29 research outputs found

    Statistical atlas based registration and planning for ablating bone tumors in minimally invasive interventions

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    Bone tumor ablation has been a viable treatment in a minimally invasive way compared with surgical resections. In this paper, two key challenges in the computer-Assisted bone tumor ablation have been addressed: 1) establishing the spatial transformation of patient's tumor with respect to a global map of the patient using a minimum number of intra-operative images and 2) optimal treatment planning for large tumors. Statistical atlas is employed to construct the global reference map. The atlas is deformably registered to a pair of intra-operative fluoroscopy images, constructing a patient-specific model, in order to reduce the radiation exposure to the sensitive patients such as pregnant and infants. The optimal treatment planning system incorporates clinical constraints on ablations and trajectories using a multiple objective optimization, which obtains optimal trajectory planning and ablation coverage using integer programming. The proposed system is presented and validated by experiments. © 2012 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Deep Learning Framework for Spleen Volume Estimation from 2D Cross-sectional Views

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    Abnormal spleen enlargement (splenomegaly) is regarded as a clinical indicator for a range of conditions, including liver disease, cancer and blood diseases. While spleen length measured from ultrasound images is a commonly used surrogate for spleen size, spleen volume remains the gold standard metric for assessing splenomegaly and the severity of related clinical conditions. Computed tomography is the main imaging modality for measuring spleen volume, but it is less accessible in areas where there is a high prevalence of splenomegaly (e.g., the Global South). Our objective was to enable automated spleen volume measurement from 2D cross-sectional segmentations, which can be obtained from ultrasound imaging. In this study, we describe a variational autoencoder-based framework to measure spleen volume from single- or dual-view 2D spleen segmentations. We propose and evaluate three volume estimation methods within this framework. We also demonstrate how 95% confidence intervals of volume estimates can be produced to make our method more clinically useful. Our best model achieved mean relative volume accuracies of 86.62% and 92.58% for single- and dual-view segmentations, respectively, surpassing the performance of the clinical standard approach of linear regression using manual measurements and a comparative deep learning-based 2D-3D reconstruction-based approach. The proposed spleen volume estimation framework can be integrated into standard clinical workflows which currently use 2D ultrasound images to measure spleen length. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to achieve direct 3D spleen volume estimation from 2D spleen segmentations.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Fluoroscopy-based tracking of femoral kinematics with statistical shape models

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    Precise knee kinematics assessment helps to diagnose knee pathologies and to improve the design of customized prosthetic components. The first step in identifying knee kinematics is to assess the femoral motion in the anatomical frame. However, no work has been done on pathological femurs, whose shape can be highly different from healthy ones

    Model-based wear measurements in total knee arthroplasty : development and validation of novel radiographic techniques

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    The primary aim of this work was to develop novel model-based mJSW measurement methods using a 3D reconstruction and compare the accuracy and precision of these methods to conventional mJSW measurement. This thesis contributed to the development, validation and clinical application of model-based mJSW measurements for the natural knee and for total knee prostheses. The majority of this work focusses on measuring linear wear of the total knee protheses by estimating the remaining insert thickness with the mJSW. Both in vivo and in vitro research shows that the application of model-based techniques can give a large improvement in measurement accuracy and precision. This applies for measurements based on both Röntgen Stereogrammetric Analysis (RSA) and standard radiographs. Secondary, this work investigated volumetric wear measurement and the effect of patient positioning on the measurement outcome. In conclusion, this work presents convincing evidence that the mJSW measurement accuracy and precision is improved using model-based measurement techniques in RSA images as well as in standard AP radiographs. The next steps towards clinical application are to improve the measurement software and to conduct further research on the influence of knee flexion and implant design on the reliability of mJSW as surrogate for the insert thickness.  LUMC / Geneeskund

    Estimating and abstracting the 3D structure of feline bones using neural networks on X-ray (2D) images

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    Computing 3D bone models using traditional Computed Tomography (CT) requires a high-radiation dose, cost and time. We present a fully automated, domain-agnostic method for estimating the 3D structure of a bone from a pair of 2D X-ray images. Our triplet loss-trained neural network extracts a 128-dimensional embedding of the 2D X-ray images. A classifier then finds the most closely matching 3D bone shape from a predefined set of shapes. Our predictions have an average root mean square (RMS) distance of 1.08 mm between the predicted and true shapes, making our approach more accurate than the average achieved by eight other examined 3D bone reconstruction approaches. Each embedding extracted from a 2D bone image is optimized to uniquely identify the 3D bone CT from which the 2D image originated and can serve as a kind of fingerprint of each bone; possible applications include faster, image content-based bone database searches for forensic purposes

