195 research outputs found

    TALN et IHM : une approche transdisciplinaire pour la saisie de textes de personnes en situation de handicaps

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    International audienceCe papier vise d'une part, à présenter une synthèse des méthodes d'optimisation pluridisciplinaires alliant le traitement automatique de la langue naturelle et celui l'interaction homme-machine et d'autre part à soulever les nouveaux verrous scientifiques posés par l'arrivée des nouvelles technologies et des nouveaux modes d'écriture pour la saisie de textes. Cette synthèse abordera les principes d'optimisation des agencements spatiaux des claviers virtuels et ceux de la prédiction de caractères et/ou des mots à afficher en tenant compte des nouveaux supports d'interaction et des nouvelles technologie

    Is Green Infrastructure a Game Changer for Sustainable Regional Development? A Scenario Approach for Stuttgart Region

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    There are numerous challenges for municipalities and regions: affordable housing, overburdened infrastructure, air quality, increasing pressure on open spaces, expansion of renewable energies, climate adaptation. Certainly, the list is not complete. Moreover, these issues – as a typical characteristic of complex situations – interact with one another in various ways. As one of Germany’s most dynamic and densely populated locations the Stuttgart Region is particularly affected by these challenges. Therefore, protecting and developing the landscape is a longstanding concern of its overall spatial planning strategy (e.g. development-axes, regional green corridors, landscape park, public transport policy). In view of the sheer number of tasks, the ongoing dynamics as well as strongsectoral policy instruments, the question can be raised as to how far green infrastructure can be a game changer for a substantive transformation towards sustainability. Against this background, a scenario-approach is carried out aiming for the integration of various knowledge-areas into a supra-sectoral and strategic view on regional transformation. Taking the example of the Stuttgart Region, the diversity and interdependencies of land use are taken into consideration and synthesised in form of a qualitative system analysis. The scenario development is part of the RAMONA-project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the framework of the “Stadt-Land-Plus”-measure. The project deals with the intervention regulation under the Nature Conservation Act1 (“Eingriffsregelung”) and inherent opportunities for urban and regional development. The scenario based approach therefore starts with open-space-indicators such as “degree of imperviousness”, “compensation measures” as well as “green infrastructures” and puts them into a wider perspective of socio-technical development (e. g. settlement structure, infrastructure, traffic volume, agriculture or health) in order to obtain comprehensive pictures of the Stuttgart Region in the year 2050

    Publicaciones científicas accesibles para personas ciegas y deficientes visuales

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    La obra, tesis doctoral de la autora, defendida en la Universidad de Barcelona en 2009, analiza la situación actual de la edición accesible, atendiendo a las necesidades específicas de los usuarios con discapacidad visual, y valora las características de los documentos digitales en función de tales necesidades. Al estudiar la estructura de los diversos tipos de documentos digitales, la autora señala la edición de artículos científicos como sector más avanzado, por lo que este tipo de documentos constituyen un modelo particularmente idóneo para validar la edición accesible

    The Application of Geographic Information Systems to Support Wayfinding for People with Visual Impairments or Blindness

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    People with visual impairments or legal blindness are relying on differing, comprehensive information utilized for their individual mobility. Increasing the personal mobility of people with disabilities and thereby achieving a self-determined life are major steps toward a more inclusive society. Research and applications on mobility issues of people with visual impairments or blindness mainly focus on technical applications or assistive orientation and navigation devices, and less work is covering the individual needs, e.g., regarding the information required for wayfinding. Moreover, active participation of people with disabilities in research and development is still limited. ways2see offers a new online application to support individual mobility in context of pre-trip planning for people with visual impairments or blindness based on a Geographic Information System (GIS). Obstacles, barriers, landmarks, orientation hints, and directions for wayfinding are generated by user profiles. The underlying network for GIS analysis is designed as pedestrian network. This individually coded network approach integrates sidewalks and different types of crossings and implements various orientation and navigation attributes. ways2see integrates three research realms: firstly, implementing a participative and transdisciplinary research design; secondly, integrating personalized information aligned with the individual user needs; and thirdly, presenting result of GIS analysis through an accessible designed user interface

    Making Gestural Interaction Accessible to Visually Impaired People

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    International audienceAs touch screens become widely spread, making them more accessible to visually impaired people is an important task. Touch displays possess a poor accessibility for visually impaired people. One possibility to make them more accessible without sight is through gestural interaction. Yet, there are still few studies on using gestural interaction for visually impaired people. In this paper we present a comprehensive summary of existing projects investigating accessible gestural interaction. We also highlight the limits of current approaches and propose future working directions. Then, we present the design of an interactive map prototype that includes both a raised-line map overlay and gestural interaction for accessing different types of information (e.g., opening hours, distances). Preliminary results of our project show that basic gestural interaction techniques can be successfully used in interactive maps for visually impaired people

