8 research outputs found

    A hand shape recognizer from simple sketches

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    Hand shape recognition is one of the most important techniques used in human-computer interaction. However, it often takes developers great efforts to customize their hand shape recognizers. In this paper, we present a novel method that enables a hand shape recognizer to be built automatically from simple sketches, such as a 'stick-figure' of a hand shape. We introduce the Hand Boltzmann Machine (HBM), a generative model built upon unsupervised learning, to represent the hand shape space of a binary image, and formulate the user provided sketches as an initial guidance for sampling to generate realistic hand shape samples. Such samples are then used to train a hand shape recognizer. We evaluate our method and compare it with other state-of-the-art models in three aspects, namely i) its capability of handling different sketch input, ii) its classification accuracy, and iii) its ability to handle occlusions. Experimental results demonstrate the great potential of our method in real world applications. © 2013 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Three dimensional information estimation and tracking for moving objects detection using two cameras framework

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    Calibration, matching and tracking are major concerns to obtain 3D information consisting of depth, direction and velocity. In finding depth, camera parameters and matched points are two necessary inputs. Depth, direction and matched points can be achieved accurately if cameras are well calibrated using manual traditional calibration. However, most of the manual traditional calibration methods are inconvenient to use because markers or real size of an object in the real world must be provided or known. Self-calibration can solve the traditional calibration limitation, but not on depth and matched points. Other approaches attempted to match corresponding object using 2D visual information without calibration, but they suffer low matching accuracy under huge perspective distortion. This research focuses on achieving 3D information using self-calibrated tracking system. In this system, matching and tracking are done under self-calibrated condition. There are three contributions introduced in this research to achieve the objectives. Firstly, orientation correction is introduced to obtain better relationship matrices for matching purpose during tracking. Secondly, after having relationship matrices another post-processing method, which is status based matching, is introduced for improving object matching result. This proposed matching algorithm is able to achieve almost 90% of matching rate. Depth is estimated after the status based matching. Thirdly, tracking is done based on x-y coordinates and the estimated depth under self-calibrated condition. Results show that the proposed self-calibrated tracking system successfully differentiates the location of objects even under occlusion in the field of view, and is able to determine the direction and the velocity of multiple moving objects

    Efficient solutions to the relative pose of three calibrated cameras from four points using virtual correspondences

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    We study the challenging problem of estimating the relative pose of three calibrated cameras. We propose two novel solutions to the notoriously difficult configuration of four points in three views, known as the 4p3v problem. Our solutions are based on the simple idea of generating one additional virtual point correspondence in two views by using the information from the locations of the four input correspondences in the three views. For the first solver, we train a network to predict this point correspondence. The second solver uses a much simpler and more efficient strategy based on the mean points of three corresponding input points. The new solvers are efficient and easy to implement since they are based on the existing efficient minimal solvers, i.e., the well-known 5-point relative pose and the P3P solvers. The solvers achieve state-of-the-art results on real data. The idea of solving minimal problems using virtual correspondences is general and can be applied to other problems, e.g., the 5-point relative pose problem. In this way, minimal problems can be solved using simpler non-minimal solvers or even using sub-minimal samples inside RANSAC. In addition, we compare different variants of 4p3v solvers with the baseline solver for the minimal configuration consisting of three triplets of points and two points visible in two views. We discuss which configuration of points is potentially the most practical in real applications

    A Fast and Robust Extrinsic Calibration for RGB-D Camera Networks

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    From object tracking to 3D reconstruction, RGB-Depth (RGB-D) camera networks play an increasingly important role in many vision and graphics applications. Practical applications often use sparsely-placed cameras to maximize visibility, while using as few cameras as possible to minimize cost. In general, it is challenging to calibrate sparse camera networks due to the lack of shared scene features across different camera views. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm that can accurately and rapidly calibrate the geometric relationships across an arbitrary number of RGB-D cameras on a network. Our work has a number of novel features. First, to cope with the wide separation between different cameras, we establish view correspondences by using a spherical calibration object. We show that this approach outperforms other techniques based on planar calibration objects. Second, instead of modeling camera extrinsic calibration using rigid transformation, which is optimal only for pinhole cameras, we systematically test different view transformation functions including rigid transformation, polynomial transformation and manifold regression to determine the most robust mapping that generalizes well to unseen data. Third, we reformulate the celebrated bundle adjustment procedure to minimize the global 3D reprojection error so as to fine-tune the initial estimates. Finally, our scalable client-server architecture is computationally efficient: the calibration of a five-camera system, including data capture, can be done in minutes using only commodity PCs. Our proposed framework is compared with other state-of-the-arts systems using both quantitative measurements and visual alignment results of the merged point clouds

