650 research outputs found

    Bus Encryption and Authentication Unit for Symmetric Shared Memory Multiprocessor Sytem Using GCM-AES

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    Hardware security mechanisms in uniprocessor and multiprocessor systems have been proposed to safeguard information more efficiently. This work presents a secure architecture model for a symmetric shared memory multiprocessor (SMP) to safeguard the cache-to-cache transfers. This work proposes a hardware security mechanism, which employs Galois Counter Mode (GCM) of advanced encryption standard (AES) and modifies it to work in an SMP environment. The work focuses on why GCM is a better choice over cipher block chaining mode (CBC) which is used in current state of the art systems. It estimates the storage required by the additional hardware unit in both modes of operation. A full system SMP simulation quantifies the performance overhead introduced by the additional hardware unit in both schemes to safeguard the cache-to-cache transfers. The impact of increasing cache line sizes and the effect of varying throughput of the AES units in both the schemes is studied. Results show that a performance gain in the range of 4X-9X over the CBC scheme is achieved by using GCM mode of operation. The work shows that the throughput of the AES design has a greater impact on the performance of the CBC scheme. The performance loss is very high in CBC scheme with a lower throughput of the AES design compared to GCM. The performance in CBC scheme varies according to the authentication interval while authentication interval does not affect the GCM scheme, thus providing higher security. The presented work using GCM consumes less space on chip providing the same level of security as in the CBC scheme.School of Electrical & Computer Engineerin

