31 research outputs found

    3-D Laser-Based Multiclass and Multiview Object Detection in Cluttered Indoor Scenes

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    This paper investigates the problem of multiclass and multiview 3-D object detection for service robots operating in a cluttered indoor environment. A novel 3-D object detection system using laser point clouds is proposed to deal with cluttered indoor scenes with a fewer and imbalanced training data. Raw 3-D point clouds are first transformed to 2-D bearing angle images to reduce the computational cost, and then jointly trained multiple object detectors are deployed to perform the multiclass and multiview 3-D object detection. The reclassification technique is utilized on each detected low confidence bounding box in the system to reduce false alarms in the detection. The RUS-SMOTEboost algorithm is used to train a group of independent binary classifiers with imbalanced training data. Dense histograms of oriented gradients and local binary pattern features are combined as a feature set for the reclassification task. Based on the dalian university of technology (DUT)-3-D data set taken from various office and household environments, experimental results show the validity and good performance of the proposed method

    Geometric and Semantic Scene Understanding.

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    Estimating the 3D structure of a scene and recognizing scene elements are two kernel functions supporting many artificial intelligence applications. The ability to achieve these two goals only using RGB images is very valuable to a low-cost system but also extremely challenging. A scene may comprise a large number of different points, regions, and objects. Identifying their existence and distinguishing their semantic properties using RGB images are related to two research topics in computer vision: geometric scene understanding and semantic scene understanding. Over the past decades, many researchers were devoted into solving the problem of geometric scene understanding such as the works in camera calibration, structure-from-motion, and dense reconstruction. Meanwhile, numerous other researchers studied the problem of semantic scene understanding including the works in object recognition, region segmentation, and layout estimation. However, these efforts of disjointly solving the geometric or the semantic understanding problem usually lead to limited estimation capability and recognition accuracy. In this thesis, I will propose a novel image-based framework to jointly solve the geometric and semantic scene understanding problems, which includes the complete process of recognizing elements in a scene, estimating their spatial properties, and identifying their mutual relationships. Recognizing components in a scene provides constraints to estimate the geometric structure of the scene, while the estimated geometric structure in turn greatly helps the recognition task by providing contextual information and pruning out impossible configurations of scene components. Experiments proved that, by jointly solving the geometric understanding and semantic understanding problems, the two can be solved with an accuracy significantly higher than solving them separately.PhDElectrical Engineering: SystemsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/107131/1/yingze_1.pd

    Rich probabilistic models for semantic labeling

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    Das Ziel dieser Monographie ist es die Methoden und Anwendungen des semantischen Labelings zu erforschen. Unsere Beiträge zu diesem sich rasch entwickelten Thema sind bestimmte Aspekte der Modellierung und der Inferenz in probabilistischen Modellen und ihre Anwendungen in den interdisziplinären Bereichen der Computer Vision sowie medizinischer Bildverarbeitung und Fernerkundung

    3D reconstruction in underwater environment using CAD model alignment with images

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    Subsea assets need to be regularly inspected, maintained and repaired. These operations are typically performed using a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) controlled by a pilot that sits in a ship. In order to make operations safer and cheaper, it would be interesting to control the ROVs from land, avoiding the need to hire a ship and crew. As part of these operations, ROVs need to perform high precision actions such as turning valves, which may be hard to perform in this remote setting due to latency. A semi-autonomous vehicle capable of performing high precision tasks could potentiate the transition to fully remote operations, where people stay on land. In order to develop such a system, we need a robust perception model capable of segmenting the assets of interest. Additionally, it is important to fuse that information with 3D models of those same assets in order to have a spatial perception of the environment. This fusion may be useful to, in the future, plan the necessary actions to interact with the given asset. The main goal of this work is to implement a model that: 1) segments different subsea assets of interest, such as valves; and 2) fuse the segmentation information with 3D models of those same assets

