50 research outputs found

    Engineering problems and aspects of the technological equipment in Space Plant Growth Systems

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    As human presence in space becomes longer, supplying all food, oxygen and water from Earth will result in a tremendous cost. For this reason the international scientific community has been making efforts towards developing technologies and equipment to realise a sustainable Bioregenerative Life Support System for food production, water purification, air revitalisation and waste recovery. Plants produce food and oxygen for human needs, contribute to remove and reclaim carbon dioxide, relative humidity and the organic wastes. Aim of this research is a critical analysis of the materials and equipment requirements used up to now, in order to highlight the equipment engineering solutions for a system for plant cultivation on-board the International Space Station supported by Italian Space Agency. Creating a Bioregenerative Life Support System is an extremely sophisticated scientific problem. Space environment is characterised by the absence of the Earth鈥檚 gravitational and magnetic fields, of tidal forces and of the influence of the cyclical events of celestial mechanics and so, the prediction of fluid and heat behaviour is less intuitive. Besides, this environment would severely impact plant growth and metabolism. In space an enclosed environmentallycontrolled plant growth system must control and regulate the atmospheric parameters and the atmospheric gas composition, provide light energy for photosynthesis and supply the plants with the appropriate nutrient and water to support photosynthesis and to compensate for the evaporation and transpiration losses

    Guiding Requirements for Designing Life Support System Architectures for Crewed Exploration Missions Beyond Low-Earth Orbit

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) technology development roadmaps provide guidance to focus technological development in areas that enable crewed exploration missions beyond low-Earth orbit. Specifically, the technology area roadmap on human health, life support and habitation systems describes the need for life support system (LSS) technologies that can improve reliability and in-flight maintainability within a minimally-sized package while enabling a high degree of mission autonomy. To address the needs outlined by the guiding technology area roadmap, NASA's Advanced Exploration Systems (AES) Program has commissioned the Life Support Systems (LSS) Project to lead technology development in the areas of water recovery and management, atmosphere revitalization, and environmental monitoring. A notional exploration LSS architecture derived from the International Space has been developed and serves as the developmental basis for these efforts. Functional requirements and key performance parameters that guide the exploration LSS technology development efforts are presented and discussed. Areas where LSS flight operations aboard the ISS afford lessons learned that are relevant to exploration missions are highlighted

    First Astronaut- Rover Interaction Field Test

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    The first Astronaut - Rover (ASRO) Interaction field test was conducted successfully on February 22-27, 1999, in Silver Lake, Mojave Desert, California in a representative planetary surface terrain. This test was a joint effort between the NASA Ames Research Center , Moffett Field, California and the NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas. As prototype advanced planetary surface space suit and rover technologies are being developed for human planetary surface exploration , it has been determined that it is important to better understand the potential interaction and benefits of an EVA astronaut interacting with a robotic rover . This interaction between an EVA astronaut and a robotic rover is seen as complementary and can greatly enhance the productivity and safety of surface excursions . This test also identified design requirements and options in an advanced space suit and robotic rover. The test objectives were: 1. To identify the operational domains where the EVA astronauts and rover are complementary and can interact and thus collaborate in a safe , productive and cost- effective way, 2. To identify preliminary requirements and recommendations for advanced space suits and rovers that facilitate their cooperative and complementary interaction, 3. To develop operational procedures for the astronaut-rover teams in the identified domains, 4. To test these procedures during representative mission scenarios during field tests by simulating the exploration of a planetary surface by an EVA crew interacting with a robotic rover, 5. To train a space suited test subject, simulated Earth-based and l or lander-based science teams, and robotic vehicle operators in mission configurations, and 6. To evaluate and understand socio-technical aspects of the astronaut - rover interaction experiment in order to guide future technologies and designs. Test results and areas for future research in the design of planetary space suits will be discussed

    Testing of a Miniature Loop Heat Pipe with Multiple Evaporators and Multiple Condensers for Space Applications

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    Thermal performance of a miniature loop heat pipe (MLHP) with two evaporators and two condensers is described. A comprehensive test program, including start-up, high power, low power, power cycle, and sink temperature cycle tests, has been executed at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center for potential space applications. Experimental data showed that the loop could start with heat loads as low as 2W. The loop operated stably with even and uneven evaporator heat loads, and even and uneven condenser sink temperatures. Heat load sharing between the two evaporators was also successfully demonstrated. The loop had a heat transport capability of l00W to 120W, and could recover from a dry-out by reducing the heat load to evaporators. Low power test results showed the loop could work stably for heat loads as low as 1 W to each evaporator. Excellent adaptability of the MLHP to rapid changes of evaporator power and sink temperature were also demonstrated

    Paper Session I-A - Development of Technology and Experimental Designs for Plant Growth Studies in Space

