59 research outputs found


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    The Philippine Marine Corps (PMC), a significant command in the Philippine Navy, is equipped to perform a wide range of tasks in support of various operational defense missions. Most PMC units are stationed in areas where local insurgent and terrorist activity is prevalent and frequently involve improvised explosive devices (IED) triggered by a signal from a terrorist’s mobile phone. Given the PMC’s limited resources, its current counter radio-controlled IED (RCIED) inventory is inadequate to secure the country’s critically impacted areas. Hence, this study designs a low-cost counter-RCIED to bolster the PMC’s counter-IED capability. Built from commercially available components, the prototype is a lightweight, portable mobile phone signal jammer designed specifically for front-line PMC units operating in conflict-ridden areas. The study’s development process also suggests improvements to the combat systems and facility development programs within the Corps’ successful research and development programs within the modernization program. Thus, adopting this device can promote a culture of innovation in the PMC and throughout the Armed Forces of the Philippines. If a design for the counter-RCIED is achieved, then what? Therefore, it is important to implement the design successfully and for users to adopt it along with a culture of innovation. Hence, the first step in embracing that culture is to address critical challenges.Colonel, Philippine Marine CorpsApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Modeling Deception for Cyber Security

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    In the era of software-intensive, smart and connected systems, the growing power and so- phistication of cyber attacks poses increasing challenges to software security. The reactive posture of traditional security mechanisms, such as anti-virus and intrusion detection systems, has not been sufficient to combat a wide range of advanced persistent threats that currently jeopardize systems operation. To mitigate these extant threats, more ac- tive defensive approaches are necessary. Such approaches rely on the concept of actively hindering and deceiving attackers. Deceptive techniques allow for additional defense by thwarting attackers’ advances through the manipulation of their perceptions. Manipu- lation is achieved through the use of deceitful responses, feints, misdirection, and other falsehoods in a system. Of course, such deception mechanisms may result in side-effects that must be handled. Current methods for planning deception chiefly portray attempts to bridge military deception to cyber deception, providing only high-level instructions that largely ignore deception as part of the software security development life cycle. Con- sequently, little practical guidance is provided on how to engineering deception-based techniques for defense. This PhD thesis contributes with a systematic approach to specify and design cyber deception requirements, tactics, and strategies. This deception approach consists of (i) a multi-paradigm modeling for representing deception requirements, tac- tics, and strategies, (ii) a reference architecture to support the integration of deception strategies into system operation, and (iii) a method to guide engineers in deception mod- eling. A tool prototype, a case study, and an experimental evaluation show encouraging results for the application of the approach in practice. Finally, a conceptual coverage map- ping was developed to assess the expressivity of the deception modeling language created.Na era digital o crescente poder e sofisticação dos ataques cibernéticos apresenta constan- tes desafios para a segurança do software. A postura reativa dos mecanismos tradicionais de segurança, como os sistemas antivírus e de detecção de intrusão, não têm sido suficien- tes para combater a ampla gama de ameaças que comprometem a operação dos sistemas de software actuais. Para mitigar estas ameaças são necessárias abordagens ativas de defesa. Tais abordagens baseiam-se na ideia de adicionar mecanismos para enganar os adversários (do inglês deception). As técnicas de enganação (em português, "ato ou efeito de enganar, de induzir em erro; artimanha usada para iludir") contribuem para a defesa frustrando o avanço dos atacantes por manipulação das suas perceções. A manipula- ção é conseguida através de respostas enganadoras, de "fintas", ou indicações erróneas e outras falsidades adicionadas intencionalmente num sistema. É claro que esses meca- nismos de enganação podem resultar em efeitos colaterais que devem ser tratados. Os métodos atuais usados para enganar um atacante inspiram-se fundamentalmente nas técnicas da área militar, fornecendo apenas instruções de alto nível que ignoram, em grande parte, a enganação como parte do ciclo de vida do desenvolvimento de software seguro. Consequentemente, há poucas referências práticas em como gerar técnicas de defesa baseadas em enganação. Esta tese de doutoramento contribui com uma aborda- gem sistemática para especificar e desenhar requisitos, táticas e estratégias de enganação cibernéticas. Esta abordagem é composta por (i) uma modelação multi-paradigma para re- presentar requisitos, táticas e estratégias de enganação, (ii) uma arquitetura de referência para apoiar a integração de estratégias de enganação na operação dum sistema, e (iii) um método para orientar os engenheiros na modelação de enganação. Uma ferramenta protó- tipo, um estudo de caso e uma avaliação experimental mostram resultados encorajadores para a aplicação da abordagem na prática. Finalmente, a expressividade da linguagem de modelação de enganação é avaliada por um mapeamento de cobertura de conceitos

    Brain-inspired self-organization with cellular neuromorphic computing for multimodal unsupervised learning