    Learning to Complete 3D Scenes from Single Depth Images

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    Building a complete 3D model of a scene given only a single depth image is underconstrained. To acquire a full volumetric model, one typically needs either multiple views, or a single view together with a library of unambiguous 3D models that will fit the shape of each individual object in the scene. In this thesis, we present alternative methods for inferring the hidden geometry of table-top scenes. We first introduce two depth-image datasets consisting of multiple scenes, each with a ground truth voxel occupancy grid. We then introduce three methods for predicting voxel occupancy. The first predicts the occupancy of each voxel using a novel feature vector which measures the relationship between the query voxel and surfaces in the scene observed by the depth camera. We use a Random Forest to map each voxel of unknown state to a prediction of occupancy. We observed that predicting the occupancy of each voxel independently can lead to noisy solutions. We hypothesize that objects of dissimilar semantic classes often share similar 3D shape components, enabling a limited dataset to model the shape of a wide range of objects, and hence estimate their hidden geometry. Demonstrating this hypothesis, we propose an algorithm that can make structured completions of unobserved geometry. Finally, we propose an alternative framework for understanding the 3D geometry of scenes using the observation that individual objects can appear in multiple different scenes, but in different configurations. We introduce a supervised method to find regions corresponding to the same object across different scenes. We demonstrate that it is possible to then use these groupings of partially observed objects to reconstruct missing geometry. We then perform a critical review of the approaches we have taken, including an assessment of our metrics and datasets, before proposing extensions and future work

    Efficient multi-level scene understanding in videos

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    Automatic video parsing is a key step towards human-level dynamic scene understanding, and a fundamental problem in computer vision. A core issue in video understanding is to infer multiple scene properties of a video in an efficient and consistent manner. This thesis addresses the problem of holistic scene understanding from monocular videos, which jointly reason about semantic and geometric scene properties from multiple levels, including pixelwise annotation of video frames, object instance segmentation in spatio-temporal domain, and/or scene-level description in terms of scene categories and layouts. We focus on four main issues in the holistic video understanding: 1) what is the representation for consistent semantic and geometric parsing of videos? 2) how do we integrate high-level reasoning (e.g., objects) with pixel-wise video parsing? 3) how can we do efficient inference for multi-level video understanding? and 4) what is the representation learning strategy for efficient/cost-aware scene parsing? We discuss three multi-level video scene segmentation scenarios based on different aspects of scene properties and efficiency requirements. The first case addresses the problem of consistent geometric and semantic video segmentation for outdoor scenes. We propose a geometric scene layout representation, or a stage scene model, to efficiently capture the dependency between the semantic and geometric labels. We build a unified conditional random field for joint modeling of the semantic class, geometric label and the stage representation, and design an alternating inference algorithm to minimize the resulting energy function. The second case focuses on the problem of simultaneous pixel-level and object-level segmentation in videos. We propose to incorporate foreground object information into pixel labeling by jointly reasoning semantic labels of supervoxels, object instance tracks and geometric relations between objects. In order to model objects, we take an exemplar approach based on a small set of object annotations to generate a set of object proposals. We then design a conditional random field framework that jointly models the supervoxel labels and object instance segments. To scale up our method, we develop an active inference strategy to improve the efficiency of multi-level video parsing, which adaptively selects an informative subset of object proposals and performs inference on the resulting compact model. The last case explores the problem of learning a flexible representation for efficient scene labeling. We propose a dynamic hierarchical model that allows us to achieve flexible trade-offs between efficiency and accuracy. Our approach incorporates the cost of feature computation and model inference, and optimizes the model performance for any given test-time budget. We evaluate all our methods on several publicly available video and image semantic segmentation datasets, and demonstrate superior performance in efficiency and accuracy. Keywords: Semantic video segmentation, Multi-level scene understanding, Efficient inference, Cost-aware scene parsin

    Richer object representations for object class detection in challenging real world images

