470 research outputs found

    Grasping unknown objects in clutter by superquadric representation

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In this paper, a quick and efficient method is presented for grasping unknown objects in clutter. The grasping method relies on real-time superquadric (SQ) representation of partial view objects and incomplete object modelling, well suited for unknown symmetric objects in cluttered scenarios which is followed by optimized antipodal grasping. The incomplete object models are processed through a mirroring algorithm that assumes symmetry to first create an approximate complete model and then fit for SQ representation. The grasping algorithm is designed for maximum force balance and stability, taking advantage of the quick retrieval of dimension and surface curvature information from the SQ parameters. The pose of the SQs with respect to the direction of gravity is calculated and used together with the parameters of the SQs and specification of the gripper, to select the best direction of approach and contact points. The SQ fitting method has been tested on custom datasets containing objects in isolation as well as in clutter. The grasping algorithm is evaluated on a PR2 robot and real time results are presented. Initial results indicate that though the method is based on simplistic shape information, it outperforms other learning based grasping algorithms that also work in clutter in terms of time-efficiency and accuracy.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Stability of Gravitational and Electromagnetic Geons

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    Recent work on gravitational geons is extended to examine the stability properties of gravitational and electromagnetic geon constructs. All types of geons must possess the property of regularity, self-consistency and quasi-stability on a time-scale much longer than the period of the comprising waves. Standard perturbation theory, modified to accommodate time-averaged fields, is used to test the requirement of quasi-stability. It is found that the modified perturbation theory results in an internal inconsistency. The time-scale of evolution is found to be of the same order in magnitude as the period of the comprising waves. This contradicts the requirement of slow evolution. Thus not all of the requirements for the existence of electromagnetic or gravitational geons are met though perturbation theory. From this result it cannot be concluded that an electromagnetic or a gravitational geon is a viable entity. The broader implications of the result are discussed with particular reference to the problem of gravitational energy.Comment: 40 pages, 5 EPS figures, uses overcite.st

    Subjectively interpreted shape dimensions as privileged and orthogonal axes in mental shape space

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    The shape of an object is fundamental in object recognition but it is still an open issue to what extent shape differences are perceived analytically (i.e., by the dimensional structure of the shapes) or holistically (i.e., by the overall similarity of the shapes). The dimensional structure of a stimulus is available in a primary stage of processing for separable dimensions, although it can also be derived cognitively from a perceived stimulus consisting of integral dimensions. Contrary to most experimental paradigms, the present study asked participants explicitly to analyze shapes according to two dimensions. The dimensions of interest were aspect ratio and medial axis curvature, and a new procedure was used to measure the participants' interpretation of both dimensions (Part I, Experiment 1). The subjectively interpreted shape dimensions showed specific characteristics supporting the conclusion that they also constitute perceptual dimensions with objective behavioral characteristics (Part II): (1) the dimensions did not correlate in overall similarity measures (Experiment 2), (2) they were more separable in a speeded categorization task (Experiment 3), and (3) they were invariant across different complex 2-D shapes (Experiment 4). The implications of these findings for shape-based object processing are discussed

    Object representation and recognition

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    One of the primary functions of the human visual system is object recognition, an ability that allows us to relate the visual stimuli falling on our retinas to our knowledge of the world. For example, object recognition allows you to use knowledge of what an apple looks like to find it in the supermarket, to use knowledge of what a shark looks like to swim in th

    Representations for Cognitive Vision : a Review of Appearance-Based, Spatio-Temporal, and Graph-Based Approaches

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    The emerging discipline of cognitive vision requires a proper representation of visual information including spatial and temporal relationships, scenes, events, semantics and context. This review article summarizes existing representational schemes in computer vision which might be useful for cognitive vision, a and discusses promising future research directions. The various approaches are categorized according to appearance-based, spatio-temporal, and graph-based representations for cognitive vision. While the representation of objects has been covered extensively in computer vision research, both from a reconstruction as well as from a recognition point of view, cognitive vision will also require new ideas how to represent scenes. We introduce new concepts for scene representations and discuss how these might be efficiently implemented in future cognitive vision systems