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    Cortical plasticity is one of the main features that enable our ability to learn and adapt in our environment. Indeed, the cerebral cortex self-organizes itself through structural and synaptic plasticity mechanisms that are very likely at the basis of an extremely interesting characteristic of the human brain development: the multimodal association. In spite of the diversity of the sensory modalities, like sight, sound and touch, the brain arrives at the same concepts (convergence). Moreover, biological observations show that one modality can activate the internal representation of another modality when both are correlated (divergence). In this work, we propose the Reentrant Self-Organizing Map (ReSOM), a brain-inspired neural system based on the reentry theory using Self-Organizing Maps and Hebbian-like learning. We propose and compare different computational methods for unsupervised learning and inference, then quantify the gain of the ReSOM in a multimodal classification task. The divergence mechanism is used to label one modality based on the other, while the convergence mechanism is used to improve the overall accuracy of the system. We perform our experiments on a constructed written/spoken digits database and a DVS/EMG hand gestures database. The proposed model is implemented on a cellular neuromorphic architecture that enables distributed computing with local connectivity. We show the gain of the so-called hardware plasticity induced by the ReSOM, where the system's topology is not fixed by the user but learned along the system's experience through self-organization.Comment: Preprin

    Neuroanatomy of the bipolar brain: from brain structure to treatment

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    In this thesis, I summarized results from researches done during my PhD course, organizing them in a brief introduction and five chapters. Specifically, the first chapter of this work is dedicated to the progress made during the past years in neuroimaging technologies and techniques, with a focus on structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging techniques and their employment into the neuropsychiatric research. The following three chapters are dedicated to the three studies, all developed though a specific research topic and directed to the understanding of the neural basis of Bipolar Disorder and its clinical implications

    Business-driven IT Management

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    Business-driven IT management (BDIM) aims at ensuring successful alignment of business and IT through thorough understanding of the impact of IT on business results, and vice versa. In this dissertation, we review the state of the art of BDIM research and we position our intended contribution within the BDIM research space along the dimensions of decision support (as opposed of automation) and its application to IT service management processes. Within these research dimensions, we advance the state of the art by 1) contributing a decision theoretical framework for BDIM and 2) presenting two novel BDIM solutions in the IT service management space. First we present a simpler BDIM solution for prioritizing incidents, which can be used as a template for creating BDIM solutions in other IT service management processes. Then, we present a more comprehensive solution for optimizing the business-related performance of an IT support organization in dealing with incidents. Our decision theoretical framework and models for BDIM bring the concepts of business impact and risk to the fore, and are able to cope with both monetizable and intangible aspects of business impact. We start from a constructive and quantitative re-definition of some terms that are widely used in IT service management but for which was never given a rigorous decision: business impact, cost, benefit, risk and urgency. On top of that, we build a coherent methodology for linking IT-level metrics with business level metrics and make progress toward solving the business-IT alignment problem. Our methodology uses a constructive and quantitative definition of alignment with business objectives, taken as the likelihood – to the best of one’s knowledge – that such objectives will be met. That is used as the basis for building an engine for business impact calculation that is in fact an alignment computation engine. We show a sample BDIM solution for incident prioritization that is built using the decision theoretical framework, the methodology and the tools developed. We show how the sample BDIM solution could be used as a blueprint to build BDIM solutions for decision support in other IT service management processes, such as change management for example. However, the full power of BDIM can be best understood by studying the second fully fledged BDIM application that we present in this thesis. While incident management is used as a scenario for this second application as well, the main contribution that it brings about is really to provide a solution for business-driven organizational redesign to optimize the performance of an IT support organization. The solution is quite rich, and features components that orchestrate together advanced techniques in visualization, simulation, data mining and operations research. We show that the techniques we use - in particular the simulation of an IT organization enacting the incident management process – bring considerable benefits both when the performance is measured in terms of traditional IT metrics (mean time to resolution of incidents), and even more so when business impact metrics are brought into the picture, thereby providing a justification for investing time and effort in creating BDIM solutions. In terms of impact, the work presented in this thesis produced about twenty conference and journal publications, and resulted so far in three patent applications. Moreover this work has greatly influenced the design and implementation of Business Impact Optimization module of HP DecisionCenter™: a leading commercial software product for IT optimization, whose core has been re-designed to work as described here

    SLA Design from a Business Perspective

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    Abstract. A method is proposed whereby values for Service Level Objectives (SLOs) of an SLA can be chosen to reduce the sum IT infrastructure cost plus business financial loss. Business considerations are brought into the model by including the business losses sustained when IT components fail or performance is degraded. To this end, an impact model is fully developed in the paper. A numerical example consisting of an e-commerce business process using an IT service dependent on three infrastructure tiers (web tier, application tier, database tier) is used to show that the resulting choice of SLOs can be vastly superior to ad hoc design. A further conclusion is that infrastructure design and the resulting SLOs can be quite dependent on the "importance" of the business processes (BPs) being serviced: higher-revenue BPs deserve better infrastructure and the method presented shows exactly how much better the infrastructure should be

    Evaluation of Techniques to Detect Significant Network Performance Problems using End-to-End Active Network Measurements

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    Town of Landaff, New Hampshire annual report of the town officers year ended December 31, 2008.

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    This is an annual report containing vital statistics for a town/city in the state of New Hampshire
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