225 research outputs found

    Studies on Paragonimiasis. : II. Chest X-Ray findings of the school children beeing sensitive to V.B.S. test in endemic areas.

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    著者は長崎県及び熊本県天草島の肺吸虫浸淫地のV.B.S.皮内反応の陽性者,疑陽性者512名に胸部レ線撮影を行い,次の所見を得た.1)肺結核と診定できるものを除き,130名,25.4%の高率に異常所見を認めた.陰影は概ね中下肺野に集中し,右肺に偏在する傾向がみられる.2)陰影の出現率は反応疑陽性者より陽性者に高く,年令からみると,小学1,2年の低学年に高い.低学年ではツ反応陰性の有所見者が多い.3)陰影の種類は輪状影15.9%,結節影15.7%のほか,浸潤影28.0%,肋膜病変22.5%が最も高率で,肺吸虫症初期の病変として重視される.浸潤影はBithionolの治療により改善されるものが最も多い.4)肺吸虫卵検出率は有所見者にその率が最も高い.陰影別にみると結節影73.3%,輪状影71.4%で最も高く浸潤影の55.2%がこれに次ぎ,索状影,石灰沈着のみの例でも夫々23.5%,50.0%に虫卵がみられている.肋膜病変は13.6%でその虫卵検出率は最も低い.稿を終るにのぞみ,御指導御校閲を賜った恩師片峰大助教授に心から感謝の意を捧げる.又レ線解読について始終御示教御協力を仰いだ放射線科玉木正男教授,当研究所の村上文也助教授,レ線撮影に御協力頂いた放射線科医局,県衛生部,厳原保健所,松浦保健所及び熊本県本渡保健所の各位に厚く御礼申上げる.本研究は文部省科学研究費(肺吸虫総合研究班)の援助を受けた.こゝに附記して謝意を表する.Chest X-ray photographs of the school children without subjective symptoms who were sensitive to the intardermal test with a paragonimus extract (V.B.S.), were taken in order to investigate the X-ray findings in earliest stage of the lesions due to parag

    Study on the Clinical and Pathological Observation of the Sperma Invasion

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    1. Clinical and pathological research on Sperm a invasion was undertaken with due references to literature on 13 cases by the Tokyo Jikeikai school of medicine. 2. One among 13 cases had a complication of tuberculous epididym itis. 3. As to the ages of patients, fiftyfive was the oldest while youngest was twenty-one, 10 cases (77%) out of 13 cases were found in "twenties and thirties" (the greatest in number) in which the sexual organs were at their prime. 4. There were eleven cases of the right side an d two cases of the left side, domestic and foreign literature did not state which side contracted the disease more easily. 5. The cheif complaint is pain and for swelling of the testicles, but th i s pain is not severe, also pain in the lower abdomen due to deferentitis is evident too. 6. Previous gonorrhoea cases 4, orchitis two, trauma of externa l genital organs 3 cases, all interrelated with the contraction of the principal disease. There was only one tuberculous case. 7. Clinica l diagnosis indicated 6 tuberculous cases, 5 nonspecific inflammation while the remaining two cases showed tubercular indications as the cases progsessed. The following 3 points (No. 8-10) must be considered in differenti a l diagnosis. 8. Infected Area Exceedingly many cases of globus minor. 9. Size The majority being as large as the head of t h e forefinger or a walnut. 10. Hardness : The majority being hard while the surface is smooth and not similar to tuberculous cases. If tuberculous indications are prevalent, there is a necessity to examine the prostatic gland. 11. As to the patholo gical features, the epithelium of the epididymal duct is destroyed, deteriorates, flattness, metaplasia, expansion, contraction and obstruction of the duct becomes evident. By ut i l izing Putt's differentiating staining method, spermatozoa in the stroma were closely observed. Currently, almost all domestic literature have been devoid in mentioning the discovery of many cases of sperma within the bloodvessel and lymphatic channel. The existence of acid fast pigment as stated only in foreign publications we r e observed in the granulation tissue in seven out of 13 cases. 12 From the above, six to seven cases of uncomplicated type and mixed type were perceived. 13. As to the cause based upon various theories as here to fore and personal experiments, the activity of the sperma itself is primary and that inflammations, trauma causing the change in the epithelium, and contraction, obstruction of the duct is only a secondary factor which only fosters the activity of sperm in the interstitium

    富山医科薬科大学医学会誌, 第11巻第1号, 1998.3(全体)

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    Article信州医学雑誌 24(3): 215-227(1976)journal articl

    泌尿生殖器系および消化管末端部の複合 奇形を有する新生児剖検例

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    生後1時間で死亡した新生児で、重篤な複合奇形を有する症例の剖検結果を報告した。奇形の概要は1)陰門,膣,尿道,肛門の閉鎖。2)左腎組織の欠如,右腎,尿管の発育不全と手拳大の排泄腔の残存。3)重層扁平上皮,移行上皮による排泄腔内面の被覆。4)排泄腔と双角状の子宮原基,卵管の連絡。卵巣は形成あり。5)消化管末端,左右尿管,右の子宮原基と排泄腔との内腔を伴わない連絡。左子宮原基とは内腔をもって連絡。6)右側頭骨の一部欠損。7)両側股関節の形成不全 8)胸腺の左右分離。等であるが,これらの奇形は胎生初期の3~4週頃から箇3月頃までの間に,泌尿生殖器系を中心として形成された奇形であると思われ,これについて二,三の文献的考察を加えた


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    Article信州医学雑誌 25(4): 367-373(1977)journal articl

    [滋賀医科大学雑誌第30巻第1号 全]

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