135 research outputs found

    Software-Defined Networks Supporting Time-Sensitive In-Vehicular Communication

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    Future in-vehicular networks will be based on Ethernet. The IEEE Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) is a promising candidate to satisfy real-time requirements in future car communication. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) extends the Ethernet control plane with a programming option that can add much value to the resilience, security, and adaptivity of the automotive environment. In this work, we derive a first concept for combining Software-Defined Networking with Time-Sensitive Networking along with an initial evaluation. Our measurements are performed via a simulation that investigates whether an SDN architecture is suitable for time-critical applications in the car. Our findings indicate that the control overhead of SDN can be added without a delay penalty for the TSN traffic when protocols are mapped properly.Comment: To be published at IEEE VTC2019-Sprin

    Wired and Wireless Reliable Real-Time Communication in Industrial Systems

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    In modern factory automation systems, data communication plays a vital role. Different nodes like control systems, sensors and actuators can communicate over a wireless or wired industrial network. The data traffic generated is often scheduled for periodic transmission, where each single message or packet must arrive in time. For this real-time communication, methods have been developed to support communication services with a guaranteed throughput and delay bound for such periodic traffic, but merely under the assumption of error-free communication. However, the possibility for errors in the transmission still exists due to, e.g. noise or interference. A node receiving sensor values from a sensor in the system might then be forced to rely upon an older sensor value from the latest period, possibly leading to inaccuracies in control loops which can compromise the functioning of the system. In safety-critical systems, redundant networks or communication channels are frequently added to cope with errors, leading to more expensive systems. In this chapter, we will describe an alternative approach where erroneous data packets are retransmitted in a way that does not jeopardise any earlier stated real-time guarantees for ordinary transmissions. Using our framework, the reliability of real-time communication can be increased in a more cost-efficient way. We describe in this chapter an overview of our framework for reliable real-time communication, while details of our approach can be found in our earlier publications. In the light of the emerging use of wireless communication, the framework proves to be especially useful due to the high bit error rate inherent to the wireless medium. However, the framework is naturally also attractive for wired communication systems

    Rômulo Silva de Oliveira

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    Termelési struktúrák, mint komplex, adaptív rendszerek = Production structures as Complex Adaptive Systems

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    A kutatás során fontos lépéseket tettünk a dinamikus, rugalmas termelési struktúrák modellezésének, tervezésének, irányításának és menedzsmentjének elméleti megalapozása terén. Figyelembe vettük a termelési hierarchia különböző szintjeit, a műhelyektől a vállalatokon át a termelési hálózatokig, szinergiákra törekedve az optimálás, az autonómia és a kooperáció tekintetében. Az OTKA-támogatás feltüntetésével 47 publikáció született, melyek közül 17 folyóiratcikk (köztük 13 impaktos, 19,546-os összimpakttal), 1 könyvfejezet és 29 konferenciacikk. Megkezdődött az eredmények ipari bevezetése (GE, Hitachi, Audi, GAMESA, Bosch, Knorr Bremse, Bosch-Rexroth, stb.)) az MTA SZTAKI keretében működő Fraunhofer Termelésirányítás és –informatika Projektközpont (http://www.fraunhofer.hu) keretében. | Significant steps were made towards the theoretical foundation of modelling, planning, control and management of dynamic, flexible production structures. Levels from shop floors through enterprises to the production networks were considered, and a synergy between the aspects of optimization, autonomy, and cooperation was aimed at. With indications to the OTKA support, as a whole, 47 papers have been published, i.e., 17 journal papers (among them 13 in journals with impact factors, with a cumulative impact factor of 19,546), 1 book chapter and 29 conference papers. The industrial deployment of the results was partly started in GE, Hitachi, Audi, GAMESA, Bosch, Knorr Bremse, Bosch-Rexroth, etc., mainly in the framework of the SZTAKI-Fraunhofer Production Management and –Informatics Project Center (http://www.fraunhofer.hu)

    An Approach to Reduce Commissioning and Ramp-up time for Multi-variant Production in Automated Production Facilities

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    A key requirement for future production facilities is to perform new production processes in a flexible and adaptive way with available and known resources. In this context, a comprehensive description (ontology) of involved components has a high significance. If certain technological aspects are missing during a production process, the production control should respond in a dynamic, versatile and adaptive (agile) manner to the overall value network. The possibility to describe the requirements of products for the necessary processes in the same namespace like the requirements of the necessary processes for the resources is a prerequisite to enable this behavior. Afterwards the different requirements will be placed in relation to the respective requirements. The aim is to define the necessary processes for the production based on the description of the product and the known resources in an agile way. Due to this a framework for a comprehensive description of automated production facilities, products and processes is described in this paper. The idea is that based on this framework a production facility can change the produced products without dedicated commissioning and ramp-up phases

    Towards Reliable Wireless Industrial Communication With Real-Time Guarantees

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