11 research outputs found

    Economic and Demographic Systems Analysis, North Slope Borough

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    This report describes current and projected economic conditions in the North Slope Borough and discusses possible impacts of OCS development upon the Borough's revenues and expenditures as well as on Inupiat employment. We use a simulation model of the North Slope Borough's economy to examine these impacts. The North Slope Borough receives substantial revenues from its taxes on oil and gas property. Following our examination of the factors affecting borough revenues, we conclude that OCS development will not substantially increase borough revenues due to state-imposed property tax revenue limits. Other factors, however, can be expected to cause the borough to begin to curtail its construction program and, thereby, reduce local employment opportunities. Our review of Inupiat employment patterns and projected borough employment opportunities suggests that reduced Inupiat employment, rather than increased Inupiat involvement in petroleum activities, may best characterize the coming decade unless there are spec if i c efforts to reduce constraints to Inupiat employment associated with petroleum development. These constraints include job rotation schedules, work crew composition, hiring location, and training opportunities.Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Alaska Outer Continental Shelf Region in the interest of informational exchange. Contract number 29058Ye

    Diseño Arquitectónico de un Centro Cultural para fortalecer la Identidad Cultural a través del Teatro en la Ciudad de Tarapoto - 2018

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo fortalecer la identidad cultural en la ciudad de Tarapoto, a través del teatro, mediante el diseño arquitectónico de un Centro cultural. Éste debe cumplir con las condiciones de diseño de la ciudad y promover el fortalecimiento de las habilidades y destrezas de la población Tarapotina. La encuesta tiene por objeto demostrar que a la población Tarapotina le gusta el teatro y determinar las características que debe tener tal equipamiento. En cuanto a la metodología investigativa es No Experimental, de Tipo Aplicada o Descriptiva y de Nivel Descriptiva – Correlacional, porque se analiza, describe y evalúa la incidencia y relación de tres variables: Independiente, dependiente e interviniente. De los resultados obtenidos se pudo demostrar que el teatro es la manifestación artística que más prefiere la población Tarapotina y que la pérdida de la identidad cultural es consecuencia de factores como: Vaga presencia de las entidades públicas y privadas, efectos de la globalización, influencia de programas televisivos dedicados al show y farándula, mal uso del internet, entre otros. Con el análisis de los espacios públicos que cubren deficientemente la demanda cultural en Tarapoto pudimos determinar al usuario, sus necesidades y espacios propicios para el desarrollo de sus actividades. Se concluye que a la población Tarapotina le gusta el teatro y que el Centro cultural debe tener carácter paisajista y estar conformado por espacios amplios de formación y ocio acorde a las destrezas y habilidades de la población: Danzas (26%), teatro (26%), canto (22%), dibujo (13%), pintura (10%) y otros (3%).The objective of this research was to strengthen the cultural identity in the of Tarapoto city, through the theater, through the architectural design of a Cultural Center; it must comply with the design conditions of the city and promote the strengthening of the skills and abilities of the Tarapotine population. The survey aims to demonstrate that the Tarapotine population likes theater and determine the characteristics that such equipment should have. Regarding the research methodology, it is Non-Experimental, of Applied or Descriptive Type and of Descriptive Level - Correlational, because it analyzes, describes and evaluates the incidence and relationship of three variables: Independent, dependent and intervening. From the results obtained, it was possible to demonstrate that theater is the artistic manifestation that the Tarapotine population prefers most and that the loss of cultural identity is a consequence of factors such as: Vague presence of public and private entities, effects of globalization, influence of television programs dedicated to the show and entertainment, misuse of the internet, among others. With the analysis of the public spaces that poorly cover the cultural demand in Tarapoto we were able to determine the user, his needs and spaces conducive to the development of his activities. It is concluded that the Tarapotina population likes theater and that the Cultural Center must have a landscape character and be made up of ample training and leisure spaces according to the skills and abilities of the population: Dances (26%), theater (26%), singing (22%), drawing (13%), painting (10%) and others (3%).TesisAp

