2,196 research outputs found

    Advancing ensemble learning performance through data transformation and classifiers fusion in granular computing context

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    Classification is a special type of machine learning tasks, which is essentially achieved by training a classifier that can be used to classify new instances. In order to train a high performance classifier, it is crucial to extract representative features from raw data, such as text and images. In reality, instances could be highly diverse even if they belong to the same class, which indicates different instances of the same class could represent very different characteristics. For example, in a facial expression recognition task, some instances may be better described by Histogram of Oriented Gradients features, while others may be better presented by Local Binary Patterns features. From this point of view, it is necessary to adopt ensemble learning to train different classifiers on different feature sets and to fuse these classifiers towards more accurate classification of each instance. On the other hand, different algorithms are likely to show different suitability for training classifiers on different feature sets. It shows again the necessity to adopt ensemble learning towards advances in the classification performance. Furthermore, a multi-class classification task would become increasingly more complex when the number of classes is increased, i.e. it would lead to the increased difficulty in terms of discriminating different classes. In this paper, we propose an ensemble learning framework that involves transforming a multi-class classification task into a number of binary classification tasks and fusion of classifiers trained on different feature sets by using different learning algorithms. We report experimental studies on a UCI data set on Sonar and the CK+ data set on facial expression recognition. The results show that our proposed ensemble learning approach leads to considerable advances in classification performance, in comparison with popular learning approaches including decision tree ensembles and deep neural networks. In practice, the proposed approach can be used effectively to build an ensemble of ensembles acting as a group of expert systems, which show the capability to achieve more stable performance of pattern recognition, in comparison with building a single classifier that acts as a single expert system

    Some applications of possibilistic mean value, variance, covariance and correlation

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    In 2001 we introduced the notions of possibilistic mean value and variance of fuzzy numbers. In this paper we list some works that use these notions. We shall mention some application areas as wel

    Weighted Graph Clustering for Community Detection of Large Social Networks

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    AbstractThis study mainly focuses on the methodology of weighted graph clustering with the purpose of community detection for large scale networks such as the users’ relationship on Internet social networks. Most of the networks in the real world are weighted networks, so we proposed a graph clustering algorithm based on the concept of density and attractiveness for weighted networks, including node weight and edge weight. With deep analysis on the Sina micro-blog user network and Renren social network, we defined the user's core degree as node weight and users’ attractiveness as edge weight, experiments of community detection were done with the algorithm, the results verify the effectiveness and reliability of the algorithm. The algorithm is designed to make some breakthrough on the time complexity of Internet community detection algorithm, because the research is for large social networks. And the another advantage is that the method does not require to specify the number of clusters

    Degrees of Membership \u3e 1 and \u3c 0 of the Elements with Respect to a Neutrosophic OffSet

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    We have defined the Neutrosophic Over- /Under-/Off-Set and -Logic for the first time in 1995 and published in 2007. During 1995-2016 we presented them to various national and international conferences and seminars ([16]-[37]) and did more publishing during 2007-2016 ([1]-[15]). These new notions are totally different from other sets/logics/probabilities. We extended the neutrosophic set respectively to Neutrosophic Overset {when some neutrosophic component is \u3e 1}, to Neutrosophic Underset {when some neutrosophic component is \u3c 0}, and to Neutrosophic Offset {when some neutrosophic components are off the interval [0, 1], i.e. some neutrosophic component \u3e 1 and other neutrosophic component \u3c 0}. This is no surprise since our real-world has numerous examples and applications of over-/under-/off-neutrosophic components

    A consumer perspective e-commerce websites evaluation model

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    Existing website evaluation methods have some weaknesses such as neglecting consumer criteria in their evaluation, being unable to deal with qualitative criteria, and involving complex weight and score calculations. This research aims to develop a hybrid consumer-oriented e-commerce website evaluation model based on the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) and the Hardmard Method (HM). Four phases were involved in developing the model: requirements identification, empirical study, model construction, and model confirmation. Requirements identification and empirical study were to identify critical web-design criteria and gather online consumers' preferences. Data, collected from 152 Malaysian consumers using online questionnaires, were used to identify critical e-commerce website features and scale of importance. The new evaluation model comprised of three components. First, the consumer evaluation criteria that consist of the important principles considered by consumers; second, the evaluation mechanisms that integrate FAHP and HM consisting of mathematical expressions that handle subjective judgments, new formulas to calculate the weight and score for each criterion; and third, the evaluation procedures consisting of activities that comprise of goal establishment, document preparation, and identification of website performance. The model was examined by six experts and applied to four case studies. The results show that the new model is practical, and appropriate to evaluate e-commerce websites from consumers' perspectives, and is able to calculate weights and scores for qualitative criteria in a simple way. In addition, it is able to assist decision-makers to make decisions in a measured objective way. The model also contributes new knowledge to the software evaluation fiel

    Algebraic fusion of multiple classifiers for handwritten digits recognition

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    Recognition of handwritten digits is a very popular application of machine learning. In this context, each of the ten digits (0-9) is defined as a class in the setting of machine learning based classification tasks. In general, popular learning methods , such as support vector machine, neural networks and K nearest neighbours, have been used for classifying instances of handwritten digits to one of the ten classes. However, due to the diversity of handwriting styles from different people, it can happen that some handwritten digits (e.g. 4 and 9) are very similar and are thus difficult to distinguish. Also, each single learning algorithm may have its own advantages and disadvantages, which means that a single algorithm would be capable of learning some but not all specific characteristics of handwritten digits. From this point of view, a method for handwritten digits recognition is proposed in the setting of ensemble learning, towards encouraging the diversity among different classifiers trained by different learning algorithms. In particular, the image features of handwritten digits are extracted by using the Convolutional Neural Network architecture. Furthermore, single classifiers trained respectively by K nearest neighbours and random forests are fused as an ensemble one. The experimental results show that the ensemble classifier was able to achieve a recognition accuracy of ≥ 98% using the MNISET data set


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    Neutrosophic Science means development and applications of neutrosophic logic/set/measure/integral/probability etc. and their applications in any field