68 research outputs found

    On the Expressive Power of Linear Algebra on Graphs

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    Most graph query languages are rooted in logic. By contrast, in this paper we consider graph query languages rooted in linear algebra. More specifically, we consider MATLANG, a matrix query language recently introduced, in which some basic linear algebra functionality is supported. We investigate the problem of characterising equivalence of graphs, represented by their adjacency matrices, for various fragments of MATLANG. A complete picture is painted of the impact of the linear algebra operations in MATLANG on their ability to distinguish graphs

    When Can Matrix Query Languages Discern Matrices?

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    We investigate when two graphs, represented by their adjacency matrices, can be distinguished by means of sentences formed in MATLANG, a matrix query language which supports a number of elementary linear algebra operators. When undirected graphs are concerned, and hence the adjacency matrices are real and symmetric, precise characterisations are in place when two graphs (i.e., their adjacency matrices) can be distinguished. Turning to directed graphs, one has to deal with asymmetric adjacency matrices. This complicates matters. Indeed, it requires to understand the more general problem of when two arbitrary matrices can be distinguished in MATLANG. We provide characterisations of the distinguishing power of MATLANG on real and complex matrices, and on adjacency matrices of directed graphs in particular. The proof techniques are a combination of insights from the symmetric matrix case and results from linear algebra and linear control theory

    High-level signatures and initial semantics

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    We present a device for specifying and reasoning about syntax for datatypes, programming languages, and logic calculi. More precisely, we study a notion of signature for specifying syntactic constructions. In the spirit of Initial Semantics, we define the syntax generated by a signature to be the initial object---if it exists---in a suitable category of models. In our framework, the existence of an associated syntax to a signature is not automatically guaranteed. We identify, via the notion of presentation of a signature, a large class of signatures that do generate a syntax. Our (presentable) signatures subsume classical algebraic signatures (i.e., signatures for languages with variable binding, such as the pure lambda calculus) and extend them to include several other significant examples of syntactic constructions. One key feature of our notions of signature, syntax, and presentation is that they are highly compositional, in the sense that complex examples can be obtained by assembling simpler ones. Moreover, through the Initial Semantics approach, our framework provides, beyond the desired algebra of terms, a well-behaved substitution and the induction and recursion principles associated to the syntax. This paper builds upon ideas from a previous attempt by Hirschowitz-Maggesi, which, in turn, was directly inspired by some earlier work of Ghani-Uustalu-Hamana and Matthes-Uustalu. The main results presented in the paper are computer-checked within the UniMath system.Comment: v2: extended version of the article as published in CSL 2018 (http://dx.doi.org/10.4230/LIPIcs.CSL.2018.4); list of changes given in Section 1.5 of the paper; v3: small corrections throughout the paper, no major change

    Expressivity Within Second-Order Transitive-Closure Logic

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    Second-order transitive-closure logic, SO(TC), is an expressive declarative language that captures the complexity class PSPACE. Already its monadic fragment, MSO(TC), allows the expression of various NP-hard and even PSPACE-hard problems in a natural and elegant manner. As SO(TC) offers an attractive framework for expressing properties in terms of declaratively specified computations, it is interesting to understand the expressivity of different features of the language. This paper focuses on the fragment MSO(TC), as well on the purely existential fragment SO(2TC)(exists); in 2TC, the TC operator binds only tuples of relation variables. We establish that, with respect to expressive power, SO(2TC)(exists) collapses to existential first-order logic. In addition we study the relationship of MSO(TC) to an extension of MSO(TC) with counting features (CMSO(TC)) as well as to order-invariant MSO. We show that the expressive powers of CMSO(TC) and MSO(TC) coincide. Moreover we establish that, over unary vocabularies, MSO(TC) strictly subsumes order-invariant MSO

    Complexity of Propositional Logics in Team Semantic

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    We classify the computational complexity of the satisfiability, validity, and model-checking problems for propositional independence, inclusion, and team logic. Our main result shows that the satisfiability and validity problems for propositional team logic are complete for alternating exponential-time with polynomially many alternations.Peer reviewe
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