20,421 research outputs found

    2-Vertex Connectivity in Directed Graphs

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    We complement our study of 2-connectivity in directed graphs, by considering the computation of the following 2-vertex-connectivity relations: We say that two vertices v and w are 2-vertex-connected if there are two internally vertex-disjoint paths from v to w and two internally vertex-disjoint paths from w to v. We also say that v and w are vertex-resilient if the removal of any vertex different from v and w leaves v and w in the same strongly connected component. We show how to compute the above relations in linear time so that we can report in constant time if two vertices are 2-vertex-connected or if they are vertex-resilient. We also show how to compute in linear time a sparse certificate for these relations, i.e., a subgraph of the input graph that has O(n) edges and maintains the same 2-vertex-connectivity and vertex-resilience relations as the input graph, where n is the number of vertices.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1407.304

    Faster Algorithms for Computing Maximal 2-Connected Subgraphs in Sparse Directed Graphs

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    Connectivity related concepts are of fundamental interest in graph theory. The area has received extensive attention over four decades, but many problems remain unsolved, especially for directed graphs. A directed graph is 2-edge-connected (resp., 2-vertex-connected) if the removal of any edge (resp., vertex) leaves the graph strongly connected. In this paper we present improved algorithms for computing the maximal 2-edge- and 2-vertex-connected subgraphs of a given directed graph. These problems were first studied more than 35 years ago, with O~(mn)\widetilde{O}(mn) time algorithms for graphs with m edges and n vertices being known since the late 1980s. In contrast, the same problems for undirected graphs are known to be solvable in linear time. Henzinger et al. [ICALP 2015] recently introduced O(n2)O(n^2) time algorithms for the directed case, thus improving the running times for dense graphs. Our new algorithms run in time O(m3/2)O(m^{3/2}), which further improves the running times for sparse graphs. The notion of 2-connectivity naturally generalizes to k-connectivity for k>2k>2. For constant values of k, we extend one of our algorithms to compute the maximal k-edge-connected in time O(m3/2logn)O(m^{3/2} \log{n}), improving again for sparse graphs the best known algorithm by Henzinger et al. [ICALP 2015] that runs in O(n2logn)O(n^2 \log n) time.Comment: Revised version of SODA 2017 paper including details for k-edge-connected subgraph

    Faster Algorithms for Rooted Connectivity in Directed Graphs

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    We consider the fundamental problems of determining the rooted and global edge and vertex connectivities (and computing the corresponding cuts) in directed graphs. For rooted (and hence also global) edge connectivity with small integer capacities we give a new randomized Monte Carlo algorithm that runs in time O~(n2)\tilde{O}(n^2). For rooted edge connectivity this is the first algorithm to improve on the Ω(n3)\Omega(n^3) time bound in the dense-graph high-connectivity regime. Our result relies on a simple combination of sampling coupled with sparsification that appears new, and could lead to further tradeoffs for directed graph connectivity problems. We extend the edge connectivity ideas to rooted and global vertex connectivity in directed graphs. We obtain a (1+ϵ)(1 + \epsilon)-approximation for rooted vertex connectivity in O~(nW/ϵ)\tilde{O}(nW/\epsilon) time where WW is the total vertex weight (assuming integral vertex weights); in particular this yields an O~(n2/ϵ)\tilde{O}(n^2/\epsilon) time randomized algorithm for unweighted graphs. This translates to a O~(κnW)\tilde{O}(\kappa nW) time exact algorithm where κ\kappa is the rooted connectivity. We build on this to obtain similar bounds for global vertex connectivity. Our results complement the known results for these problems in the low connectivity regime due to work of Gabow [9] for edge connectivity from 1991, and the very recent work of Nanongkai et al. [24] and Forster et al. [7] for vertex connectivity

    Recognizing Planar Laman Graphs

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    Laman graphs are the minimally rigid graphs in the plane. We present two algorithms for recognizing planar Laman graphs. A simple algorithm with running time O(n^(3/2)) and a more complicated algorithm with running time O(n log^3 n) based on involved planar network flow algorithms. Both improve upon the previously fastest algorithm for general graphs by Gabow and Westermann [Algorithmica, 7(5-6):465 - 497, 1992] with running time O(n sqrt{n log n}). To solve this problem we introduce two algorithms (with the running times stated above) that check whether for a directed planar graph G, disjoint sets S, T subseteq V(G), and a fixed k the following connectivity condition holds: for each vertex s in S there are k directed paths from s to T pairwise having only vertex s in common. This variant of connectivity seems interesting on its own

