50 research outputs found

    Leadership: Self-Awareness of Leadership Styles in Occupational Therapy

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    Successful organizations and professions depend on quality leadership. However, the literature on leadership in the field of occupational therapy, particularly understanding the effects of self-awareness, is limited. The qualitative, hermeneutic, phenomenological methodology combined with grounded theory analysis utilized in this study, examines the perceived effects of self-awareness of leadership styles on occupational therapy leaders’ decision making. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews, four weeks after the completion of two self-awareness assessments. There were a total of four participants. All participants were occupational therapists and currently held a formal leadership title in the Midwest United States. The data was transcribed verbatim and coded for themes by multiple researchers. Several methods were utilized to ensure trustworthiness. Results identify several perceptions into the effect that self-awareness of leadership styles has on decision making. Participants discussed increased confidence, validation, and visions for growth as outcomes of the research experience. Additionally, this research offers insight into the development of occupational therapy leaders. Reflection on strengths, weakness, and leadership journeys was identified as a positive experience by the participants

    The Present State and Development Trends of Passenger Cars Gearbox Design.

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    Bakalářská práce obsahuje souhrn poznatků o současných převodovkách používaných u osobních automobilů. Obecně popisuje konstrukční uspořádání a principy funkce převodovek. Dále poskytuje informace o jednotlivých typech převodovek a srovnává jejich vlastnosti a parametry. Nejrozsáhlejší část je věnována převodovkám s dvojitou spojkou, jakožto nejvíce se rozvíjejícím způsobem řazení u osobních automobilů. V závěru je uveden podle autora nejpravděpodobnější budoucí vývoj v oblasti převodovek pro segment osobních vozů.The bachelor thesis includes complex information about nowdays gearbox, which are used for automobile. In general it describes constructional ordering and principles of function of gearbox. The next part provides the information about individual kinds of gearbox and compares their properties and parameter. The most extensive part is engaged in dual clutch gearbox as the most developing kind of transmission of automobile. In the end author deals with the most probable future development in branch of gearbox for segment of automobile.

    The development of electronic resources in libraries : effective marketing and communication

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    This submission addresses the change to the electronic environment in libraries. It presents eight selected research papers which cumulatively contribute to knowledge regarding the management issues arising from this change. The specific elements of the research programme focused primarily on changes in academic libraries and secondly in public libraries. The implications of changes in different countries were investigated. The research programme evolved over time, as its applicability and relevance extended to other players in the developing library electronic resources field. The need for effective communication and marketing regarding electronic resources was identified as key, and it became increasingly evident that libraries needed to adopt marketing techniques appropriate to the changing environment and different to those techniques traditionally used. The linked elements of the research programme involve managing changing user needs in line with a changing user base, which includes remote users, and the requirements for changing staff skills. Further elements include work in a virtual environment alongside a physical environment and collaboration and consortia working. The central aim of the research programme was to identify solutions for best practice, and funding was obtained for many of the research elements. Originality is demonstrated by investigation into an emerging area, using library websites at the time of their development and applying an experimental research technique. Research methods from different research paradigms - positivist and interpretivist - were employed. Quantitative data was obtained to establish hard facts. Qualitative approaches enabled the acquisition of multiple perspectives and understanding of social constructions of meaning and knowledge, such as respondents' attitudes, feelings and perceptions. The extent and modes of discussion with respondents facilitated triangulation of methods that resulted in multiple views for synthesis so as to clarify understanding. All of the research was underpinned by an on-going literature review, which was vital in order to assess both what existed and current developments. The research methods used were applied in a sequence of eight stages as the electronic environment in libraries developed. The research aimed to provide a fully rounded picture, investigating the issues arising from the introduction of electronic resources in libraries, and it achieved this by considering developments over a period of time just in excess of the past decade. The papers present findings that can be applied by players in the field of electronic resource provision. Foremost amongst these was the requirements for educating library users, often in a remote environment, in the use of the new electronic resources, which were derived and the vital importance of operating different marketing and communication techniques, which was demonstrated

    2006 Awards for Excellence

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    2006 Awards for Excellence

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    2006 Awards for Excellence

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    2006 Awards for Excellence

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    2006 Awards for Excellence

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    2006 Awards for Excellence

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