    Post-transcriptional coordination by an RNA-binding protein

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Biology, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references.RNA-binding proteins can regulate the stability, localization, and translation of their target mRNAs. Post-transcriptional regulation can orchestrate dynamic changes in gene expression, and can coordinate multiple cellular processes in response to various stimuli. Filamentous growth in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a morphogenetic switch that occurs in response to nitrogen starvation and requires alterations in cell growth, cell cycle, and cell wall functions. Tyl element retrotransposition is also induced under conditions of nitrogen starvation. I describe a role for the RNA-binding protein Khdl in regulating these two responses to environmental stress through its mRNA targets. I identified the RNA targets of Khdl using in vivo crosslinking and immunoprecipitation (CLIP), combined with deep sequencing. This produced a high-resolution map of Khdl binding sites across the transcriptome, and provided unprecedented insight into its biological functions. Khdl regulates multiple post-transcriptional regulatory loops to coordinate the components of filamentous growth and Tyl retrotransposition. Although similar mechanisms were known to transcriptionally regulate these processes, the posttranscriptional coordination is a novel discovery. The feed-forward regulation that Khdl confers on FLO11, which encodes a protein required for filamentous growth, enables asymmetric expression between mother and daughter cells to switch between filamentous and yeast form growth. In this thesis, I describe regulation of gene expression by RNA-binding proteins, methods to identify their target transcripts and recognition sequences, the KH domain, known functions of Khdl, and the phenotypes it coordinates. My work represents the first application of CLIP to budding yeast, and the growing understanding of RNA-binding proteins in this organism facilitated the placement of Khdl into its posttranscriptional regulatory network. While many questions remain regarding the role Khdl plays in regulating cellular activities, this thesis addresses its direct role in key processes.by Joshua Jaeger Wolf.Ph.D

    Tank 241-U-107, cores 242, 242R and 245 analytical results for the final report

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    Essays on the political economy of development in Colombia

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    This thesis consists of three essays on the political economy of development and focuses on topics related to democratization, redistribution and conflict. It studies one the largest countries in Latin America, Colombia, and examines mostly his history during the 20th century. The first chapter, "Buying off the Revolution: Evidence from the Colombian National Peasant Movement, 1957-1985", studies the relationship between democratization and redistribution during periods of revolutionary threats. Far from causing an increase in broad redistribution (e.g. social spending), I show that the state organization of a social movement that extends the political rights of the threatening group can be used to identify rebel leaders and provide private goods to them, in return for preventing social unrest and demobilizing their supporters. I study the context of the organization by the state of the most important social movement in Colombian history -the National Peasant Movement (ANUC)- during the decades of a threat of Communist revolution (1957-1985), when the government gave ANUC direct political participation in the executive branch and economic support. Using three newly digitized data set of the Colombian municipalities, I find that this reform did not lead to higher broad redistribution towards the peasantry but it led to an increase in targeted redistribution in terms of public jobs and lands. By matching the names of the peasant leaders to the beneficiaries of the land reform, evidence suggests that peasant leaders disproportionally benefited from land reform and that targeted redistribution towards the peasant leaders was a mechanism to restrain the Communist threat. Finally, I find suggestive evidence that buying off the rebel leaders was an effective counter-revolutionary strategy as it led to less revolutionary activities after the support to ANUC was terminated (1972-1985). The second chapter, "Roads or Schools? Political Budget Cycles with different types of voters" also studies one form of democratization: the franchise extension. It uses a new Colombian data set (1830-2000), to analyze how changes in the electoral legislation with regard to the characteristics of voters (in terms of education and income levels) have affected fiscal policy in election years. In line with economic theory, I show that after the male universal suffrage law was reformed in 1936 the composition of the expenditure shifted towards social spending (like education, health, and welfare benefits) but there was a decrease in spending on infrastructure and investment projects (like roads). Consistent with the literature, I also find: 1.The timing and the size of the political budget cycles changed after 1936 and 2. After 1936 there was a shift in the funding mechanisms from indirect tax revenues to more debt. In addition to democratization and redistribution, the third chapter examines the causes of the civil conflict in Colombia. The third chapter "On the agrarian origins of civil conflict in Colombia", co-authored with Fabio Sanchez, investigates the impact of land dispossessions by landlords on the origin of the civil conflict in Colombia. The study exploits variation in floods to identify how peasants’ land dispossessions during the export boom (1914-1946) determine the rise of rural guerrilla movements and the consolidation of their rebel activities. It uses a novel municipal-level dataset on natural disasters and land dispossession, and documents that municipalities experiencing floods during the years 1914-1946 were substantially more likely to have land dispossessions than municipalities where floods was not severe. Floods reduced temporarily the conditions of the land and its value, facilitating the dispossession of the peasants of their lands by large landowners. Using a matching-pair instrumental variable approach, we show that the historical dispossession of lands by landlords that led to the rise of peasant grievances is associated with the presence of the rural guerrilla movement -The Revolutionary Forces of Colombia (FARC)- during the first stage of the Colombian civil conflict. We propose two mechanisms through which previous land dispossessions facilitated the emergence of rebel armed groups and use a mediation analysis to test the indirect effects. On the one hand, exposure to previous civil wars gave military training and access to weapons and military experience to the rural population that likely created incentives for the formation of rebel groups. On the other hand, the ideological politics of rebellion by the Communist party exacerbated the grievances and helped to the emergence of rebel armed groups