    Reconstruction of Patient-Specific Bone Models from X-Ray Radiography

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    The availability of a patient‐specific bone model has become an increasingly invaluable addition to orthopedic case evaluation and planning [1]. Utilized within a wide range of specialized visualization and analysis tools, such models provide unprecedented wealth of bone shape information previously unattainable using traditional radiographic imaging [2]. In this work, a novel bone reconstruction method from two or more x‐ray images is described. This method is superior to previous attempts in terms of accuracy and repeatability. The new technique accurately models the radiological scene in a way that eliminates the need for expensive multi‐planar radiographic imaging systems. It is also flexible enough to allow for both short and long film imaging using standard radiological protocols, which makes the technology easily utilized in standard clinical setups

    2D-3D shape reconstruction of the distal femur from stereo X-Ray imaging using statistical shape models

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    Three-dimensional patient specific bone models are required in a range of medical applications, such as pre-operative surgery planning and improved guidance during surgery, modeling and simulation, and in vivo bone motion tracking. Shape reconstruction from a small number of X-ray images is desired as it lowers both the acquisition costs and the radiation dose compared to CT. We propose a method for pose estimation and shape reconstruction of 3D bone surfaces from two (or more) calibrated X-ray images using a statistical shape model (SSM). User interaction is limited to manual initialization of the mean shape. The proposed method combines a 3D distance based objective function with automatic edge selection on a Canny edge map. Landmark-edge correspondences are weighted based on the orientation difference of the projected silhouette and the corresponding image edge. The method was evaluated by rigid pose estimation of ground truth shapes as well as 3D shape estimation using a SSM of the whole femur, from stereo cadaver X-rays, in vivo biplane fluoroscopy image-pairs, and an in vivo biplane fluoroscopic sequence. Ground truth shapes for all experiments were available in the form of CT segmentations. Rigid registration of the ground truth shape to the biplane fluoroscopy achieved sub-millimeter accuracy (0.68mm) measured as root mean squared (RMS) point-to-surface (P2S) distance. The non-rigid reconstruction from the biplane fluoroscopy using the SSM also showed promising results (1.68mm RMS P2S). A feasibility study on one fluoroscopic time series illustrates the potential of the method for motion and shape estimation from fluoroscopic sequences with minimal user interaction.Imaging- and therapeutic targets in neoplastic and musculoskeletal inflammatory diseas

    A 3D computer assisted Orthopedic Surgery Planning approach based on planar radiography

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Informática Médica)The main goal of this work consisted in develop a system to perform the 3D reconstruction of bone models from radiographic images. This system can be then integrated with a commercial software that performs pre-operative planning of orthopedic surgeries. The benefit of performing this 3D reconstruction from planar radiography is that this modality has some advantages over other modalities that perform this reconstruction directly, like CT and MRI. To develop the system it was used radiographic images of the femur obtained from medical image databases online. It was also used a generic model of the femur available in the online repository BEL. This generic model completes the information missing in the radiographic images. It was developed two methods to perform the 3D reconstruction through the deformation of the generic model, one uses triangulation of extracted edge points and the other don't. The first method was not successful, the final model had very low thickness, possibly because the triangulation process was not performed correctly. With the second method it was obtained a 3D bone model of the femur aligned with the radiographic images of the patient and with the same size as the patient's bone. However, the obtained model still needs some adjustment to coincide fully with reality. To perform this is necessary to enhance the deformation step of the model so that it will have the same shape as the patient's bone. The second method is more advantageous because it doesn't need the parameters of the x-ray imaging system. However, it's necessary to enhance the step deformation of this method so that the final model matches patient's anatomy.O principal objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em desenvolver um sistema capaz de realizar a reconstrução 3D de modelos ósseos a partir de imagens radiográficas. Este sistema pode posteriormente ser integrado num produto comercial que realiza o planeamento pré-operativo de cirurgias ortopédicas. O benefício de realizar esta reconstrução 3D a partir de radiografias está relacionado com o facto desta modalidade ter vantagens em relação às outras modalidades que fazem esta reconstrução diretamente, como as modalidades CT e MRI. Para desenvolver este sistema foram usadas imagens radiográficas do fémur obtidas através de bases de dados online de imagens médicas. Também foi usado um modelo genérico do fémur disponível no repositório online BEL. Este modelo genérico completa a informação que está em falta nas imagens radiográficas. Foram desenvolvidos dois métodos, que realizam a reconstrução 3D através da deformação do modelo genérico sendo que num é feita a triangulação de pontos dos contornos e noutro não. O primeiro método não foi bem sucedido, visto que o modelo final tinha uma espessura muito pequena, possivelmente devido ao facto do processo de triangulação não ter sido executado corretamente. Com o segundo método foi obtido um modelo 3D do fémur alinhado com as imagens radiográficas do paciente e com o mesmo tamanho do osso do paciente. No entanto, o modelo obtido carece ainda de alguma afinação de modo a coincidir na íntegra com a realidade. Para fazer isto é necessário melhorar o passo de deformação do modelo, para que este fique com a mesma forma do osso do paciente. O segundo método é mais vantajoso porque não necessita dos parâmetros dos sistema de raios- X. No entanto, é necessário melhorar o passo de deformação deste método para que o modelo final coincida com a anatomia do paciente