557 research outputs found

    A 3D Pipeline for 2D Pixel Art Animation

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    Aquest document presenta un informe exhaustiu sobre un projecte destinat a desenvolupar un procés automatitzat per a la creació d'animacions 2D a partir de models 3D utilitzant Blender. L'objectiu principal del projecte és millorar les tècniques existents i reduir la necessitat que els artistes realitzin tasques repetitives en el procés de producció d'animació. El projecte implica el disseny i desenvolupament d'un complement per a Blender, programat en Python, que es va desenvolupar per ser eficient i reduir les tasques intensives en temps que solen caracteritzar algunes etapes en el procés d'animació. El complement suporta tres estils específics d'animació: l'art de píxel, "cel shader", i "cel shader" amb contorns, i es pot expandir per suportar una àmplia gamma d'estils. El complement també és de codi obert, permetent una major col·laboració i potencials contribucions per part de la comunitat. Malgrat els problemes trobats, el projecte ha estat exitós en aconseguir els seus objectius, i els resultats mostren que el complement pot aconseguir resultats similars als adquirits amb eines similars i animació tradicional. El treball futur inclou mantenir el complement actualitzat amb les últimes versions de Blender, publicar-lo a GitHub i mercats de complements de Blender, així com afegir nous estils d'art.This document presents a comprehensive report on a project aimed at developing an automated process for creating 2D animations from 3D models using Blender. The project's main goal is to improve upon existing techniques and reduce the need for artists to do clerical tasks in the animation production process. The project involves the design and development of a plugin for Blender, coded in Python, which was developed to be efficient and reduce time-intensive tasks that usually characterise some stages in the animation process. The plugin supports three specific styles of animation: pixel art, cel shading, and cel shading with outlines, and can be expanded to support a wider range of styles. The plugin is also open-source, allowing for greater collaboration and potential contributions from the community. Despite the challenges faced, the project was successful in achieving its goals, and the results show that the plugin could achieve results similar to those acquired with similar tools and traditional animation. The future work includes keeping the plugin up-to-date with the latest versions of Blender, publishing it on GitHub and Blender plugin markets, as well as adding new art styles

    Sketching-out virtual humans: From 2d storyboarding to immediate 3d character animation

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    Virtual beings are playing a remarkable role in today’s public entertainment, while ordinary users are still treated as audiences due to the lack of appropriate expertise, equipment, and computer skills. In this paper, we present a fast and intuitive storyboarding interface, which enables users to sketch-out 3D virtual humans, 2D/3D animations, and character intercommunication. We devised an intuitive “stick figurefleshing-outskin mapping” graphical animation pipeline, which realises the whole process of key framing, 3D pose reconstruction, virtual human modelling, motion path/timing control, and the final animation synthesis by almost pure 2D sketching. A “creative model-based method” is developed, which emulates a human perception process, to generate the 3D human bodies of variational sizes, shapes, and fat distributions. Meanwhile, our current system also supports the sketch-based crowd animation and the storyboarding of the 3D multiple character intercommunication. This system has been formally tested by various users on Tablet PC. After minimal training, even a beginner can create vivid virtual humans and animate them within minutes

    Sketch-based virtual human modelling and animation

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    Animated virtual humans created by skilled artists play a remarkable role in today’s public entertainment. However, ordinary users are still treated as audiences due to the lack of appropriate expertise, equipment, and computer skills. We developed a new method and a novel sketching interface, which enable anyone who can draw to “sketch-out” 3D virtual humans and animation. We devised a “Stick FigureFleshing-outSkin Mapping” graphical pipeline, which decomposes the complexity of figure drawing and considerably boosts the modelling and animation efficiency. We developed a gesture-based method for 3D pose reconstruction from 2D stick figure drawings. We investigated a “Creative Model-based Method”, which performs a human perception process to transfer users’ 2D freehand sketches into 3D human bodies of various body sizes, shapes and fat distributions. Our current system supports character animation in various forms including articulated figure animation, 3D mesh model animation, and 2D contour/NPR animation with personalised drawing styles. Moreover, this interface also supports sketch-based crowd animation and 2D storyboarding of 3D multiple character interactions. A preliminary user study was conducted to support the overall system design. Our system has been formally tested by various users on Tablet PC. After minimal training, even a beginner can create vivid virtual humans and animate them within minutes

    Computer-assisted animation creation techniques for hair animation and shade, highlight, and shadow

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3062号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2010/2/25 ; 早大学位記番号:新532

    Pictonaut: movie cartoonization using 3D human pose estimation and GANs

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    This article describes Pictonaut, a novel method to automatically synthetise animated shots from motion picture footage. Its results are editable (backgrounds, characters, lighting, etc.) with conventional 3D software, and they have the finish of professional 2D animation. Rather than addressing the challenge solely as an image translation problem, a hybrid approach combining multi-person 3D human pose estimation and GANs is taken. Sub-sampled video frames are processed with OpenPose and SMPLify-X to obtain the 3D parameters of the pose (body, hands and face expression) of all depicted characters. The captured parameters are retargeted into manually selected 3D models, cel shaded to mimic the style of a 2D cartoon. The results of sub-sampled frames are interpolated to generate a complete and smooth motion for all the characters. The background is cartoonized with a GAN. Qualitative evaluation shows that the approach is feasible, and a small dataset of synthetised shots obtained from real movie scenes is provided.This work is partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under contract PID2019-107255GB, and by the SGR programme 2017-SGR-1414 of the Catalan Government.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Ink-and-Ray: Bas-Relief Meshes for Adding Global Illumination Effects to Hand-Drawn Characters

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    We present a new approach for generating global illumination renderings of hand-drawn characters using only a small set of simple annotations. Our system exploits the concept of bas-relief sculptures, making it possible to generate 3D proxies suitable for rendering without requiring side-views or extensive user input. We formulate an optimization process that automatically constructs approximate geometry sufficient to evoke the impression of a consistent 3D shape. The resulting renders provide the richer stylization capabilities of 3D global illumination while still retaining the 2D handdrawn look-and-feel. We demonstrate our approach on a varied set of handdrawn images and animations, showing that even in comparison to ground truth renderings of full 3D objects, our bas-relief approximation is able to produce convincing global illumination effects, including self-shadowing, glossy reflections, and diffuse color bleeding