2,392 research outputs found

    Outcomes of intra-articular corticosteroid injections for adolescents with hip pain.

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    Intra-articular injection of corticosteroid and anesthetic (CSI) is a useful diagnostic tool for hip pain secondary to labral tears or femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). However, the effectiveness of CSI as a stand-alone treatment for hip pain in adolescents is unknown. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the use of CSI for the treatment of hip pain and determine factors that may affect outcomes after injection. Retrospective analysis of 18 patients and 19 hips that underwent fluoroscopic guided hip injection for the treatment of pain at a single institution from 2012 to 2015 was carried out in this study. Mean age at the time of injection was 15.1 years (range 13-17) with mean follow-up of 29.4 months. Fifty-two percent (10/19 hips) went on to surgery after the injection. Average time to surgical conversion was 12.8 months after CSI. Cam or pincer morphologies were present in 90% (9/10 hips) of the operative group. Patients with FAI were more likely to need surgery than patients without bony abnormalities (RR= 10, 95% CI 1.6-64.2, P = 0.0001). There was no difference in the presence of labral tears in the operative and non-operative groups (100% versus 89%, P = 0.47). For adolescents without bony abnormalities, 90% improved with CSI alone and did not require further treatment within 2.4 years. Fluoroscopic guided corticosteroid hip injection may have limited efficacy for the treatment of hip pain secondary to FAI in adolescents. However, for patients without osseous deformity, CSI may offer prolonged improvement of symptoms even in the presence of labral tears

    John Huston : eine erste Arbeitsbibliographie

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    Pathologic manifestations of levamisole-adulterated cocaine exposure.

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    UnlabelledRheumatic manifestations of cocaine have been well described, but more recently, a dramatic increase in the levamisole-adulterated cocaine supply in the United States has disclosed unique pathologic consequences that are distinct from pure cocaine use. Most notably, patients show skin lesions and renal dysfunction in the setting of extremely high perinuclear anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (p-ANCA). Unexpectedly, antibodies to myeloperoxidase, the typical target of p-ANCA, are relatively low if at all present. This discrepancy is due to the fact that p-ANCA seen in association with levamisole-adulterated cocaine exposure is often directed against atypical p-ANCA-associated antigens within the neutrophil granules such as human neutrophil elastase, lactoferrin, and cathepsin G. Biopsies of the skin lesions reveal leukocytoclastic vasculitis often involving both superficial and deep dermal vessels. Renal injury most typically manifests as crescentic and necrotizing pauci-immune glomerulonephritis. In this review, the manifestations of levamisole-adulterated cocaine-induced vasculitis are discussed with an emphasis on the typical histomorphologic findings seen on biopsy.Virtual slidesThe virtual slide(s) for this article can be found here: http://www.diagnosticpathology.diagnomx.eu/vs/1764738711370019

    Osseointegrated prostheses for rehabilitation following amputation : The pioneering Swedish model.

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    The direct attachment of osseointegrated (OI) prostheses to the skeleton avoids the inherent problems of socket suspension. It also provides physiological weight bearing, improved range of motion in the proximal joint, as well as osseoperceptive sensory feedback, enabling better control of the artificial limbs by amputees. The present article briefly reviews the pioneering efforts on extremity osseointegration surgeries in Sweden and the development of the OPRA (Osseointegrated Prostheses for the Rehabilitation of Amputees) program. The standard implant design of the OPRA system and surgical techniques are described as well as the special rehabilitation protocols based on surgical sites. The results of long-term follow-up for transradial, transhumeral, and thumb amputee operations are briefly reported including the prospective study of transfemoral amputees according to OPRA protocol. The importance of refinement on implant designs and surgical techniques based on the biomechanical analysis and early clinical trials is emphasized. Future aspects on osseointegration surgery are briefly described, including novel treatment options using implanted electrodes

    Earthquake Petrology: Linking Fault-Related Deformation to the Earthquake Cycle

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    Faults have a controlling influence on a variety of geologic processes includingfluid flow, the mechanical behavior of the crust, and seismicity. The geologic sciences have long recognized that faults generate earthquakes; however, few indicators of ancient earthquakes exist in fault-zones. This dissertation documents several indicators for the preservation of ancient earthquakes in fault-zones including frictional melt (pseudotachylyte), highly-polished fault slip surfaces, and hydrothermal alteration. These deformation products result from rapid generation of frictional heat during earthquakes.This dissertation also focuses on the seismic potential of continental low-angle normal faults (LANF). We document the preservation of voluminous pseudotachylyte along a LANF suggesting that the fault repeatedly nucleated large earthquakes. Additionally, a synthesis of reported occurrences of LANF pseudotachylyte indicates that LANF seismicity is common during extension. This has important implication for the mechanics and evolution of LANFs and for the assessment of seismic hazards.We also present a little used, high resolution, and low-cost 3D range camera for use in geolgy. The KinectTM is a 3D infrared range camera that can be used to collect high- resolution (± 1 mm), 3D data in both field and laboratory settings. We describe the use of the KinectTM in geologic appications and recommend more widespread use

    Sandstone-filled normal faults : A case study from central California

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    We acknowledge the support of sponsoring companies of Phase 3 of the Sand Injection Research Group (SIRG). We would like to thank Chris Morley and another anonymous reviewer for constructive comments, and the editor for efficient handling of this paper. We also wish to thank and acknowledge the continuing help and access provided by the Bureau of Land Management and in particular Greg Middleton without whose enthusiasm and support our research would have been much more challenging.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Fluctuaciones estacionales de algunas características biológicas de la invasora Caprella scaura en el Mar Piccolo de Taranto (mar Jónico, sur de Italia).