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    Object class detection in real world images has been a synonym for object localization for the longest time. State-of-the-art detection methods, inspired by renowned detection benchmarks, typically target 2D bounding box localization of objects. At the same time, due to the rapid technological and scientific advances, high-level vision applications, aiming at understanding the visual world as a whole, are coming into the focus. The diversity of the visual world challenges these applications in terms of representational complexity, robust inference and training data. As objects play a central role in any vision system, it has been argued that richer object representations, providing higher level of detail than modern detection methods, are a promising direction towards understanding visual scenes. Besides bridging the gap between object class detection and high-level tasks, richer object representations also lead to more natural object descriptions, bringing computer vision closer to human perception. Inspired by these prospects, this thesis explores four different directions towards richer object representations, namely, 3D object representations, fine-grained representations, occlusion representations, as well as understanding convnet representations. Moreover, this thesis illustrates that richer object representations can facilitate high-level applications, providing detailed and natural object descriptions. In addition, the presented representations attain high performance rates, at least on par or often superior to state-of-the-art methods.Detektion von Objektklassen in natürlichen Bildern war lange Zeit gleichbedeutend mit Lokalisierung von Objekten. Von anerkannten Detektions-Benchmarks inspirierte Detektionsmethoden, die auf dem neuesten Stand der Forschung sind, zielen üblicherweise auf die Lokalisierung von Objekten im Bild. Gleichzeitig werden durch den schnellen technologischen und wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt abstraktere Bildverarbeitungsanwendungen, die ein Verständnis der visuellen Welt als Ganzes anstreben, immer interessanter. Die Diversität der visuellen Welt ist eine Herausforderung für diese Anwendungen hinsichtlich der Komplexität der Darstellung, robuster Inferenz und Trainingsdaten. Da Objekte eine zentrale Rolle in jedem Visionssystem spielen, wurde argumentiert, dass reichhaltige Objektrepräsentationen, die höhere Detailgenauigkeit als gegenwärtige Detektionsmethoden bieten, ein vielversprechender Schritt zum Verständnis visueller Szenen sind. Reichhaltige Objektrepräsentationen schlagen eine Brücke zwischen der Detektion von Objektklassen und abstrakteren Aufgabenstellungen, und sie führen auch zu natürlicheren Objektbeschreibungen, wodurch sie die Bildverarbeitung der menschlichen Wahrnehmung weiter annähern. Aufgrund dieser Perspektiven erforscht die vorliegende Arbeit vier verschiedene Herangehensweisen zu reichhaltigeren Objektrepräsentationen

    Richer object representations for object class detection in challenging real world images

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    Object class detection in real world images has been a synonym for object localization for the longest time. State-of-the-art detection methods, inspired by renowned detection benchmarks, typically target 2D bounding box localization of objects. At the same time, due to the rapid technological and scientific advances, high-level vision applications, aiming at understanding the visual world as a whole, are coming into the focus. The diversity of the visual world challenges these applications in terms of representational complexity, robust inference and training data. As objects play a central role in any vision system, it has been argued that richer object representations, providing higher level of detail than modern detection methods, are a promising direction towards understanding visual scenes. Besides bridging the gap between object class detection and high-level tasks, richer object representations also lead to more natural object descriptions, bringing computer vision closer to human perception. Inspired by these prospects, this thesis explores four different directions towards richer object representations, namely, 3D object representations, fine-grained representations, occlusion representations, as well as understanding convnet representations. Moreover, this thesis illustrates that richer object representations can facilitate high-level applications, providing detailed and natural object descriptions. In addition, the presented representations attain high performance rates, at least on par or often superior to state-of-the-art methods.Detektion von Objektklassen in natürlichen Bildern war lange Zeit gleichbedeutend mit Lokalisierung von Objekten. Von anerkannten Detektions-Benchmarks inspirierte Detektionsmethoden, die auf dem neuesten Stand der Forschung sind, zielen üblicherweise auf die Lokalisierung von Objekten im Bild. Gleichzeitig werden durch den schnellen technologischen und wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt abstraktere Bildverarbeitungsanwendungen, die ein Verständnis der visuellen Welt als Ganzes anstreben, immer interessanter. Die Diversität der visuellen Welt ist eine Herausforderung für diese Anwendungen hinsichtlich der Komplexität der Darstellung, robuster Inferenz und Trainingsdaten. Da Objekte eine zentrale Rolle in jedem Visionssystem spielen, wurde argumentiert, dass reichhaltige Objektrepräsentationen, die höhere Detailgenauigkeit als gegenwärtige Detektionsmethoden bieten, ein vielversprechender Schritt zum Verständnis visueller Szenen sind. Reichhaltige Objektrepräsentationen schlagen eine Brücke zwischen der Detektion von Objektklassen und abstrakteren Aufgabenstellungen, und sie führen auch zu natürlicheren Objektbeschreibungen, wodurch sie die Bildverarbeitung der menschlichen Wahrnehmung weiter annähern. Aufgrund dieser Perspektiven erforscht die vorliegende Arbeit vier verschiedene Herangehensweisen zu reichhaltigeren Objektrepräsentationen