71 research outputs found

    Encoding Tight Typing in a Unified Framework

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    This paper explores how the intersection type theories of call-by-name (CBN) and call-by-value (CBV) can be unified in a more general framework provided by call-by-push-value (CBPV). Indeed, we propose tight type systems for CBN and CBV that can be both encoded in a unique tight type system for CBPV. All such systems are quantitative, i.e. they provide exact information about the length of normalization sequences to normal form as well as the size of these normal forms. Moreover, the length of reduction sequences are discriminated according to their multiplicative and exponential nature, a concept inherited from linear logic. Last but not least, it is possible to extract quantitative measures for CBN and CBV from their corresponding encodings in CBPV

    Proofs and Refutations for Intuitionistic and Second-Order Logic

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    The ?^{PRK}-calculus is a typed ?-calculus that exploits the duality between the notions of proof and refutation to provide a computational interpretation for classical propositional logic. In this work, we extend ?^{PRK} to encompass classical second-order logic, by incorporating parametric polymorphism and existential types. The system is shown to enjoy good computational properties, such as type preservation, confluence, and strong normalization, which is established by means of a reducibility argument. We identify a syntactic restriction on proofs that characterizes exactly the intuitionistic fragment of second-order ?^{PRK}, and we study canonicity results

    De Jongh’s Theorem for Intuitionistic Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory

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    Using Rewrite Strategies for Efficient Functional Automatic Differentiation

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    Automatic Differentiation (AD) has become a dominant technique in ML. AD frameworks have first been implemented for imperative languages using tapes. Meanwhile, functional implementations of AD have been developed, often based on dual numbers, which are close to the formal specification of differentiation and hence easier to prove correct. But these papers have focussed on correctness not efficiency. Recently, it was shown how an approach using dual numbers could be made efficient through the right optimizations. Optimizations are highly dependent on order, as one optimization can enable another. It can therefore be useful to have fine-grained control over the scheduling of optimizations. One method expresses compiler optimizations as rewrite rules, whose application can be combined and controlled using strategy languages. Previous work describes the use of term rewriting and strategies to generate high-performance code in a compiler for a functional language. In this work, we implement dual numbers AD in a functional array programming language using rewrite rules and strategy combinators for optimization. We aim to combine the elegance of differentiation using dual numbers with a succinct expression of the optimization schedule using a strategy language. We give preliminary evidence suggesting the viability of the approach on a micro-benchmark.Comment: to be published in FTfJP 202

    The (In)Efficiency of interaction

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    Evaluating higher-order functional programs through abstract machines inspired by the geometry of the interaction is known to induce space efficiencies, the price being time performances often poorer than those obtainable with traditional, environment-based, abstract machines. Although families of lambda-terms for which the former is exponentially less efficient than the latter do exist, it is currently unknown how general this phenomenon is, and how far the inefficiencies can go, in the worst case. We answer these questions formulating four different well-known abstract machines inside a common definitional framework, this way being able to give sharp results about the relative time efficiencies. We also prove that non-idempotent intersection type theories are able to precisely reflect the time performances of the interactive abstract machine, this way showing that its time-inefficiency ultimately descends from the presence of higher-order types

    Natural Colors of Infinite Words

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    Natural Colors of Infinite Words

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    While finite automata have minimal DFAs as a simple and natural normal form, deterministic omega-automata do not currently have anything similar. One reason for this is that a normal form for omega-regular languages has to speak about more than acceptance - for example, to have a normal form for a parity language, it should relate every infinite word to some natural color for this language. This raises the question of whether or not a concept such as a natural color of an infinite word (for a given language) exists, and, if it does, how it relates back to automata. We define the natural color of a word purely based on an omega-regular language, and show how this natural color can be traced back from any deterministic parity automaton after two cheap and simple automaton transformations. The resulting streamlined automaton does not necessarily accept every word with its natural color, but it has a 'co-run', which is like a run, but can once move to a language equivalent state, whose color is the natural color, and no co-run with a higher color exists. The streamlined automaton defines, for every color c, a good-for-games co-B\"uchi automaton that recognizes the words whose natural colors w.r.t. the represented language are at least c. This provides a canonical representation for every ω\omega-regular language, because good-for-games co-B\"uchi automata have a canonical minimal (and cheap to obtain) representation for every co-B\"uchi language

    A Recursive Approach to Solving Parity Games in Quasipolynomial Time

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    Zielonka's classic recursive algorithm for solving parity games is perhaps the simplest among the many existing parity game algorithms. However, its complexity is exponential, while currently the state-of-the-art algorithms have quasipolynomial complexity. Here, we present a modification of Zielonka's classic algorithm that brings its complexity down to nO(log⁥(1+dlog⁥n))n^{O\left(\log\left(1+\frac{d}{\log n}\right)\right)}, for parity games of size nn with dd priorities, in line with previous quasipolynomial-time solutions.</jats:p