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    Plants will be a critical component of future Bioregenerative Life Support Systems that will be implemented on long duration space missions. We describe here a novel microgravity-rated plant growth apparatus that is targeted for use on the International Space Station (ISS) in the 2004-2005 timeframe. The system contains six modular units capable of utilizing either porous tube and/or substrate-based nutrient delivery approaches. Heat pulse moisture sensors are used to both monitor and control root zone wetness levels. In addition, a fixed-feed water delivery algorithm is available which meters out appropriate levels of water based upon plant life cycle stage. Fifty miniature color cameras will image the plant specimens throughout the experiment, permitting real-time assessments of plant performance over time. Alternative experimental strategies suitable for implementation on the ISS are discussed

    Lunar Surface Scenarios: Habitation and Life Support Systems for a Pressurized Rover

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    Pressurized rovers will be a critical component of successful lunar exploration to enable safe investigation of sites distant from the outpost location. A pressurized rover is a complex system with the same functions as any other crewed vehicle. Designs for a pressurized rover need to take into account significant constraints, a multitude of tasks to be performed inside and out, and the complexity of life support systems to support the crew. In future studies, pressurized rovers should be given the same level of consideration as any other vehicle occupied by the crew

    Foods for a Mission to Mars: Equivalent System Mass and Development of a Multipurpose Small-Scale Seed Processor

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    The candidate crops for planetary food systems include: wheat, white and sweet potatoes, soybean, peanut, strawberry, dry bean including le ntil and pinto, radish, rice, lettuce, carrot, green onion, tomato, p eppers, spinach, and cabbage. Crops such as wheat, potatoes, soybean, peanut, dry bean, and rice can only be utilized after processing, while others are classified as ready-to-eat. To process foods in space, the food processing subsystem must be capable of producing a variety of nutritious, acceptable, and safe edible ingredients and food produ cts from pre-packaged and resupply foods as well as salad crops grown on the transit vehicle or other crops grown on planetary surfaces. D esigning, building, developing, and maintaining such a subsystem is b ound to many constraints and restrictions. The limited power supply, storage locations, variety of crops, crew time, need to minimize waste , and other equivalent system mass (ESM) parameters must be considere d in the selection of processing equipment and techniques

    Volatile Organic Analyzer (VOA) in 2006: Repair, Revalidation, and Restart of Elektron Event

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    The Volatile Organic Analyzer (VOA) was launched to the International Space Station (ISS) in August 2001 and was the first instrument to provide near real-time measurement of volatile organic compounds in a spacecraft atmosphere. The VOA performed an analysis of the ISS air approximately twice a month for most of its operation through May 2003. This intermittent operation, caused by a software interface issue with the ISS communication bus, slowed the validation of the VOA. However, operational validation was completed in 2003 when analysis of air samples collected in grab sample containers (GSCs) compared favorably with simultaneous VOA runs (1). The VOA has two channels that provide redundant function, albeit at slightly reduced performance, when only one channel is operating (2). Most target compounds can be detected on both channels. In January 2003, the VOA identified a malfunction in the channel 2 preconcentrator and it shut down that channel. The anomaly profile suggested that a fuse might have failed, but the root cause could not be determined. In May 2003, channel 1 was shut down when the detector s elevated temperature could not longer be maintained. Since both VOA channels were now deactivated, VOA operations ended until an in-flight repair could be planned and executed. This paper describes the process to repair the VOA and to revalidate it for operations, and then an account is given of the VOA s contribution following a contingency event on ISS

    A review of thermal performance in multiple evaporators loop heat pipe

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Multi-evaporator loop heat pipe (ME-LHP), as one of the typical two-phase closed capillary circulation systems, exhibits tremendous potential in applications which involve high heat flux and multi-heat sources, and is especially attractive to spacecraft and electronics packaging thermal control. This paper provides a comprehensive review of ME-LHP research and developments for the past 20鈥痽ears covering four aspects: design theory, mathematical models, steady-state operational performance and start-up performance. ME-LHP design theory contains three key problems including the number limit for evaporators, sizing of the compensation chamber (CC) and calculation of the working fluid charge. Three peculiar features in steady performance have been discussed, which are the heat load sharing feature, the control rules of the operation temperature among multiple CCs, and the capillary limit of ME-LHP. Two influencing factors of start-up performance have been taken into account, including the required superheat on ME-LHP start-up and the initial fluid distribution in evaporators

    Method for detection of selected chemicals in an open environment

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    The present invention relates to a space-invariant independent component analysis and electronic nose for detection of selective chemicals in an unknown environment, and more specifically, an approach to analysis of sensor responses to mixtures of unknown chemicals by an electronic nose in an open and changing environment. It is intended to fill the gap between an alarm, which has little or no ability to distinguish among chemical compounds causing a response, and an analytical instrument, which can distinguish all compounds present but with no real-time or continuous event monitoring ability