538 research outputs found

    Николай Васильевич Миницкий. Опись архива

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    Содерж.: Фонд N 9. Опись архива Николая Васильевича Миницкого (материалы 1882 - 1912 гг.)Томск, 2006Получено от автор

    Inherited vs Self-Made Wealth: Theory and Evidence from a Rentier Society (Paris 1872-1937)

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    This paper divides the population into two groups: the "inheritors" or "rentiers" (whose wealth is smaller than the capitalized value of their inherited wealth, i.e. who consumed more than their labor income during their lifetime); and the "savers" or "self-made men" (whose wealth is larger than the capitalized value of their inherited wealth, i.e. who consumed less than their labor income). Applying this simple theoretical model to a unique micro data set on inheritance and matrimonial property regimes, we find that Paris in 1872-1937 looks like a prototype "rentier society". Rentiers made about 10% of the population of Parisians but owned 70% of aggregate wealth. Rentier societies thrive when the rate of return on private wealth ris permanently and substantially larger than the growth rate g (say, r=4%-5% vs g=1%-2%). This was the case in the 19th century and early 20th century and is likely to happen again in the 21st century. In such cases top successors, by consuming part of the return to their inherited wealth, can sustain living standards far beyond what labor income alone would permit.rentier society ;

    Magic City class, community, and reform in Roanoke, Virginia, 1882-1912

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    The Magic City of Roanoke, Virginia, the fastest growing urban area in the South from 1880 to 1890, exemplified everything that New South boosters claimed to have wanted. The prototypical New South city, Roanoke emerged as an extreme version of all that was supposed to remedy the South\u27s post-Civil War economic stagnation. The city\u27s promise, however, revealed the empty promise of the New South. Despite intensive demographic and industrial growth, by the early twentieth century, Roanoke failed to evolve into the dynamic and modern city prophesied by New South visionaries. Its abysmal conditions, racial turmoil, class conflicts, and superficial reforms made it much more village than city, far more dystopia than utopia. Magic City examines that history from 1882 to 1912 using the lenses of class, community, and reform as points of departure. It analyzes Roanoke\u27s rapid growth in the 1880s and traces the consequences of that intensive development through 1912, the year local reform reached its climax. Roanoke\u27s emergence in 1882 as the headquarters for two northern-owned railroads was largely the result of native businessmen who adhered blindly to the New South creed. They cultivated a business-friendly ethos that put economic development ahead of all other causes, envisioned industrial expansion as a panacea for social ills and infrastructure troubles, and channeled municipal capital into investment schemes instead of solutions to the rapidly growing city\u27s numerous other needs. The consequences were widespread societal and institutional malfunctioning that climaxed in a cataclysmic lynch riot. When that revolt and the city\u27s decrepit appearance threatened to stall additional development, local elites reformed Roanoke in ways that made investors less anxious. Those modifications, however, were largely superficial and failed to resolve the municipality\u27s systematic and deeply embedded problems. Roanoke\u27s early history is primarily the story of sorting out the myriad tensions and ambiguities inherent in attempting to create a modern industrialized city on the one hand, and fomenting municipal and civic order on the other. Examining that story hopefully offers a more complete understanding of how urban development in the New South actually operated

    Emil du Bois-Reymond on "The Seat of the Soul"

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    The German pioneer of electrophysiology, Emil du Bois-Reymond (1818–1896), is generally assumed to have remained silent on the subject of the brain. However, the archive of his papers in Berlin contains manuscript notes to a lecture on “The Seat of the Soul” that he delivered to popular audiences in 1884 and 1885. These notes demonstrate that cerebral localization and brain function in general had been concerns of his for quite some time, and that he did not shy away from these subjects

    Ligações translocais da cultura impressa: gentes, saberes e textos

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    UID/HIS/04666/2013O desenvolvimento das estruturas da cultura tipográfca ao longo do século XIX contribuiu decisivamente para a complexifcação das experiências espácio-temporais da conntemporaneidade, desafando os pressupostos simplistas sobre as relações entre centro e periferia. O artigo dedicado à Tipografa Burocrática (Tavira, 1882-1912) concentra-se no estudo da circulação translocal, não só de textos e ideias, mas também da globalidade dos recursos, práticas e objectos da actividade tipográfca, tendo por objectivo situar a natureza e a importância desta ofcina-editora na dinâmica do sistema editorial português. The development of typographic culture structures throughout the 19th century contributed decisively to the complexification of the spatio-temporal experiences of Contemporaneity, challenging the simplistic assumptions about the relations between center and periphery. The article devoted to Bureaucratic Typography (Tavira, 1882-1912) concentrates on the study of translocal circulation, not only of texts and ideas, but also of the totality of resources, practices and objects of typographic activity, with the aim of situating nature and the importance of this workshop-publisher in the dynamics of the Portuguese publishing system.publishersversionpublishe


