13 research outputs found

    159 Tbit/s C+L Band Transmission over 1045 km 3-Mode Graded-Index Few-Mode Fiber

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    We transmit 3 x348 x 24.5 Gbaud PDM-16-QAM modulated C+L band channels with a total data-rate of over 159 Tbit/s over 1045 km graded-index three-mode fiber, resulting in a record throughput-distance product of more than 166 Pbit/sxkm

    Long-haul few mode fiber optic link with differential mode delay compensation on line amplifiers

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    This paper present results of simulation of the few mode fiber optic link with the differential mode delay compensation. There were considered some variants of compensation of differential mode delay and chromatic dispersion. The one of variants is the compensation at the far end of fiber optic link. And other is compensation at line amplifiers with two schemes of differential mode delay compensation

    High capacity transmission with few-mode fibers

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    We experimentally investigate high-capacity few-mode fiber transmission for short and medium-haul optical links. In separate experiments, we demonstrate C + L band transmission of 283 Tbit/s over a single 30 km span and recirculating loop transmission of 159 Tbit/s over 1045 km graded-index three mode fiber. The first experiment reached a data-rate per fiber mode within 90% of the record data-rates reported in the same transmission bands for single-mode fibers. The second experiment demonstrated the feasibility of reaching high data-rates over long distance few-mode fiber transmission, despite strong impairments due to mode-dependent loss and differential mode delay

    Master-slave carrier recovery for M-QAM multicore fiber transmission

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    Master-slave carrier recovery is a digital signal processing technique that uses correlated phase noise in multi-channel receivers to eliminate redundant carrier recovery blocks. In this paper we experimentally investigate the performance of master-slave carrier recovery for multicore fiber transmission in the presence of inter-channel nonlinear interference. Using a triple parallel loop setup we jointly receive three spatial channels in a 7-core fiber for transmission distances of up to 1600 km. We find that an increased launch power causes a moderate penalty on the slave channels. Furthermore, we study the penalty from a non-zero inter-core skew

    Overcoming degradation in spatial multiplexing systems with stochastic nonlinear impairments

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    Single-mode optical fibres now underpin telecommunication systems and have allowed continuous increases in traffic volume and bandwidth demand whilst simultaneously reducing cost- and energy-per-bit over the last 40 years. However, it is now recognised that such systems are rapidly approaching the limits imposed by the nonlinear Kerr effect. To address this, recent research has been carried out into mitigating Kerr nonlinearities to increase the nonlinear threshold and into spatial multiplexing to offer additional spatial pathways. However, given the complexity associated with nonlinear transmission in spatial multiplexed systems subject to random inter-spatial-path nonlinearities it is widely believed that these technologies are mutually exclusive. By investigating the linear and nonlinear crosstalk in few-mode fibres based optical communications, we numerically demonstrate, for the first time, that even in the presence of significant random mixing of signals, substantial performance benefits are possible. To achieve this, the impact of linear mixing on the Kerr nonlinearities should be taken into account using different compensation strategies for different linear mixing regimes. For the optical communication systems studied, we demonstrate that the performance may be more than doubled with the appropriate selection of compensation method for fibre characteristics which match those presented in the literature

    Photonic Services Testbed

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    Bakalářská práce pojednává v teoretickém rozboru o problematice optické kabeláže a jejího svařování a rozvodu. V práci jsou rozebrány základní rozdíly mezi různými druhy optických vláken. Důraz je poté kladen na vlákna jednovidová a jejich standardizaci. V návaznosti se práce věnuje různým technikám spojování optických vláken a rozvodu kabeláže uvnitř budov. V praktické části je popsána realizace jednotlivých propojů s naměřenými hodnotami útlumů jednotlivých svárů. Následně je popsáno zapojení jednotlivých vláken do portů optických van. Zapojení je poté kompletně zdokumentováno a na vybraných vláknech jsou poté realizovány dané služby.Bachelor thesis focuses on the theoretical analysis of optical cables and it‘s fusion splicing and distribution. This thesis deals with basic difference between different types of optical fibers. Importance is put on singlemode fibers and it‘s standardization. Following by analysis of different techniques of uniting optical fibers and distribution of cables inside buildings. In the practical part the realization of individual joints with measured values is described. Next part describes connection of individual fibers into optical bath. This connection is completely documented and certain services are realized on selected fibers