    Adaptive Prefetching and Cache Partitioning for Multicore Processors

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    El acceso a la memoria principal en los procesadores actuales supone un importante cuello de botella para las prestaciones, dado que los diferentes núcleos compiten por el limitado ancho de banda de memoria, agravando la brecha entre las prestaciones del procesador y las de la memoria principal. Distintas técnicas atacan este problema, siendo las más relevantes el uso de jerarquías de caché multinivel y la prebúsqueda. Las cachés jerárquicas aprovechan la localidad temporal y espacial que en general presentan los programas en el acceso a los datos, para mitigar las enormes latencias de acceso a memoria principal. Para limitar el número de accesos a la memoria DRAM, fuera del chip, los procesadores actuales cuentan con grandes cachés de último nivel (LLC). Para mejorar su utilización y reducir costes, estas cachés suelen compartirse entre todos los núcleos del procesador. Este enfoque mejora significativamente el rendimiento de la mayoría de las aplicaciones en comparación con el uso de cachés privados más pequeños. Compartir la caché, sin embargo, presenta una problema importante: la interferencia entre aplicaciones. La prebúsqueda, por otro lado, trae bloques de datos a las cachés antes de que el procesador los solicite, ocultando la latencia de memoria principal. Desafortunadamente, dado que la prebúsqueda es una técnica especulativa, si no tiene éxito puede contaminar la caché con bloques que no se usarán. Además, las prebúsquedas interfieren con los accesos a memoria normales, tanto los del núcleo que emite las prebúsquedas como los de los demás. Esta tesis se centra en reducir la interferencia entre aplicaciones, tanto en las caché compartidas como en el acceso a la memoria principal. Para reducir la interferencia entre aplicaciones en el acceso a la memoria principal, el mecanismo propuesto en esta disertación regula la agresividad de cada prebuscador, activando o desactivando selectivamente algunos de ellos, dependiendo de su rendimiento individual y de los requisitos de ancho de banda de memoria principal de los otros núcleos. Con respecto a la interferencia en cachés compartidos, esta tesis propone dos técnicas de particionado para la LLC, las cuales otorgan más espacio de caché a las aplicaciones que progresan más lentamente debido a la interferencia entre aplicaciones. La primera propuesta de particionado de caché requiere hardware específico no disponible en procesadores comerciales, por lo que se ha evaluado utilizando un entorno de simulación. La segunda propuesta de particionado de caché presenta una familia de políticas que superan las limitaciones en el número de particiones y en el número de vías de caché disponibles mediante la agrupación de aplicaciones en clústeres y la superposición de particiones de caché, por lo que varias aplicaciones comparten las mismas vías. Dado que se ha implementado utilizando los mecanismos para el particionado de la LLC que presentan algunos procesadores Intel modernos, esta propuesta ha sido evaluada en una máquina real. Los resultados experimentales muestran que el mecanismo de prebúsqueda selectiva propuesto en esta tesis reduce el número de solicitudes de memoria principal en un 20%, cosa que se traduce en mejoras en la equidad del sistema, el rendimiento y el consumo de energía. Por otro lado, con respecto a los esquemas de partición propuestos, en comparación con un sistema sin particiones, ambas propuestas reducen la iniquidad del sistema en un promedio de más del 25%, independientemente de la cantidad de aplicaciones en ejecución, y esta reducción en la injusticia no afecta negativamente al rendimiento.Accessing main memory represents a major performance bottleneck in current processors, since the different cores compete among them for the limited offchip bandwidth, aggravating even more the so called memory wall. Several techniques have been applied to deal with the core-memory performance gap, with the most preeminent ones being prefetching and hierarchical caching. Hierarchical caches leverage the temporal and spacial locality of the accessed data, mitigating the huge main memory access latencies. To limit the number of accesses to the off-chip DRAM memory, current processors feature large Last Level Caches. These caches are shared between all the cores to improve the utilization of the cache space and reduce cost. This approach significantly improves the performance of most applications compared to using smaller private caches. Cache sharing, however, presents an important shortcoming: the interference between applications. Prefetching, on the other hand, brings data blocks to the caches before they are requested, hiding the main memory latency. Unfortunately, since prefetching is a speculative technique, inaccurate prefetches may pollute the cache with blocks that will not be used. In addition, the prefetches interfere with the regular memory requests, both the ones from the application running on the core that issued the prefetches and the others. This thesis focuses on reducing the inter-application interference, both in the shared cache and in the access to the main memory. To reduce the interapplication interference in the access to main memory, the proposed approach regulates the aggressiveness of each core prefetcher, and selectively activates or deactivates some of them, depending on their individual performance and the main memory bandwidth requirements of the other cores. With respect to interference in shared caches, this thesis proposes two LLC partitioning techniques that give more cache space to the applications that have their progress diminished due inter-application interferences. The first cache partitioning proposal requires dedicated hardware not available in commercial processors, so it has been evaluated using a simulation framework. The second proposal dealing with cache partitioning presents a family of partitioning policies that overcome the limitations in the number of partitions and the number of available ways by grouping applications and overlapping cache partitions, so multiple applications share the same ways. Since it has been implemented using the cache partitioning features of modern Intel processors it has been evaluated in a real machine. Experimental results show that the proposed selective prefetching mechanism reduces the number of main memory requests by 20%, which translates to improvements in unfairness, performance, and energy consumption. On the other hand, regarding the proposed partitioning schemes, compared to a system with no partitioning, both reduce unfairness more than 25% on average, regardless of the number of applications running in the multicore, and this reduction in unfairness does not negatively affect the performance.L'accés a la memòria principal en els processadors actuals suposa un important coll d'ampolla per a les prestacions, ja que els diferents nuclis competeixen pel limitat ample de banda de memòria, agreujant la bretxa entre les prestacions del processador i les de la memòria principal. Diferents tècniques ataquen aquest problema, sent les més rellevants l'ús de jerarquies de memòria cau multinivell i la prebusca. Les memòries cau jeràrquiques aprofiten la localitat temporal i espacial que en general presenten els programes en l'accés a les dades per mitigar les enormes latències d'accés a memòria principal. Per limitar el nombre d'accessos a la memòria DRAM, fora del xip, els processadors actuals compten amb grans caus d'últim nivell (LLC). Per millorar la seva utilització i reduir costos, aquestes memòries cau solen compartir-se entre tots els nuclis del processador. Aquest enfocament millora significativament el rendiment de la majoria de les aplicacions en comparació amb l'ús de caus privades més menudes. Compartir la memòria cau, no obstant, presenta una problema important: la interferencia entre aplicacions. La prebusca, per altra banda, porta blocs de dades a les memòries cau abans que el processador els sol·licite, ocultant la latència de memòria principal. Desafortunadament, donat que la prebusca és una técnica especulativa, si no té èxit pot contaminar la memòria cau amb blocs que no fan falta. A més, les prebusques interfereixen amb els accessos normals a memòria, tant els del nucli que emet les prebusques com els dels altres. Aquesta tesi es centra en reduir la interferència entre aplicacions, tant en les cau compartides com en l'accés a la memòria principal. Per reduir la interferència entre aplicacions en l'accés a la memòria principal, el mecanismo proposat en aquesta dissertació regula l'agressivitat de cada prebuscador, activant o desactivant selectivament alguns d'ells, en funció del seu rendiment individual i dels requisits d'ample de banda de memòria principal dels altres nuclis. Pel que fa a la interferència en caus compartides, aquesta tesi proposa dues tècniques de particionat per a la LLC, les quals atorguen més espai de memòria cau a les aplicacions que progressen més lentament a causa de la interferència entre aplicacions. La primera proposta per al particionat de memòria cau requereix hardware específic no disponible en processadors comercials, per la qual cosa s'ha avaluat utilitzant un entorn de simulació. La segona proposta de particionat per a memòries cau presenta una família de polítiques que superen les limitacions en el nombre de particions i en el nombre de vies de memòria cau disponibles mitjan¿ cant l'agrupació d'aplicacions en clústers i la superposició de particions de memòria cau, de manera que diverses aplicacions comparteixen les mateixes vies. Atès que s'ha implementat utilitzant els mecanismes per al particionat de la LLC que ofereixen alguns processadors Intel moderns, aquesta proposta s'ha avaluat en una màquina real. Els resultats experimentals mostren que el mecanisme de prebusca selectiva proposat en aquesta tesi redueix el nombre de sol·licituds a la memòria principal en un 20%, cosa que es tradueix en millores en l'equitat del sistema, el rendiment i el consum d'energia. Per altra banda, pel que fa als esquemes de particiónat proposats, en comparació amb un sistema sense particions, ambdues propostes redueixen la iniquitat del sistema en més d'un 25% de mitjana, independentment de la quantitat d'aplicacions en execució, i aquesta reducció en la iniquitat no afecta negativament el rendiment.Selfa Oliver, V. (2018). Adaptive Prefetching and Cache Partitioning for Multicore Processors [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/112423TESI