    Atomic scale displacements detected by optical image cross-correlation analysis and 3D printed marker arrays

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    For analyzing displacement-vector fields in mechanics, for example to characterize the properties of 3D printed mechanical metamaterials, routine high-precision position measurements are indispensable. For this purpose, nanometer-scale localization errors have been achieved by wide-field optical-image cross-correlation analysis. Here, we bring this approach to atomic-scale accuracy by combining it with well-defined 3D printed marker arrays. By using an air-lens with a numerical aperture of 0.4 and a free working distance of 11.2mm, and an 8×8 array of markers with a diameter of 2μm and a period of 5μm, we obtain 2D localization errors as small as 0.9Å in 12.5ms measurement time (80frames/s). The underlying experimental setup is simple, reliable, and inexpensive, and the marker arrays can easily be integrated onto and into complex architectures during their 3D printing process

    Domain Adaptation and Domain Generalization with Representation Learning

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    Machine learning has achieved great successes in the area of computer vision, especially in object recognition or classification. One of the core factors of the successes is the availability of massive labeled image or video data for training, collected manually by human. Labeling source training data, however, can be expensive and time consuming. Furthermore, a large amount of labeled source data may not always guarantee traditional machine learning techniques to generalize well; there is a potential bias or mismatch in the data, i.e., the training data do not represent the target environment. To mitigate the above dataset bias/mismatch, one can consider domain adaptation: utilizing labeled training data and unlabeled target data to develop a well-performing classifier on the target environment. In some cases, however, the unlabeled target data are nonexistent, but multiple labeled sources of data exist. Such situations can be addressed by domain generalization: using multiple source training sets to produce a classifier that generalizes on the unseen target domain. Although several domain adaptation and generalization approaches have been proposed, the domain mismatch in object recognition remains a challenging, open problem – the model performance has yet reached to a satisfactory level in real world applications. The overall goal of this thesis is to progress towards solving dataset bias in visual object recognition through representation learning in the context of domain adaptation and domain generalization. Representation learning is concerned with finding proper data representations or features via learning rather than via engineering by human experts. This thesis proposes several representation learning solutions based on deep learning and kernel methods. This thesis introduces a robust-to-noise deep neural network for handwritten digit classification trained on “clean” images only, which we name Deep Hybrid Network (DHN). DHNs are based on a particular combination of sparse autoencoders and restricted Boltzmann machines. The results show that DHN performs better than the standard deep neural network in recognizing digits with Gaussian and impulse noise, block and border occlusions. This thesis proposes the Domain Adaptive Neural Network (DaNN), a neural network based domain adaptation algorithm that minimizes the classification error and the domain discrepancy between the source and target data representations. The experiments show the competitiveness of DaNN against several state-of-the-art methods on a benchmark object dataset. This thesis develops the Multi-task Autoencoder (MTAE), a domain generalization algorithm based on autoencoders trained via multi-task learning. MTAE learns to transform the original image into its analogs in multiple related domains simultaneously. The results show that the MTAE’s representations provide better classification performance than some alternative autoencoder-based models as well as the current state-of-the-art domain generalization algorithms. This thesis proposes a fast kernel-based representation learning algorithm for both domain adaptation and domain generalization, Scatter Component Analysis (SCA). SCA finds a data representation that trades between maximizing the separability of classes, minimizing the mismatch between domains, and maximizing the separability of the whole data points. The results show that SCA performs much faster than some competitive algorithms, while providing state-of-the-art accuracy in both domain adaptation and domain generalization. Finally, this thesis presents the Deep Reconstruction-Classification Network (DRCN), a deep convolutional network for domain adaptation. DRCN learns to classify labeled source data and also to reconstruct unlabeled target data via a shared encoding representation. The results show that DRCN provides competitive or better performance than the prior state-of-the-art model on several cross-domain object datasets

    Biometric Systems

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    Because of the accelerating progress in biometrics research and the latest nation-state threats to security, this book's publication is not only timely but also much needed. This volume contains seventeen peer-reviewed chapters reporting the state of the art in biometrics research: security issues, signature verification, fingerprint identification, wrist vascular biometrics, ear detection, face detection and identification (including a new survey of face recognition), person re-identification, electrocardiogram (ECT) recognition, and several multi-modal systems. This book will be a valuable resource for graduate students, engineers, and researchers interested in understanding and investigating this important field of study