257 research outputs found

    The Minimum wage in Italy during the Eurozone crisis age and beyond

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    Effetto di batteri lattici probiotici microincapsulati sulle proprietĂ  chimico-fisiche e microbiologiche di Squacquerone funzionale

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    In questo studio sono state prodotte 5 diverse tipologie di Squacquerone inoculate con St. thermophilus e con batteri lattici funzionali in forma planctonica o microincapsulata al fine di garantire la loro sopravvivenza, in ambienti caratterizzati da condizioni chimico-fisiche proibitive. Sono stati utilizzati Lb. crispatus BC4 e Lb. paracasei A13 caratterizzati da comprovata attività anti-Candida e battericida o probiotica, rispettivamente. I campioni sono stati caratterizzati a livello microbiologico, chimico-fisico, reologico, proteolitico ed organolettico durante la maturazione/conservazione a 4°C. I dati hanno dimostrato che l’incapsulazione non ha inciso sulla sopravvivenza dei ceppi funzionali in quanto la loro concentrazione è sempre stata costante. La proteolisi ha dimostrato un’evidente relazione tra il ceppo e le modalità della sua immissione nel prodotto: in presenza dei co-starter non incapsulati i processi litici sono accelerati rispetto al campione di controllo, mentre la cinetica di proteolisi viene influenzata negativamente dalle microcapsule. I campioni funzionali, dopo 4 giorni, sono risultati nettamente più apprezzati a livello sensoriale, indipendentemente dal tipo di inclusione dei microrganismi. A fine shelf-life i 5 Squacqueroni sono invece molto più simili tra loro. Di conseguenza, la microincapsulazione può essere vista come uno strumento per modulare le cinetiche di maturazione dello Squacquerone e il momento di immissione di questo sul mercato, per estendere la sua shelf-life ed allargare i mercati. In conclusione sia l’addizione dei co-starter in forma planctonica, che in forma microincapsulata con St. thermophilus, hanno permesso di produrre quattro diversi Squacqueroni identificabili come alimenti funzionali caratterizzati da specifici patterns proteolitici e organolettici. La microincapsulazione e la selezione dei ceppi sono da considerarsi strumenti utili alla innovazione e alla differenziazione dei prodotti lattiero-caseari

    Lo "chiamavano Dignità”: prime note su tecnica e politica a margine del d.l. n. 87/2018, conv. in l. n. 96/2018 = "They called him Dignity": first notes on technique and politics in the margins of the legislative decree n. 87/2018, conv. in l. n. 96/2018. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 381/2018

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    This paper aims to analyse the so-called “Dignity Decree”, the first legislative act of the new Italian government in the field of the labour law. In particular, it focuses on the changes introduced in the matter of temporary contracts and unlawful dismissal. Through a comparative study with the political choices of the previous governments, the article shows how the decree does not represent “the Waterloo of temporary employment”, nor does it constitute an overturn of the spirit of the “Jobs Act”

    Synergistic Team Composition

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    Effective teams are crucial for organisations, especially in environments that require teams to be constantly created and dismantled, such as software development, scientific experiments, crowd-sourcing, or the classroom. Key factors influencing team performance are competences and personality of team members. Hence, we present a computational model to compose proficient and congenial teams based on individuals' personalities and their competences to perform tasks of different nature. With this purpose, we extend Wilde's post-Jungian method for team composition, which solely employs individuals' personalities. The aim of this study is to create a model to partition agents into teams that are balanced in competences, personality and gender. Finally, we present some preliminary empirical results that we obtained when analysing student performance. Results show the benefits of a more informed team composition that exploits individuals' competences besides information about their personalities

    Il tipo contrattuale: autonomia e subordinazione dopo il Jobs Act

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    The paper analyzes the impact and the possible interpretation of the provisions of art. 2 of legislative decree n. 81 of 2015, that, repealing the discipline of project collaborations, has established that the regulation of subordinate employment is applicable to those collaborations which are personal, continuous and whose mode of execution are organized by the client with reference to the time and place of job. The Author examines the evolution of statutory law, doctrine and case law regarding the type of subordinate employment, which is the basis for the most recent reform, and then considers the different interpretations about the nature of the collaborations disciplined by the recent regulation. In his reconstruction, the Author supports the autonomous nature of the organized collaborations and highlights the importance of the role of collective bargaining in the implementation of the new statutory provision, which lead to a new centrality of the two original categories provided for by the Italian Civil Code in articles 2094 (subordinate employment) and 2222 (independent work)

    Introducing Preference-Based Argumentation to Inconsistent Ontological Knowledge Bases

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    International audienceHandling inconsistency is an inherent part of decision making in traditional agri-food chains – due to the various concerns involved. In order to explain the source of inconsistency and represent the existing conflicts in the ontological knowledge base, argumentation theory can be used. However, the current state of art methodology does not allow to take into account the level of significance of the knowledge expressed by the various ontological knowledge sources. We propose to use preferences in order to model those differences between formulas and evaluate our proposal practically by implementing it within the INRA platform and showing a use case using this formalism in a bread making decision support system

    Neoformalismo negoziale e tecniche di protezione: il caso della proroga del contratto a termine = Negotiation neo-formalism and protection techniques: the case of the extension of the fixed-term contract. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 403/2019

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    The paper analyzes the regulation of the extension of the fixed-term contract in the regulatory framework outlined by Legislative Decree n. 81/2015, before and after the changes made by l. n. 96/2018 (c.d. "Dignity Decree"). Starting from the absence of a sharp rule about the form that the extension must cover, the author outlines the reasons why the written form is needed for the validity of the deed, especially in the cases where the extension of the term of duration does not require a justification. This constraint is derived from a systematic interpretation of the rules established by the articles 21 et seq., Legislative Decree no. 81/2015, showing that the use of the written form is a measure to protect the weak contractor against the risk of the abuse deriving from the succession of the fixed term relationships. Its adoption is therefore necessary in order to guarantee the effectiveness of the measures against the abuses imposed by the EU law
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