2,826,226 research outputs found

    Circular 48

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    This report summarizes the vegetable-variety evaluations of the Horticulture Department of the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, 1983. Variety trials were all conducted at the Agricultural Experiment Station's research farm at Fairbanks. The objective of this research is to select varieties of vegetables that are adapted to this environment. It also identifies types whose adaptability may be improved through development of improved cultural techniques. The selection effort is directed at finding varieties useful to both the commercial growers and home gardeners.Introduction -- Table 1: Climatic Data for the Fairbanks Growing Season: 1982, 1983 and the Long-Term Average -- Table 2: Broccoli Variety Trials, Upland, 1983 -- Table 3: Brussels Sprouts Variety Trials, Upland, 1983. -- Table 4: Cabbage Variety Trials, Upland, 1983 -- Table 5: Carrot Variety Trials, Bottomland, 1983 -- Table 6: Cauliflower Variety Trials, Upland, 1983 -- Table 7: Celery Variety Trials, Upland, 1983 -- Table 8: Cucumber Variety Trials, Upland, 1983 -- Table 9: Egplant Variety Trials, Upland, 1983 -- Table 10: Green Pea Variety Trials, Bottomland, 1983 -- Table 11: Crisphead Lettuce Variety Trials, Bottomland, 1983 -- Table 12: Pepper Variety Trials, Upland, 1983 -- Table 13: Potato Variety Trials, Bottomland Peat, 1983 -- Table 14: Pumpkin Variety Trials, Upland, 1983 -- Table 15: Snapbean Variety Trials, Upland, 1983 -- Table 16: Summer Squash Variety Trials, Upland, 1983 -- Table 17: Winter Squash Variety Trials, Upland, 1983 -- Table 18: Sweet Corn Variety Trials, Upland, 1983 -- Table 19: Tomato Variety Trials, Upland, 1983 -- Table 20: Container Tomato Variety Trials, 1983 -- Table 21: Miscellaneous Vegetables Tested -- Seed Source

    Baire and weakly Namioka spaces

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    Recall that a Hausdorff space XX is said to be Namioka if for every compact (Hausdorff) space YY and every metric space ZZ, every separately continuous function f:X×Y→Zf:X\times{Y}\rightarrow{Z} is continuous on D×YD\times{Y} for some dense GήG_\delta subset DD of XX. It is well known that in the class of all metrizable spaces, Namioka and Baire spaces coincide (Saint-Raymond, 1983). Further it is known that every completely regular Namioka space is Baire and that every separable Baire space is Namioka (Saint-Raymond, 1983). In our paper we study spaces XX, we call them weakly Namioka, for which the conclusion of the theorem for Namioka spaces holds provided that the assumption of compactness of YY is replaced by second countability of YY. We will prove that in the class of all completely regular separable spaces and in the class of all perfectly normal spaces, XX is Baire if and only if it is weakly Namioka.Comment: 11 page

    SEATSAT programs option analysis

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    A preliminary analysis of the costs of SEASAT follow-on options is presented. All the options assume the existence of SEASAT-A as currently defined in the SEASAT Economic Assessment. It is assumed that each option will continue through the year 2000 and approach operational system status in the 1983-1986 period, depending upon the sensor package selected. The launch vehicle assumed through 1983 is the Atlas Agena. After 1983, it is assumed SEASAT-A will switch to the use of the Space Shuttle. All cost estimates are 1976 dollars for fiscal year cost accounting, with no inflation rate included

    US Real Estate Investment Performance: 1983-2012

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    This study provides an overview of real estate investment performance over a 1983-2012 time period. The results show that although equity REITs outperformed all other assets on average annual return, on a risk-adjusted basis both private retail and apartment real estate outperformed all other assets. The study also found a recent trend in increased correlation between common stocks and REITs

    How does poverty decline? Evidence from India, 1983-1999

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    This paper attempts to assess the relative contributions of the farm and non-farm sectors to the increase in agricultural wage earnings in India between 1983-1999. Cross-section analysis of NSS data for 1983 and 1993 confirm the importance of farm productivity growth, consistent with the predictions of our theoretical model. A counterfactual exercise that attempts to estimate the relative contribution of the non-farm sector to the increase in the agricultural wage earnings during the period 1983-1999 suggests that this figure is no more than 25 at the all-India level, though it is higher in some states. Thus the bulk of the growth in wage earnings and the attendant decline in poverty during this period appears to be due to the farm sector.Farm and non-farm productivity growth, non-farm employment, poverty, wage earnings

    On income tax avoidance: the case of Germany

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    In this paper, we present a micro estimate determining taxable income as a function of gross income and all major deduction options depending on household and asset categories. It is shown that tax savings strongly increase with increasing income, resulting in a decreasing effective marginal tax rate for the highest income groups. We compute a lower bound on 1983 aggregate income tax losses to the German fiscal authorities of DM 72b, or of 45 % of wage and income taxes paid in 1983. The estimate of tax loss exceeds estimates for other countries by orders of magnitude. --

    Symmetrically multilateral-bargained allocations in multi-sided assignment markets

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    We extend Rochfords (1983) notion of symmetrically pairwise-bargained equilibrium to assignment games with more than two sides. A symmetrically multilateral-bargained (SMB) allocation is a core allocation such that any agent is in equilibrium with respect to a negotiation process among all agents based on what every agent could receive -and use as a threat- in her preferred alternative matching to the optimal matching that is formed. We prove that, for balanced multi-sided assignment games, the set of SMB is always nonempty and that, unlike the two-sided case, it does not coincide in general with the kernel (Davis and Maschler, 1965). We also give an answer to an open question formulated by Rochford (1983) by introducing a kernel-based set that, together with the core, characterizes the set of SMB.core, bargaining, cooperative games, kernel