    Using Locality and Interleaving Information to Improve Shared Cache Performance

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    The cache interference is found to play a critical role in optimizing cache allocation among concurrent threads for shared cache. Conventional LRU policy usually works well for low interference workloads, while high cache interference among threads demands explicit allocation regulation, such as cache partitioning. Cache interference is shown to be tied to inter-thread memory reference interleaving granularity: high interference is caused by ne-grain interleaving while low interference is caused coarse-grain interleaving. Proling of real multi-program workloads shows that cache set mapping and temporal phase result in the variation of interleaving granularity. When memory references from dierent threads map to disjoint cache sets, or they occur in distinct time windows, they tend to cause little interference due to coarse-grain interleaving. The interleaving granularity measured by runlength in workloads is found to correlate with the preference of cache management policy: ne-grain interleaving workloads perform better with cache partitioning, and coarse-grain interleaving workloads perform better with LRU. Most existing shared cache management techniques are based on working set locality analysis. This dissertation studies the shared cache performance by taking both locality and interleaving information into consideration. Oracle algorithm which provides theoretical best performance is investigated to provide insight into how to design a better practical policy. Proling and analysis of Oracle algorithm lead to the proposal of probabilistic replacement (PR), a novel cache allocation policy. With aggressor threads information learned on-line, PR evicts the bad locality blocks of aggressor threads probabilistically while preserving good locality blocks of non-aggressor threads. PR is shown to be able to adapt to the different interleaving granularities in different sets over time. Its flexibility in tuning eviction probability also improves fairness among thread performance. Evaluation indicates that PR outperforms LRU, UCP, and ideal cache partitioning at moderate hardware cost. For single program cache management, this dissertation also proposes a novel technique: reuse distance last touch predictor (RD-LTP). RD-LTP is able to capture reuse distance information, which represents the intrinsic memory reference pattern. Based on this improved LT predictor, an MRU LT eviction policy is developed to select the right victim at the presence of incorrect LT prediction. In addition to LT predictor, another predictor: reuse distance predictors (RDPs) is proposed, which is able to predict actual reuse distance values. Compared to various existing cache management techniques, these two novel predictors deliver higher cache performance with higher prediction coverage and accuracy at moderate hardware cost