    High Spectral Efficiency Fiber-Optic Transmission Systems Using Pilot Tones

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    Modern fiber-optic communication systems combine state-of-the-art components with powerful digital signal processing (DSP) to maximize the system spectral efficiency (SE). Systems rely on wavelength-division multiplexing, including superchannel transmission, to enable transmission over the available bandwidth which reaches about 10 THz when accounting for the so-called C and L bands. A superchannel is a set of densely packed wavelength channels viewed as a single unit. By treating the channels together, they can be packed more closely than what is normally feasible and sharing of resources among the channels within the superchannel can be considered. In this thesis we focus on the special case of superchannels formed using coherent optical frequency combs. A frequency comb is a multi-wavelength light source and comb-based superchannels consists of channels which are modulated on lines originating from a common comb. Frequency combs have phase-locked carriers, meaning that in contrast to the standard case of independent lasers, the channels within a comb-based superchannel are locked on a frequency grid. Moreover, it implies that the carrier offsets originating from a non-ideal laser source are shared among all comb lines.Shared carrier offsets can be exploited to reduce the complexity of the DSP used to effectively recover the data. A frequency comb is fully characterized by knowing the state of two of its lines, meaning that if this information is transferred to the receiver, one could compensate carrier offsets for all wavelength channels within the superchannel. By transmission of optical pilot tones, self-homodyne detection of a 50x20Gbaud PM-64QAM superchannel is demonstrated with 4% spectral overhead. While two tones are required to fully phase-lock two combs, a single tone is enough to enable significant relaxation of the DSP-requirements while at the same time requiring minimal additional complexity compared to standard intradyne systems. Superchannel transmission using a single shared pilot tone is demonstrated by transmission of a 51x24Gbaud PM-128QAM superchannel with a resulting SE of 10.3bits/s/Hz. The single pilot scheme is also evaluated for distances up to 1000km showing high robustness to both noise and fiber nonlinearities. Finally, the high gain low overhead combination of the single pilot-tone scheme was used in a record demonstration reaching a SE of 11.5bits/s/Hz for fully loaded C-band transmission

    Power Consumption and Joint Signal Processing in Fiber-Optical Communication

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    The power consumption of coherent fiber-optical communication systems is becoming increasingly important, for both environmental and economic reasons. The data traffic on the Internet is increasing at a faster pace than that at which optical network equipment is becoming more energy efficient, which means that the overall power consumption of the Internet is increasing. In addition, wasted energy leads to higher costs for network operators, through increased electricity expenses but also because the heat generated in the equipment limits how closely it can be packed.This thesis includes both power consumption modelling and trade-off studies, as well as investigations of novel schemes for joint signal processing that may lead to an improved energy efficiency and increased performance in future systems. The power consumption modelling part includes a model of optical amplifier power consumption, which is connected to a performance model based on the Gaussian-noise model. Using these models, the trade-offs between amplifier power consumption and the choice of modulation format and forward-error-correction (FEC) scheme can be analyzed. Furthermore, the power consumption for a coherent link with minimal digital signal processing (DSP) is studied as well.In the second part we investigate joint signal processing for phase-coherent superchannel systems based on optical frequency combs or multicore fiber. We find that the phase-coherence of optical frequency comb lines enables joint carrier recovery, which can increase performance and reduce the power consumption of the digital signal processing. The possible power consumption savings are quantified for a blind phase search method for phase tracking. Finally, we quantify the performance of joint carrier recovery for wavelength division multiplexed multicore fiber transmission in presence of nonlinear interference and inter-core skew