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    Caprella scaura is an epifaunal amphipod crustacean that originates in the western Indian Ocean and has spread throughout the world, but very little is known about fundamental aspects of its biology. This paper is the first presentation of its life history traits in an invaded region. The study was conducted in the Mar Piccolo basin (southern Italy, Ionian Sea), over a one-year period. All biological parameters showed a strong seasonal pattern, breeding peaked twice during the year and the number of eggs in the ventral brood pouch ranged from 5 to 72. The sex ratio was generally close to 1:1. A strong correlation between total length of ovigerous females and number of eggs was observed. The mean length of both mature males and mature females was 10.63 and 7.70 mm, respectively. The results of this study showed that the population dynamics of this species was not dissimilar to that of other caprellids or marine epifaunal Crustacea. This caprellid has given rise to a stable population in the Mar Piccolo; it was present all year round in the study area but its density suggests that it is not yet a strong invader.Caprella scaura es un crustáceo anfípodo originario del Océano Índico occidental, que se ha extendido por todo el mundo. Sin embargo, poco se conoce sobre la biología de la especie. Este artículo es un primera presentación de algunas características de la especie en una región invadida. El estudio se realizó en la cuenca del Mar Piccolo (sur de Italia, Mar Jónico) durante un año. Todos los parámetros biológicos mostraron un patrón estacional con picos reproductivos en dos ocasiones durante el año y con un número de huevos entre 5 y 72. La proporción de sexos estuvo en torno 1:1. Se observó una fuerte correlación entre la longitud total de hembras ovígeras y el número de huevos. La longitud media de las hembras y los machos maduros fue 10.63 y 7.70 respectivamente. Los resultados de este estudio mostraron que la dinámica poblacional de esta especie no es muy distinta al resto de crustáceos caprélidos. Se puede hablar de una población estable en el Mar Piccolo, ya que estuvo presente durante todo el año en el área estudiada, sin embargo su densidad sugiere que no parece ser un invasor fuerte aún

    Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and its Relevance in the Adult English as a Second Language Classroom

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    There is an increasing demand for adult English as a Second Language teachers who are qualified to meet the needs of culturally and ethnically diverse students. Cultural dissonance between the students’ cultures and instructional practices and curriculum leads to high drop-out rates and poor instructional outcomes. This Field Project proposes that Culturally Responsive Pedagogy is an important tool to improve the learning outcomes of culturally and ethnically diverse adult English as a Second Language students. This Field Project discusses the theoretical components of Culturally Responsive Teaching. The notion of Culturally Responsive Teaching is premised on the idea that using students’ prior experiences, frames of reference, and cultural knowledge makes learning more relevant and effective. Culturally Responsive Teaching is a pedagogy that empowers students intellectually, socially, and emotionally. Teachers must first reflect on their own culture and attitudes and develop a knowledge base about cultural diversity to be able to better serve culturally and ethnically diverse students. The accompanying guidebook is designed to help teachers develop a foundation for culturally relevant practices. It provides the teachers with practical information about how to reflect on their own and their students’ cultures. It addresses the components of Culturally Responsive Teaching methods and can be used as a catalyst on a journey to becoming a culturally responsive educator

    Probabilistic rainfall thresholds for triggering debris flows in a human-modified landscape

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    Abstract In the Carrara Marble Basin (CMB; Apuan Alps, Italy) quarrying has accumulated widespread and thick quarry waste, lying on steep slopes and invading valley bottoms. The Apuan Alps are one of the rainiest areas in Italy and rainstorms often cause landslides and debris flows. The stability conditions of quarry waste are difficult to assess, owing to its textural, geotechnical and hydrogeological variability. Therefore, empirical rainfall thresholds may be effective in forecasting the possible occurrence of debris flows in the CMB. Three types of thresholds were defined for three rain gauges of the \CMB\ and for the whole area: rainfall intensity–rainfall duration (ID), cumulated event rainfall–rainfall duration (ED), and cumulated event rainfall normalized by the mean annual precipitation–rainfall intensity (EMAPI). The rainfall events recorded from 1950 to 2005 was analyzed and compared with the occurrence of debris flows involving the quarry waste. They were classified in events that triggered one or more debris flows and events that did not trigger debris flows. This dataset was fitted using the logistic regression method that allows us to define a set of thresholds, corresponding to different probabilities of failure (from 10% to 90%) and therefore to different warning levels. The performance of the logistic regression in defining probabilistic thresholds was evaluated by means of contingency tables, skill scores and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. These analyses indicate that the predictive capability of the three types of threshold is acceptable for each rain gauge and for the whole CMB. The best compromise between the number of correct debris flow predictions and the number of wrong predictions is obtained for the 40% probability thresholds. The results obtained can be tested in an experimental debris flows forecasting system based on rainfall thresholds, and could have implications for the debris flow hazard and risk assessment in the CMB