    Component-wise modeling of articulated objects

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    We introduce a novel framework for modeling articulated objects based on the aspects of their components. By decomposing the object into components, we divide the problem in smaller modeling tasks. After obtaining 3D models for each component aspect by employing a shape deformation paradigm, we merge them together, forming the object components. The final model is obtained by assembling the components using an optimization scheme which fits the respective 3D models to the corresponding apparent contours in a reference pose. The results suggest that our approach can produce realistic 3D models of articulated objects in reasonable time

    Superquadric representation of scenes from multi-view range data

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    Object representation denotes representing three-dimensional (3D) real-world objects with known graphic or mathematic primitives recognizable to computers. This research has numerous applications for object-related tasks in areas including computer vision, computer graphics, reverse engineering, etc. Superquadrics, as volumetric and parametric models, have been selected to be the representation primitives throughout this research. Superquadrics are able to represent a large family of solid shapes by a single equation with only a few parameters. This dissertation addresses superquadric representation of multi-part objects and multiobject scenes. Two issues motivate this research. First, superquadric representation of multipart objects or multi-object scenes has been an unsolved problem due to the complex geometry of objects. Second, superquadrics recovered from single-view range data tend to have low confidence and accuracy due to partially scanned object surfaces caused by inherent occlusions. To address these two problems, this dissertation proposes a multi-view superquadric representation algorithm. By incorporating both part decomposition and multi-view range data, the proposed algorithm is able to not only represent multi-part objects or multi-object scenes, but also achieve high confidence and accuracy of recovered superquadrics. The multi-view superquadric representation algorithm consists of (i) initial superquadric model recovery from single-view range data, (ii) pairwise view registration based on recovered superquadric models, (iii) view integration, (iv) part decomposition, and (v) final superquadric fitting for each decomposed part. Within the multi-view superquadric representation framework, this dissertation proposes a 3D part decomposition algorithm to automatically decompose multi-part objects or multiobject scenes into their constituent single parts consistent with human visual perception. Superquadrics can then be recovered for each decomposed single-part object. The proposed part decomposition algorithm is based on curvature analysis, and includes (i) Gaussian curvature estimation, (ii) boundary labeling, (iii) part growing and labeling, and (iv) post-processing. In addition, this dissertation proposes an extended view registration algorithm based on superquadrics. The proposed view registration algorithm is able to handle deformable superquadrics as well as 3D unstructured data sets. For superquadric fitting, two objective functions primarily used in the literature have been comprehensively investigated with respect to noise, viewpoints, sample resolutions, etc. The objective function proved to have better performance has been used throughout this dissertation. In summary, the three algorithms (contributions) proposed in this dissertation are generic and flexible in the sense of handling triangle meshes, which are standard surface primitives in computer vision and graphics. For each proposed algorithm, the dissertation presents both theory and experimental results. The results demonstrate the efficiency of the algorithms using both synthetic and real range data of a large variety of objects and scenes. In addition, the experimental results include comparisons with previous methods from the literature. Finally, the dissertation concludes with a summary of the contributions to the state of the art in superquadric representation, and presents possible future extensions to this research

    Patient-reported aesthetic outcomes of upper blepharoplasty:a randomized controlled trial comparing two surgical techniques

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    It is not yet established whether additional orbicularis oculi muscle excision leads to better patient-reported aesthetic outcomes (PRO) compared to a skin-only resection blepharoplasty. A double-blind randomized controlled trial of upper blepharoplasty, with or without muscle excision, was performed on 54 White European patients who assessed the procedure via PRO. FACE-Q questionnaires covering eyes in general, upper eyelids, forehead and eyebrows, overall face, age appearance appraisal, age appraisal, social functioning, satisfaction with the outcome, and adverse effects were completed preoperatively and at 6 and 12 months after upper blepharoplasty. The Patient and Observer Scar Assessment Scale was used to assess scarring. The FACE-Q scores for skin-only and skin/muscle upper blepharoplasty were similar regarding the upper eyelids, forehead and eyebrows, overall face, patient perceived aging and age, social functioning, and satisfaction with the results, and also increased for both procedures with time. The FACE-Q score regarding the eyes in general was higher in the skin-only group at the 12-month follow-up. Scarring and adverse effects did not differ between the groups. Additional muscle resection does not seem to influence patient satisfaction. Thus, when performing an upper blepharoplasty, there is no need for additional muscle resection as a routine procedure to improve patient satisfaction
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