77 research outputs found

    Faculty Publications & Presentations, 2008-2009

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    Seventh Biennial Report : June 2003 - March 2005

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    Colour coded

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    This 300 word publication to be published by the Society of Dyers and Colourists (SDC) is a collection of the best papers from a 4-year European project that has considered colour from the perspective of both the arts and sciences.The notion of art and science and the crossovers between the two resulted in application and funding for cross disciplinary research to host a series of training events between 2006 and 2010 Marie Curie Conferences & Training Courses (SCF) Call Identifier: FP6-Mobility-4, Euros 532,363.80 CREATE – Colour Research for European Advanced Technology Employment. The research crossovers between the fields of art, science and technology was also a subject that was initiated through Bristol’s Festival if Ideas events in May 2009. The author coordinated and chaired an event during which the C.P Snow lecture “On Two Cultures’ (1959) was re-presented by Actor Simon Cook and then a lecture made by Raymond Tallis on the notion of the Polymath. The CREATE project has a worldwide impact for researchers, academics and scientists. Between January and October 2009, the site has received 221, 414 visits. The most popular route into the site is via the welcome page. The main groups of visitors originate in the UK (including Northern Ireland), Italy, France, Finland, Norway, Hungary, USA, Finland and Spain. A basic percentage breakdown of the traffic over ten months indicates: USA -15%; UK - 16%; Italy - 13%; France -12%; Hungary - 10%; Spain - 6%; Finland - 9%; Norway - 5%. The remaining approximate 14% of visitors are from other countries including Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany (approx 3%). A discussion group has been initiated by the author as part of the CREATE project to facilitate an ongoing dialogue between artists and scientists. http://createcolour.ning.com/group/artandscience www.create.uwe.ac.uk.Related papers to this research: A report on the CREATE Italian event: Colour in cultural heritage.C. Parraman, A. Rizzi, ‘Developing the CREATE network in Europe’, in Colour in Art, Design and Nature, Edinburgh, 24 October 2008.C. Parraman, “Mixing and describing colour”. CREATE (Training event 1), France, 2008

    Library buildings around the world

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    "Library Buildings around the World" is a survey based on researches of several years. The objective was to gather library buildings on an international level starting with 1990

    Remediation of Soils and Groundwater Contaminated with Hydrocarbons in Area the Operation of Ecopetrol in Palagua oil field, Columbia.

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    Import 21/10/2013The soils of the Station 1 in Palagua oil field and bordering property indicated similar characteristics of both, classifying them like sandy, which coincides with the high permeability and rapid infiltration, together with low relative thickness and low retention of moisture. Also both present a capacity of cationic exchange and granular structure. The underground water contains phenols and metals as the Barium, Lead, Arsenic, hexavalent Chromium and Cadmium that they overcome the limit allowed by the Colombian current environment policy in several points of sampling. The bioaugmentation process represent better results for biodegradation of TPH in 83,7% in average, as well as for biodegradation of oil and grease (58,2%) and PAHs (31,7%). Combination of two treatments is more convenient for elimination of hydrocarbons than bioremediation solo. The flushing with surfactant and washing with hydrogen peroxide solution as the pre-treatments, presented similar efficiency for elimination of TPH, oil and grease but elimination of PAHs it is better to handle with peroxide pre-treatment, where can be achieved more than 80%.The results of the modeling of groundwater flow in the zone of interest, indicate a predominant direction northwest - south-west (NW to SW) and a maximum speed of flow 0.37 m/d of groundwater. The direction of displacement of the underground water together with the pen is towards the Marsh Palagua. The calibration of model lives average error -0,007m and absolute error 0,346m. After one month of biostimulation and two weeks flushing with surfactant as pre-treatment in Palagua oil field, was achieved elimination of TPH (56,3%) oil and grease(44,8%) and PAHs (49,2%).Prezenční546 - Institut environmentálního inženýrstvívyhově