35 research outputs found

    Enhanced artificial bee colony-least squares support vector machines algorithm for time series prediction

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    Over the past decades, the Least Squares Support Vector Machines (LSSVM) has been widely utilized in prediction task of various application domains. Nevertheless, existing literature showed that the capability of LSSVM is highly dependent on the value of its hyper-parameters, namely regularization parameter and kernel parameter, where this would greatly affect the generalization of LSSVM in prediction task. This study proposed a hybrid algorithm, based on Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) and LSSVM, that consists of three algorithms; ABC-LSSVM, lvABC-LSSVM and cmABC-LSSVM. The lvABC algorithm is introduced to overcome the local optima problem by enriching the searching behaviour using Levy mutation. On the other hand, the cmABC algorithm that incorporates conventional mutation addresses the over- fitting or under-fitting problem. The combination of lvABC and cmABC algorithm, which is later introduced as Enhanced Artificial Bee Colony–Least Squares Support Vector Machine (eABC-LSSVM), is realized in prediction of non renewable natural resources commodity price. Upon the completion of data collection and data pre processing, the eABC-LSSVM algorithm is designed and developed. The predictability of eABC-LSSVM is measured based on five statistical metrics which include Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), prediction accuracy, symmetric MAPE (sMAPE), Root Mean Square Percentage Error (RMSPE) and Theils’ U. Results showed that the eABC-LSSVM possess lower prediction error rate as compared to eight hybridization models of LSSVM and Evolutionary Computation (EC) algorithms. In addition, the proposed algorithm is compared to single prediction techniques, namely, Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN). In general, the eABC-LSSVM produced more than 90% prediction accuracy. This indicates that the proposed eABC-LSSVM is capable of solving optimization problem, specifically in the prediction task. The eABC-LSSVM is hoped to be useful to investors and commodities traders in planning their investment and projecting their profit

    A Review of Intrusion Detection using Deep Learning

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    As network applications grow rapidly, network security mechanisms require more attention to improve speed and accuracy. The development of new types of intruders poses a serious threat to network security: although many tools for network security have been developed, the rapid growth of intrusion activity remains a serious problem. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are used to detect intrusive network activity. Preventing and detecting unauthorized access to a computer is an IT security concern. Therefore, network security provides a measure of the level of prevention and detection that can be used to avoid suspicious users. Deep learning has been used extensively in recent years to improve network intruder detection. These techniques allow for automatic detection of network traffic anomalies. This paper presents literature review on intrusion detection techniques

    Attribute Selection Algorithm with Clustering based Optimization Approach based on Mean and Similarity Distance

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    With hundreds or thousands of attributes in high-dimensional data, the computational workload is challenging. Attributes that have no meaningful influence on class predictions throughout the classification process increase the computing load. This article's goal is to use attribute selection to reduce the size of high-dimensional data, which will lessen the computational load. Considering selected attribute subsets that cover all attributes. As a result, there are two stages to the process: filtering out superfluous information and settling on a single attribute to stand in for a group of similar but otherwise meaningless characteristics. Numerous studies on attribute selection, including backward and forward selection, have been undertaken. This experiment and the accuracy of the categorization result recommend a k-means based PSO clustering-based attribute selection. It is likely that related attributes are present in the same cluster while irrelevant attributes are not identified in any clusters. Datasets for Credit Approval, Ionosphere, Annealing, Madelon, Isolet, and Multiple Attributes are employed alongside two other high-dimensional datasets. Both databases include the class label for each data point. Our test demonstrates that attribute selection using k-means clustering may be done to offer a subset of characteristics and that doing so produces classification outcomes that are more accurate than 80%

