169 research outputs found

    Dual HLA B*42 and B*81-reactive T cell receptors recognize more diverse HIV-1 Gag escape variants

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    Closely related HLA alleles presenting similar HIV-1 epitopes can be associated with variable clinical outcome. Here the authors report their findings on CD8+ T cell responses to the HIV-1 Gag-p24 TL9 immunodominant epitope in the context of closely related protective and less protective HLA alleles, and their differential effect on viral contro

    A note on monomial ideals

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    We show that the number of elements generating a squarefree monomial ideal up to radical can always be bounded above in terms of the number of its minimal monomial generators and the maximal height of its minimal primes

    The new agenda for FDI

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    A Monoclonal Antibody Enhances Ligand Binding of Fibronectin MSCRAMM (Adhesin) from Streptococcus dysgalactiae

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    Abstract A monoclonal antibody 3A10, generated from a mouse immunized with the Streptococcus dysgalactiae fibronectin (Fn) binding protein FnbA, was isolated, and its effect on ligand binding by the antigen was examined. The epitope for 3A10 was localized to a previously unidentified Fn binding motif (designated Au) just N-terminal of the repeat domain which represents the primary ligand binding site on FnbA. Fn binding to Au was enhanced by 3A10 rather than inhibited. This effect was demonstrated in two different assays. First, in the presence of 3A10 the Au-containing proteins and synthetic peptide more effectively competed with bacterial cells for binding to Fn. Second, 3A10 dramatically increased the binding of biotin-labeled forms of the Au-containing proteins to Fn immobilized on a blotting membrane. Pure 3A10 IgG did not recognize the antigen by itself, and Fn was required for the immunological interaction between the antibody and the epitope. This induction effect of Fn was shown in both Western blot and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in which immobilized Au-containing molecules were probed with 3A10 in the presence of varying concentrations of Fn. Specificity analyses of 3A10 revealed that the monoclonal also recognized a ligand binding motif in a Streptococcus pyogenes Fn binding MSCRAMM but not the corresponding motifs in two related adhesins from Staphylococcus aureus and S. dysgalactiae. Furthermore, 3A10 stimulated Fn binding by S. pyogenes cells. These results together with subsequent biophysical studies presented in the accompanying paper (House-Pomepeo, K., Xu, Y., Joh, D., Speziale, P., and Hook, M.(1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 1379-1384) indicate that the ligand binding sites of Fn binding MSCRAMMs have little or no secondary structure. However, on binding to Fn, they appear to undergo a structural rearrangement resulting in a defined structure rich in β sheet and expressing a ligand-induced binding site for antibodies such as 3A10

    Finding, Characterization and Mapping in silico of the Broad-spectrum Epitopes Concealed in Human Papillomavirus L1 Proteins

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    高危型人乳头瘤病毒(Humanpapillomavirus,HPV)的持续感染被认为是诱发女性宫颈癌的主要因素。宫颈癌在危害妇女健康的恶性肿瘤疾病中居第二位。世界范围内,宫颈癌每年大约有50万新发病例,死亡人数约20万;中国每年约有13万人罹患宫颈癌。与宫颈癌发生密切相关的高危型HPV有15个型别以上,其中,HPV16与18约占70%。目前,HPV疫苗被认为是防控包括宫颈癌在内的宫颈疾病的最有效手段,而现有的HPV疫苗多因成本与制造工艺困难等因素,仅能覆盖HPV16与18两个型别,无法满足需要。因此,有必要开发一种覆盖型别更广,保护率更高的HPV疫苗。扩大疫苗保护型别、L2疫苗、嵌合颗粒疫苗成...The persistent infection of high-risk HPV usually resulted in cervical cancer, which ranks second in the most common malignant tumors threatening women’s health. About 500,000 people are found to suffering from cervical cancer globally, with 200,000 fatal cases each year. And there is about 13 million people suffered from cervical cancer in China yearly. Among the more than 15 kinds of high-risk H...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_细胞生物学学号:2172009115219