    On the Size and the Approximability of Minimum Temporally Connected Subgraphs

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    We consider temporal graphs with discrete time labels and investigate the size and the approximability of minimum temporally connected spanning subgraphs. We present a family of minimally connected temporal graphs with nn vertices and Ω(n2)\Omega(n^2) edges, thus resolving an open question of (Kempe, Kleinberg, Kumar, JCSS 64, 2002) about the existence of sparse temporal connectivity certificates. Next, we consider the problem of computing a minimum weight subset of temporal edges that preserve connectivity of a given temporal graph either from a given vertex r (r-MTC problem) or among all vertex pairs (MTC problem). We show that the approximability of r-MTC is closely related to the approximability of Directed Steiner Tree and that r-MTC can be solved in polynomial time if the underlying graph has bounded treewidth. We also show that the best approximation ratio for MTC is at least O(2log1ϵn)O(2^{\log^{1-\epsilon} n}) and at most O(min{n1+ϵ,(ΔM)2/3+ϵ})O(\min\{n^{1+\epsilon}, (\Delta M)^{2/3+\epsilon}\}), for any constant ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, where MM is the number of temporal edges and Δ\Delta is the maximum degree of the underlying graph. Furthermore, we prove that the unweighted version of MTC is APX-hard and that MTC is efficiently solvable in trees and 22-approximable in cycles

    Planar Reachability Under Single Vertex or Edge Failures

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    International audienceIn this paper we present an efficient reachability oracle under single-edge or single-vertex failures for planar directed graphs. Specifically, we show that a planar digraph G can be preprocessed in O(n log 2 n/log log n) time, producing an O(n log n)-space data structure that can answer in O(log n) time whether u can reach v in G if the vertex x (the edge f) is removed from G, for any query vertices u, v and failed vertex x (failed edge f). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first data structure for planar directed graphs with nearly optimal preprocessing time that answers all-pairs queries under any kind of failures in polylogarithmic time. We also consider 2-reachability problems, where we are given a planar digraph G and we wish to determine if there are two vertex-disjoint (edge-disjoint) paths from u to v, for query vertices u, v. In this setting we provide a nearly optimal 2-reachability oracle, which is the existential variant of the reachability oracle under single failures, with the following bounds. We can construct in O(n polylog n) time an O(n log 3+o(1) n)-space data structure that can check in O(log 2+o(1) n) time for any query vertices u, v whether v is 2-reachable from u, or otherwise find some separating vertex (edge) x lying on all paths from u to v in G. To obtain our results, we follow the general recursive approach of Thorup for reachability in planar graphs [J. ACM '04] and we present new data structures which generalize dominator trees and previous data structures for strong-connectivity under failures [Georgiadis et al., SODA '17]. Our new data structures work also for general digraphs and may be of independent interest

    Computing vertex-edge cut-pairs and 2-edge cuts in practice

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    4sìopenWe consider two problems regarding the computation of connectivity cuts in undirected graphs, namely identifying vertex-edge cut-pairs and identifying 2-edge cuts, and present an experimental study of efficient algorithms for their computation. In the first problem, we are given a biconnected graph G and our goal is to find all vertices v such that G v is not 2-edge-connected, while in the second problem, we are given a 2-edge-connected graph G and our goal is to find all edges e such that G e is not 2-edge-connected. These problems are motivated by the notion of twinless strong connectivity in directed graphs but are also of independent interest. Moreover, the computation of 2-edge cuts is a main step in algorithms that compute the 3-edge-connected components of a graph. In this paper, we present streamlined versions of two recent linear-time algorithms of Georgiadis and Kosinas that compute all vertex-edge cut-pairs and all 2-edge cuts, respectively. We compare the empirical performance of our vertex-edge cut-pairs algorithm with an alternative linear-time method that exploits the structure of the triconnected components of G. Also, we compare the empirical performance of our 2-edge cuts algorithm with the algorithm of Tsin, which was reported to be the fastest one among the previously existing for this problem. To that end, we conduct a thorough experimental study to highlight the merits and weaknesses of each technique.openGeorgiadis L.; Giannis K.; Italiano G.F.; Kosinas E.Georgiadis, L.; Giannis, K.; Italiano, G. F.; Kosinas, E