    Uso de ferramentas tecnológicas como apoio à mediação inclusiva

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    This paper corresponds to an educational model for inclusive mediation, and the new development of feedback through the technological process in the distance education. The aim is supporting the professional training in relation with the educational technology in inclusive mediation. The distance education serves to create competency-based first training for your mediators. This method for the inclusive mediation, it corresponds to the intermediate between the teacher of the curricular subject and the inclusive students in distance education. The new technological instruments as inclusive mediators towards the socio-formative approach; as well as the four pillars of education and the different roles based on distance mediation. The new strategies to give greater educational and social opportunities as support for inclusive mediation, acquiring greater autonomy, security and social responsibility in the educational technological space.  El presente artículo corresponde a un modelo educativo para la mediación inclusiva, y el nuevo desarrollo de retroalimentación a través del proceso tecnológico en la educación a distancia. El objetivo es priorizar la formación profesional en relación con la tecnología educativa en materia de mediación inclusiva. La educación a la distancia sirve para crear la formación inicial basada en competencias para sus mediadores y mediadoras. Este método para la mediación inclusiva corresponde al intermedio entre docente de la asignatura curricular y los y las estudiantes inclusivas en la educación a distancia. Los nuevos instrumentos tecnológicos como mediadores y mediadoras inclusivas hacia el enfoque socioformativo; así como los cuatros pilares de la educación y los diferentes roles basados en la mediación a distancia. Las nuevas estrategias para brindar mayores oportunidades educativas y sociales como apoyo a la mediación inclusiva, adquiriendo una mayor autonomía, seguridad y responsabilidad social en el espacio educativo tecnológico.Este artigo corresponde a um modelo educacional para mediação inclusiva e o novo desenvolvimento de feedback por meio do processo tecnológico na educação a distância. O objetivo é priorizar a formação profissional em relação à tecnologia educacional em termos de mediação inclusiva. A educação a distância serve para criar uma formação inicial baseada em competências para seus mediadores. Este método de mediação inclusiva corresponde ao intermediário entre o professor da disciplina curricular e os alunos inclusivos na educação a distância. Os novos instrumentos tecnológicos como mediadores inclusivos para a abordagem socioformativa; bem como os quatro pilares da educação e os diferentes papéis baseados na mediação a distância. As novas estratégias para proporcionar maiores oportunidades educativas e sociais no apoio à mediação inclusiva, adquirindo maior autonomia, segurança e responsabilidade social no espaço educativo tecnológico

    Math in the Dark: Tools for Expressing Mathematical Content by Visually Impaired Students

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    Blind and visually impaired students are under-represented in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines of higher education and the workforce. This is due primarily to the difficulties they encounter in trying to succeed in mathematics courses. While there are sufficient tools available to create Braille content, including the special Nemeth Braille used in the U.S. for mathematics constructs, there are very few tools to allow a blind or visually impaired student to create his/her own mathematical content in a manner that sighted individuals can use. The software tools that are available are isolated, do not interface well with other common software, and may be priced for institutional use instead of individual use. Instructors are unprepared or unable to interact with these students in a real-time manner. All of these factors combine to isolate the blind or visually impaired student in the study of mathematics. Nemeth Braille is a complete mathematical markup system in Braille, containing everything that is needed to produce quality math content at all levels of complexity. Blind and visually impaired students should not have to learn any additional markup languages in order to produce math content. This work addressed the needs of the individual blind or visually impaired student who must be able to produce mathematical content for course assignments, and who wishes to interact with peers and instructors on a real-time basis to share mathematical content. Two tools were created to facilitate mathematical interaction: a Nemeth Braille editor, and a real-time instant messenger chat capability that supports Nemeth Braille and MathML constructs. In the Visually Impaired view, the editor accepts Nemeth Braille input, displays the math expressions in a tree structure which will allow sub-expressions to be expanded or collapsed. The Braille constructs can be translated to MathML for display within MathType. Similarly, in the Sighted view, math constructs entered in MathType can be translated into Nemeth Braille. Mathematical content can then be shared between sighted and visually impaired users via the instant messenger chat capability. Using Math in the Dark software, blind and visually impaired students can work math problems fully in Nemeth Braille and can seamlessly convert their work into MathML for viewing by sighted instructors. The converted output has the quality of professionally produced math content. Blind and VI students can also communicate and share math constructs with a sighted partner via a real-time chat feature, with automatic translation in both directions, allowing VI students to obtain help in real-time from a sighted instructor or tutor. By eliminating the burden of translation, this software will help to remove the barriers faced by blind and VI students who wish to excel in the STEM fields of study