    A review of multi-car elevator system

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    This paper presents a review of a new generation of elevator system, the Multi-Car Elevator System. It is an elevator system which contains more than one elevator car in the elevator shaft. In the introduction, it explains why the Multi-Car Elevator System is a new trend elevator system based on its structural design, cost saving and efficiency in elevator system. Different types of Multi-Car Elevator System such as circulation or loop-type, non-circulation and bifurcate circulation are described in section 2. In section 3, researches on dispatch strategies, control strategies and avoidance of car collision strategies of Multi-Car Elevator System since 2002 are reviewed. In the discussion section, it reveals some drawbacks of the Multi-Car Elevator System in transport capability and the risk of car collision. There are recommendations to the future work as well

    Myo-Elektriksel Sinyaller İle İnsansız Kara Aracının Uzaktan Kontrolü

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    Bu çalışma kapsamında insansız bir kara aracının kişinin el ve parmak hareketleri ile uzaktan kontrolü gerçekleştirilmiştir. Beyinden kol kaslarına iletilen ve kişinin el hareketlerini gerçekleştirmesini sağlayan Elektromiyografi (EMG) sinyalleri, kişinin koluna giydiği sekiz EMG sensör içeren bileklik vasıtası ile gerçek zamanlı olarak alınmıştır. Raspberry pi 3 gömülü sistem kartı üzerinde geliştirilen sinyal işleme, öznitelik çıkarımı ve sınıflandırma algoritmaları kullanılarak anlamlandırılmıştır. Başka bir deyişle el hareketin örüntüsü (el kapama, parmak açma, serçe parmak temas, bilek dışa bükme, vs.) ile EMG sinyal grubu arasındaki ilişkiler tanımlanmıştır. Anlamlandırılan her bir el hareketi araç için bir hareketi kontrol komutu (el kapama: araç ileri, parmak açma: araç dur, serçe parmağa temas: sola dönüş, bilek dışa bükme: sağa dönüş, vs.) olarak kullanılmıştır. Böylece insan – mobil araç etkileşim ağı kurulmuştur. Kurulan insan- mobil araç etkileşim ağı sayesinde el hareketleri ile mobil aracın gerçek zamanlı hareket kontrolü ortalama % 92 başarı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir

    Intelligent System for Vehicles Number Plate Detection and Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Vehicles on the road are rising in extensive numbers, particularly in proportion to the industrial revolution and growing economy. The significant use of vehicles has increased the probability of traffic rules violation, causing unexpected accidents, and triggering traffic crimes. In order to overcome these problems, an intelligent traffic monitoring system is required. The intelligent system can play a vital role in traffic control through the number plate detection of the vehicles. In this research work, a system is developed for detecting and recognizing of vehicle number plates using a convolutional neural network (CNN), a deep learning technique. This system comprises of two parts: number plate detection and number plate recognition. In the detection part, a vehicle’s image is captured through a digital camera. Then the system segments the number plate region from the image frame. After extracting the number plate region, a super resolution method is applied to convert the low-resolution image into a high-resolution image. The super resolution technique is used with the convolutional layer of CNN to reconstruct the pixel quality of the input image. Each character of the number plate is segmented using a bounding box method. In the recognition part, features are extracted and classified using the CNN technique. The novelty of this research is the development of an intelligent system employing CNN to recognize number plates, which have less resolution, and are written in the Bengali language.</jats:p

    On Feature Selection and Rule Extraction for High Dimensional Data: A Case of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphomas Microarrays Classification

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    Neurofuzzy methods capable of selecting a handful of useful features are very useful in analysis of high dimensional datasets. A neurofuzzy classification scheme that can create proper linguistic features and simultaneously select informative features for a high dimensional dataset is presented and applied to the diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL) microarray classification problem. The classification scheme is the combination of embedded linguistic feature creation and tuning algorithm, feature selection, and rule-based classification in one neural network framework. The adjustable linguistic features are embedded in the network structure via fuzzy membership functions. The network performs the classification task on the high dimensional DLBCL microarray dataset either by the direct calculation or by the rule-based approach. The 10-fold cross validation is applied to ensure the validity of the results. Very good results from both direct calculation and logical rules are achieved. The results show that the network can select a small set of informative features in this high dimensional dataset. By a comparison to other previously proposed methods, our method yields better classification performance