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    Abstrak  Pengusaha Eropa pada tahun 1870 berbondong – bondong datang ke Hindhia – Belanda untuk membuka lahan perkebunan. Industri perkebunan sangat membutuhkan ketersediaan lahan. Menurut UU Agraria 1870 Pengusaha swasta diperbolehkan menyewa tanah milik penduduk pribumi untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai lahan perkebunan. Surakarta sebagai wilayah yang merdeka di Hindhia – Belanda sewa tanah diatur dalam hukum adat kerajaan. Berdasarkan hak domein raja seluruh hak atas tanah berada dibawah kekuasaan raja. Pengusaha Eropa untuk menyewa tanah di Surakarta harus melalui persetujuan raja. Pada prakteknya raja dan patuh sering merugikan penyewa tanah Eropa, seperti menaikkan harga sewa, memutuskan kontrak sewa, dan pajak yang memberatkan penyewa tanah. Penyewa tanah Eropa yang telah dirugikan oleh raja dan para patuh memutuskan mendirikan perkumpulan yang bernama De Vereeniging van Solosche landhuurders pada tahun 1882 sebagai bentuk persatuan solidaritas penyewa tanah Eropa di Surakarta. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut dapat diambil rumusan masalah bagaimana perkembangan De Vereeniging van Solosche landhuurders dari 1882 – 1912 Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian sejarah. Langkah pertama metode ini adalah heuristik yaitu pengumpulansumber-sumber berupa arsip dan koran tentang sewa tanah di Surakarta, kritik yaitu tahap untuk memilih sumber – sumber yang telah ditemukan, interpetrasi yaitu tahap melakukan analisis terhadap fakta – fakta yang ditemukan dari sumber primer maupun sekunder, dan historiografi yaitu tahap penyajian hasil laporan penelitian dalam bentuk tulisan dengan penulisan sejarah yang benar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian perkembangan De Vereeniging van Solosche landhuurders dimulai dari awal berdiri pada tahun 1882, perjuangan dan partisipasi melawan krisis ekonomi, dan berakhirnya De Vereeniging van Solosche landhuurderspada tahun 1912.  Kata kunci: hak atas tanah, sewa tanah, Solosche landhuurder

    Síndrome de Crouzon. Nuestra experiencia

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    El Síndrome  de Crouzon se conoce desde la antigüedad, Homero, el poeta griego, en su obra clásica “La Iliada” describe un guerrero llamado Tersites “…., el hombre más feo fue el que vino de Troya…., su  estrecha cabeza…” y esto se conoce como una de las primeras alusiones a las deformidades craneales tipo craneosinostosis.(1,2)En 1791 logra un paso de avance al plantear que el crecimiento del cráneo ocurre a lo largo de las suturas del calvario y que el fallo en su crecimiento resulta una enfermedad craneal.(1,3)  A pesar de las investigaciones anteriores, no fue hasta 1851 en que Virchow inicia la verdadera etapa científica con un estudio anatómico completo.(4,3) Pero no es hasta 1912 que se describe por primera vez el Síndrome de Crouzon en una madre y su hija, las mismas presentaban una malformación craneofacial asociada al cierre prematuro de las suturas craneanas.(5, 6, 7

    Inherited vs Self-Made Wealth: Theory and Evidence from a Rentier Society (Paris 1872-1937)

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    This paper divides the population into two groups: the "inheritors" or "rentiers" (whose wealth is smaller than the capitalized value of their inherited wealth, i.e. who consumed more than their labor income during their lifetime); and the "savers" or "self-made men" (whose wealth is larger than the capitalized value of their inherited wealth, i.e. who consumed less than their labor income). Applying this simple theoretical model to a unique micro data set on inheritance and matrimonial property regimes, we find that Paris in 1872-1937 looks like a prototype "rentier society". Rentiers made about 10% of the population of Parisians but owned 70% of aggregate wealth. Rentier societies thrive when the rate of return on private wealth ris permanently and substantially larger than the growth rate g (say, r=4%-5% vs g=1%-2%). This was the case in the 19th century and early 20th century and is likely to happen again in the 21st century. In such cases top successors, by consuming part of the return to their inherited wealth, can sustain living standards far beyond what labor income alone would permit