    Compiling an Array Language to a Graphics Processor

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    Graphics processors are significantly faster than traditional processors, particularly for numerical code, and in recent years have become flexible enough to permit general-purpose use, rather than just graphics use. NVIDIA\u27s CUDA makes general-purpose graphics processor computing feasible, but it still requires significant programmer effort. My thesis is that array programming can be an effective way to program graphics processors, and that a restricted, functionally pure array language coupled with simple optimizations can have performance competitive with handwritten GPU programs. I support this thesis through the research language Barracuda, an array language embedded within Haskell that generates optimized CUDA code

    Automatic performance optimisation of parallel programs for GPUs via rewrite rules

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    Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are now commonplace in computing systems and are the most successful parallel accelerators. Their performance is orders of magnitude higher than traditional Central Processing Units (CPUs) making them attractive for many application domains with high computational demands. However, achieving their full performance potential is extremely hard, even for experienced programmers, as it requires specialised software tailored for specific devices written in low-level languages such as OpenCL. Differences in device characteristics between manufacturers and even hardware generations often lead to large performance variations when different optimisations are applied. This inevitably leads to code that is not performance portable across different hardware. This thesis demonstrates that achieving performance portability is possible using LIFT, a functional data-parallel language which allows programs to be expressed at a high-level in a hardware-agnostic way. The LIFT compiler is empowered to automatically explore the optimisation space using a set of well-defined rewrite rules to transform programs seamlessly between different high-level algorithmic forms before translating them to a low-level OpenCL-specific form. The first contribution of this thesis is the development of techniques to compile functional LIFT programs that have optimisations explicitly encoded into efficient imperative OpenCL code. Producing efficient code is non-trivial as many performance sensitive details such as memory allocation, array accesses or synchronisation are not explicitly represented in the functional LIFT language. The thesis shows that the newly developed techniques are essential for achieving performance on par with manually optimised code for GPU programs with the exact same complex optimisations applied. The second contribution of this thesis is the presentation of techniques that enable the LIFT compiler to perform complex optimisations that usually require from tens to hundreds of individual rule applications by grouping them as macro-rules that cut through the optimisation space. Using matrix multiplication as an example, starting from a single high-level program the compiler automatically generates highly optimised and specialised implementations for desktop and mobile GPUs with very different architectures achieving performance portability. The final contribution of this thesis is the demonstration of how low-level and GPU-specific features are extracted directly from the high-level functional LIFT program, enabling building a statistical performance model that makes accurate predictions about the performance of differently optimised program variants. This performance model is then used to drastically speed up the time taken by the optimisation space exploration by ranking the different variants based on their predicted performance. Overall, this thesis demonstrates that performance portability is achievable using LIFT

    An integrated soft- and hard-programmable multithreaded architecture

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    MetaFork: A Compilation Framework for Concurrency Models Targeting Hardware Accelerators

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    Parallel programming is gaining ground in various domains due to the tremendous computational power that it brings; however, it also requires a substantial code crafting effort to achieve performance improvement. Unfortunately, in most cases, performance tuning has to be accomplished manually by programmers. We argue that automated tuning is necessary due to the combination of the following factors. First, code optimization is machine-dependent. That is, optimization preferred on one machine may be not suitable for another machine. Second, as the possible optimization search space increases, manually finding an optimized configuration is hard. Therefore, developing new compiler techniques for optimizing applications is of considerable interest. This thesis aims at generating new techniques that will help programmers develop efficient algorithms and code targeting hardware acceleration technologies, in a more effective manner. Our work is organized around a compilation framework, called MetaFork, for concurrency platforms and its application to automatic parallelization. MetaFork is a high-level programming language extending C/C++, which combines several models of concurrency including fork-join, SIMD and pipelining parallelism. MetaFork is also a compilation framework which aims at facilitating the design and implementation of concurrent programs through four key features which make MetaFork unique and novel: (1) Perform automatic code translation between concurrency platforms targeting multi-core architectures. (2) Provide a high-level language for expressing concurrency as in the fork-join model, the SIMD paradigm and the pipelining parallelism. (3) Generate parallel code from serial code with an emphasis on code depending on machine or program parameters (e.g. cache size, number of processors, number of threads per thread block). (4) Optimize code depending on parameters that are unknown at compile-time

    Tailoring Transactional Memory to Real-World Applications

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    Transactional Memory (TM) promises to provide a scalable mechanism for synchronizationin concurrent programs, and to offer ease-of-use benefits to programmers. Since multiprocessorarchitectures have dominated CPU design, exploiting parallelism in program
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