IMAGE MATRIX|CHAPTER 6 TEXTURE RECOGNITION BASED ON DIAGONAL-CRISSCROSS LOCAL BINARY PATTERN|CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK九州工業大学平成25年