396 research outputs found

    Structured Review of the Evidence for Effects of Code Duplication on Software Quality

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    This report presents the detailed steps and results of a structured review of code clone literature. The aim of the review is to investigate the evidence for the claim that code duplication has a negative effect on code changeability. This report contains only the details of the review for which there is not enough place to include them in the companion paper published at a conference (Hordijk, Ponisio et al. 2009 - Harmfulness of Code Duplication - A Structured Review of the Evidence)

    Structured Review of Code Clone Literature

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    This report presents the results of a structured review of code clone literature. The aim of the review is to assemble a conceptual model of clone-related concepts which helps us to reason about clones. This conceptual model unifies clone concepts from a wide range of literature, so that findings about clones can be compared with each other

    A Comparative Study of Code Query Technologies

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    When analyzing software systems we are faced with the challenge of how to implement a particular analysis for different programming languages. A solution for this problem is to write a single analysis using a code query language abstracting from the specificities of languages being analyzed. Over the past ten years many code query technologies have been developed, based on different formalisms. Each technology comes with its own query language and set of features. To determine the state of the art of code querying we compare the languages and tools for seven code query technologies: Grok, Rscript, JRelCal, SemmleCode, JGraLab, CrocoPat and JTransformer. The specification of a package stability metric is used as a running example to compare the languages. The comparison involves twelve criteria, some of which are concerned with properties of the query language (paradigm, types, parametrization, polymorphism, modularity, and libraries), and some of which are concerned with the tool itself (output formats, interactive interface, API support, interchange formats, extraction support, and licensing). We contextualize the criteria in two usage scenarios: interactive and tool integration. We conclude that there is no particularly weak or dominant tool. As important improvement points, we identify the lack of library mechanisms, interchange formats, and possibilities for integration with source code extraction components

    Reverseorc:Reverse engineering of resizable user interface layouts with or-constraints

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    Reverse engineering (RE) of user interfaces (UIs) plays an important role in software evolution. However, the large diversity of UI technologies and the need for UIs to be resizable make this challenging. We propose ReverseORC, a novel RE approach able to discover diverse layout types and their dynamic resizing behaviours independently of their implementation, and to specify them by using OR constraints. Unlike previous RE approaches, ReverseORC infers flexible layout constraint specifications by sampling UIs at different sizes and analyzing the differences between them. It can create specifications that replicate even some non-standard layout managers with complex dynamic layout behaviours. We demonstrate that ReverseORC works across different platforms with very different layout approaches, e.g., for GUIs as well as for the Web. Furthermore, it can be used to detect and fix problems in legacy UIs, extend UIs with enhanced layout behaviours, and support the creation of flexible UI layouts.Comment: CHI2021 Full Pape

    An examination of the orientation needs of international students at the Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning

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    The purpose of this study was to: (a) clarify the meaning, of "orientation", (b) evaluate effectiveness of the international student orientation program, (c) determine whether the program, met the needs of the survey respondents, and (d) ascertain the most appropriate method for the delivery of the pre-departure materials, and ideal schedule for the on-site orientation program. The research study was conducted at the Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, in Toronto, Ontario. -- A convenience sample was used, drawing respondents from the 2006-2007 academic cohort. The respondents were asked to complete a web-based survey. From the study's findings, the respondents equated the term "orientation" as the means for learning more about Humber and it services. They indicated that the two primary resources they used for their pre-departure preparation were: (a) viewing the Humber international student website, and (b) dialoguing with family, friends and alumni. Their primary orientation needs were consistent with the basic needs addressed in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory. It was found that the respondents preferred to continue to receive pre-departure materials through regular mail, and that the scheduling of the on-site orientation remain the same. The data results were discussed, and recommendations for program improvements and future research were provided

    Sexual Misconduct of Educators: A Comparison of Decisions of Courts and Tribunals in British Columbia, Nova Scotia and Ontario

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    This thesis examines the genesis of society\u27s awareness of the problem of child sexual abuse as well as changes in the legal system to the prosecution of child sexual offence cases and then situates the problem within the educational system in British Columbia, Nova Scotia and Ontario. Thereafter, there is an examination of the panoply of remedies that the legal system provides to victims of sexual misconduct by educators. Conversely, it also analyses whether it is fair that educators who engage in such conduct should be faced with a multiplicity of proceedings before many different institutions. Further, the efficacy of these institutions in each jurisdiction is analyzed. In evaluating the efficacy of the institutions, one factor examined is the impartiality of the decision-makers and whether they treat same and opposite sex abuse cases alike

    Building Stones of Canada's Federal Parliament Buildings

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    The building stones used in the Ottawa Parliament Buildings were mined from numerous quarries in Canada, United States, and several European nations.They were cut, placed and carved according to exacting procedures using the most up-to-date technology of the time. Construction of the rebuilt Centre Block, the focus of this article, was a protracted affair, interrupted by the demands of the1914-1918 Great War. Exterior stone of the Parliament Buildings has endured the ravages of weather, fire, seismic shaking and pollution. Recently, great effort and expense have been devoted to the restoration of the masonry elements of all of the buildings to ensure the continued viability of this National Historic Site.The role of the geologist, critical in the initial evaluation and selection of the building stone, was largely ignored until recently. Building restoration of late has also restored the role of the geologist, with the requirement to understand the complex reactions of the building stone to the environment and its neighbouring masonry elements, and in the quest to find suitable replacement stone. Résumé Les pierres de construction utilisées pour les édifices du Parlement à Ottawa proviennent de nombreuses carrières autant au Canada, aux États-Unis que de plusieurs pays européens. Elles ont été taillées, posées et sculptées suivant des procédés précis, en conformité avec les règles de l'art de l'époque. La reconstruction de l'édifice du centre qui est le sujet du présent article, a été une affaire qui s'est étirée étant donné les priorités lors de la Grande Guerre de 1914-1918. Ces pierres de revêtement des édifices du Parlement ont subi les avanies du climat, du feu, de tremblements de terre et de la pollution, et récemment, des efforts et des fonds considérables ont été consentis pour la restauration des éléments de maçonnerie de tous les édifices afin d'assurer la pérennité de ce site historique national. Le rôle déterminant du géologue, lors de l'évaluation initiale et du choix des pierres, a été largement ignoré jusqu'à maintenant, mais la restauration des édifices a permis de remettre en valeur le rôle du géologue, parce qu'il fallait d'abord comprendre les réactions complexes des pierres de construction avec l'environnement et les autres éléments de maçonnerie avoisinants, afin de pouvoir trouver des pierres de remplacement convenables