    Generation and characterization of cylindrical vector beams in few-mode fiber

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    For the past many decades, the Gaussian laser beam has driven major scientific discoveries that revolutionized the world of optics and photonics. In recent years, there is a burgeoning transformation where significant research has been dedicated in discovering the complex properties of cylindrical vector beams (CVBs). Increasingly, a beam of light with its intensity profile taking the shape of a single doughnut ring has attracted attention of several researchers the world over. Particularly, the so-called CVBs exhibit unique properties when focused owing to their radial and azimuthal distribution of polarization. In comparison to conventional (Gaussian-like) beams inheriting homogeneous polarization, CVBs provide unique light-matter interactions. For example, a radially polarized beam can enhance the imaging resolution of the system significantly with their spatial inhomogeneous polarization by imparting a symmetric and high numerical aperture focus. Moreover, CVBs with their phase and intensity singularities have found broad applications in quantum optics, optical micro/nano-manipulation, surface plasmon polariton, super-resolution imaging, and high-capacity fiber-optic communication. The studies of most widely used CVBs have been explored both in free space optics as well as in guided fiber optics. Further developments will require reliable techniques to generate these CVBs with strong coupling efficiency, high mode purity and high-power handling. For the past few years, the design, fabrication and study of optical fibers that supports CVBs, vortex and orbital angular momentum (OAM) beams have come to the forefront of research in this area. This is true in a sense that mode division multiplexing (MDM) is considered as a preeminent solution to the data capacity limitations faced by the standard single-mode fiber. In addition, vector beams in optical fibers constitute the fundamental basis set of linearly polarized (LP) modes (within the scalar approximation) as well as modes carrying OAM which represent another potential approach for implementing MDM based communications. Therefore, fundamental information and control over the vector beams is key to unravel future fiber communication links and CVB based fiber-optic sensors. For this purpose, it is essential to develop efficient methods to generate these CVBs. Some of the current methods reported for the generation of CVBs employ spiral phase plate, spatial light modulator (SLM), and offset fiber coupling. This thesis elucidates the generation as well as the optical characterization of such propagating cylindrical vector beams in a few-mode fiber. The ultimate purpose would be to develop simple, flexible and cost-effective photonic devices that will allow the efficient generation and stable propagation of the CVB while reducing the overall losses incurred by the system. Most of the methods reported earlier were limited to the measurements of the scalar LP mode groups of a FMF, thus neglecting the underlying vector beams that require delicate spectral and spatial control in order to be detected. In this thesis, three different techniques have been utilized for the generation of CVBs and OAM beams with high output purity. Initially, a tunable mechanical mode converter has been fabricated to demonstrate the generation of cylindrical vector beams supported by FMF in the telecom spectral range. This photonic device is utilized to demonstrate the non-destructive nonlinear characterization of CVB by utilizing the phenomenon of stimulated Brillouin scattering for the first time. We showed how the Brillouin gain spectra of the vector beams in some specialty fibers can be independently identified, measured, and subsequently exploited to probe the corresponding effective refractive indices of the vector beam retrieved from the data. This new characterization method of individual vector beam will have an impact in both light-wave and FMF-based optical sensing applications, which at present, mostly rely on the scalar LP modes. Further, a simple and low-cost technique to generate CVBs via long period fiber grating (LPFG) with very small grating pitch is reported. This work demonstrates that the cost-effective electric arc writing method for the fabrication of LPFGs is open to specialty few-mode fiber that often calls for very small pitch values. Finally, the generation of perfect cylindrical vector beams (PCVB) is demonstrated whose beam profile (i.e. transverse intensity profile) can be easily and precisely controlled. The latter novel method was used in-order to increase the free space coupling efficiency demanded by some specialty FMFs. The tailoring of the beam width and radius is performed via an iris and a diffractive phase mask implemented on a programmable SLM. The technique proposed towards the generation of PCVBs is highly adaptable for its robust nature to generate any arbitrary PCBs as well as perfect vortex beams with any topological order, using the same experimental setup. This experimental analysis is supported and validated via a rigorous theoretical framework that is in concordance with the results obtained