    El patrimonio cultural en los programas marco de investigación de la Unión Europea: análisis y tendencias

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    Esta investigación analiza los proyectos europeos de investigación financiados a través de los programas marco de la Unión Europea, que tienen por temática principal el patrimonio cultural. Pretende por lo tanto entender qué tipo de proyectos se han financiado dentro de la disciplina y cuál ha sido su evolución temática a lo largo del tiempo y para ello, emplea técnicas de análisis de datos y procesamiento de lenguaje natural (NLP) para extraer información de las principales fuentes de información, y procesarla con el fin de aportar luz a la pregunta de investigación: ¿qué temáticas, dentro del ámbito del patrimonio cultural, abordan los proyectos europeos de investigación? Partiendo de el contexto político y legal en el que se financian estos proyectos, el trabajo desarrolla una metodología para identificar, procesar y analizar los datos asociados a los proyectos europeos de investigación sobre patrimonio cultural, metodología que sirve posteriormente para analizar y describir las características y tendencias del conjunto de proyectos. Finaliza la investigación, identificando y describiendo brevemente las políticas actuales que puedan tener una influencia sobre la definición de las temáticas de los proyectos del ámbito del patrimonio cultural en el futuro próximo.This research analyses European research projects funded through the European Union's Framework Programmes, whose main thematic area is cultural heritage. It therefore aims to understand what kind of projects have been funded within the discipline and what their thematic evolution has been over time, using data analysis and natural language processing (NLP) techniques to extract information from the main sources of information and process it in order to shed light on the research question: what themes, within the field of cultural heritage, do European research projects address? Starting from the political and legal context in which these projects are funded, we will develop a methodology to identify, process and analyse the data associated with European cultural heritage research projects, a methodology that will help us to analyse and describe the characteristics and trends of the projects as a whole. We will conclude the research by briefly referencing current policies that may influence the definition of project's topics in the field of cultural heritage in the near future.Universidad de Sevilla. Máster de Arquitectura y Patrimonio Históric

    Geografie dell’università. Spazi funzioni e relazioni di un’università che cambia.

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    In un’epoca in cui si assiste al diffondersi di diffidenza e ostilità verso i saperi esperti, un certo discorso sulle università sembra assumere implicitamente la metafora della “torre d’avorio” come fedele descrizione di quello che è il luogo per antonomasia deputato alla produzione di conoscenza. Tuttavia, da tempo le scienze sociali, così come gli studi nel campo dell’economia, dell’architettura e dell’urbanistica hanno evidenziato come le diverse attività che costituiscono in vario modo la sostanza stessa di un ateneo facciano delle università realtà fortemente intrecciate con gli spazi che abitano e che contribuiscono a produrre, sia localmente che a scala globale. Muovendosi nel solco tracciato da questi studi, la sessione Lo spazio dell’università. Trasformazioni, geografie e sfide della città universitaria ha voluto allargare lo sguardo a queste “geografie altre”, guardando al rapporto fra università e territorio in termini di inter-azione, attraverso contributi empirici fra loro molto eterogenei ma che, insieme, restituiscono la complessità sia del ruolo e delle attività degli atenei oggi sia di quello che abbiamo indicato come “spazio dell’università”